08-20-2018 VC BWS-MPresent:
AUGUST 20, 2018
David B. Norris, Mayor
Mark Mullinix, Vice Mayor
Susan Bickel, President Pro Tem
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Councilmember
Deborah Searcy, Councilmember
Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager
Jessica Green, Deputy Village Clerk
Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present
except for Deborah Searcy who was delayed at another meeting. All members of staff were
present, except the Village Attorney and Village Cleric Melissa Teal. Finance Director Samia
Janjua, Community Development Director Denise Malone, Police Chief Richard Jenkins and
Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong were present.
The purpose of the meeting was to give an overview of the Public Safety and Community
Development proposed budgets. The following items were reviewed:
• FY 2019 General Fund and Country Club Summary of Budget Changes
• FY 2019 Combined Public Safety Budget Summary
• FY 2019 Police Revenue and Budget Summary
• FY 2019 Fire Rescue Revenue, Budget Summary and 5 year CIP
• FY 2019 General Services — Public Safety Building Budget Summary and 5 year CIP
• FY 2019 Combined Community Development Budget Summary
• FY 2019 Community Planning Revenue and Budget Summary
• FY 2019 Building Revenue and Budget Summary
• FY 2019 Code Enforcement Revenue and Budget Summary
Mr. Lukasik gave an overview of changes that were made to the General Fund. Mr. Lukasik
stated that Community Development revenues had increased by $48,000 and additional money
was added for the recruitment of a new Building Official which increased the expenses by
$25,000. Operating costs for Community Development and Tennis were updated and increased
by $1,750. The total change to the General Fund Budget was a positive impact of $45,585.
Mr. Lukasik stated that there were no changes to the Country Club Budget.
Mr. Lulcasik stated that there was a 5.05 percent increase to the Public Safety Combined Budget Summary.
Deborah Searcy arrived to the meeting.
Summary of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 20, 2018 Page 2 of 4
Chief Richard Jenkins gave an overview of the Police Department Highlights. The following
highlights were reviewed and discussed:
• The establishment of a Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET) which included two
additional police officers working in collaboration with Code Enforcement, Parks &
Recreation, Public Works and the Fire Department.
• Crime rates in the Village were the lowest in the past 10 years and in 3 of the last 6 years,
the Village was voted in the list of the top ten lowest crime communities in Florida.
• Continuation of predictive/preventative directed patrol assignments.
• Surveillance technology and license plate readers were deployed.
• Police Department grant programs were renewed and continued.
• Efforts to increase Reserve Police Officers from 11 to 32 were underway.
• Participation in the CALEA re -accreditation process continued.
• A sober homes task force was in operation and malting progress.
Mr. Lulcasilc gave an overview of Police Revenues and the Police Budget Summary. Mr. Lukasik
explained that there was an increase in revenue and an increase in expenditures. The increase in
revenue was 1.80 percent. Mr. Lulcasik stated that there was increase in total salaries and benefits
of 6.25 percent. Mr. Lulcasik explained that one of the reasons was due to merit increases
coming in above the budgeted 4.5 percent and that there were also special assignments that
merited increased compensation. Mr. Lukasilc stated that Materials and Supplies increased due to
replacing 28 Police laptops.
Police Chief Jenkins explained that Repairs & Maintenance increased due to replacements of
outfit radios and headsets. Chief Jenkins explained that these items are easily broken in an
officer's line of duty.
Mr. Lulcasilc explained that there was an increase to Travel & Training to provide best training
for police staff.
Police Chief Richard Jenkins gave an overview of what was eliminated from the budget. Police
Chief Jenkins stated that he could no longer justify having body worn cameras in the Police
Department and gave an explanation of his reasons why. Police Chief Jenkins stated that if
changes are made to the cameras, he may implement them again in the future depending on
whether or not it becomes a necessity for the Village's Police Department.
Mr. Lulcasilc stated that the biggest change to the Fire Rescue revenue was from additional Fire
Plan Review fees due to the addition of a tower at the Water Club Condominiums, and the
Benjamin School and the Memory Care projects. Mr. Lukasilc stated that there was a small
increase to salary and benefits since most employees were maxed out in their salaries and there
were changes that lowered health insurance coverage. There was an increase in computer
supplies in the amount of $8,000 due to software updates and upgrades to the station notification
system. Medical and safety supplies increased by $5,000 and disaster supplies increased by
$1,500. There were also increases in various training for employees and seven ballistic vests and
helmets were added for use in Police assist incidents.
Summary of Village Council Budget Workshop Session lield August 20, 2018 Page 3 of 4
Fire Chief Armstrong discussed and explained the various grant applications that were
Mr. Lukasik gave an overview and explanation of the 5 Year CIP. Mr. Lukasik stated that the
items listed in the 5 year CIP with grant monies as a funding source were project or acquisitions
that will most likely be approved and funded.
Mr. Lukasik stated that the operating costs were increased due to the special projects occurring at
the building. Mr. Lukasik discussed the issues with the mold in the building due to the leaking
roof and gave an update on the status of getting the building tested for mold and having it
removed. In the 5 Year CIP, $65,000 was added to FY 2020 for a remodel of the Fire Kitchen.
Community Development Director Denise Malone gave an overview of the Community
Development Projects and Initiatives. The following items were reviewed and discussed:
• Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) completed.
• Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Adoption.
• ZIP, Master Plan Comprehensive Plan Policies and Code Revisions, ULDC Code Re -Write.
• Boat/RV Code Implementation.
• Adoption of Ordinances including Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers, Walls &
Fencing, Housing Code, Reasonable Accommodations.
• Floodplain Management Ordinance Adoption and Outreach for New FEMA Maps.
• Project Approvals including Crystal Cove Commons, Memory Care, Benjamin School
STEM Building.
• NPDES Self -Assessment Report and CRS Annual Recertification.
Mr. Lukasik reviewed and discussed the Community Development Combined Budget Summary. Mr.
Lukasik stated that there was a 9.21 percent increase in Total Salary and Benefits and there was a 6.26
percent decrease in Total Operating Costs.
Community Planning Revenues did not change and were remaining consistent. Mr. Lukasik explained
that there was a $4,060 increase in Contractual Services due to an additional lease for more space for
the Community Development Department. There was a decrease in Professional Services of 20 percent.
Mr. Lulcasik stated there were funds available to implement the ULDC/Residential Code Re -Write and the
USI Corridor Study. There was an increase to Travel and Training of 20 percent in order for 3
employees to attend the annual Planning conference.
Mr. Lulcasik stated that Building Revenues were remaining consistent. Mr. Lukasik explained that
there was a Document Search line item added for fees that the Building Department would charge for
additional time and research for information requests that would be beyond the scope of a regular
public records request.
Summary of Village Council Budget Workshop Session lield August 20, 2018 Page 4 of 4
Discussion ensued regarding when the building permit fees were last updated.
The Council came to consensus to have the Community Development Department fee schedule re-evaluated.
Mr. Lukasik gave an overview of the Building Budget Summary. Mr. Lukasik stated that there
was an increase in Total Salary and Benefits of 3.35 percent due to increases in wages and FPE
contract changes. There was an increase to Contractual Services due to rental allocation for the
additional space and an increase in the copier lease. There was also a decrease of $10,000 in
Professional Services due to using the vacant Building Official position salary to allocate for
Contractual Services.
Mr. Lukasik gave an overview of Code Enforcement Revenues.
Discussion ensued regarding Code Enforcement fines.
Mr. Lukasik discussed and explained the Code Enforcement Budget Summary. There was a
64.22 percent increase in Total Salary and Benefits due to the addition of 1 full time Code
Officer and the increase in certification pay for 2 code officers. The other increase was in
Contractual Services due to the increase in annual rent for additional space for the Community
Development Department.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Jes i a Green, MMC, Deputy Village Clerk