1978 Resolution IndexI 9-78 Cancelling General Election scheduled to be held March 21, 1978 3/9/78 10-78 Declaring candidates elected to fill the offices of Councilman, Groups 1, 3 and 5 for a term of 2 yrs, each 3/9/78 11-78 Authorizing the participation in the Local Government Trust Fund 3/9/78 12-78 Appointing officers for Village. Al Moore, Mayor, Donald Kazimir, Vice Mayor, W. H. Brown, Pres. Pro Tem 3/23/78 13-78 Opposing Florida Business Development Act of 1978. 3/23/78 14-78 Purchase and install Modules at Anchorage Park. 4/13/78 15-78 Construction of two lighted Racquet Ball/Handball courts at Osborne Park. 4/13/78 16-78 Request state of Fl. Dept. of Natural Resources to acquire Peanut Island as state park. 4/13/78 - 37 _ RES. NO. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADOPTED 51-77 Bid award - Trail Ford Tractor - diesel tractor for NPBCC 12/8/77 52-77 Bid award - Chesser & Strickland - 150 tons of clay 12/8/77 53-77 Appointing D. Trettien to Planning Comm, to replace D. Mattson 12/8/77 54-77 Bid award - Interstate School Suppliers - folding stage section and stage steps 12/8/77 55-77 Bid award- Carpenter's Roofing, roof repair at VH 1/11/78 56-77 Bid award- Stanley Magic -Door, Inc. auto. doors at VH 1/11/78 57-77 Bid award- Classic Motors 2 Public Safety autos. 1/11/78 l�1 58-77 Bid award- Jenkins Landscape, Inc. for 100 mahogany trees 1/11/78 1-78 Urging FL Legislature to provide that any law requiring 2/9/78 N / municipalities to administer any program or provide any vQ service include the financing of same 2-78 Appointing member to Recreation Advisory Board. (Judith Colbath) 2/23/78 3-78 Authorizing Travel by Village Officials and Employees and establishing rates for reimbursement of expenses incidental for such travel. 2/23/78 4-78 Urging the State Dept. of Transportation to Urbanize that portion of U. S. Highway #1 from Parker Bridge in the Village of N.P.B. to P.G.A. Blvd. 2/23/78 5-78 Appointing election officials for general election to be held March 21, 1978, and run -of election. Declaring the offices to be filled at such election. 2/23/78 6-78 Petitioning the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, to develop mechanism to finance services for property or residents in unincorporated areas. 2/23/78 7-78 Authorizing Mayor and Village Clerk to sign a disclaimer to utility easement on lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 39, Plat #3 of Village of North Palm Beach. 2/23/78 8-78 Apply to Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act assistance fund program for financial assistance in com- pleting elements required by Local Government Comp. Planning Act of 1975. 2/23/78 9-78 Cancelling General Election scheduled to be held March 21, 1978 3/9/78 10-78 Declaring candidates elected to fill the offices of Councilman, Groups 1, 3 and 5 for a term of 2 yrs, each 3/9/78 11-78 Authorizing the participation in the Local Government Trust Fund 3/9/78 12-78 Appointing officers for Village. Al Moore, Mayor, Donald Kazimir, Vice Mayor, W. H. Brown, Pres. Pro Tem 3/23/78 13-78 Opposing Florida Business Development Act of 1978. 3/23/78 14-78 Purchase and install Modules at Anchorage Park. 4/13/78 15-78 Construction of two lighted Racquet Ball/Handball courts at Osborne Park. 4/13/78 16-78 Request state of Fl. Dept. of Natural Resources to acquire Peanut Island as state park. 4/13/78 -38=' RES. NO. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADOPTED 17-78 Planning area 201 water pollution control facilities plan. 4/27/78 18-78 Urging Bd. of Co. Commissioners of PB Co. to purchase oceanfront property "Air Force Beach" from beaches and parks acquisition & maintenance bond issue funds. 4/27/78 19-78 Appointing Seymour Bellak and Karla Winsauer to Library Bd. 4/27/78 20-78 Appointing Thomas Andres and Judith Colbath to Recreation Bd. 4/27/78 21-78 Appointing Howard Floyd & Joseph Hamzy, Jr. as regular members to Planning Comm. and Peggy Enders & Douglas Trettien as alts. 4/27/78 22-78 Appointing Don Kohl & H. Mallory Privett,.Jr. to CC Adv. Bd. 4/27/78 23-78 Appointing Sally Venzara and Arnold Noble as regular members of Board of Adj., and John Dunnuck & Henry M. Eckes, Jr. as alts. 4/27/78 24-78 Appointing W. Beebe, D. Boese & Robert C. Hilker as regular members to Contractors Bd. and, W. LeSerra & V. Lucido as alternate members. 4/27/78 25-78 Bid -award Cushman Motor Scooter Sales 1 refuse vehicle. 5/11/78 26-78 Bid -award Cushman Motor Scooter Sales, 2 Haulster type vehicles. 5/11/78 27-78 Endorsing St. Mary's Hosp. certificate of need for replacement & refurbishment. 5/11/78 28-78 Bid -award Zambelli Fireworks Mfg. fireworks. 6/8/78 29-78 Bid -award Murphy Const. Co. Marina dredging 6-22-78 S 30-78 Appointing Frank J. Steinitz to Recreation Adv. Bd. 6-22-78 31-78 Bid -award Washington National Ins. Co. for Medical & Life Ins. 8/10/78 32-78 Bid -award Inter -City First Aid Squad, Inc. for 1 1975 F-30 Dodge Emergency Medical Van. 8/10/78 33-78 Bid -award Bruce King Chevrolet, Inc. for 2 1978 station wagons. 8/10/78 34-78 Selection of an agent for the 208 Water Quality Management Plan. 8/10/78 35-78 Application to Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act. assistance fund program for financial assistance as required in planning Act of 1975. 8/10/78 36-78 Appointing Ben L. Rose as Alternate member to the Planning Commission. 8/24/78 37-78 Appointing Village Historian 8/24/78 38-78 Accepting bid of New Life, Inc. ford Electronic cash Register with data capture and programs in amount of $8,350.00 8/24/78 39-78 Bid -award Park Structures, for two Modular wood buildings Amount of $34,518 from account no. 71-411.10 9/14/78 40-78 Marina dredging, Anchorage Park 10-12-78 41-78 Setting forth persons to whom vehicles are furnished and paying subsidy in lieu of vehicles to others. 10-12-78 42-78 Bid award Cushman Jeep of Ft. Lauderdale for golf cart batteries 10-12-78 -39 - RES. NO. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADOPTED 43-78 Requesting State of Fla. Department of Transportation to erect "No stopping or Standing" signs on State Road ##703 10-26-78 44-78 Api9inting Martha Nadleman Village Historian 10-26-78 45-78 Bid award Cushman Jeep of Ft. Lauderdale for 1 three Wheel Dumpster (street dept.) 110-26-78 46-78 Bid -award General GMC Truck Sales & Service, Inc. and Advanced Fabricators for 1 Utility Body Truck 10-26-78 47-78 Bid -award Gator Emergency Vehicles, Inc. for 1 Fire Truck. 10-26-78 48-78 Bid -award General Motors Corp. for one 3/4 Ton Cap/Chassis truck. 10-26-78 49-78 Bid -award Rich Motors, Inc. and Rowland Truck Equipment, Inc. for 1 Packer Truck 10-26-78 50-78 Bid -award Max Davis Associates for 1 Copying Machine 10-26-78 51-78 Bid -award Cushman Jeep of Ft. Lauderdale for 1 three wheel Dumpster (parks dept.) 10-26-78 52-78 Bid -award Cushman Jeep of Ft. Lauderdale for 2 Three Wheel Dumpsters. 10-26-78 53-78 Accepting annual contracts let by Palm Beach County for various public works materials. 11-9-78 54-78 Appointing Agnes L. Rogers to Library Adv. Board 12-14-78 55-78 Bid Award Chesser & Strickland Sand Co. for clay for base- ball diamonds 12-1L1-78 56-78 Bid -award King's Nursery & Otto Meyer & Sons for sod. 12-14-78 57-78 Bid -award U. S. Wholesale Fence, Inc. for fence for parks 12-14-78 58-78 Bid -award Motorola Comm. & Elec. for Physio Life -Pak 5 `�A_jv? Defibrillator 12-14-78 59-78 Bid -award Schumacher Buick, Inc. for 3 public safety autos 12-14-78 1-79 Appointing Paul J. Nicoletti Civil Defense Director. 1-11-79 2-79 Repealing Resolution No. 59-78 1-11-79 3-79 Bid -award University Microfilms international for Microfilm/ Microfische Reader Printer. 1-11-79 4-79 Rezone land to be annexed by the Village to R-1 single family dwelling. 1-11-79 5-79 Bid -award Transi-Tronics, Inc. maintenance of communication equipment. 1-25-79 6-79 Bid -award Marine Engine Equip. Co. install 1 emergency generator in Village Hall. 1-25-79 7-79 Bid -award, Checkpoint Systems, Inc. 1 single aisle detection system, 1 entrance gate & detection labels. 1-25-79 8-79 Bid -award Library Bureau for 1 Steel Stack Range with Wood End Panels. 1-25-79 9-79 Participation in the "208 PLAN" for Palm Beach Co. areawide waste treatment management plan. 1-25-79