1966 Resolution IndexResolution No. General Description i,dopted 233 Compensation for Elected Officials March 1965 234 Results of General Election Held on March 1965 March 16, 1965 235 Appointing Certain Officers for Village l;pril 1965 236 Authorization to Sign Checks April 1965 237 authorization for Village Manager and 11a.rch 1965 Clerk to Sign Certain Plat 238 Beautification Committee - Increase May 1965 Number of Members 239 Calling and Ordering a Special Election hay 1965 240 Village to.Borrovd $50,000 June 1965 241 Declaring Results of Special Election July 1965 Held on June 30, 1965 242 Village to Borrow x¢50,000 July 1965 243 Bank Accounts - Village of North Palm July 1965 Beach 244 Disclaimer - Certain Easement for July 1965 Drainage Purposes - Block 30, Plat 3 245 Contract with Pargo, Inc. for Lease of July 1965 Golf Carts - North Palin Beach Country Club 246 -appointment of Additional Judges Ad U tem Aug. 1965 247 Certificate of Occupancy - Lots 124 Aug. 1965 to 211 Inclusive 248 Islutual Fire Fighting Aid or Pro- Oct. 1965 tection Pact with Juno Beach 249 Special ?7arranty Deed to NPT Pres- Oct. 1965 byterian Church 250 Anchor Easement Deed Nov. 1965 251 Changing the Name of Shore Drive Nov. 1965 252 Waterways Study Committee Appointments Nov. 1965 253 Golf Course Addition No. 2 Doc. 1965 254 Federal Funds - Hurricane Betsy Dec. 1965l`'� 255 Surplus Funds Jan. 1966�I,,, 256 Civil Defense - Appointing Allan Feb. 1966 V. Everard 257 Publication of Notice - General Feb. 1966 Election March 15, 1966 258 Village Manager Appointment - Joe Feb. 1966 J. Eassa, Jr. l 259 Village Clerk Appointment.- Joe J. Feb. 1966 Eassa, Jr. 260 Herb Watt Appointment to Certain Feb. 1966 Offices - 12 - Resolution No. General Description i 261 Director of Public Safety Appointment - Herbert Kohl 262 Village Clerk Appointment - Joe J. Eassa, Jr. 263 Personnel Manual 264 Compensation - Elected Members of Village Council 265 General Election March 15, 1966 - Results 266 Appointment of Mayor and Vice -Mayor 267 Designating persons who may sign checks on bank 268 aAects. favi gs a.cets - slol coun�ers Vrs ppoin ing 1 mbers to i age eV ion Advisory Board 269 Village Building Board of Appeals 270 Appreciation to Certain Officials - Urbanization Of U. S. Highway No. 1 271 Hunnicutt & Associates - Appraisal Services 272 Appointing Four Members to the Planning and Zoning Board 273 Appointing Member to the Zoning Board of Adjustment 274 Appointing Member to the Beautification Committee 275 Authorization to Sign a Certain Plat - Village East 276 Appointing Members to NIMCC Board of Governors 277 Appointing Village Tax Assessor for Village of NPB - Frances A. Fox ✓ 278 Appointing Village Treasurer and Village Tax Collector - Frances A. Fox 279 Setting Forth Those Persons Who Shall Sign and Countersign Checks on all Depositories of Funds of The Village of NPB 280 Authorization and Direction for Village Manager and Clerk to Sign a Certain Plat - Village East 281 Authorizing Village to Settle Claim Against Thomas Hodges Construction Co. and Continental Casualty Co. Re Coating of NPBCC Swimming Pool 282 Authorizing Mayor and Village Clerk to Enter into One Year Contract with Pargo, Inc. for Lease of Golf Carts at NPBCC Adopted Feb. 1966 March 1966 March 1966 March 1966 March 1966 April 1966 April 1966 April 1966 May 1966 April 1966 May 1966 June 1966 June 1966 June 1966 June 1966 July 1966 July 1966 Aug. 1966 Aug. 1966 Aug. 1966 Sept. 1966 Sept. 1966 - 13 - Resolution No. General Description 283 Setting the Salaries of the Village Manager and of the Vil:'.age Clerk Effective November 1, 1966 284 Appointing George Sutherland to Recreation Advisory Board to Fill an Unexpired Term 285 Appointing Harold W. Beery & Associates as Agents of Record for Village of NPB 286 Authorizing the settlement of that certain lawsuit involving the Village vs. Herbert A. Ross, et al setting forth conditions and terms thereof 287 Authorizing Village Attorney to settle that certain lawsuit by Patricia Kilpatrick, et al vs. The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Adooted October 1966 November 1966 November 1966 December 1966 December 1966 ENi7 l 9{x(0 288 Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter Jan. 1967 1; LG1�O� into an investment banker's agreement with Barcus, Kindred & Co. re acquisition of water and sewer systems in the Village 289 Requesting Legislative Delegation from Palm Beach Jan. 1967 County to the Florida Legislature to submit and seek passage of a Special Act for North Palm Beach 290 Designating LAW DAY U.S.A. Jan. 1967 291 Authorizing Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into Feb. 1967 contract with Hunnicutt & Associates for appraisal services for 1967 tax assessment roll 93 Creating Firemen's Relief and Pension Trust Fund Feb. 1967 (292 Board of Trustees 94 Creating Policemen's Relief and Pension Trust Fund Feb. 1967 Board of Trustees Directing Village Clerk to publish Notice of General Feb. 1967 Election to be held in Village on March 21, 1967 295 Supporting Daylight Saving Time for the State of Feb. 1967 Florida 296 Commending Lt. Commander James F. Ferguson, Jr. Feb. 1967 for outstanding work in coordinating inter -community participation at the AUTEC ceremonies held on Feb. 26, 1967 297 Authorizing Mayor to designate Mason Le Blanc as Feb. 1967 Humane Society representative 298 Permitting Burnup & Sims, Inc., franchise holder Feb. 1967 for Cable TV in Village to transfer franchise to Palm Beach Television Co. 299 Designating substitute Clerk of Election Board March 1967 of General Election to be held in Village on. March 21, 1967 300 Authorizing Mayor and Village Clerk to sign March 1967 easement grant to Southern Bell Tel and Tel Co.