1968-348 Agreement with PBC Re Membership in PBC Library System RESOLUTION N0. 348-68 A RESOLUTION OF 1'HE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 1'LORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING T}{E MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN T}IA1' CERTAIN AGREEMENT WITH PALM BEAC}{ COUNTY REGARDING MEMBERSHIP IN THF, PALM BEACH COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM, PROCURING A SUM EQUAL TO 15% OF MONF,YS SP};NT ON 1'HE LIBRARY TO BE PAID TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTI{ PALM BEACH PROM PALM REAC}I COUNTY IN RETURN FOR OPENING THE MUNICIPAL LIBRARY TO ALL ML'P1BL:RS 0]? THE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM UNDER THE SAME TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS T}IEY ARF. OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. BE IT RF,SOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BF,AC}[, I'LORIllA: Section 1.. The Mayor and the Village Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to sign that certain contract between the Village of North Palm Beach and the County of Palm Beach concerning County Library service, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit A, and by reference made a part hereof. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Village Seal thereto. Section 3. A copy of this Resolution together with the executed contract shall be sent forthwith to County Administrator Jack lleari. PASSED ANll AIlOP1'F.D THIS 14 DAY OF MAY, 1968. /s/ Thomas F. Lewis MAYOR AT1'F.SI': /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk V A G R F. E M E N T THIS AGREEb7ENT, entered into this 10th day of ~Ia}' , 19 68 between the Visage of North Palm 33cach Florida, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of lorida, whose post office address 1s c/o City Hall, No. Falm Reach , Florida, hereinafter designated as City, and~Fie County of Palm Seach, a political subdivision in the State of Florida, whose post office address is Palm Beach County Courthouse, West Palm Beach, Florida, Y~ereinafter designated as County; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has a public library located in Palm Beach County, Florida, and WHEREAS; the County desires to provide free library service to the residents of the County described in Paragraph 1 hereof; NOW, THF.RF.FORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1, For a period. of one year commencing October 1, 19 6~, the City shall provide free library service attd free use of its library facilities to :, 'i. (a) all residents of the County residing outside. the corporate limits of a municipality, and (b) alI residents of the County residing within the corporate limits of a municipality which does not use ad valorem tax money for library purposes, and (c) all residents of the County residing within the corporate limits of any municipality in the County which currently uses ad valorem taxes for library purposes but which elects to discontinue such municipal taxes and to have its residents taxed by the County for County library service, and (d) all residents of the County residing' within the corporate limits of any municipality in the County which does use ad valorem taxes for library purposes and which has entered into an agreement with the ~~ County in form and substance as set forth herein, in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations applying to the residents of the City. During the period of this contract, , the City shall keep its library open for a minimum of thirty hours per week. During said period, the City shall appropriate and spend from the City budget a minimum sum equal to One Dollar per person for all persons residing within the limits of the City or shall appropriate and spend a minimum sum equal to .25 mills tax on the taxable value of the property in the City as determined by the City Tax Roll, whichever sum is less. v ~. ~ .. .. 2, The books and materials of the City shall remain the property of the City which shall have complete authority in operating its library subject only to the free use of its facilities as set forth herein. 3, The County shall pay to the City hereunder an amount ' eq~ial to 15~ of the actual money expended by the City for library purposes during the City's previous fiscal year. As used herein, the phrase "actual money expended by the City for library purposes" shall not include any moneys paid to the City by the County or any moneys received by the City as a federal or state grant. The phrase shall include all funds spent for library purposes, except expends- tures for capital improvements. The term "capital improvements" shall include such items as office machines and typewriters but shall not e$clude such items as books, periodicals, phonograph records, and art works. Repairs to capital equipment or buildings shall not be regarded as an expenditure for capital improvements unless the item would be capitalized for accounting purposes under proper and standard accounting procedures. Where the maintenance of the library. building and grounds, insurance, utilities, Social Security, and such items are combined with other City expenses, a proper prorated amount of such expenses shall be allocated as money spent for library purposes. Any question as to whether an item should be regarded as within the meaning of the phrase "actual money expended by the City for library purposes" shall be decided by the County Comptroller, whose determination shall be binding upon both the County and the City. 4. The amount to be paid by the County to the City hereunder shall be paid in equal quarterly installments, the first installment to be paid on or about January 1, 1969, upon the basis of a financial. report to be furnished by the City, containing the customary C.P.A. ..certificate, setting forth "the actual money expended by the City for library purposes" during the City's previous fiscal year as c-~, defined above. 5. All moneys paid by the County to the City hereunder shall - be used by the City solely for the City`s library. 6. At the request of the City, the County may purchase library materials for the City. Reimbursement by the City shall be made to the County upon presentation of documents confirming the actual cost, The library materials so purchased shall be the property of the City. 7. No provision of this Agreement shall prevent the acceptance of any, other funds by the City or the County for the .further development pf library services within .the County of Palm Beach, Florida. ~. ATTESTp7 ', , City erk . ATTEST: ~ JOHTd B ~iJNKLE, Cler /' ~ ; .~~ BY~.-~cc-..~ ~l ~a7a_ir~~1~ ,aputY lerc Rf the ircuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida r - , FLORIDA By / -~~ ,~ ayor 2 - 'r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORID ay c' hasr2Zman