Goal-improve mobilityGoal: Improve Mobility Objective Department(s) Strategic Initiative Action Plan Status Responsible NEW INITIATIVE — Marina Drive streetscape improvements consistent Master Plan with the Master Plan. TPA/TCRPC proposal to complete US 1 corridor feasibility analysis - Master Plan. analysis in FY 2018/19. NEW INITIATIVE Include analysis of USI/Lakeshore Drive intersection (signal timing Lakeshore Drive NEW INITIATIVE and longer turn lanes) - Master Plan coordination with Parker Bridge openings. Parker Bridge/Tunnel Replacement Analysis — NEW INITIATIVE Master Plan Lighthouse Bridge Analysis: replace or other Address the impact of NEW INITIATIVE Master Plan Lighthouse Bridge on navigation as well. NEW INITIATIVE Village -wide Bicycle Master Plan — Master Plan Manager's Lighthouse Drive Mobility Improvements (bike Issue RFQ for Survey completion Office/Public Works lanes and traffic calming) consistent with the conceptual design (May, 2018) Master Plan services (FY 2018) ONGOING — Master Design and public Plan outreach FY 2019 Manager's Prosperity Farms Road Improvements consistent Issue RFQ for NEW INITIATIVE — Office/Public Works with the Master Plan. conceptual design Master Plan services (FY 2018) Design and public outreach FY2019 Work with County on Bridge design and funding share (FY 2019) Anticipated Bridge Construction (FY 20) Bridge, bus shelters, benches, trash receptacles and pedestrian scaled lighting on Prosperity Farms Road consistent with the Master Plan. USI Bridge (Northlake intersection) Concept Issue RFQ for NEW INITIATIVE Design conceptual design services (FY 2018) Design and public outreach (FY2019) Work with FDOT on Bridge design and funding share (FY2019-20)