1977 Resolution Index- 35 - Res. No. General Description Adopted 85-76 Bid award - Salmon Distribution Systems - Jacking Pipe U.S. 1 12/21/76 86-76 Bid award - General Elects Base Station - Four Channel 12/21/76 87-76 Bid award - Bill Johnson Contract Furniture - Carpeting in Lounge of NPBCC 12/21/76 88-76 Walden Sandblasting - Bid Award - Sandblasting NPBCC Pool 12/21/76 89-76 Bid award - Fla. Ind. Service, Inc. - Welding & Steel Work - NPBCC Pool 12/21/76 a 90-76 Bid award - Fiberglass Specialists - Fiberglass Liner - L •� NPBCC Pool _ _ 12/21/76 �l 1-77 Appointing Floyd, Enders & Miller to P & Z Ad. Bd. 1/13/77 2-77 Bid award - Booth Construction - paving, striping & bumper stops 1/13/77 3-77 Bid award - Bartlett Tree Experts - Village -wide tree trimming 1/27/77 4-77 Accepting annual contract leby Palm Beach County for slurry seal 1/27/77 5-77 Election Resolution - March 15, 1977 General Election 2/10/77 6-77 Abandonment of easement - Lots 11 & 12 - Fairhaven Addn. 2/10/77 7-77 Bid award - Pioneer Medical Div, Aquonics, Inc. - telemetry 2/10/77 8-77 Urging FL DOT to abandon plans of widening State Road 703 which traverses the Village 2/28/77 9-77 Dissolving Ad Hoc Community Center Advisory Board 3/10/77 10-77 Setting forth procedure for nomination and election of Council Officers and members of advisory boards 3/10/77 11-77 Changing purchasing regulations concerning competitive bidding (Amending Res. 409-69) 3/10/77 12-77 Urging Fla. State Legislature to consider amending statutes concerning allocation & description of parking spaces for handicapped persons so as to minimize the loss of general parking spaces covered by said statutes 3/10/77 13-77 Certifying results of General Election of March 15, 1977 3/16/77 14-77 Election M. C. Love, Mayor, V. A. Marks, Vice Mayor & Al Moore President Pro Tem 3/24/77 15-77 Urging action to initiate mandatory statewide certification program for construction code enforcement officials 3/24/77 16-77 Requesting consideration of City Commission of West Palm L[/14/77 Beach to permit transportation of NPB residents by Inter -City frgrp.medical and/or nursing facilities within corporate limits of West:Palm Beach upon request of said resident or their agent 17-77 Bid award - 11 Pool Transformers - Graybar Electric 4/28/77 18-77 Abolishing Tennis Advisory Board 4/28/77 19-77 Creating Library Bd. & repealing Res. 172", as amended 4/28/77 20-77 Creating Rec. Ad. Bd. & repealing Res. 218, as amended 4/28/77 21-77 Creating Country Club Ad Bd, setting forth composition & responsibilities 4/28/77 22-77 Appointing persons to NPB Planning Commission (Omura, Schwab, Crocker, Price, Floyd, Enders & Mattson) 4/28/77 34 Res, No. General Description Adopted 23-77 Appointing Porter, Dunnuck and Venzara to NPB Bd. of Adjustment 4/28/77 24-77 Appointing Bontempo and Wright to Contractors Board 4/28/77 25-77 Urging passage of SB 41 re license plate size card for vehicles transporting handicapped persons for special parking privileges 5/12/77 26-77 Requesting funding for Science Museum of Palm Beach County 5/26/77 (from Palm Beach County Commission) , 27-77 Bid award - Murphy Const. Co, - bulkhead restoration - Lighthouse Bridge 5/26/77 28-77 Fireworks award- Zambelli Fireworks Mfg. Co. 6/9/77 29-77 Appointment of Mr. Joseph Hamzy, Jr. to Planning Comm. 6/9/77 30-77 Appointment of Mr. Tl-gmas Magill to Recreation Adv. Bd. 6/9/77 31-77 Bid award - Hardrives, Inc, - Allamanda Park Sitework 6/23/77 32-77 Bid award - Jeffrey Allen, Inc. - 120 golf cart batteries 6/23/77 33-77 Urging U. S. Senate to deny passage of SB 825 - "Voluntary Standards and Accreditation Act of 1977" 6/23/77 34-77 Bid award - Gene A. Beckstrom - Ree. Bldg, at Osborne Park 7/14/77 35-77 Adopting Personnel Regulations for Village employees 7/28/77 36-77 Bid award - Kings Nursery -Bermuda Sod 7/28/77 37-77 Bid award - Jenkins Landscape,. Inc, 7/28/77 38-77 Accepting easement deed from R. W. Carter - water service line from Lighthouse Dr. to new Osborne Park building 7/28/77 39-77 Requesting Cty. Commissioners to adopt budget for Sheriff's Dept, which does not spread cost of road patrol to P. B. Cty. municipalities maintaining their own police depts. 7/28/77 40-77 Requesting that P. B. Cty. construct, maintain & control traffic signal light at Southwind Dr. and Northlake Blvd. at no cost to Village 8/25/77 41-77 Declaring intention to apply to Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act Assistance Fund Program for financial assistance 9/8/77 42-77 Bid award - Bjorn Enterprises, Inc. - fencing material for Allamanda Park 9/8/77 43-77 Repealing Res. 36-77 and accepting bid of King's Nursery for Bermuda Sod 10/13/77 44-77 Repealing Res. 37-77 and accepting bid of Jenkins Landscape for 71 Mahagony trees 10/13/77 45-77 Bid award - Riviera Generator Service - golf cart batteries 10/13/77 46-77 Supporting Community Performing Arts Center 11/10/77 47-77 Accepting annual contracts let by Palm Beach County for various public works materials 11/10/77 48-77 Bid - Patrol boat - Cimmaronn Marine 11/10/77 49-77 Acquisition of Palm Beach County Utilities in concert with Lake Park and Palm Beach Gardens 11/10/77 50-77 Approving purchase of various items from state bids, FL Contract No. 76-4.39, Public Safety Dept. 11/10/77 I RES. NO. 51-77 52-77 53-77 54-77 55-77 56-77 57-77 58-77 1-78 2-78 3-78 4-78 5-78 5-78 7-78 8-78 - 37 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADOPTED Bid award Trail Ford Tractor - diesel tractor for NPBCC 12/8/77 Bid award - Chesser & Strickland - 150 tons of clay 12/8/77 Appointing D. Trettien to Planning Comm, to replace D. Mattson Bid award - Interstate School Suppliers - folding stage section and stage steps Bid award- Carpenter's Roofing, roof repair at VH Bid award- Stanley Magic -Door, Inc. auto. doors at VH Bid award- Classic Motors 2 Public Safety autos. Bid award- Jenkins Landscape, Inc. for 100 mahogany trees Urging FL Legislature to provide that any law requiring municipalities to administer any program or provide any service include the financing of same Appointing member to Recreation Advisory Board. (Judith Colbath) Authorizing Travel by Village Officials and Employees and establishing rates for reimbursement of expenses incidental for such travel. Urging the State Dept. of Transportation to Urbanize that portion of U. S. Highway ##1 from Parker Bridge in the Village of N.P.B. to P.G.A. Blvd. Appointing election officials for general election to be held March 21, 1978, and run -of election. Declaring the offices to be filled at such election. Petitioning the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, to develop mechanism to finance services for property or residents in unincorporated areas. Authorizing Mayor and Village Clerk to sign a disclaimer to utility easement on lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 39, Plat ##3 of Village of North Palm Beach. Apply to Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act assistance fund program for financial assistance in com- pleting elements required by Local Government Comp. Planning Act of 1975. 12/8/77 12/8/77 1/11/78 1/11/78 1/11/78 1/11/78 2/9/78 2/23/78 2/23/78 2/23/78 2/23/78 2/23/78 2/23/78 2/23/78 9-78 Cancelling General Election scheduled to be held March 21, 1978 3/9/78 10-78 Declaring candidates elected to fill the offices of Councilman, Groups 1, 3 and 5 for a term of 2 yrs. each 3/9/78 11-78 Authorizing the participation in the Local Government Trust Fund 3/9/78 12-78 Appointing officers for Village. Al Moore, Mayor, Donald Kazimir, Vice Mayor, W. H. Brown, Pres. Pro Tem 3/23/78 13-78 Opposing Florida Business Development Act of 1978. 3/23/78 o 14-78 Purchase and install Modules at Anchorage Park, 4/13/78 15-78 Construction of two lighted Racquet Ball/Handball courts at Osborne Park. 4/13/78 16-78 Request state of F1. Dept. of Natural Resources to acquire Peanut Island as state park. 4/13/78