1969-431 Appointing Members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Designating First and Second Alternate MembersRESOLUTION N0. 431-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}{, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, D}:SIGNATING FIRST AND SECOND ALTERNATE MEMBERS OF THE ZONING BOARD ' 0}' ADJUSTMENT AND PERMITTING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO APPOINT AhTERNATES IN NUMERICAL ORDER TO REPLACE A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT W}[EN THF, CHAIRMAN }iAS BEEN ADVISED THAT A PERMANENT MEMBER 0}' TH}l BOARD IS UNABLF. TO SERVE AT A PARTICULAR MEETING DUE TO A CONFLICT IN INTEREST OR DUE TO A REQUIRED ABSENCE FROM THE MF,F,TING. }1F, IT RF,SOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}I, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following five persons are appointed as members of the Board of Adjustment, as created by Section 12 of Ordinance No. 20 of the Village of North Palm Beach: J. F. MC DERMOTT ' PAUL C. SC}iriIfl'T FREDERICK TEED MC LIN NOWLIN ALDEN SMITH Said members shall Village Council in shall Ue appointed of two years, and all reappointments each in accordance all hold office until the first meeting oi' the May of 1970, at which time two of said members for a term of three years, two members for a term one member for a term of one year. Thereafter, to the Board shall be for a term of three years with Chapter 176.09, Florida Statutes. Section 2. 1'he following two persons may sit as alternate members of the Board of Adjustment whenever the Chairman of the Board is advised or learns that one or two members of the Board of Adjustment shall be unable to attend its meetings. The persons shall serve in the following order: }{, NORMAN BOTT - FIRST ALTERNATE NORMAN H, ROBSON - SECOND ALTERNATE - 1 - Section 3. The Chairman of the Board of Adjustment may appoint alternates set forth above whenever a member of the Board oi' Adjustment is absent or whenever a member of the Board is present ' but must disqualify himself from voting on a particular issue due to a conflict in interest. Section 4. Alternate members of the Board of Adjustment shall. be appointed annually at the first meeting of the Village Council in May of each year to serve for one year. PASSF,ll AND ADOPTED T}[IS 11TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1969. /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR ATThST: ' /s/ llolores R. Walker Village Clerk r - 2 -