1973 Resolution Index- 25 - Res. No. General Description Adopted 40-72 Appointing D. Goebel Village Treas. & Tax Collector 10/26/72 41-72 Employment Agreement with L. A. Baarcke 10/26/72 42-72 Employment Agreement with Peter Finlayson 10/26/72 43-72 Contract with Pargo, Inc, 10/26/72 44-72 Appointing Mrs. R. Q. Roberts to Beautification Committee 11/9/72 45-72 Appointing Jack Cloherty to Board of Governors 11/9/72 46-72 Appointing John L. Avery as Judge ad Litem 12/28/72 47-72 Changing boundaries between Village & Lake Park on 12/28/72 Northlake Blvd.. 48-72 Employing Nason, Gildan & YPager-in Mullinex suit 12/28/72 ` 1-73 Tri -City Animal Control Contract 1/11/73 C17 3 2-73 Employment Agreement with Les Jahn 1/11/73 3-73 Appointing Ken Born to Rec. Ad. Bd. 1/25/73 4-73 Temporary halt to building permits because of sewage 1/25/73 5-73 Agreement with P. B. County to slurry seal Village roads 2/8/73 6-73 Traffic Operations Programs to increase Capacity & Safety - Project J and. Project B 2/8/73 7-73 Traffic Signals Maintenance Agreement between D.O.T. & Village 2/8/73 8-73 Election Resolution for March 20, 1973 Village Election 2/22/73 9-73 Opposing House Bill 227 - "Good Faith" Bill for sewage 3/8/73 treatment facilities D-73 Requesting State to purchase certain environmentally en- 3/8/73 dangered. land. in Village (oceanfront) 11-73 Declaring results of General Election of March 20, 1973. 3/21/73 12-73 Appointing Mary Lou Brewer Treasurer and Tax Collector 3/22/73 13-73 Declaring results of Runoff Election held March 27, 1973 3/27/73 1L4-73 Appointing Mayor, Vice Mayor & President Pro Tem 4/12/73 15-73 - Appointing & reappointing certain Village officers 4/12/73 16-73 Appointing McIlvaine & Hood to Bd. of Governors 4/26/73 17-73 Appointing Moore, Eckes and Beehler to P & Z Ad Bd 4/26/73 18-73 Appointing Campbell, Parsons & Gibson to Library Bd. 4/26/73 19-73 Appointing Born & Mrs, Kazimir to Rec. Ad. Bd. 4/26/73 20-73 Appointing Kuchler, Roberts and Scott to Beaut. Comm, 4/26/73 21-73 Appointing Blakely, Winship, Schwab & alternates Magill & Hoffman to Community Appearance Bd. 4/26/73 22-73 Appointing McDermott & Nowlin and Alternates Bott & Welch to Bd. of Adjustment LE/26/73 C 23-73 Appointing McCarthy and Tucker to NPB Contractors Bd. 4/26/73 I Res. No. 24-73 25-73 26-73 27-73 28-73 29-73 30-73 31-73 32-73 33-73 34-73 35-73 36-73 37-73 38-73 39-73 40-73 41-73 42-73 43-73 44-73 45-73 46-73 47-73 48-73 49-73 50-73 - 26 - Description Adopted Appointing D. Cluett to Rec. Ad. Bd. 5/10/73 Opposing regional planning 5/10/73 Appointing James Illenye to Beautification Comm, 5/24/73 Appointing Ed Skarin to Recreation Advisory Board. 7/12/73 Compliance with 1973 Fla. Revenue Sharing Act 55-73 (Public Safety Dept.) 7/26/73 Appointing Steven Carta as Second Judge ad Litem 7/26/73 Flood. Insurance - applying for eligibility 8/9/73 Flood Insurance - applying to Federal Insurance Administrator 8/9/73 Appointing Jack Hughes as First Alternate member 8/23/73 of Community Appearance Board. Repealing Res`. 4-73 which created building moratorium 9/13/73 Appointing Peg Enders to Beaut. Comm, to replace Jack Hughes 9/13/73 Award of bid - Onontario of Fla., Inc. 10/25/73 Easement deed from Gulf Oil Corp. 10/25/73 Pargo, Inc. lease for golf carts Employment Agreement with Noel Shields Employment Agreement with Peter Finlayson Agreement with L. A. Baarcke Appointing Wadsworth and Lane to P & Z Ad Bd Appointing Mrs. J. Edwin Obert to Library Bd. Award of bid - Florida Chrysler -Plymouth Award of bid - Purity Uniform Supply Award of bid - Ousley Sod Co. Award of bid - Chesser and. Strickland. Award of bid - Albatross Supply Award of bid. - Cushman of West Palm Beach Award. of bids - Palm Beach County Commissioners Prosposal of Kenneth W. Hunnam re NPBCC 51-73 Legislative Delegation to '74 Legislature to sponsor Palm Beach County Municipal League "Building Code" Bill. 52-73 Reshaping of ditch behind Juniper Drive 53-73 Creating Civic Center Advisory Committee 54-73 Appointing Neal Neff to NPB Contractors Board. 55-73 Awarding bid to Northlake Marina 56-73 Awarding bid to 0. M. Scott & Sons 57-73 Awarding bid to I[ector Turf & Garden, Inc. 58-73 Mayor's concurrence on A -1-A through Village as part of Federal Aid Urban Svstem 10/25/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 11/8/73 12/13/73 12/13/73 12/13/73 12/13/73 12/13/73 12/13/73 12/13/73 12/13/73