1967-297 Authorizing Mayor to Designate Mason Le Blanc as Humane Society Representative~ ~ RESOLUTION N0, 247-67 = _ i~ i~ 1 i~ i~ i~ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO DESIGNATE MASON LEBLANC AS HUMANE SOCIETY REPRESENTATIVE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER g2S.03, FLORIDA STATIITES, # ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1, The Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign that certain authorization letter appointing Mason LeBlanc as Humane Society Representative under -- Chapter g2g,03, Florida Statutes, for the Village of North Palm Beach, copy of which letter - is attached hereto marked Exhibit A and by reference made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1967. MAYOR (SEAL) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK /ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE OF THE-PALM BEACHES, INC. 1 N C O R P O R ATE D 1 9 2 5 2401 NORTH TAMARIND AVENUE __-_ WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33407 TELERHONE $32-5$26 SHELTER LOCATION: N. TAMARIND ArvD TWENTY-THIRD STREET January 13, 1967 Honorable Thomas F. Lewis Mayor of the City N. Palm Beach North Palm Beaah Florida- - Rea Appointment of agent of Animal Rescue League of the Palm Beaches Inc „ for the purpose of prosecuting and arresting persona guilty of acts of cruelty to animal a. Dear Digyor Lewias Pursuant to Chapter 8.03, Florida Statutes, the Animal Rescue League of the Palm Beaches,L'ac., an association organized under the laws of the State of Florida for prevention of cruelty to animals, has appointed Mason J. LeBlanc as its agent for the purpose of prosecuting any per eon guilty of any act of cruelty to animals within the State oP Florida who msy arrest without warrant any per eon found violating any of the provisions of Chapter 8~. Florida Atatutea, or any law of the State of Florida for the purpose of protecting animals or preventing any act of cruelty thereto. In accordance with Chapter 8.03, Florida Statutes , we would appreciate your approving the appointment of Mr. LeBlanc as the agent of the Animals fteecue League of the Palm Beaches Inc.. in the City of North Palm Beach and retaining a record oP such appointment-for City files. "VJE SPEAK FOR THOSE THAT CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES" - - - -- ~~ ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE OF THE PALM BEACHES, INC. I N C O R P O R A T E D 1 B E 2407 NORTH TAMARIND AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33407. ~"~ ~" TELEPHONEQQ632--!5826 - C44 SHELTER LOCATION: N, TAMARIND ArvD TW ENTY~THIRD STREET Page 2 I£ you have aa~y questions concerning this, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us, i£ not we would appreciate your aignibg the bottom oP this letter and returning aribbon copy thereof to this office. Yours very truly ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE OF TEFL -PALMN BEACHES, INC. .//' ~ ~ :- ((Vi~.ginia Hirachberger 'President I, Thomas F. Lewis,Mgyor o£ City o£ N. Palm Beach F~.orida, hereby approve the appointment of Mason LeBlanc sa the agent o£ the Animal Rescue League of the Palm Beaches, Inc., pursuant to Chapter 8~. Florida Statutes, or any other law o£ the State o£ Florida for the purpose o£ protecting animales and preventing any act o£ cruelty thereto. i ~~ / /,~''' jjj~ ~ - :a~~ ~ '-_ Thomas .Lewis Mayor of the City of N. Palm Beach, Florida "WE SPEAK FOR THOSE THAT CANN07 SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES"