NPB Elementary School Groundbreaking 2February 19, 1958
North Palm Beach Elementary School Groundbreaking
The principals of North Palm Beach Properties, H.A. Ross,
Richard E. Ross, John A. Schwencke, and Jay N. White
donated 10 acres for the school. The building cost $285,000.
Left to Right:
Elizabeth S. Hand, Board of Public Instruction;
Edgar S. Wortman, Board of Public Instruction Architect;
Howell L. Watkins, Superintendent of Schools (with shovel);
Alan J. Hunter, Contractor (behind Watkins);
Richard E. Ross, NPB Mayor;
Jay H. White, NPB Vice-Mayor;
H.A. Ross, NPB Councilman;
John H. Schwencke, NPB Councilman;
Charles A. Cunningham, NPB Councilman