1969-403 Authorizing Mayor & Clerk to Enter into Contract with Seth Ford for Carpeting for LibraryRESOLUTION N0. 403-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAC}[, 1'LORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER IN1'0 A CONTRACT WIT}[ SETH FORD CARPETS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CARPETING IN TllC NEW NORT1[ PALM BEACH LIBRARY. };}; IT RESOLVF,D BY T1IE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1'hORIDA : Section 1. The Village Mayor and Clerk be, and they arc hereby, authorized and directed to sign that certain contract between the Village of North Palm Beach and Seth Ford Carpet for the in- stallation of carpeting in the Village of North Palm Beach Library, a copy of which contract is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A° and by reference made a part hereto. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Village Seal to said contract. PASS11ll ANll ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF JUNE, 1969. /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk