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1967-330 Contract with Hunnicutt & Associates Inc. for appraisal services for 1968 tax roll
RESOLUTION N0. 330-67 i A RESOLUTION OP THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE V:LLLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH HUNNICUTT & ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED, FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE 1968 VILLAGE TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDAc Section 1. The Mayor and the Village Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized to enter into a. contra.et with Hunnicutt & Associates, Incorporated, -- for appraisal services for the ]''_968 Tax Assessment Roll for the Village of North Palm Beach, as per the Agreement a,tta.ched hereto and by reference made a. part hereof. Section 2. The Village Clerk is authorized to affix the Vi1la.ge Seal to said Agreement. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12 DAY OF DECEMBER, 1967, /s/ Thomas F. Lewis Mayor n ATTEST: /s/ Dolores R. Walker Village Clerk w w _ r __. ACfl.E£hiENT TFILS AC6REEf~fENT. made and ontared into the last day and year hareinsEtor sot tarLia, by and trgtwaen the VILLAf,E 4F NOEtTH PALiv: lsEACH, st municipal corporatiast ai the Caunty of Palnx Boach cad the Stator of Floridss, horainatter roierred to se the "CITY." and Ht3NNIGUTT APil7 i.~5f?CIAT1i.3, ~CrJltFORATriD, a Florida sarpazation with ai£ices laaatad at St. Petarsbnr~, IF'larida: h~ereinaiter referred to as tlza "Ct}R,POitA.TICN." ~•ITrr~ssrx~l: That iar and in cemsideratian ai s>~utuai pranaises and a~reaanents hera#n captained, the CITY hirer, ompiays. and eautracxs with the COitPQRATIDN to porfas~sa5 certain appraisal work to maintain real property appraisals for the nee. iniarmatioa. and guidance of the Tax Asaanaar; and the COR.POIiATIOl+1 hereby accepts said hiring and esx-ployr~ec~t a-sxd eosttraets with tho CITY, ali upaxr the fallawin~ terms and canditiaaa hereby aytreed open, ti-'avit: sic rwzr I ~c~~tx TsJ >~~ nolv-~ ~x Tlyik: CORPOtt,ATIC:71Y i4 ith the oxesptioa of the keeping at certain records and the pmriorxnance of cmrtafss work by the CITY as hareinaitar amt Earth, the COILI'C3RATLUN shall appraise certain praparty and maintain thm CYTY'8 agprairai systesax bX perform- ing the work as horeinaitar stipulated. A. 3.ASi17 VAI.,iTE3s The iallawixx~ work shall ba periarmed by the CORP{7RATIANi ic- cannactioa with malataininY land apgraisalss Ir appraise all new aubdivisiau~s which may have been racarded betwamn January 1, 19b7, and January 1, 1968. 1. Recalcalxte the land ralua of any and all gaurcela'rltase prapexty amnership iswundarimm wore altered during the year 19b7. ~ ~~ _ - ,;, ~ _ B. I1~RS~YEkf~2~tr VALU::3z , Tha COill'C?fE.A.TI4'Td shall parfarm the failaw#aY work la Iowa«ct#an with maintainin8 the appraisals od #rnprov«mtnttz 1. lnspact, appraiaa. aad ca*r_plete progarty retard cards on all new fdrzildingt which are to appear ®n tk~e lgb8 tax ralL ~. &ztpaet. saappralte. aad correct prapcrty retard farzut far aay tad all structures ~rh#ch have had tnbstaat#al alteratianr. additiant, ez rrpsirt made durinyY the year 1467. C. COi+~'L.lINT3: Aay and all valuation ¢oznplaiatr involein; appraitair made by the Ct]8.- #~C]BATYON and rata#vad by the C4RPC?RA'Y'IO1d prior to or durirxq the l9bti ward of „:qualiaation raeatlug shall he carefully rtviavred andlar rechecked by the COR.f'Ga.ATLC',,N. 1). ~'£IL7.~LIZATION BOARD: A repratantative ed the COR.PC~I{.ATIGN rhall be rresant at the 1968 E'pualisation Beard zreetiag far a ptziad not to excred tavo {~} days, to aid anal artirt thr Board is the support and dafanre of any apprairals azade by the CORPCiRATIGN. SL. 13E,1~'EN3Es The CO~.POii..ATiGN a8raar to fuIIy coaperata with aad attiat the CITY and ita attarnayt fa the defense ox any and ail ruftr at law or in equity aritin8 aut of or satultin8 iraxn any appraisal made by the Ct7RPORATIOIti aad, at the request of the CZTY. thaIl attend nay and all trials or hearings involving rlarst#ant cxf raid apprairalt, supply azcpert taatiznoay. and fur- ait#z tubttantiating evidence end data. All count carts, attaraeyr' teen, aad normal CC1RI~URATIDi3'9 appraisal feet incidental to such trialr or hear#ngs are to ba barns b'y the CITY. -y- ~+ .6 . !.nAV LV.~' JTJI.\Ji "C'he ~rork to ha paxfor:tsed by the CtfRPfJRA.TI02Q wader thfs rgresmant excludes nay xr~ap make-np work, appraisrl of personal property, e~eznirt pxoparties, or public utilities upon echich vrlurtipns rre returned by the ~tata of A'loridr: S~CTTCJiiv II ....r.. iYQItIC 'I'C} HY~ i?G3Ng P1Y Tli~: CITY Ths CITY shall $e responsible for the determinatfon +af any and rll prapertios eshfch shad be appraised, reapprrissd, ar with rexard thereto, nay record at the apprrisai rystsm which should be changed and shall procure and aaaaintain certain records and foes rnd perform rsrtria work aM hcreinaft+sr stipulated. A. g.k:AY. E3T.A.TE TkAI'iSACTIOSI P'ILtws The CITY shall mrintain r file of each sad every real estate traasactfrsx pertaining to property within the CITX and occurring between January 1, 1967, and January 1, 1968. A. AP?iLALSRL COIJTR.OL FILE: The CITY, for Mach and ail bniidinys which ware erected, rr+onred, rased, or shared in any xaamxer betareen January i, 29b7, and Jeusurry 1, 1968, shah obtain a iniil33aya permit and shall roach said permit ar appraieai centroi crzd to the proper property record card. C. REC©RDED PLATSz The CITY slush furnish to the Ct?APC)B,+tiTION pea (i) copy of all sub- divfafaa plate within the CITY which were recordod betwrea January #, 1417. end January i, 1948. The CITY, for each and rll cornplrints rscrived saeacarn#ag rpprrfarls made by the CCtRPL~itATIOP,}, shall ifil out : complaint tore. -j- ti ~ - ~. TALC ItALI.: Iu addition to the pracuxement and keeglzig of the shove stated records. the GITY sha11 keep all asampt filer. do ail nark in coaanectlou with writ- iayt the Lax roll, and the es~mpaLatian sand billing of taxes. SILGTICJNf III GENF~.Fi,t-I. ..». A. CONTRfiCT F,itICEa The GITY agrees w pay the Cp~Ott~aT1~N at its office: PTa. 433 I~ousth Street, North. St. Petarebarg. lp`larid:a, for their rarvises ender thin ay~reeenenR. ali direct costs and a=pense• incurred by the GtJRPtlFCA.TIAPT piur twenty {20~ gercent ar iadirest a:aatr {averhaad sad aelaninirtrative expanses}. plus twcaty (2Elg'ia) percarat as profit to be carngutad an tAe sum of the direct and indiresE wets„ with it miaicnam fatal price of TWC3 TIiO!Ua:~MD ffiE1I~lJ Y~I'tTNDc1.D {~2, 700) DOL,C~~R.s sad a rrxaxiraum price c+t THiiET T'X~iOUaAIID THEi.E.E HUNi~tl.ED {~3. 300} J7a]LL. ~. *~AY~vil"sNT3 TC7 THs. GOA.PbR~TIt?N JI3Y 'THE CITY The GITY agrees to crake monthly paytneats to the GK1FtIAC3aZA?It3PY upon receipt of a •tatemenE covering work casnpleted during the billing perin& ~ is andezslood the total rum ad ruck ~naathly payments for the work party farmed wades thin agreement shall not exceed the euzu of 1`IiR,T.E Tlii~tT~s.Nl3 TIi~.EE HiTN.DktEIY {~3, 300} i'lOLLriFt:~n except as hereia art forth wader n~sants~. G. `-WHEN TFiE GOR.PORATIGNT'a tit'4RK 9it.47,~I~- ptE Cbiv~~LETED: It is uadarstood and agreed that the work to ba performed by the G{7s~.- FK}8.<4`TICN uzdaz thir contzact shall ihs deemed and snnsidared caxn» plate span acceptance of the 19b1! tax tell by the GITY,t provided, bow ever, that all aark bas been aaznpletad by the COZI~ORATIOIV is accardanse with the pravisians of this contrast; and in any event, if safd work is coznpietsd -4- r' caused thin c+~atract to hs executad lay its duly authorised a#ficiair sad its cor- vy the Ct7RPC7RA'r2~1N ttt acc+rrdaace ririth the provisions of thin eers- tract prior to the acceptancr a# the 19i~il3 YII.LAI"s3C Op' PIOBt.T}l P`RE.M xiL"AGH ta~c rail by the Y11Isgs Council a# the YILLAG~ tll~` NCIRTH PALM ?~43~ACI3w the adbpkian ai the resoiutian acergtin~ raid teat roll #or the taYatrie year 1968 shall be ces-elusively grearurnerd to be thr coxr-- plstian date of this eantraet. IH WI"L'N~ESS'~V`Ii~Fi)Cp>p', tlxe YII.I.~AGR; (}Y+` y+Ff3YL2I3 PALM 262a1CI^I hat pars a real is be a#ftxsdw attested tci by its Y11L~e Clerk, thin ,~~„ w3ay s# ~c.2~~ 1967. '~'I'1'DT1G5t ~~~ ~~ ~~ Ar to CITY wr tb aaara>~,Axlax w~~x>lAs~r.r~n xt~: VtLI,,AQ~ Call' AIOItTH PALM 14l~AGHw Y ~ ~ ~dayar $~'TESt i} 2Ck Yilla~e Cl•rk ~l 'W,Y'TNE5S lV1iER,EC3F. Lhe C;C31~L]?OltATIt72Q hse oansed thir cantract #a be rlYtted in its n+szzar h! its President a».d itt~ic-,ar-ga~ rats seal to be attitiued, attested to by its decretary, thin ~ ~~~day eS ~ ~ ~~ ~ :, 1967. 'WI1"N>%.+3.41£8: Ii1UNNIC:i3TT & A9S >CIATl~9, INC. ,__ _---- ~~~17.J L ~ Fret ent ~1 L v,,,,.,_, ..:.~... i ~ M