2018-07-31 Budget WS_Library, Parks-Rec, Country Club presentationTonight's , • Items for discussion from previous meeting: Vehicle Leasing Program FY 2019 Position Changes including cost • FY 2019 Summary of Budget Changes —Genera l Fund) • Library — Budget Summary — 5 year CIP Summary • Parks & Recreation — Budget Summary — 5 Year CIP Summary — FY 19 Capital Outlay • FY 2019 Summary of Budget Changes — Country Club • Country Club — Budget Summary — Revenues Chart — Expenses Chart Vehicle White FleetLeasing i Police ' • Process will be similar to purchasing. • Staff choses the vehicles, selects the outfitting packages, (police, dump bed, graphics, etc.). • However, Ford Motor Credit will make the payment to the dealership and the Village will pay Ford Motor Credit based on the terms. • Each year, the only additional cost to the Village is the $545 underwriting fee. • The term of the lease for Ford vehicles is five years. • After the Village fulfills all terms of the contract, the Village owns the vehicles. No mileage or wear/tear fees exist. • Interest rate = 6.2% • The payment is constant over the term of the Ioan. • Once the lease terms are fulfilled, the Village can keep it in service, sell the vehicle or turn it into the dealership as a down payment towards another vehicle. • Anticipating selling the vehicle since the Village has had success generating returns on vehicles. Vehicle Leasing Program Police Year 2019 Community Development $13,185 Rescue Police $ 38,350 Public Works $ 23,120 Recreation $ 5,745 Total $ 80,400 2020 $ 13,185 $ 63,330 $ 30,130 $ 5,745 $13.2,390 2022 $13,185 $1o8®330 $ 30,130 $ 5,745 $157,390 2022 $13,185 $121245 $123,190 $39,790 $ 5,745 $1940155 2023 $17,580 $121245 $157,170 $ 39,790 $ 5,745 $ 232,530 2024 $ 8,790 $17,o8o $156,S8o $ 46,95o $ 5,265 $ 234,665 2025 $ 8,790 $ 24,o6o $1go,56o $ 48,940 $ S,265 $ 277.615 2026 $ 8,790 $ 24,o6o $144,550 $ 48,940 $ 5,26,5 $ 231,715 2027 $ 8,790 $11,815 $130,700 $ 39,28o $ 5,265 $195,85o 2028 $ 4,395 $11,815 $ 96,720 $ 3g,28o $ 5,265 $154,475 2029 $ 6,g8o $ 65, 40 $ 9,000 $ 811920 Total $1o9,875 $120,300 $1,255,770 $ 395,350 $ 55,050 $1,936,345 P® = 65% of total Cost 9_. I /�� � I � l r�`i Leasing �Fire ��`�:�� Imo:i Lease different type of vehicles based on usage/life expectancy ® Fire Engine Every Seven (7)Years • LadderTruck Every Tien (io)Years • Rescue (Ambulance) Every Six (6)Years 0 Major Components Remain Under Warranty Throughout Life ® Reduced Lifetime Maintenance Costs Higher Retained Residual Values • Overall Anticipated Cost Savings Lease v. Purchase Vehicle Program - Fire Rescujn,.-, Leasing 2010, $ 54,65® $54,650 2020 $ 54,650 Total $ 53,652 a 2021 $1o6,850 $ 54,650 $ 53,652 $215,152 2022 $1o6,85o $ 54,65® $ 54,65o $ 53,652 2010, $ 54,65® $54,650 2020 $ 54,650 $ 53,652 $ o8,302 2021 $1o6,850 $ 54,650 $ 53,652 $215,152 2022 $1o6,85o $ 54,65® $ 54,65o $ 53,652 $269,802 2023 $Zo6,850 $ 54,650 $ 54,65® $° X3,652 $ 53,652 $323,454 2024 $1o6,850 $ 54,65o $ 54,65o $ 53,652 $ 53,652 $3230454 2025 $io6,85o $ 54,65o $ 54,650 $ 53,652 $ 53,652 $323,454 2026 $Zo6,850 $ 54,650 $ 54,65o $ 53,652 $ 53,652 $323454 2027 $io6,85o $ 54,65® $ 54,650 $ 53,652 $ 53,652 $323454 2028 $io6,850 $ 54,650 $ 54,650 $ 53,652 $ 53,652 $323,454 2029 $go6,85o $ 54,650 $ 54,650 $ 53,652 $ 53,652 $323,454 Tota�$967L,65o $603L,250 $437,200 $536,520 $'375,564 $2,97-2,®84 Begin 2nd Lease Average perYear $264,735 FY 2019 Personnel Changes FY i9 Position Change Summary + / - Cost New Full -Time Code Officer Position + a FT 665,439 New Part -Time Sanitation Collector position +2 PT 31,742 New General Manager/ Assistant Village Manager position (Country Club) +1 FT 183,203 Two Administrative Assistant positions reclassified as Administrative N/A Coordinators Reclassification N/A Outside Service Coordinator position reclassified as Second Assistant Golf N/A Pro Reclassification N/A FY 203-gSummary of Budget Cs General, Fund Change —7 �mp act Positive / (Negative) State Revenue Share Estimate received from FDOR $ 27072. Revenue Estimates increased for Recreation, Tennis & Pool 27,000 Updated 'Personnel Costs j-. Updated employee salaries with current data 2. Updated PBA & [AFF calculations for employees at maximum salary 3. Remove addition of PT Fire Administrative Assistant position (28,544) Updated Operating Costs i. Remove costs associated with addition of PT Fire Administrative Assistant position 201100 Total $4S,627 Booksale sss Revenues Soar *Surpassed last year's total amount in only 6 months. (New!) Cozy Reading Nook Library Total Attendance at Children's programs by Fiscal Year 30OW a 2623.5 2SM 20000 014191 150[10 _ -... aOW • s1� _ 0. FMA6 FfWI7 PIUAS Pn849 {SIJ ( (Estmaxed) MIM A re n's hom REVENUES: Memberships Cooperative State Aid Copying Lost Books Library Fines TOTAL, REVENUES FY 2019 budget FY 201.8 Budget $ 60 21,604 2,000 300 4,000 27,964 % increase / $ increase / (decrease) (decrease) $ 75 -20.00% $ 15 21,137 2.21% 467 775 158.06% 1,225 300 0% 0 4,500 -11.11% 500 $ 26,787 3.24% S1,177 Personnel Total Salary & Benefits Library Budget Summary % increase/ $ increase / FY 2019 Budget TY 2018 Budget (decrease) (decrease) Operating Books, Publications & Subscriptions Contractual Services Library Collections: Audio Visual Materials Books Electronic Resources Magazines Reference Materials Library Gift Account Licenses & Fees Materials & Supplies Postage Rental Repairs & Maintenance Conferences & Seminars Memberships & Dues Travel & Training Uniforms Utilities Other Operating Costs Total Expenses $ 670,678 500 3 8,5 00 22,000 39,000 24,000 3,000 4,000 0 350 11,800 100 5,200 5,050 640 3,000 3,306 0 19,440 0 179,886 $ 85q 564 $ 669,01.7 0.25®/ $ 1,661 456 9.65% 44 28,455 35.30% 10.045 22.000 0.00% 0 39,000 0.00% 0 24,000 0.00% 0 3,000 0.00% 0 4,000 0.00% 0 40,000 -100.00% (40,000) 1,400 -75.009,0 (1,050) 11,950 -1.26% (150 755 -86.75% (655 4,208 23.574% 992 0 0.00% 5,050 845 -24.26% (205 3,096 -3.10% 96 2,839 16.45% 467 0 0.00% 0 18.616 4.43% 824 0 0.00% 0 204,620 -12.09% (24,734 $ 873,637 -2.64% $ 23,073 Increase in management software Gift Account not budgetary (restricted fund balance) Library 5 Year CIFII' Front Lobbv Renovation Work consists of renovating the planter by altering its shape to include built-in seating, purchasing new lobby furniture, repainting the entire lobby interior, replacing hand rails and any damaged flooring tiles, and incorporating interior landscaping. FY FY FY FY FY Project Tota 1 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Front Lobby Renovation s8o,000 s8o,000 Total $o $0 $0 $0 s8o,000 s8o,000 Front Lobbv Renovation Work consists of renovating the planter by altering its shape to include built-in seating, purchasing new lobby furniture, repainting the entire lobby interior, replacing hand rails and any damaged flooring tiles, and incorporating interior landscaping. .rr jrS >-W r a.a Recreation R�, eI �1 ?t" 3� REVENUES: Program Fees / Lessons Special Events Marina Rental Other TOTAL REVENUES % increase/ $ increase / FY 2019 Budget FY 2018 Budget (decrease) (decrease) $ 244,800 -21.57% $ 52,800 30,000 -16.67% 5,000 162 000 6.79% 11,000 47,000 6.38% 3,000 0.00% - S 483,800 -9.05% $ 43,800 Kecreatio, , iet Summary (Combined) 3 Personnel Total Salary & Benefits Operating Advertising Charge Card Fee Conferences & Seminars Contractual Services Equipment Rental Gas, Oil & Lubricants Licenses & Fees Materials & Supplies Memberships & Dues Merchandise Postage Printing & Binding Professional Services Program Expense Repairs & Maintenance Special Events Travel & Training Uniforms Utilities Other Operating Costs Total Operating Costs Total Expenses % increase / S increase / FY 2019 Budget FY 2018 Budget (decrease) (decrease) $ 1,188,973 1,750 14,796 1,250 9,500 500 3,330 275 156,142 1,550 3,500 800 750 107,000 175,500 34,000 104,000 3,900 4,050 172,260 100 794,953 S 1983.926 S 1,21.4,434 -2.10% S 25,461) 1,500 16.67% 250 16,118 -8.20% 1,322 1,250 0.00% 9,000 5.56% 500 500 0.00% 0 3,600 -7.50%. 270 275 0.00% 126,550 23.38% 29,592 1,550 0.00% 4,000 -12.50% 500 800 0.00% 750 0.00% 57,000 87.72% 50,000 169,500 3.54% 6,000 81,000 -58.02% 47,000 104,000 0.00% 0 2,900 34.48% 11000 4,000 1.25% 50 160,252 7.49% 12,008 5,800 -98.28% 5,700 750,345 5.94% 44,608 L—=Sl 64 779 0.97% $ 19,147 Personnel Total Salary & Benefits Operating Advertising Charge Card Fee Conferences & Seminars Contractual Services Gas, Oil & Lubricants Materials & Supplies Memberships & Dues Postage Printing & Binding Professional Services Program Expense Repairs & Maintenance Special Events Travel & Training Uniforms Utilities Other Operating Costs Total Operating Costs Total Expenses Recreation & Specie Events M-1get Summary FY 2019 Budget % increase / S increase / FY 2018 Budget (decrease) (decrease) S724,230 $ 701,772 S(22,458) 750 3,646 50.00% 1,250 I 9,500 572 3,330 0.00% 62,292 9,000 1,200 500 600 -7.50% 250 58,650 65,000 Master Plan 158,500 0.00% 20,000 600 101,000 0 1,900 1,800 0.00% 102,260 15,000 100 50,000 154,500 533,378 4,000 28,000 -28.57% S 1235 150 % increase / S increase / FY 2018 Budget (decrease) (decrease) S724,230 -3.10% S(22,458) 500 50.00% 250 4,218 -13.56% 572 1,250 0.00% 0 9,000 5.56% 500 3,600 -7.50% 270 58,650 6.21% 3,642 1,200 0.00% 0 600 0.00% 0 250 0.00% 0 15,000 333.33% 50,000 154,500 2.59% 4,000 28,000 -28.57% (8,000 101,000 0.00% 0 1,900 0.00% 0 1,750 2.86% 50 92,680 10.34% 9,580 5,800 -98.28% 5,700 479,898 11.14% 53,480 S1,204,128 2.58% S 31,022 REVENUES: Program Fees / Lessons Memberships Merchandise Sales Special Events Rental Other TOTAL REVENUES % increase / S increase / FY 2019 Budget Fid 2018 Budget (decrease) (decrease) $ 376,150 -0.05% 85,000 89,500 4,500 (4,500) 2,000 -55.00% 500 5,000 -60.00% (3,000) 500 468,150 $ 376,350 -0.05% $ 200 89,500 -5.03% (4,500) 10,000 -55.00% 5,500 5,000 -60.00% (3,000) 500 0.00% 0.00% S 481,350 -2.74% S 13,200 tom` Tennis Bud9 �F { Personnel Total Salary & Benefits Operating Advertising Charge Card Fee Equipment Rental Materials & Supplies Memberships & Dues Postage Printing & Binding Professional Services Program Expense Repairs & Maintenance Special Events Temlis Merchandise Uniforms Utilities Other Operating Costs Total Operating Costs Total Expenses FY 2019 Budget $ 417,847 1,000 10,500 500 63,950 100 200 500 42,000 3,000 14,000 3,000 3,500 750 23,000 0 1.66,000 $ 583,847 % increase / $ increase / FY 201.8 Budget (decrease) (decrease) $ 410,132 1.88% $ 7,715 1,000 0.00% 0 11,000 -4.55% ( 500) 500 0.00% 0 26,000 145.96% 37,950 100 0.00% 0 200 0.00% 0 500 0.00% 0 42,000 0.00% 0 3,000 0.000/10 0 49,000 -71.43% (-)5,000) 3,000 0.00% 0 4,000 -12.50% (500) 750 0.00% 0 14,673 56.75% 8,327 0 0.00% 0 155,723 6.60% 10,277 $ 565,855 3.18% $17,992 REVENUES: Program Pees / Lessons Memberships Dental TOTAL REVENUES FY 2019 Budget $ 45,000 -11.76% 5,000 11,000 44,000 6,000 31,000 94,000 FY 2018 % increase/ $ increase / Budget (decrease) (decrease) $ 51,000 -11.76% $ 6,000 11,000 -54.55% 6,000 31,000 41.94% 13,000 $ 93,000 1.08% $ 1,000 Pool Budget Summary - Personnel Total Salary & Benefits Operating Charge Card Fee Licenses & Fees Materials & Supplies Memberships & Dues Program Expense Repairs & Maintenance Travel & Training Uniforms Utilities Other Operating Costs Total Operating Costs Total Expenses FY 2019 Budget S 69,354 650 275 29,900 250 I 14,000 0 2,000 E 1,500 47,000 ! 0 95,575 S 164,929 % increase/ S increase / FY 2018 Budget (decrease) (decrease) S 80,072 -13.39% S (10,718 900 -27.78% (250) 175 0.00% 0 41,900 -28.64% ("12,000 250 0.00% 0 12,000 16.67% 2,000 4,000 -100.00% 4,000 1,000 100.00% 1,000 1,500 0.00% 0 52,899 -11.15% 5,899) 0 0.00% 0 114,724 -16.69% 19,149 $194,796 -15.33% S (29,8671_ . Kecreation CIP Project FY 2oi9 � FY 2o2o FY 2o21 FY 2o:z2 FY 2023 Totaf Pool Chiller $32,000 $32,000 Pool Heater $70,000 $70,000 Lightning Detection 30,000 $30,000 System Pool Pump Room Renovation 200,000 $2001000 Pool Resurfacing 150,000 $150,000 Tennis Court Drainage 4S,000 $45,000System Community Center Ssa000 X55®000 Lighting Tennis Court Lighting 300,000 $3000000 Tennis Court Fencing 150,000 $150,000 F,ecreation 5 Year CIP continued... Project FY zo1!3 FY 2-o2,o Fy 2021 i FY 2oz2- FY 2-023 Total i Tennis Court Fencing 150,000 150,000 Lakeside Park Paths 25,00® 1 25,000 Community Center Pathways X250,000 X50,000 Dog Park Fencing 1001000 1001000 Boat Ramp Renovation 61000 75,000 83.1000 Anchorage Phase I Completion 593x76$ 593768 Anchorage Phase II 600,000 600,000 Total Projects $1385®768 $925,000 $480,000 $76,000 $75,000 $21941,768 Recreation FY 201.9 Capital Outlal Community Center Lighting $1;I;r.000 This is the replacement of the existing halogen gymnasium lights with LED sports specific lights at the Community Center. This project will include the complete rernovai of the existing system and installation of a new system. The existing gymnasium lighting system is the original product installed in 1983. The Federal Energy grant will pay for 95% of the project (Funding: Village= $2,000, Grant = $53,000) Pool Resurfacing $2009000 The project will include lane lines, tile, pool equipment/piping evaluation and resurface of the entire pool. The condition of the pool infrastructure was evaluated by the Village's maintenance contractor in May 2016. At that time, a scope of work to repair and maintain was identified. This work is being coordinated with improvements being made on the pool deck as part of the Clubhouse Project (Funding: Village = $15o,000, Grant = $5o,000) Tennis Court Drainage System $45,000 This project would create a drainage area to the east of the courts outside the fence line to manage court irrigation run off. The area directly east from the courts will be trenched and funnel the water drainage to the north away from the courts. Asphalt runoff slopes will be installed to not allow water erosion under the courts (Funding: Village = $45,000). Anchorage Phase 11 $101000 Anchorage Park is a heavily used recreational facility that caters to diverse recreational opportunities. The improvements will continue to support boating opportunities, but will also introduce kayaking, paddle boarding and canoeing facilities as well. Fiscal Year 2oig funding is for an engineering study for recap of southern seawall and installation of floating docks (Funding: Village = sio,000) FY 2019 Capital Outlay Continued... Pool Chiller $'�29000 This system would give the facility the ability to regulate the temperature in the pool during the summer months. It will allow staff to lower the pool water down to a temperature that is more conducive to training and aerobics and more refreshing to daily pool recreational use. power temperatures also lower the use of chemicals during the summer months. This purchase will allow the pool to be open year round for training and open swim usage (Funding = Village $32,000) Pool Pump Room Renovation $2001000 The project will include, pool equipment/piping replacement. This some of the original equipment installed over 35 years ago. The condition of the pool pump room was evaluated by the Village's maintenance contractor in 2017. At that time, a scope of work to repair and maintain was identified. This work is being coordinated with improvements being made on the pool resurface and in coordination with as the Clubhouse Project (Funding =Village $200,000). Anchoraqe Phase I Completion ss9-�,768 The north side of the seawall will be rebuilt and floating docks installed. Two day docks and a kayak launch are also part of this Phase. The walking trail and pedestrian lighting will be continued and landscaping will be installed along the seawall. A viewing area structure is also proposed. (Funding: Developer Fees=$269,258; Grant=$124,510; Infrastructure Surtax=$200,000). Community Center Pathways $21;01000 This is the renovation of the walking paths at the Community Center. This project will include the complete demolition of the existing path and construction of a new one. It will also include park amenities related to the path (Funding: Village=$50,000, Grant=s2oo,000) FY 202.9 Summary of Budget Changes Country Club Change[impact Positive J (NgglatLve Updated Revenue Estimates Revenue Estimates increased for Greens Fees, Cart Rental, Walking Fee s81,936 Driving Range Updated Personnel Costs i. Vacant Part-time positions are unfunded 92,477 Updated Operating Costs i. Reduced estimate for various operating costs. 70,000 Utility Costs, Materials & Supplies, Repair & Maintenance Total $244,463 tig Country ClubBudget Summary 1XVV V11 U V, Greens fee/cart rentals/membership fees Golf Shop revenues Driving range revenues Interest revenues Appropriated Retained Earnings Miscellaneous Total Revenues Expenses Personnel Costs Operating Costs Golf Course Maintenance Golf Shop & Range Food & Beverage Country Club Administration Clubhouse & Grounds Insurance & General Liability Attorney Fees Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Debt Service Debt Service Total Expenses Revenues over (under) expenses FY 2019 FY 2018 % increase / $ increase / Budget Budget (decrease) (decrease) $ 2,129,209 $ 1,742,611 22.18% $ 386,598 159,400 239,500 -33.44% (80,100 300,000 238,524 25.77% 61,476 10,000 10,000 0.00% - 285,563 425,770 -32.93% 140,207 6,000 6,000 0.00% - -18.66% 78,739) 12,314 S 2,890,172 S 2,662,405 8.55% S 227,767 838,214 581,761 44.08% 256,453 1,163,500 1,149,822 1.19% 13,678 343,200 421,939 -18.66% 78,739) 12,314 16,600 -25.82% (4,286) 13,700 12,200 12.30% 1,500 29,000 4,886 493.53% 24,114 46,555 44,038 5.72% 2,517 10,000 10,000 0.00% - - 23,000 -100.00% 23,000 433,689 398,159 8.92% 35,530 $ 2 890 1.72 S 2,662,405 8.55% S 227,767 S - S - 4 Rounds 40,000 25,044 59.72% 14,956 FY 2019 Country Club Budget Overview Goff Merchandise Sa $45,000 1.56% ■ Goff Lessoi $85,000 2.94% ■ Greens Fee $862,000 29.83% Country Club Revenues Appropriated Retained Total= $2,89o,172 Earnings other $285,563 $49,900 9.88% 1.730ft E Drao,en,u B2arn,tp ■ Membership $531,709 18.40% Gari Rental/Walking Fee $733.,000 25.29% FY2019Country Club Budget Overview, Country Club Expenses op" Total = $2,89o,172 ® Debt Service $433068 15.01%�\ Operating - $1,571,7z4 54.38°x® Personnel $838,214 29.000 ■ Insurance -Property & General Liability / $46,555 .' 1.63-% Total Operating Costs $ a,63.81269 55.99°x® r INA y rludget Workshop Scheduleo18-20i.9 0 Wednesday May 16, 2018 7 — 10 p.m. Council Strategic Planning and Mid -Year Budget Review Thursday July 19, 2018 7 — 10 p.m. Manager's Proposed Budget Overview Council Meeting Thursday July 26, 2018 7:30 p.m. Public klearting to set tentative millage Rate Country Club Tuesday July 31, 2018 7-10 p.m. Parks & Recreation Library Council/Clerk/Village Attorney/Village Manager Wednesday August 8, 2018 7 — 10 p.m. RR/Finance/IT/Debt & Other Tuesday August 14, 2018 7-10 p.m. Public Works Monday August 20, 2018 7 — 10 p.m. Police/Fire Rescue/ Community Development Thursday August 30, 2018 7 — 10 p.m. Budget Recap and Millage Discussion IN