1967-329 Contract with Nozzle Nolen for vermin control in Village RESOLUTION N0. 329-67 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH NOZZLE NOLEN, INC, FOR VERMIN CONTROL IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH-PALM BEACH. ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Mayor and Village Clerk be, a.nd they a.re hereby, author- ized to enter into an agreement with NOZZLE NOLEN, INC, for control of vermin and • other pests in The Village of North Palm Beach, a.ecording to the contra.et a.tta.ched hereto, marked Exhibit 1, and by reference made a part hereof, and the terms of which a.re hereby incorpora ed in this Resolution. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to _ affix the Village Seal to said contra.et, PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1967. u /s/ Thomas F. Lewis Mayor ATTEST: /s/ T)olores R. Walker Village Clerk r -: .. - _ 'i ��-:� 4 :..:XJF•` "i':G�- t 'iF` lac lir.`f - •'. a n� . .. • r.:. - _'. - '_ - _ -... - ___ __ .. r s }} �{ -r1' •M M. .SC�' _ _ •n_N P.d,L-n' +' A G R THIS AGRMWM made thin 28th day of November, 1967, by and between NOZZLE NOLEN rNC. , a Florida eo rporation,_ hereafter referred to ar- '"Nozzle N'olen', and THE VILLAGE OF XOHTii PALM REACH, a munleipal cPrparaClnii orkanized and existing under the lase of the State of Florid#, hereafter referred to as "the Village', _ WITxESS3F,.kl: The parties to this Agreement, in consideration of '._ the payments, agreements and provisions herein ccxstainted, hereby f agree as rollowsa 1. Nozzle Nolen will raider complete rodent control to the Village for-the sum of ONE R-UADRID TwENTy yIVE (#125.00) - - - - -' =ARS per month beginning November-29, 196T to November 1_. 1968. - 2. For the services to be performed, the Village < - agrees to pay NOZZle Nolen the Bum of $a25t00 per month during the to of thie Agreement. 3. Nozzle Nolen agrees_ to place_ 225 bait_-stations .- throughout the entire corporate I•imite of the Vil1s to deter- 7 ne where any rodent infestation currently exists. Upon eterminina the area of rodent infestation, Nozzle Soleis agree�e to eo 'locate its bait stations so 6@ to waet effectively control d exterminate all rodents throughout the tillage. Exit tatlOi2tS will be located on public property, on _vacant Tote and v: on all private property where Nozzle Nolen ie requested to place v the same upon direct req-ueet of the property owner. � .. Nozzle Nolen agreeA to answer sl7,^ca11e ,.;rota . ` illage -residents regarding rodents, to explain the rodent control f . f Y ' -' y+ ` , ` 5. Nozxie ~[c)len agraea to use a rocXentiei~e In their ' bait etatione to be aP the anti-~oaguiant 1`amilyr xhich N"azale Galen xarranta ie safe for use is ~ popta7.ated area. ~oa5cis .:. ,. Bolen xarranta that Much rodentletdee are mat harnttul to~uman - beinger or to dam~eptic anima7.Q and Y'nrther evarrarita that there ie- no chance of eecondery paisoning to dostteatic ~euii~aaia:xho might - - .; came is contact With dead. roden~~~ a2~o' have d2e+d as s- reeu7.t of , ..: .> eating the roderrt3 cide. _ - - 6. ~tazzle I7calen farther xarrant~ that it has and x111 . .. _ ,_. maintain ciuriz~ the terms of this Agreement 7.i.ability -].neurance3 . S.ai the sum oS ~3~,t?D0.(~ per pex'SOn and ~t?~.tX)Q OC per injury ~~ tar any peri~bns xho may be Sn,~ured as 8 a^eru].t of the use ~ofy then ~~ bail stations ae ett forth above. A copy of the insurance poiicy '. crr a rider executed by the ineurariCe aa~upany ehali be ode ~," ~': ~ av6tilable to the Village ae a ~a~t of thi.~ Agreexient. . . „_ . ~ . , . 7. lirazle l~nlen fuirther agrees to-cheek aYl bait ' ^ _':.>' i 5 - - _ _ stations monthly and to make periodic re~orte to the 93.llage .. - ys~. Cauncii concerning the effectiveneaa ~f their rodent control ..' ~~..' ~' A -- -_ -- _ _ program. ,..,, ~. ~'ozzle Nolen a~greea to hold harmless the 9i7~7.age ; q.. Pram any liabl.iity ar re8ponsi1~11ty ar~ieir~ out of ~nfury, `: .' . _ -. ... nY ge - c~xes~3c animal' disease, sickness or death to a .. rs as or d ~ >~ _:.... , , a :~.-~ ,.... _.. s : :. .. _ ._ _ q _ .. - ~: ~ _