Goal-strong local economyGoal: Strong Local Economy Objective What it means.... Department(s) Strategic Initiative Action Plan Status Responsible Implementation of Master Ensure CDD Review Form Based Protect alleyways and Plan to encourage new implementation of Code/Comprehensive Plan recognize importance in the businesses and to promote the Master Plan is Amendments, Land Code/Comprehensive Plan. economic development. consistent with Development Regulations community values and application processes to Encourage waterfront Dover Kohl coding in — balance small make recommendations that restaurants. process. town feel and would facilitate the tradition with new implementation of the Create uniform tree planting Community review in investment/develop Master Plan. requirements on US and August/September 2018. ment. Northlake. Adoption in December Determine a color palette for 2018/January 2019. administrative approval for commercial properties. IN PROCESS. Adjust density levels to reflect market needs to redevelop the USI Corridor. Allow mixed use developments on smaller streets. Evaluate use of a CRA for NEW INITIATIVE public improvements, etc. in commercial areas. Congress Avenue Extension NEW INITIATIVE and creation of an industrial district in accordance with the Master Plan. CDD and Add a legible zoning map to Management Initiative Communication Village website. Post Code Rewrite. s CDD and Communication s Add the Comprehensive Plan in a searchable format to Village website. Management Initiative Post Code Rewrite. CDD NPB/Lake Park ONGOING coordination for US I /Northlake property redevelopment Re-establish the Business Facilitate the creation of a NEW INITIATIVE Advisory Board. coalition of business and commercial property owners.