Budget Workshop Presentation_Aug 30 2018Budget Recap August 30, 2018 Village of North Palm Beach FY 2018-2019 Council Budget Workshop •FY 2019 Summary of Budget Changes –General Fund –Country Club •FY 2019 Combined Budget –Budget Summary –Personnel Changes –Budget Highlights •FY 2019 General Fund Budget –Budget Summary –Revenues –Expenses •FY 2019 Country Club Budget –Budget Summary –Revenues –Expenses •FY 2019-2023 Five Year CIP –5 Year CIP -By Category & Funding Source –5 Year CIP Cash Flow Summary –FY 2019 Capital Projects •Budget Challenges •Millage Discussion –Your Tax Dollar –Your Taxes at Work –Taxpayer Impact –Additional Homestead Impact –Millage Rate Selection Tonight’s Meeting Agenda FY 2019 Summary of Budget Changes General Fund No change since last meeting Change Impact Positive / (Negative) Updated Revenues 1.State Revenue Share Estimate received from FDOR 2.Revenue estimates increased (recreation , tennis & pool) 3.Increase revenue line items that were overlooked in Proposed Budget 4.Update Community Development Revenues $142,471 Updated Personnel Costs 1.Updated employee salaries with current data 2.Updated PBA & IAFF calculations for employees at maximum salary 3.Remove addition of PT Fire Administrative Assistant position 4.Per contract, FPE employees receive 4% lump sum on 10/1 5.Budgeted salary assumption for Building Official position increased (118,636) Updated Operating Costs 1.Remove costs associated with addition of PT Fire Administrative Assistant position 2.Update operating costs for Community Development & Tennis 21,750 Total $45,585 FY 2019 Summary of Budget Changes Country Club Change Impact Positive / (Negative) Updated Revenue Estimates Revenue Estimates increased for Greens Fees, Cart Rental,Walking Fee & Driving Range $81,986 Updated Personnel Costs 1.Vacant Part-time positions are unfunded 2.General Manager position updated 3.Director of Golf position updated 102,393 Updated Operating Costs 1.Reduced estimate for various operating costs: Utility Costs, Materials & Supplies, Repair & Maintenance 70,000 Total $254,379 No change since last meeting FY 2019 Combined Budget Summary Category General Fund Country Club Total Millage Rate $7.33 N/A $7.33 Personnel $16,782,752 $828,298 $17,611,050 Operating 5,997,383 1,618,269 7,615,652 Debt Service 1,431,336 433,689 1,865,025 CIP Transfer 405,000 0 405,000 Contingency 0 0 0 Total $24,616,471 $2,880,256 $27,496,727 Position Type General Fund Country Club Total Full-Time 145 6 151 Part-Time 70 27 97 FY 2019 Summary of Personnel Changes FY 2019 FY 2018 Change Full-Time 151 149 +2 Part-Time 97 95 +2 Volunteers 43 43 No Change FY 19 Position Change Summary + / - New Full-Time Code Officer Position + 1 FT New Part-Time Sanitation Collector position +2 PT New General Manager position +1 FT Two Administrative Assistant positions reclassified as Administrative Coordinators N/A Reclassification Outside Service Coordinator position reclassified as Second Assistant Golf Pro N/A Reclassification FY 2019 Budget Highlights •Recreation Master Plan •US1 Corridor Study –Master Plan Implementation •ULDC / Residential Code Update •New Positions •General Manager •Code Officer •Two Part-Time Sanitation Collectors •Storm-water Fee Analysis •Balanced Five Year CIP •Pool •Anchorage Park •US1 & Prosperity Farm Bridge Designs (Master Plan Implementation) •Vehicle Lease Program FY 2019 General Fund Budget Summary Category FY 2019 FY 2018 %Increase $ Increase Millage Rate 7.33 7.33 0%0 Personnel $16,782,752 $15,984,961 4.99%$797,791 Operating 5,997,383 6,013,263 -0.26%(15,880) Total $22,780,135 $21,998,224 3.55%$781,911 Debt Service 1,431,336 1,293,101 10.69%138,235 Transfer Out 405,000 190,799 112.27%214,201 Total Budget $24,616,471 $23,482,124 4.83%$1,134,347 Taxes $19,597,299 79.61% Licenses & Permits $980,100 3.98% Intergovernmental $1,500,382 6.10% Charges for Services $2,345,560 9.53% Other $193,130 0.78% Total Revenues = $24,616,471 FY 2019 General Fund Revenues Ad-Valorem = $15,579,720 Police and Fire $9,671,875 39.29% Public Works $5,283,828 21.46% Community Development $1,658,923 6.74% Transfer Out $405,000 1.65% Leisure Services $2,817,701 11.45% Debt Service $1,431,336 5.81% General Government $3,347,808 13.60% Total Expenses = $24,616,471 FY 2019 General Fund Expenses (By Department) Personnel $16,782,752 68.18% Operating $5,997,383 24.36% Debt Service $1,431,336 5.81% Transfer Out $405,000 1.65% FY 2019 General Fund Expenses (By Function) Total Expenses = $24,616,471 FY 2019 Country Club Budget Summary Category FY 2019 FY 2018 %Increase / (Decrease) $ Increase / (Decrease) Personnel $828,298 $581,761 42.38%$246,537 Operating 1,618,269 1,659,485 (2.48)%(41,216) Total 2,446,567 2,241,246 9.16%205,321 Capital 0 23,000 -100%(23,000) Debt Service 433,689 398,159 8.92%35,530 Total Budget $2,880,256 $ 2,662,405 8.18%$ 217,851 Driving Range $300,000 10.42% Membership $531,709 18.46% Cart Rental/Walking Fee $731,000 25.38% Greens Fees $862,000 29.93% Golf Lessons $85,000 2.95% Golf Merchandise Sales $45,000 1.56% Appropriated Retained Earnings $275,647 9.57% Other $49,900 1.73% FY 2019 Country Club Revenues Total = $2,880,256 Personnel $828,298 28.76% Operating $1,618,269 56.18% Debt Service $433,689 15.06% Total = $2,880,256 FY 2019 Country Club Expenses (By Function) General Revenues $2,630,992 14% Debt Service $700,000 4% Infrastructure Surtax $3,845,000 21% Grant Funding $5,792,000 31% Fund Balance $443,768 2% Other $5,170,000 28%Sale of existing truck ($200 k) PW Complex ($1.5 million) Storm-water Fee ($825,000) Donation ($145k) Lighthouse Bridge = $2.5 million PW Complex Five Year Capital Improvement Plan By Funding Source Total = $18,581,760 Carryover from prior years Vehicles $1,691,592 9% Equipment $825,500 4% Technology $124,900 1% Village Facilities $2,345,000 13% Recreational Facilities $960,000 5% Park Development $1,859,768 10% Streets & Roads $9,875,000 53% Stormwater $900,000 5% Lighthouse Bridge = $5.5 million Prosperity Farms Bridge = $225k US1 Bridge = $550k Monet Bridge = $50k Five Year Capital Improvement Plan By Category Total = $18,581,760 PW Complex $2.2 million Capital Improvement Plan Cash Flow Summary FY 2019 -2023 FYE 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Beginning Balance $ 708,447 $ 311,679 $ 237,829 $ 133,542 $ 292,026 General Revenue -Ad Valorem 264,679 405,000 417,150 429,665 442,554 455,831 2,414,879 Infrastructure Surtax 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 4,200,000 Developer Fees 269,258 269,258 Debt Service 700,000 700,000 Grants 174,510 394,000 1,018,000 975,000 125,000 3,280,000 5,966,510 Other 200,000 1,605,000 275,000 275,000 2,815,000 5,170,000 PROJECTS :$ 708,447 2,547,447 4,891,829 2,757,494 1,816,096 7,682,857 $18,720,647 Vehicles 200,000 440,000 418,952 290,070 342,570 1,691,592 Equipment 72,000 173,000 100,000 128,000 352,500 825,500 Information Technology 81,000 43,900 124,900 Village Facilities 2,265,000 80,000 2,345,000 Recreational Facilities 510,000 450,000 960,000 Park Development 443,768 410,000 925,000 6,000 75,000 1,859,768 Streets & Roads 600,000 695,000 1,380,000 825,000 6,375,000 9,875,000 Stormwater 75,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 900,000 Subtotal 443,768 1,792,000 4,654,000 2,623,952 1,524,070 7,543,970 18,581,760 $ 311,679 $ 237,829 $ 135,542 $ 292,026 $ 138,887 $ 138,887 Estimated Ending Balance CIP Transfer assumes 3% annual increase FY 2019 Capital Projects General Revenues Infrastructure Surtax Developer Fees Public Safety Grant Fund Recreation Grant Fund Other Funding Source Total FYE 2018 Balance (Estimate)$264,679 $269,258 $174,510 $708,447 FY19 Budget 405,000 840,000 0 40,000 354,000 200,000 1,839,000 Available Balance 669,679 840,000 269,258 40,000 528,510 200,000 2,547,447 FY 2019 Projects Sanitation Collection Vehicle 200,000 200,000 Cardiac Monitor / Defibrillator 40,000 40,000 Community Center Lighting 6,000 54,000 60,000 Pool Resurfacing 150,000 50,000 200,000 Tennis Court Drainage System 50,000 50,000 Anchorage Phase II 10,000 10,000 Bridge Impvmt -Prosperity 25,000 25,000 Bridge Impvmt -US1 25,000 25,000 Asphalt Resurfacing-Streets 300,000 300,000 Alley Wall Replacement 50,000 50,000 Sidewalk Repairs 150,000 150,000 Bridge Repairs -Monet 50,000 50,000 Community Center Pathways 250,000 250,000 Pool Chiller 32,000 32,000 Pool Pump Room Renovation 200,000 200,000 Anchorage Phase I Completion 200,000 269,258 124,510 593,768 Total FY 2019 Projects 398,000 800,000 269,258 40,000 528,510 200,000 2,235,768 Net $271,679 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $311,679 Your Tax Dollar Your property tax bill contains more than just your municipal taxes.The Village only receives 35¢out of each dollar of your property taxes.The majority of the property tax dollar goes to jurisdictions other than North Palm Beach. Village of NPB 35¢ PBC 23¢ SWA 2¢ School Board 33¢ Special Districts 7¢ Your Tax Dollars at Work in NPB Department Total % of budget ¢ Public Safety $9,671,875 39%$0.14 Public Works 5,283,828 21%0.07 Leisure Services 2,817,701 11%0.04 General Government 3,347,808 14%0.05 Community Development 1,658,923 7%0.02 Debt Service 1,431,336 6%0.02 CIP Transfer 405,000 2%0.01 Total Operating Budget $24,616,471 100%$0.35 This is where the 35¢ goes… Taxpayer Impact Ad Valorem Taxes 2018/2019 Millage Tax Bill Percent of total tax bill 2018/2019 Millage Tax Bill Percent of total tax bill Village of North Palm Beach 7.3300 $ 2,565.50 34%7.5000 $ 2,625.00 35% Palm Beach County 4.7815 1,673.53 22%4.7815 1,673.53 22% Palm Beach County Debt 0.1165 40.78 1%0.1165 40.78 1% School Board 6.5720 2,464.50 33%6.5720 2,464.50 33% Health Care District 0.7400 259.00 3%0.7400 259.00 3% Everglades Construction 0.0417 14.60 0%0.0417 14.60 0% SFWMD 0.2519 88.17 1%0.2519 88.17 1% Childrens Services Council 0.6403 224.11 3%0.6403 224.11 3% FIND 0.0320 11.20 0%0.0320 11.20 0% Total Ad Valorem 20.5059 7,341.37 98%20.6759 7,400.87 98% Non Ad Valorem Taxes Solid Waste Authority Disposal 181.00 2%181.00 2% Total Non Ad Valorem 181.00 2%181.00 2% Total Tax Bill $ 7,522.37 100%$ 7,581.87 100% Assessed Value $400,000 Homestead Exemption (50,000) Taxable Value $350,000 Impact = $59.50 Additional Homestead Impact Description $2001000 Assessed Value $400,000 Assessed Value $7.33 $1/099-50 $z,565.50 $7.33 with additional homestead s916.25 $2,382.25 Village Impact @a $7.33 mils (6183.25) $7.50 $1,125.00 $2,625.00 $7.50 with additional homestead $937.50 $2,437.50 Village Impact @a $7.50 mils (6187.50) Budget Challenges •PBA & IAFF Union Contracts •Wages •Pension Liability •Additional Homestead Impact (estimate -$600k) •Clubhouse Operation and Debt Service •$1.2 million in annual debt service •No allocation included in Enterprise Fund to date •Unassigned Fund Balance Level (current balance estimate -$5.8 million) •Economic Impacts FY 2019 Millage Rate Selection Options Millage Rate Budgetary Ad-Valorem % increase / (decrease) over RBR CIP Transfer Council Contingency $7.33 (budget as presented)$15,579,720 5.15%$405,000 $0 $7.40 $15,728,503 6.15%$405,000 $148,783 $7.50 $15,941,051 7.59%$405,000 $361,331 Millage Table 1.00 MIL $ 2,125,473 .75 MIL $ 1,594,105 .60 MIL $ 1,275,284 .55 MIL $ 1,169,010 .50 MIL $ 1,062,737 .40 MIL $ 850,189 .35 MIL $ 743,916 .30 MIL $ 637,642 .25 MIL $ 531,368 .20 MIL $ 425,095 .10 MIL $ 212,547 Rolled-Back Rate (RBR) $6.9710 mils FY 2019 Budget Hearings September 2018 25 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Village Budget Hearings September 13th and the 27th County Budget County Budget School Board