1969-394 Greater Palm Beach Area postmarkRESOLUTION N0. 394-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1'hORIDA, RF,QUESTING T}[AT ALL MAIL ORIGINATING IN NORTH PALM BEACH ANll COMMUNITIES ADJACENT TO WEST PALM BEACH BE POSTMARKED "GREATER PALM BEAC}[ AREA" ' WHI;RF.AS, in the past letters and other items mailed at the North Palm Beach post office were postmarked with the Village's name on said postmark; and WHER};AS, the postmark now appearing on letters and other items mailed through the north palm beach post office for delivery outside the Village is postmarked with the name West Palm Beach; and WHEREAS, other communities adjacent to West Palm Beach also have mail originating therein postmarked West Palm Beach; and WHEKEAS, the Village of North Palm Beach has a population in oxeess of 10,000 people; and WHF,REAS, the image of North Palm Beach and the other ' communities will be greatly enhanced if the postmark "Greater Yal.m Beach Area" is used rather than West Palm Beach which is only one City; NOW, THEREFORE, BF. IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NOKT}I PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Post Office Department be, and it is hereby requested to use a postmark containing the words "Greater Palm Beach Area" on al.l mail originating through the United States Post Office located in the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, and cities adjacent to West Palm Beach, Florida. Section 2. A copy of this Resolution be delivered to the ' Postmaster of the Village of North Palm Beach, the Postmaster General, Kepresentative Paul G. Rogers, and all interested cities and administrative agencies.