Goal-financial sustainabilityGoal: Financial Sustainability Objective What it Department(s) Strategic Initiative Action Plan Status means.... Responsible Long term, Review marina potential fees and dry storage need to be fees. reviewed to Ensure equitable taxes and determine if they Review existing fees Review NEW INITIATIVES fees for Village services. are more membership fees appropriate than at the Country the use of ad- Club. valorem. Keep taxes and Consultant to assist with fee growth as Review stormwater funding Stormwater Fee analysis to be close to inflation practices and possible impact considered by Council in June, rates and property of implementation in the 2018. values as Village in FY2018. possible. Implementation in FY2019. ONGOING Extend natural gas services. NEW INITIATIVE Successful Evaluate delivery of tennis restaurant/banquet services (ie Village or private services organization) NEW INITIATIVE Seamless Evaluate pool operations. coordination of ONGOING (planning group being Capitalize on the Investment services Organizational change to better established) in the new Clubhouse Active promotion ensure service coordination and of the clubhouse, entrepreneurial initiatives to services and enhance service and generate NEW INITIATIVE events revenue. Financially Develop a plan for Council NEW INITIATIVE feasible review to enhance driving operations range revenue. Actively pursue annexation Monet Acres NEW INITIATIVE opportunities. Lost Tree NEW INITIATIVE Evaluate light industrial district code regulations for the annexation area for consistency with the Master Plan. NEW INITIATIVE Review annexation concerns with the City of Palm Beach Gardens Market "Wish Create a by department "Wish List" to residents Explore all opportunities for List" of desired items for and businesses. sources of funds. business and residential EXISTING INITIATIVE (no donations. Establish method progress) to direct funds per donor intent.