1968-364 FL State Rd. Dept. Authorizing Execution of a Utililties AgreementRESOLUTION N0. 364-68 t..,,,, >,. nw ,~~'~ FLORIDA STATE IIOAD DEPARTMENT ~:, .. '. ,-.r. CITY RESOLUTION No. 364-6s ---- _ ___ Ln,mry '~ .- Section _ ~_ _ l7tilit>~ lob No. Stnte Itond No. County Ngme ~ Tercel h R/W Io %o. _ 5; Ot~O ~ 6502-- ---I----S--I Pa]m Reach ~ 84 --- 2112 A RF.SOLU'1'ION AUTJIOHI'/,ING EXECUTION OF AN UTILITIES AGREED4ENT FOR TfIE AnJGST\fF:\T, Cf1:11GE OR RELOCATION OF CERTAIN UTILITIES \\'ITHIN THF, RIGHT- OI'-\1'AY Id~tITS III;RP•.:\F"i'ER DF.SCRIRED, AND PROVIDING WREN THIS RESOLUTION $}IALI, TAI:E EFFECT. ON NOTION OF C.Ai~~utssltmer (Councilman)- K'ct Ct ,seconded by C.es~wiaaienet (Councilmaul_-_. (_1!"•1- -, tho following Resolution wns adopted: R'HEREAS, the State Road Department of Florida has located and proposes to construct or reconstruct a part of State Road 'y -North T.akr+ nl.'ad- +~ T-~~-?and \1'fIEREAS, in order for the Stato Road Department jo further and complete fald project, it is neces- ,. , sary that cc•rtnin utilites and/or facilities within tho Right of Wny limits of Said S)~te Bond , he adjusted, changed or relocated; and \\'HF.RF.AS, the State Road Department having requested the)(._V7j,=,pGF'-DTi.-NORTH_.PAT~RRACH l~lorida, to execute and deliver to the State Road Department p Utilities Agreement, Agreeing to make or cause to be made such ndjushncnts, changes or relocations of said utilities and/ or facilities as set out in said :\i,tremcnt, and sail request h;a•ini; been duly considered; /~ O NO\\' '1•I11:RIi1 ORE, Ill; 1"C lU'sSOLVI:D by the P~ _of the -_Os~~913il~PAI24~~:ACIi_, Florida, that the tfayor and Clerk (6~dcer) he and they are hereby authorized and directed to make, execute and deliver to the Shtto Road Department a Utilities Agreement for the adjustment, chnngo or rclocntion of certain uHlitics within the Right of ~'Vny limits of said State Road_5 Section_ 93040-6502 i BE IT FURTHER IiESOI,VED that a certified mpy of this Resollttlon bo forwArded to the State Road pepartment at Tallahassee, F~l/orida. )aolxl~oaac ~~ig~-^f-lYn~ztL~i4,~n: •~~~ c~ COUNTXOF Pa'Im Beant+ 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true np~ ~rr_e~et copy of a Resolution adopted by the Vill'ts~e Council 01 thYO}.~~tLq~~Bof~Iorth yn~m Reach ,Florida, at a meeting of said Counci-1 ,held Ira this 3~_daypf ScPtemUer A. p• 1D8~, WETNESS my hand and seal on this 3rd day of r~1 198, Mayor >431et'1tr(~it}r~tattagezj of the City of -_ Vilinge>_nt' Nor*h Palm n~anh-, >Zorid~. (SEAL) ,~ _. .-~rs;i:,:....-..__..i.~.. .._ _~-' -.-._.:`~`t~=..ads't~~'at~Sat•,~a3.~~.uidr..".J.....r..~.~,t--.._-_.:.....:rm:.,..-.s. _... __.•-__..