DR420✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ CERTIFICATION OF TAXABLE VALUE INSTRUCTIONS “Principal Authority” is a county, municipality, or independent special district (including water management districts). “Taxing Authority” is the entity levying the millage. This includes the principal authority, any special district dependent to the principal authority, any county municipal service taxing unit (MSTU), and water management district basins. Each taxing authority must submit to their property appraiser a DR-420 and the following forms, as applicable: · DR-420TIF, Tax Increment Adjustment Worksheet · DR-420DEBT, Certification of Voted Debt Millage · DR-420MM-P, Maximum Millage Levy Calculation - Preliminary Disclosure Section I: Property Appraiser Use this DR-420 form for all taxing authorities except school districts. Complete Section I, Lines 1 through 9, for each county, municipality, independent special district, dependent special district, MSTU, and multicounty taxing authority. Enter only taxable values that apply to the taxing authority indicated. Use a separate form for the principal authority and each dependent district, MSTU and water management district basin. Line 8 Complete a DR-420TIF for each taxing authority making payments to a redevelopment trust fund under Section 163.387 (2)(a), Florida Statutes or by an ordinance, resolution or agreement to fund a project or to finance essential infrastructure. Check "Yes" if the taxing authority makes payments to a redevelopment trust fund. Enter the number of DR-420TIF forms attached for the taxing authority on Line 8. Enter 0 if none. Line 9 Complete a DR-420DEBT for each taxing authority levying either a voted debt service millage (s.12, Article VII, State Constitution) or a levy voted for two years or less (s. 9(b), Article VII, State Constitution). Check “Yes” if the taxing authority levies either a voted debt service millage or a levy voted for 2 years or less (s. 9(b), Article VII, State Constitution). These levies do not include levies approved by a voter referendum not required by the State Constitution. Complete and attach DR-420DEBT. Do not complete a separate DR-420 for these levies. Send a copy to each taxing authority and keep a copy. When the taxing authority returns the DR-420 and the accompanying forms, immediately send the original to: Florida Department of Revenue Property Tax Oversight - TRIM Section P. O. Box 3000 Tallahassee, Florida 32315-3000 Section II: Taxing Authority Complete Section II. Keep one copy, return the original and one copy to your property appraiser with the applicable DR-420TIF, DR-420DEBT, and DR-420MM-P within 35 days of certification. Send one copy to the tax collector. “Dependent special district” (ss. 200.001(8)(d) and 189.403(2), F.S.) means a special district that meets at least one of the following criteria: z The membership of its governing body is identical to that of the governing body of a single county or a single municipality. z All members of its governing body are appointed by the governing body of a single county or a single municipality. z During their unexpired terms, members of the special district's governing body are subject to removal at will by the governing body of a single county or a single municipality. z The district has a budget that requires approval through an affirmative vote or can be vetoed by the governing body of a single county or a single municipality. "Independent special district” (ss. 200.001(8)(e) and 189.403 (3), F.S.) means a special district that is not a dependent special district as defined above. A district that includes more than one county is an independent special district unless the district lies wholly within the boundaries of a single municipality. “Non-voted millage” is any millage not defined as a “voted millage” in s. 200.001(8)(f), F.S. Lines 12 and 14 Adjust the calculation of the rolled-back rate for tax increment values and payment amounts. See the instructions for DR-420TIF. On Lines 12 and 14, carry forward values from the DR-420TIF forms. Line 24 Include only those levies derived from millage rates.