1968-363 Mutual Aid Agreement - Fire RESOLUTION N0. 363-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, I'LORIllA, AUTI[ORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGF. CLERK J'0 SIGN A MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAID VILLAGE AND OTHER MUN- ICIPALITIES AND FIRE CONTROL DISTRICTS LOCATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIllA OBTAINING ADDITIONAL FIRE PROTECTION FOR T}iE CITIZENS OF ~~}}}; SAID POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS BY MAKING THE MOST F,FFICIENI' USE OF PIRF, MANPOWER OF TI[E SEVERAL POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS; AND PRO- VIDING FOR REPEAT, OF RF,SOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH BE IT' RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACI{, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Mayor and Village Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign a Mutual Aid Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, said agreement provides for additional fire protection for the citizens of this Village and the various political sub- divisions of Palm Beach County, Florida, by making the most efficient use of the fire manpower of the several political sub- divisions. Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to furnish a certified copy of this resolution to the Fire Service Coordinator of Palm Beach County, Florida. PASSED ANll ADOPTED T}IIS 27TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1968. /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk - •,. A a R E T M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, entered into by, between and among the City or Belie Glade, the City or Boas Raton, the City or Boynton Besoh, the City of Delray Besoh, Qreeruiores City, the Toxn or Lake ,~ Park, the City or Lake Worth, the Toxn of Lantana the Towri or Mangonia Park, the Village of North Palm Besoh, t~-e Town or Ooean ~ Ridge, the City or Pahokee, ~ the ~p~~nt ar,: Palm Seaq~,~ } ~~e Oj,~y, pr Palm Beach Gardena, the Town or ~alm aesoh Shoreaf the Village or Palm 6pringa, the City or Riv>.erp Besoh, the Village or Royal Falco Beach, the City or South Bay, the City of Weat Palm Besoh, sad Fire Control Dietriots 1, 2, 3, ki ~r 6, 7r 8- 9, 7~C, l2, and Fver- gladea Fire Control Distriot, pll being looated 1#~ Pa]sa Besoh County~- Florid~, and hereinafter rererrod to ss politioal pubdivieioas. WITNE6~~,T WHEREAS, the polltiop~~subdivisions Khioh are partiss ~p this Agreement are desirous of obtaining additional rare proteotiQri for the oitieens or the several ~oll,t~.osl subdivisions by making r-...: ~a• F+. .._ .....r:.-...-.tee,..-...:.a-...'_..4.' a. la+--...._.. _....' ~ the moat errioient use or b}se rip epµ~,pment pad ~pa~-pawsr qr ~p several polltioal aubdiviaions, An4 ; y ~ WHEREAS, the pplitioal sgbdivisipna are desirous or obi taming this protection without any+ undue increase in ooat sad ex• pence to any or the partialpants and without unneoesaarlly laoreaB- ing the possibility or lose or lire and propepty, or sub~eotitlt; the various politioai subdivisions to an i.noreaeed expense or liabill.~y, NOW, THERRFCRE, iti is . ~nutlu~lly oovepanted and agree4 b~+~ between and among the parties hexeto ps rolloi+as 1. At auoh time sa the ~ea}~p~ssible,rir authority pr say politioai subdivision makes a determiaation that ~saietan4e rrnm eouroea other than that available within hie 8rep or eommand i6 ro- ~•~ quired, the Fire Servioe Cpordi}Zator of Palm Seao County, Flpridai and/or hie designee aha1~. pe po~~.~'led, ,, 'the reapo~•ible r~.re a~tthpr- i~ 3 ~, r ity shall rust obtain apa~ebsnoe~ it available, Prom ad~aoent poiit~... I os1 eubdivisiona prior to oa7.ling upon the Firo S~~vioe Coordinstpr rot assiatanoe, After poaeultat~,on with the looal rite authpritiea, .~ the said Fire Servioe Coordinator shall {Hake an evaluation ea to the added personnel and equipment apd soh party to thip Agreement I ~' All equipment and tnetz furaiehed py a politioal sub. division to another politioal pubdiv~.aio{1 shall alNaya remain wtdop the immediate oommand of the ranl~ing 1'Sfip e+uthority of the poli~:iopl subdivision ao furnishing same= the ranking'~fire authority of t7ie i ~ ~~ + ,l politioal subdivision tha~~~xegi}es~q a~,~°•'eha~~ Jae ir}' ootmaand~ Pi# tti~l i~ r ~ , ~ men and equipment at the eoene of the i'irei at}d no men and equi)tmept shall be r emoved from the aoene of afire without first obtaining i permission of said ranking fire authority in general oommand thereof, 2. The execution of tt~~ A~reetnent bra env politioal ;,t~}b-. division shall not vivo riso ~o an~l~t~abi]~ib,~or rea~onsibi~,ity E~ failure to respond to any reaues~_for aeaiat~ange_ made in pur~a;~a~„~e oP this Agreement. 3. No oharge shall be made to any politioal pubdivi~l3.pa entering into this Agreement for aervipep rendered by aYty p~her #, L politioal subdivision under th~.e Agreement. '' !}. There shall be no ~eitabtxreement for loss ct~ dpma~e to equipment ~rhile engaged in sop~.~~ ~y Fytrpttp~nt ~o tlii Agrp4~ent~ qbr gbs11 there be any xeimburseme{~~~ for, p~}-. indemnity Ward o:• pir4aoima < ; oontributiori aeaepped against the emp7,o~-ing politioal subdivision for Workraen~s Compensation, Penaion~ Retirement, pr Liability ~nsur- anoe benefits arising by reason of in~upy or death to a prenbsr or - g ~ .. ,. :~ , ~' " '~ agrees to furnish upon request of the Fire Servioe Coordinator ,; auoh man and equipment se are available. ,, ; In the event the fare su~hority pf a ~olltioal pu)~- diviaion aha11 be requeated~to furnl.eh men and, equipment by the County Fire Servioe poordias~,pp~,,{ ~l~ ~~A p}}t px~,~sr, phgl7. atrtnbecl~.. ately furnish said men and equipi>}e~t sp~pequea~ed or forthwith advise the County Fire Servioe C~ordinatgr that ha, oannot furnic~h same, and the reason therefor= w~,~hin ppven~y-two X72) hours of any auah request being refused, the p~id Sipe authprity eo doing eha11 ~. , deliver the reason therefor in waiting to the Fires Servioe Cgorclina- ,- ~ tor. •f ~ 'F.' ~,_ members or the fire departmentR or aaid:pp}l.~l.op1 Pugdiviaion xhile engaged in rendering servioea ugde~ phis /-~rppment~. 1 ~~ f i The roregoing or Chip paragr~; ~ hall inolude but ehs11 ° jFt~ not be limited to ru11 time, part pima ~ ~~c~~~a~'Y ~np~pbere and vpluritee~Fa o! euoh fl.re departmeripe. ~I S. Thin Agreeme ~ q 1 p~ }i}1 ro ~ ~k~d efre~p t'or a erl. d a~' tbrer ~' ~' aha11 be a ~ tomstioally xe 1 ak , rox ~ lod0, I , ~, ~ P r yesre se to ail psrtiee exeo}t41~1p ~_s{ P pe b sp tp any srt ' xhioh ahal~ pithdrax by givlr-~ v~r~~~q , ~ ~.tpi #~pe~p~ L-. f ~ : 1 i,Fi 3 \ ~ti~., ~~' P~~~ ~ ~~: ~ ~ 5 fF_~ ~~ Nithdrax b pertiried mail tote p o r po Fire Servioe Ooordinstpr ahs~, p ep ~~~ ~ ~~~~r~~~~~p ~~ ~~~'~ I~P~~p°-tP ~'~~~' I I draK, rorthxith nax,}t'y p~,~. F x ~,e p p F ~p~}~ ¢ ~- ~. ~ , draMipg ~artY aha11 be re~.l.ppA~ o, ;~ ~~~1'q~ ~~.~q~,~.~.~Y ~!}~~~ t~~ ,ggreamer~t ~~'pa#` ghirty ~3p~ ~~~~ ,~ , ~~~~ ` ~~~'~" ~~,~ ~~p~r~~; ~~, ~qa, 4F. This Agreeme~}t ma~+ be , ~e ~ ~~rt,~, a1A ~o!' ph~,ah bogeth~ p~~k1~, i~P . ,f 1 +~ ~ !!ep ~ iFpat~~h~ xt aha11 ~14t hp s~e4eaaary ~'P,~ ,I'~ ~~t~'itp"t~~ . ~ ~ , . , ~~:, s:.. I ,, than one p~rtYr A11 oounte}~psrga p~1~, .~ tihp Fare Sarvipe Qoorcl~ngto{~~ pRljq ~gpp1 q}Sa~.1 be the pr~ioia~. depoabory ~o~ ~}~. ,y •#oQ Ooordinatar shall eenc~ po a aph~ par ~, , 4ertl~~'iost~ agcx~~ bhe names ~o~' phq ~R {" s i.r, Yt ,' i~gaa e7ceau~,ed bhla Agreemq{~t~ ' , III ~ ! :,' I ~ ~'~. ~ •; i . ~ xhia A6reetasn4 A}~R~F~. be p#'~'eP. FRl~tloal qub4Lvialo~}p.9~}A~~F ~X4o 4 AA 1 l1 ~~• ~ X11 • xN rrzT~ss w~~a~ :: xtie~ , , k+ °kF I .~ ° Iqa a~' Fr F ". ~s1! t j '~ F „ ~ ~~AF~ ~ryi ~l~FRR1~t+ed ~q~es~ 4spp~~~~t '~~1i '~' ~ ~.a~?~'.i +E F. tz,~ N7~~ 1 1 . 3~ ~ F a ~F: S + I S ~o ~~~ 1 ,,.,, ~~ I, W ° ~ l~J ~~~~. OApsp ' + °<;:: ~'. ~,; Ii C . ~.. ~ Y i 1 3 l.a .f) .Z•ii:: ~~, ,~'s'"4~ ~ 1°~~~~'P ~'€M'~~'1~~~q ~~~~ ~~ ~~a P~~"4~ ~~ ~~ ~' ed x~.th he 0 ~. , ~'~',+,: ~; ~~ ~~'}fly Pf ~AR~'~~• F~.o}~ida, V }R~ t7.~c~esp{e11~}r The Ft~'A ~}Ap~' ~p bhp ~Igreefierit~ a ° ~~~R~ ~bA~a~A~.ona {,~{~~4~ a' i s; ' ~- s r i K" Y4 Mqe~• A ~4,~orixy off' ~ ° 4 ~1 ry f F ° ~,_ T ~1~~- +1 ~ 11d O}+ ~ P A , st ~ , or9 t pr ,t~ ` ~~.~. 'T 1 k i I ~I