Sanitation PP 8-13-181
Village Council Budget Workshop
Sanitation Operations
August 14, 2018
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Sanitation Personnel:
18 Full-Time Employees
•(11) Sanitation Drivers
•(7) Sanitation Collectors
Vehicle Overview:
•(4) Rear-Load Trucks
•(4) Front-Load Trucks
•(2) Grapple Trucks
•(9) Kubota vehicles
Services Provided:
•Side Door Service
•3-2-1 Service Schedule
•7:00 AM –3:30 PM Schedule
•Routes are fixed and expected
2018 Sanitation Staff
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
(4) Rear-Load Trucks–Average Life 8-10 years
Truck 67 (2001)
Truck 65 (2002)
Truck 68 (2004)
Truck 62 (2006)
(4) Front-Load Trucks–Average Life 8-10 years
Truck 380 (2015)
Truck 379 (2015)
Truck 392 (2016)
Truck 398 (2018)
(2) Grapple Trucks –Average Life 8-10 years
Truck 70 (2003)
Truck 386 (2016)
(9) Kubota –Average Life 4-5 years
K2-K7 (2016)
K8-K10 (2017)
Rear-Load Truck
Commercial Front-Load
Residential Kubota
Grapple Truck
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Single Family Collection Services
•(4) Rear-Load Trucks
•(8) Kubota Vehicles
•(12) Staff
Multi-Family Collection Service
•(1) Front-Load Truck
•(2) Staff
Commercial Collection Service
•(1) Front-Load Truck
•(2) Staff
NOTE:Only (2) Staff pre-authorized to be off on any one day. However, no limit on how many
Staff can be off due to sick time, bereavement leave or worker compensation
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Current Collection Method
Residential Door Service
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Service Schedule
Type of Service Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Service Bulk Trash Vegetation Bulk Trash
Bulk Trash
Side Door Service Household
Service Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage
Service Garbage Recycle Garbage Recycle
Note:Thursdays we visit every home (3) times: blue bins, yellow bins and vegetation
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Residential Side Door Service
(4) Rear-Load Trucks
•Average of 40,000 pounds per week
per truck
(1) Grapple Collection Truck
•Average of 28,000 pounds of curbside
bulk waste collected per week
(8) Kubota Vehicles
•Each Kubota services approximately
320 homes per day
•Averages 45-50 homes per hour
NOTE: Due to aging, (1) Rear-Load Truck
routinely down for maintenance or repairs.
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Start: Lorraine Court
End: Monet Rd.
*Everything West of
Prosperity Farms Rd
Truck 62 Truck 65
Start: Fairhaven Dr
End: Prosperity Harbor
*Everything East of
Prosperity Farms Rd
Truck 67
Start: Castlewood Dr
End: Lighthouse Dr
*Everything East of NPB
Waterway, South of
Lighthouse Rd and West of
Truck 68
Start: Anchorage Dr South
End: Twelve Oaks
*Everything North of
Lighthouse Drive, East of
NPB Waterway
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
(1) Front-Load Collection Truck to
(2) Sanitation Staff
202 Dumpsters per week
(1) Front-Load Truck
(2) Sanitation Staff
272 Dumpsters per week
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Tuesday Recycle
Multi-Family -95 gallon carts
•(1) Rear-Load truck for Comingle recycle
•(1) Rear-Load truck for Paper recycle
•(2) Kubota Vehicles for recycle (One per
Tuesday Vegetation
Residential/Multi-Family -curbside
•(2) Rear-Load trucks for yard waste that
are placed in personal cans
•(4) Sanitation Staff for yard waste that are
placed in personal cans
•(2) Grapple Trucks for vegetation piles
that are larger that 3 cubic yards
Tuesday Residential/Multi-Family Services
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Commercial –Garbage Dumpsters
(1) Front-Load Truck
(2) Sanitation Staff
Multi-Family –Recycle Dumpsters
(1) Front-Load Collection Truck
(2) Sanitation Staff
Tuesday Front-Load Truck Service
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Commercial -Garbage
(1) Front-Load Truck
(2) Sanitation Staff
Commercial –Cardboard Recycle
(1) Front-Load Truck
(2) Sanitation Staff
Thursday Commercial
Residential Recycle
(2) Rear-Load trucks for blue bins
(2) Rear-Load trucks for yellow bins
(8) Sanitation Staff for recycle; (2) per Rear-Load truck
Residential Vegetation
(4) Rear-Load trucks for vegetation piles that are less than 3 cubic yards
(8) Sanitation Staff for vegetation piles that are less than 3 cubic yards
(2) Grapple Trucks for vegetation piles that are more than 3 cubic yards
We visit every home three times on Thursdays
Thursday Residential Services
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Residential recycle and vegetation creates an imbalance in the operational workload
(1) collection blue bins -(1) collection yellow bins -(1) collection vegetation
Different truck for each collection –can not mix blue, yellow and/or vegetation together
After the completion of recycle, Sanitation drivers travel to SWA disposal site
One truck travels to the SWA disposal sight at a time so collection can continue
Routinely unable to finish vegetation collection and have to roll it over to the next day
Number of trucks and staff available are the key factors
We visit each home three times on Thursdays
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Thursday Residential Challenges
Front-Load Truck 398
Operational expense are higher for the Front -Load
trucks because there are many more moving parts
It is designed for residential curbside services that
require residential carts
Can not use for paper or glass recycling
Smaller size dump bucket limits collection on bulk
and vegetation services
Roughly 35 feet in length while working on route
Does not fit inside the garage for maintenance
Inefficient and unproductive for the residential side
door service collection method
Kubotas were designed for rear-load trucks and not
front-load trucks
Currently have (4) front-load trucks; only need (3)
for multi-family and commercial dumpsters
Vehicle Adjustment
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
We need (4) Rear-Load trucks to run
operations efficiently and effectively
Due to our aging Rear-Load trucks, we are
routinely down (1) truck due to needed
maintenance and repair
Need (5) Rear-Load trucks to make sure (4)
trucks are in operation a majority of the time
Sell Front-Load truck 398 and purchase new
Rear-Load truck; should be an even swap
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Vehicle Adjustment
Vehicle Adjustment
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
•Areas of concern: Twelve Oaks,
Old Dixie Highway, Castlewood
Rd, and Old Port Cove
•Kubota are prohibited from driving
on State roads
•Currently Sanitation Staff is using
the last 20 year old Jitney to service
these areas
•Purchasing a Easy Dump Truck will
allow Sanitation Staff to maintain
level of service in these areas
•All Sanitation Staff required to get CDL licenses
•Currently (11) CDL Drivers and (7) Non CDL Collectors
•Having all staff obtain CDL provides the Department with flexibility and
ensures we always have enough CDL Drivers
•Village has budgeted for training and will implement in FY 2019
•Add (2) part-time positions
•Needed for peak season when the Village population is at its maximum
•Should solve not being able to complete collections on Thursdays
•Allows us to complete collection when multiple people are off for vacation
time, sick time, bereavement leave and worker comp
•Work Monday and Thursdays, which are the heaviest collection days
•Operations adjusted to fill the 7:00 AM –3:30 PM work
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Staff Adjustment
Village Of
North Palm Beach
Public Works Department
Questions and Discussion