1967-291 Authorizing Mayor and Village Clerk to Enter into a Contract with Hunnicutt & Associates for Appraisal Services for 1967 Tax Assessment RollF ~ RESOLUTION N0. 291-67 i Jy A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, h*ORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AIITHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH HUNNICUTT & ASSOCIATES FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES FOR THE 1967 TAX ASSESSMEN'.C ROLL. ~ ~ # ~ ~ ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Mayor and the Village Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized to enter into a contract with Hunnicutt & Associates, Inc. £or tax appraisal services for the 1967 tax assessment roll, as per the contract attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof . Section 2. The Village Clerk is authorized to affix the Village Seal to said contract. P.9SSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1967. MAYOR (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK -,. , . ~~~,. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the last day and year hereinafter set forth, by and between the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a municipal corporation of the County of Palm Beach and the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," and HUNNICUTT AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED, a Florida corporation with offices located at St. Petersburg, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "CORPORATION." W YTNESSETH: That for and in consideration of mutual promises and agreements herein contained, the CITY hires, employs, and contracts with the CORPORATION to perform certain appraisal work to maintain. real property appraisals for the use, information, and guidance of the Tax Assessor in preparing the tax roll for the year 1967, as provided by law for municipal taxation; and the CORPORATION hereby accepts said hiring and Pmployment and contracts with the CITY all upon the following terms and conditions hereby agreed upon, to wit: SECTION I 91fORK TO BE DONE BY THE CORPORATION With the exception of the keeping of certain records and the performance of certain work by the CITY as hereinafter set forth, the CORPORATION shall appraise certain property and maintain the CITY'S appraisal system by perform- lag the work as hereinafter stipulated. A. LAND VALUES• The following work shall be performed by the CORPORATION is connection with maintaining lead appraisals: 1. Appraise all new subdivisions which may have been recorded between January 1, 1966, and January 1, 1967. Z. Recalculate the Land value of any and all parcels whose property ownership boundaries were altered during the year 1956. i ~ y B. IMPROVEMENT VALUES: The CORPORATION shall perform the following work in connection with maintaining the appraisals of improvements: 1. Inspect, appraise, and complete property record cards on all new buildings which are to appear on the 1967 tax roll. 2. Inspect, reappraise, and correct property record forms for any sad all structures which have had substantial alterations, additions, or repairs made during the year 1966. C. COMPLAINTS• Any sad all valuation complaints involving appraisals made by the COR- PORATYON and received by the CORPORATION prior to or during ties 1967 Board of Equalization meeting shall be carefully reviewed and/or rechecked by the CORPORATION. D. EQUALIZATION BOARD: A representative of the CORPORATION shall be present at the 1967 Equalization Board meeting for a period not to exceed two (2) days, to aid and assist the Board in the support and defense of any appraisals made by the CORPORATION. E.' DEFENSE: The CORPORATION agrees to fully coaperate with and assist the CITY and its attorneys in the defense of any and all suits at law or in equity arising out of or resulting from any appraisal made by the CORPORATION and, at the request of the CITY, shall attend say and all trials or hearings involving questions of said appraisals, supply expert testimony, sad furnish substantiating evidence and data. All court costs, attorneys fees, and normal CORPORATIONS appraisal fees incidental to such trials or hear- ings are to be borne by the CITY. - 2 - -. ., i F.e EXCLU8ION8: The work to be performed by the CORPORATION under this agreement excludes any map make-up work, appraisal of personal property, exempt properties, or public utilities upon which iraluatione are returned by the State of Florida, SECTION II 'PORK TO BE DONE BY TI3E CITY The CITY shall be responsible for the determination of any and all properties which shall be appraised, reappraised, or with regard thereto, say record of the appraisal system which shoulii be changed and shall procure and maintain certain records and flies and perform certain work as hereinafter stipulated. A.~ REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION FILE: The CITY shall maintain a file of each ,and every real estate transaction pertaining to property within the CITY and occurring between January 1, 1966, and January 1, 1967. B. APPRAISAL CONTROL FILE: The CYTY, for each and all buildings which were erected, moved, razed, or altered in any manner between January 1, 1966, and January 1, 1967, shall obtain a building permit and shall attach said permit or appraisal control card to the proper property record card. C. RECORDED PLATS: The CITY shall furnish to the CORPORATION one {1) copy of all sub- division plats within the CITY which were recorded between January 1, 1966, and January 1, 1967. D.<' COMPLAINTS: s The CITY, for each and all complaints received concerning appraisals made by the CORPORATION, shall fill out a complaint form. ~~ -3 - ~- ~~ .,-:...~.iaL~ K I '~ 1 E1~ TAX ROLL• Ia addition to the procurement and keeping of the above stated records, • the CITY shall keep ail exempt files, do all work in connection with writing the tarroll, and the computation sad billing of taxes. SECTION III GENERAL A.~ CONTRACT PRICE: The CITY agrees to pay the CORPORATION at its office, No. 433 Fourth Street, North, St. Petersburg, Florida,, for their services under Chia agreement, all direct costa and expenses incurred by the CORPORATION glue twenty {ZO%) percent as indirect costa {overhead and administrative expenses), plus twenty {20%) percent as profit to be computed on t7ne sum of the direct and indirect costs, with a minimum total price of TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED ($Z, 700) DOLLARS and a maY++~+um price of TYBR.EE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED (~3. 300) DOLLARS. $ PAYMENTS TO THE CORPORATION BY THE CITY: The CITY agrees to make monthly payments to the CORPORATION upon receipt of a statement covering work completed during the billing geriod. It is understood the total sum of such monthly payments for the work per- formed under this agreement shall not exceed the sum of THREE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED ($3, 300) DOLLARS, except as herein set forth under r~~ fr DEFENSE. C.'. WHEN THE CORPORATION'S WORK SHALL BE COiuIPLETED: It is understood and agreed that the work to be performed by the COR- PORATION under this contract shall be deemed and considered com- plete upon acceptance of the 1967 tax roll by the CITY; provided, how- ever, that all work has been completed by the CORPORATION in accor- dance with the provisions of this contract; sad is any event, if said work is completed by the CORPORATION in accordance with the provisions of thi.a contract prior to the acceptance of the i967 VILLAGE OF NORTH _ , 'r .. 4 i : '' ,;~ _ - 4 , ,, - r F PALM BEACH tax soli by the Village Council of the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, the adoptiaa of the resolution accepting said tax roll fos the taxable year 19b7 shall be conclusively presumed to be the completioa date of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH has caused this contract to be executed by its duly authorized officials and its cor- porate seal to be affixed, _J~~t/ , attested to by its Village Clerk, this ~ day of 1967. 1ITNESSES: As to CITY VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. FLORID ~ r By Mayor ATT~STED TO: By Yil a Clerk IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the CORPORATION has caused this contract ~~ s !" to be signed in its name by its President and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested to by its Secretary, this ._ ~ ~ day o£ ~~_.«{,~ « ,«, 196?. WITNESSES: i.l~ Sze..,, ~~ :...+_Ct -- `I (i~/ As ORPORATION -5- HVNNYCUTT & ASSOCIATES, IN , ,~ Pre i eat v' ATTESTED TO: - -, Secretary