1979 Resolution Index-39 - RES. NO. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADOPTED 43-78 Requesting State of Fla. Department of Transportation to erect "No stopping or Standing" signs on State Road #703 10-26-78 44-78 Adinting Martha Nadleman Village Historian 10-26-78 45-78 Bid award Cushman Jeep of Ft. Lauderdale for 1 three Wheel Dumpster (street dept.) 10-26-78 46-78 Bid -award General GMC Truck Sales & Service, Inc. and Advanced Fabricators for 1 Utility Body Truck 10-26-78 47-78 Bid -award Gator Emergency Vehicles, Inc. for 1 Fire Truck. 10-26-78 48-78 Bid -award General Motors Corp. for one 3/4 Ton Cap/Chassis truck. 10-26-78 49-78 Bid -award Rich Motors, Inc. and Rowland Truck Equipment, Inc. for 1 Packer Truck 10-26-78 50-78 Bid -award Max Davis Associates for 1 Copying Machine 10-26-78 51-78 Bid -award Cushman Jeep of Ft. Lauderdale for 1 three wheel Dumpster (parks dept.) 10-26-78 52-78 Bid -award Cushman Jeep of Ft. Lauderdale for 2 Three Wheel Dumpsters. 10-26-78' " 53-78 Accepting annual contracts let by Palm Beach County for various public works materials. 11-9-78 54-78 Appointing Agnes L. Rogers to Library Adv. Board 12-14-78 55-78 Bid Award Chesser & Strickland Sand Co. for clay for base- ball diamonds 12-14-78 56-78 Bid -award King's Nursery & Otto Meyer & Sons for sod. 12-14-78 57-78 Bid -award U. S. Wholesale Fence, Inc. for fence for parks 12-14-78 58-78 Bid -award Motorola Comm. & Elec. for Physio Life -Pak 5 Defibrillator 12-14-78 t O 59-78 Bid -award Schumacher Buick, Inc. for 3 public safety autos 12-14-78 1-79 Appointing Paul J. Nicoletti Civil Defense Director. 1-11-79 Gj 2-79 Repealing Resolution No. 59-78 1-11-79 3-79 Bid -award University Microfilms International for Microfilm/ Microfische Reader Printer. 1-11-79 "i4-79 Rezone land to be annexed by the Village to R-1 single family dwelling. 1-11-79 5-79 Bid -award Transi-Tronics, Inc. maintenance of communication equipment. 1-25-79 6-79 Bid -award Marine Engine Equip. Co. install 1 emergency generator in Village Hall. 1-25-79 7-79 Bid -award, Checkpoint Systems, Inc. 1 single aisle detection system, 1 entrance gate & detection labels. 1-25-79 8-79 Bid -award Library Bureau for 1 Steel Stack Range with Wood End Panels. 1-25-79 9-79 Participation in the "208 PLAN" for Palm Beach Co. areawide waste treatment management plan. 1-25-79 -40 - RES. NO. GENERAL DESCEIPTION ADOPTED 10-79 Accepting the Proposal of Diversified Utility Service 1-25-79 11-79 Authorizing Mayor to execute agreement with Palm Beach Co. Police Benevolent Assoc. concerning wages & conditions of employment. 1-25-79 12-79 Directing Village Clerk to publish notice of general election to be held on March 20, 1979. 2-8-79 13-79 Bid -award Glasgow Equipment Service, Inc. for equipment & installation for 1 automobile shop lift. • 2-8-79 14-79 Proposed acquisition of Seacoast Utilities, Inc. 2-8-79 15-79 Request City of WPB to include the Village of NPB in suit seeking relief from State of. Florida in maintaining sidewalks abutting primary & secondary State Roads. 2-22-79 16-79 Adopting Internal Accounting Control Procedures recommended by Village Auditors. 2-22-79 17-79 Declaring results of General Election held on March 20, 3-21-79 1979. 18-79 Appointing W. 11. Brown, Mayor; Donald J. Kazimir, Vice 3-22-79 Mayor; and Patsy B. Love President Pro Tem, 19-79 Request Governor & Legislature to aid in conservation of 3-22-79 energy by prohibiting businesses from being open on either Sunday or Monday. 20-79 Bid -award Smitty's Service Shop for one mowing tractor. 4-26-79 21-79 Appointing Thelma Obert, Agnes Rogers and Daniel Leickhardt to Library Advisory Board. LI -26-79 22-79 Appointing Michael Amendola, Margaret Turney and Ed Skarin to the Recreation Advisory Board. 4-26-79 23-79 Appointing William Black, James Titzel and Ronald Price as regulars members, & James Lonsdale and George Downing as alternates to the Planning Commission. 4-26-79 24-79 Appointing Herb Kohl, Larry Klein and William McIlvaine to the Country Club Advisory Board. 4-26-79 25-79 Appointing Norman Bott and Hyman Borax as regular members, and Jack Fogg and Percy Hopkins as alternates to the NPB Board of Adjustment. 4-26-79 26-79 Appointing Thomas McCarthy and Neal Neff as regular members and Vincent Lucido and William Leserra as alternate members to the NPB Contractors Board. 4-26-79 27-79 Bid -award, Zambelli Fireworks for fireworks display. 5-10-79 28-79 Designating persons who will sign and counter -sign checks on Village accounts. 5-10-79 29-79 Accepting 12 foot easement for public utilities Country Club Addition. 5-10-79 30-79 Disclaimer of easement.for public utilities Country Club Addition 5-10-79 31-79 Repealing Res. No. 39-78, accepting bid of Park Structures for t WModular Buildings. 5-10-79 32-79 Bid -award Hunter-Knepshield, Inc. 2 modular buildings. 5-10-79 33-79 Prevention of crimes and prosecution of offenders. 6-14-79 41 - RES, NO. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADOPTED 34-79 Authorizing Village Mgr, to apply to Palm Beach County for matching funds - 2 lighted handball cts, at Osborne 6-28-79 35-79 Accepting plat improvements for maintenance by Village - Palm Beach -Lake Worth Estates No, 2 6-28-79 36-79 Accepting bid of Mike Vassalotti for masonry work for 7-26-79 two handball courts - Osborne Park 37-79 Accepting bid of J. B. Gordon for stucco work for two 7-26-79 handball courts - Osborne Park 38-79 Accepting bid of J. Howell Construction Company for 7-26-79 form work and steel placement for two handball courts - Osborne Park 39-79 Authorizing the use of the Senior Citizens Building adjacent to the N.P.B. Public Library to be used by N.P.B. Senior Citizens Group for conduct of bingo games. 9-27-79 40-79 Accepting bid of Hunter-Knepshield, Inc. for one modular building, Anchorage Park. 9-27-79 41-79 Accepting bid of Hydrarch, Inca for dredging the 10th fairway pond, N.P.B.C.C. 9-27-79 42-79 Dual taxation 9-27-79 43-79 Approving the Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan (AHOP) 11-8-79 44-79 Agreement with Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Assoc. 12-13-79 45-79 Easement Deed and Agreement between the Village and North Palm Beach Presbyterian Church 12-13-79 46-79 Accepting bid of Roger Dean Chevrolet for two Public Safety automobiles 12-13-79 47-79 Accepting bid of Ms. J. Saperstein for 1978 Nova Mirage Boat 12-13-79 48-79 Accepting bid of Chesser and Strickland Sand Co., for clay for baseball diamonds 12-13-79 49-79 Accepting bid of Advance Fabricators for furnishing and installing one trash truck body 12-13-79 50-79 Bid award - King's Nursery - 26,000 sq. ft. Bermuda (Osborne Pk) 12-13-79 51-79 Accepting bid of King's Nursery for grass sod (all parks) 12-13-79 52-79 Accepting bid of H. F. Mason Equipment for one Leach Sanicruiser Packer Body 12-13-79 53-79 Accepting bid of Jack Nicklaus GMC for one model W7N042 cab and chassis 12-13-79 54-79 Accepting bid of Nidy Construction Co. for resurfacing six shuffleboard courts & furnish & install six scoreboards 12-13-79 55-79 Accepting bid of Aeroil Products Inc. for one trailer -mounted material hopper, one hand patcher &one asphalt roller 12-13-79 56-79 Accepting bid of Cushman Motor Scooter Sales for two Model 43780 Dumpsters and one Model 43480 Haulster 12-13-79 57-79 Accepting bid of Epco, Inc. for approx. fifty lineal feet of operable partition 12-13-79 58-79 Accepting bid of De Bra Turf Equip. Co. for one Lely, Model W fertilizer spreader 12-13-79