1967-289 Requesting Legislative Delegation from Palm Beach County to the FL Legislature to Submit and Seek Passage of a Special Act for North Palm BeachRESOLUTION N0. 284-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE LEGISLATIVE DELEGATIOid FROM FALM BEACH COUNTY TO THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO SUBMIT AND SEEK THE PASSAGE OF A SPECIAL ACT FOR NORTH PALM BEACH, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED -_ HERETO MARKED EXHIBIT "A" AND BY REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF, ~ # # # # # # # BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Legislative Delegation from Palm Beach County to the Florida Legislature is hereby requested to submit and seek the passage of a special act for North Palm Beach, a copy of which act is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A11 and by reference made a part hereoF. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 2GTH DAY OF JANUARY, 197 __- MAYOR (SEAL ) -- ATTEST: Village Clerk 1 BILL _ .p '~'~> t?E E.NT'ITLED AN ACT AI+ISNDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 31481, %ASVS OF FLORIDA, EX _SESS . 1956 , BEI?vG THE C;tiAR~i'ER OF THE VILLAGE 'OF t70RTI3 PALdi BEACH, FLORIDA, BY (1) ADDING A NEW ARTICLE THERETO PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, AC4U35ITiON, Th1FROVEMEN'T, EXTENSTON AND OPERATION OF WATER SYSTEMS, SEWER SYSTEMS, GAS SYSTEMS, ELECTRIC SYSTEDLS, PUBLIC PARKIi~'G SYSTEMS RND THE ISSUANCE i1~ REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE THE COST OF SUCH :.=Y51'EMS AND OTHER RE'v'EI~nJE PRODUCING UNDERTAXINGS; P~~<IVJD7NG 1'OR THE ISSUANCE OF EFCSSE TAX BON AS YAXABLF, FROM UTILITIES SEPVICES TAXES, CIGARETTE 7`A;~S, FRANCHISE TAXES, OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE OR OTHER EXCISE TAXES ; PROVIDING FOR TIC ~1'A~5 , ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT' BOND: PAYABLE FROM THE i^KOCEEDS OF SPECIAL AvSY.SSMI:NTS LEVIED AGAINST BENEFITED LANDS AIdD PEAL ESTATE; PROVIDING FOR __ '~'tSF PLEDGE OF ADDITIONAL SECURITY FOR SAID REVEIeTUE BONDS, EXCISE TAX BONDS AND ASSESSMENT }5t7NDS, INCLUDING A PLEDGE OF THE FULL FAITH AND +~REDIT AND TAXING PGWrR OE' SAID VILLAGE; PROVID- ING I~OP. THE RIG}ITS, SECTRITY AND REMEDIES OF THE }i~ i),1)E£cS OF SUCH RE'~Tr?LiE I30NDS , EXCISE TAX BONDS ~)k AS ESSMENT BJIVDS AND rr^OR TIC: SALE THE?F_OF; T,Ni) (2) BY AMENDING ARTICLE V, Section, 3(11) BX FtF.MC~VING LIMITATIONS ON THE P<?VJFR OT FMZNENT ~x,7MA2N BY GRANTING THE POWER TO ACC2UIRE RND DISPOSE OF REAL AND PEkSONAL PROPERTY FOR ANY OF `T'IFF. PURPOSES OF Ti3E VILLAGE; AND PROVIDING WHEN TFi.iS FaCi SHALL TAh'I: T:T'£FCT . • A ' : THE STATE OF FLORID BE IT ENRCTED BY TIIE LEGISLATURE OT :-ecr~nn 1. That Chapter :11481, Laws o£ Florida, T~X,S7?SS. 1956, as amended, which created the Village of Ir~rt':-; Palm Beach, I'lorida, be and the same is hereby I ~~ :urtt~er amended by the addition of Article 1X thereto to -.aet as ioilows , to-wit: "nRTZCLE IX ~.,;SdANCE OP 1~'.VENUZ~ BONDS, EXCISE P,X BONDS, AND ASSESSMENT BONDS 5s~ction 1. icevenue bonds, excise tax bonds and assessment ponds cna;> be issued under the previsions of . tns article. whenever the wards "bond" or "bonds" only =ice used in this article .such words shall include the .revenue ronds, excise tax bonds and assessment bonds provided for in this article to the cull extent gnat the previsions of tli~s article are applicable to such differ- Ent types of bonds. The Vi2iuge may in its uiscretzon designate any of suer bonds as certificates instead of bonds. ;section 1. the Village shad. have power to con- =tract, acquire, repair, unprove, extend and operate --- water systems, sewer systems, ga: systems, eiectrzc . ;~vstems, public parking systems, including both off-street acid on-street public parking facilities, and to issue from time to time revenue bonds payable from the revenues derived frcxn such water systems, sewer systems, gas • s}>stems, electric systems, public parking systems or any other revenue producing underr_aicings or enterprises which the Village is authorized by this charter or any ether law to construct or acquire, thereinafter referred to as '•vevenue under"takings"}, or any combination of such systems or.other revenue unaertakings, to finance or refinance the cost or part of the cost of the acquisition, nonstructzon, reconstruction, repair, extension or improve- ment of such systems or other revenue undertakings or any- -2- "nRTZCLE IX ~.,;SdANCE OP 1~'.VENUZ~ BONDS, EXCISE P,X BONDS, AND ASSESSMENT BONDS 5s~ction 1. icevenue bonds, excise tax bonds and assessment ponds cna;> be issued under the previsions of . tns article. whenever the wards "bond" or "bonds" only =ice used in this article .such words shall include the .revenue ronds, excise tax bonds and assessment bonds provided for in this article to the cull extent gnat the previsions of tli~s article are applicable to such differ- Ent types of bonds. The Vi2iuge may in its uiscretzon designate any of suer bonds as certificates instead of bonds. ;section 1. the Village shad. have power to con- =tract, acquire, repair, unprove, extend and operate --- water systems, sewer systems, ga: systems, eiectrzc . ;~vstems, public parking systems, including both off-street acid on-street public parking facilities, and to issue from time to time revenue bonds payable from the revenues derived frcxn such water systems, sewer systems, gas • s}>stems, electric systems, public parking systems or any other revenue producing underr_aicings or enterprises which the Village is authorized by this charter or any ether law to construct or acquire, thereinafter referred to as '•vevenue under"takings"}, or any combination of such systems or.other revenue unaertakings, to finance or refinance the cost or part of the cost of the acquisition, nonstructzon, reconstruction, repair, extension or improve- ment of such systems or other revenue undertakings or any- -2- Li 1 1 + co;nbinatlon thereof, including the acquisition of any property, real or personal, or mixed, therefor or other ~:osts in connection therewa.th. Section 3. Any two ar more of such systems or other revenue undertakings ma}• be combined and consoli- dated into a single revenue undertaking, and may there- ai*_er be operated and maintained as a single revenue undertaking. ~'he revenue bonds authorized herein may be issued to finance any one or more of such revenue undertakings separately, or to finance two or more of such revenue undertakings and regardless of whether or not such revenue undertakings have been combined and consolidated into a single revenue undertaking as pro- -LZed herein. if the governing body of the Village deems .it advisable, the proceedings authorizing such revenue bonds ma,• provide that the Village may thereafter combine the revenue undertakings then being financed or theretofore financed with other revenue undertakings to be subse-- quently financed by the Village and that revenue bonds to be thereafter issued by the Village to finance such -ubsectuent revenue undertakings shall be on a parity with the revenue bonds then being issued under such terms, oondii=ions and limitations as shall be provided, and may ±,z_rther provide that the revenues to be derived from the ubsequent revenue undertakings shall at the time of the issuance of such parity revenue bonds be also pledged to the holders of any revenue bonds theretofore issued to >> finance the revenue undertakings which are later combined with such subsequent revenue usidertakincs. Section 4. The Village shall also have power to pledge as additional security fdr such revenue bonds issued under this artiele any utilities services taxes, cigarette taxes, franchise taxes, occupational license taxes, or any ocher excise taxes or other funds which the Village may -- have available to pledge to the payment of the principal of or interest on sucl-i revenue bonds, and for reserves therefor, except moneys derived from ad valorem taxes, or any two or more o£ such excise tastes or other funds. Section 5. The Village shall also have power to issue from time to time excise tax bonds payable from the z~raceeds of utilities services •taxes, cigarette taxes, franchise taxes, occupational license taxes, or any other excise taxes or other funds vl-iich the Village may have available to pledge to the payment of the principal of and interest on said excise tax bonds, except moneys derived from ad valorem taxes, t:o finance or refinance the cost or part of the cost of the construction acquisi- tion, reconstruction, extension, repair or improvement of any works, properties, improvements or other purposes, ex= cept far the payment of current expenses, which. the Village is authorized by this charter or any otYier law to construct, acquire or undertake. Section 6. 'Phe Village shall have power to issue assessment bonds to finance the cost, or part of the cost, ~. - - c a r~ ref any works or improvements which the Village is autnarxzed ksy this charter or any other law to construct, r_construct or ~.mprove and to specially assess the cost, or part of the cost, thereof against the lands and real estate specially benefited thereby, and to pledge for the payment of such assessment bonds all or any part of the special assessments levied or to be levied for such works or improvements. The proceedings authorizing the issuance o£ such assessment bonds may provide that all such special assessments levied for such works or improvements may be deposited in a special fund, which may lae pledged for the payment of such assessment bands, and for reserves tlxerefor. Thy Village may also pledge as additional security for such assessment bonds any special assessments theretofore levied for ather works or improvements. 'S'he Village shall also have power to issue assessment bonds and to pledge for the payment thereof any special assessments theretofore levied for any such works or ,improvements, regardless of whether such special assess- ii~e 33t5 have been levied for any one work or improvement, or far two or more works or improvements, and regardless of the times when such special assessments were levied for such works or improvements. mine proceedings authorizing. the issuance of such assessment bonds may provide that all such special assessments levied for-such works or improve- meats may be deposited in a special fund which may be -S- [i 1 r~ pledged for the payment of such asc~cssment bends and £or i-~aprVe$ th~rQ Lore ~votwithstanding any other provasgonas of this charter ox: of any atYcer law or laws to the contrary, the proc=ed~ inks authorizing the issuance of any such vssessment bonds may proviue that any special assessments, or any part ttsere° .,x, pledged for the payment the reoi, regardless o£ the t,lme of the levy oz such special a:asessments, may be paid ~.n s`ull, with or witr~out interest in the discretion of the °,sii.lage, wit bin a period to »e determined bl' the governing bo6y of the Village, and tlxat aster tn€: expiration of u.ch period the annual installments of such special =~sessmonts becoming due thereatter may not be paid prior io the maturity dates of 5uct3 annual instal.i.ments exoopt `_ upon payment o= all interest due or to becane due to the respective maturity dates of such annual installments, or under such terms and conditions as to prepayment of such annual installments as the governing body of the Village shall determine . The power to issue she assessment bands provided for ~n this section snail be deemed additional and supplemental authority, and shall not affect the power of the Village to issue assessment bonds or other assessment obligations ..,.der any other provisions or this charter ar under any other law. 'the Village shall also have power to pledge any special assessments as additional security for the payment °6 .at any revenue bonds or-excise tax bonds issued to finance ~.P~e works or improvements for tr;e cost, or part oL the cost, ~# wY11ch said special assessments have been or are to be leveed, under such terms and conditions as the Governing nodv of the 'dillage shall determine. • ~~ct~.3n 7. The-cost of env works, properties, ?~?iprovements or .other purposes financed oy the issuance of Aonds under this section stall include, but not be li,~nited c.~~, construction, costs, engineering, fisca3. or financial rind legai expenses, surveys, plans and specifications, ~r,t-e rest curing construction or acquisition and for oral year thcreatter initial reserve funds, discount, if any, on the sale or exchange of bonds, acquisition or real or personal property, including franchises, and such other ecsts as are necessary and incidental to the construction or act uisition o£ such works, properties, improvement or r;`°ner purposes and the financing thereof. The Village shall have power to_retain and enter into agreements with ~ngirieers, fiscal agents or financial advisers, attorneys, :.rchitects ur of her consultants or advisers for the plan- . nina, supervision and financing of such works, properties, improvements or other purposes upon such terms and _ .conditions as shall be deemed advisable to the governing }~oriy n £ the Village . Section 8. 'lhe Village shall also have power to pledge as additional security for the payment of any revenue bonds, excise tax bonds or assessment bonds its full ti i E? ..`. i-.°'. ~+tlU 4it.i 1': Uk?i< ,~(X `v~iC)I'ERi Tt~. ving pcn;t?L'r Ana LCS -.~c'.. •~+i:~ •:[. £. Li Cl, iCCVC'iil.f CJPf1C :i, :~XC1`a~ t_.iX CG ~+nos vY i15 a~1=-,~ „-::, -__ i,i„-:uS si.~ail DE' paydkile dS Li; DGCI: pr lalC~i. ~%dl ;E:IIU. -,.r x:c, ,.::se,:rti.~ 1„C: d::=iGii- Ysvc'iR *U v~iG«x=dCi Cci?:C:a ~~:. .~r+ _-. .:i i C.dxaule ,"1TCPt:r T_`y' lYl tItE.' v111a:j'~ 'til tinOi72 .i., .~_-, ,- yu,-~, .~., w~:.i.,.i~4 Lc.• 'r'f= 1:31.1 exLen't. L,1dL aL"iy - ---.~~__ __ ..::c ._axc.7 vl :; Fit ilex .ti a:: 3t:S~i:~.~L~r `-. O~ dZ~1 r1. J:<a !_i•-•di if1C(~_l 1'.; J,}1C(1C)E'CY 1. P_F'i!'f: 1'irr i3Lt'. AY:~taL114, A'=L7L Ill d. e..~ t col l na J1I1C CxL OZ i-71E ~1'LnCl.j:•~~ ~ O ann 3n1`. E.'1-2St 4n SIICP. ._ _ .. _. _ i_','''tUS . '?X%1`~s' Ld u DJL351 `a . US zE~~4':?Sftit: T'2i AOnf7E . ~nU .--.c-_ ~- __- `: r~;: rr, ~ Oa. ; ~+LVi'i i;t. cl, it•~we v~ L , thk1C the ZL:ell Z~1tn • it eJ'J i.+3 xikl'9 YiJM".i Ut Ltlt.' tlAlLGC~t. 51aif it nCt L>E t,.-~l.ycU Zi''A La=c ~iaytae Tt .. of su<;. Ya .C s'Vc Y;`le L9nOt, EY.CISD --: r,..n S ~iti a`u':~2S~itf-nL. D'JRas UY?l.e SS Lt1P_ -154llariCe OZ Lne . =_::i= ii.a ,: t«=an i1DOr OVEtl at do '. le Ct ic.+n OY: `vi^iC-" =1lldlY.Y lt'U -:±*°,_'*i",rs reslclx.n4 1n saia tlAllay,: wrlo are Zre~nGlO.ers _ _. ,-_ l-l.ti ,-l 3r]r rit:l0 In 1-11e dl<+u17=1 i.;1 ~4'i.:A£CI iY' tYle C:GASi].t Ut1C>A - :eir r.~d~i_t_G _, ':J1 Ll.e SLaLCt :).: r'J. StLid.d relat il]ET CfJ ZrL-`C1]Olt1(3r ._ f t- _ , r lc~l}F , r.^-i.wtr!,S L'=i!'1U AnQ aYiY c7C!!'.-'Y p"z VJ1S IOna C-L tk11S CPal:r~r - _-- ., r.'- _.. ;lE:t i.3W Or 1~1LJo 1-C. LIlE COLltr yry, dIOFRt2ver, n0 - ~..F=~.ii'~<, L c, Y. i_,tiC- QUal:YleU t'LC'CC'Jr`3 realcing 1L1 :idle _ t :,-r~tt~, t t" rr,~ pII:a 11I.1e17 c'.Le CL Jl'S L"£;lOS.liu :tii Sa lA Yll1.d9E _;'?.-~ «..:: ZLd:"w tin l»e YS, Or [3 n,' rC:fe re nUii3T1 Or ~1f'c_t lOn Ot anj% _. !'.!±~_t! YE•1<i l:.,.nq t0 L.nP_ 1S5?1anCG' tllei£OY, Bna 11 4JF-' r~''Cjl`a ].TCtl cne Issuance of any cz saia revenue hoiids, excise tax nclnas or assessment boncss unless the iuil aitn anti czedzt sea c ;/.~ ~s~rem taxing power of ttYe village 1s pieczged for L~ C~ 1 the payment of such revenue bonds, excise tax bonds or uY~essment bonds. v==otion 9. The provisiors of this section shall auply to any revenue bonds, excise tax bonds ar assessment bands issued under this article, Said bonds may be ~uthorl.zed by resolution or resolutions of the governing body or the Vi11a:~e, which maw be adopted at the same meeting at which they are introduced by a majority of all the mer,+.bers therecf then in office and need not be published or posted_ Said bands shall bear interest at a ?rate or rates not exceeding six per centum (G!) per annum, tnay be in one or more series, may bear such date or dates, i;iay mature~at such time or times not exceeding forty (40) ,ears from their respective dates, except that-assessment bonds shall not mature later than two years after the - maturity of the last annual installment of the special assessments pledged for the payment of such assessment bonds, may be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or places within or without the state, may carry such- registration privileges, may be subject to such terns of prior redemption, with or without premium, may be executed i.n such manner, may contain such terms, covenants and t:onditions, and may be in such form otherwise as-suer. resolution or subsequent resolutions shal3. provide. Said .bonds may be sold, or exchanged for refunding bonds, or delivered to contractors in payment for any part of the ._4~ t t e r.csrks or improvements financed by such bands, ar delivered .~ ~ xr-range for an~~ properties, either real, personal ~:r rniyed, ineludiny franchises, to be acquired for-such ~:•c~rscs or improvements, all dt une time or in blocks trap r_L,xc to time, in such mannr.r. as the governing body of 'the ,~~laae in its discrciiun shall determine, and at such price or prices, computed according to standard tables of pond values, as will yield to the purchasers, or the haLders of outstanding obligations surrendered in exchange for refunding bonds, or the contractors paid with such bonds, or the owners of any properties exchanged rot such _ bands, income at a =ate not exceeding six per centum (6~;~) [~c.r annum to the stated maturity dates of the bonds on the money paid or the principal amount .of outstanding obligations exchanged for refunding bonds; or the amount c>'E ariy indebtedness to contractors paid with such bonds, or the value of any properties exchanged Pot said bonds. pending the preparation of the definitive bonds, interim certificates or receipts or tempora ry bonds in w_,._i~ rC3lni and ws.[h such provisions as the governing ocdy :;i the Village may determine may be issued to the purchaser ar purchasers of the bonds issued hereunder. Said bonds end such interim certificates ar receipts or temporary bonds shall be fully negotiable and shall be and constitute negotiable instruments within the meaning of and for a2i purposes of the law merchant and the negotiable instruments -10- ].aw of the State of Florida. Said hands may be issued to refund any obligations ~__r~eretofore issued to finance such revenue undertakings, „corks or .improvements theretofore issued under any law ~j~' laws, or for the combined purpose of refunding such • ~;utstandinq obligations and the construction, reconstruc- Lion, extensren or improvement of such revenue undertakings, r,~>rks or improvements, or any other revenue undertakings, works or improvements. erection 10. Notwithstanding any provisions of any ~rther law or laws to *_he contrary, all revenue bonds, excise tax bonds or assessment bands issued under the provisions or this article, shall constitute 1ega1 invest- ments for savings banks, banks, trust companies, executors, ~cur.in~strators, trustees, guardians, and other fiduciaries, and for any board, body, agency or instrumentality of the State of Florida, or of any county, municipality ox other political subdivision of such state; and shall be and constitute securities which may be deposited by banks or trust c anpanies as security for deposits of state, county, ~iGUnicspal and other public funds. Section 11. A11 property of and all revenues derived from such revenue undert<~kings financed under this article shall be exempt from all taxation by the State og H~orida, or by any county, municipality or other political subdivision thereof. Revenue bonds, excise tax bonds ar assessment bonds issued pursuant to this article shall, together with the income therefrom, be exempt from all -11- } taxation by the State of Florida, or by any county, municipality, or other political subdivision thereof. Section 12. Rny resolution authorizing the issuance o£ bonds under this article may contain covenants as to: (1) The purposes to which the proceeds of said bonds may be applied, and the securing, use and disposition thereof; (2) The use and disposition of revenues derived from revenue undertakings, excise taxes, ad valorem taxes or special assessments pledged fur said boxids, and the creation and maintenance of reserve funds; (3) The pledging of all or any part of the gross a ad valorem taxes or special assessments to the payment of revenues derived from revenue undertakings, excise taxes, the principal of and interest on bonds issued pursuant to this article, and for such reserve and other funds as may be deemed necessary or desirable; (4) The fixing, establisYunent, collection and main- r ~ ~J t tenance of fees, rentals or other charges for the use and services of facilities of such revenue undertakings, and of the rates or amounts of'such excise taxes, ad valorem taxes or special assessments pledged for such bonds as will always provide funds sufficient to pay the principal o£ and interest on such bonds, and all reserves and other funds required by the terms of t'he resolution or resolu- tions authorizing the issuance of such bonds; (5) Limitations or restrictions upon the issuance of additional bonds or other obligations payable from the revenues of such revenue undertakings, such excise taxes, ad valorem taxes or special assessments, and the rights C' -12- i] and remedies of the holders of such additional bonds, ter reiundina bonds, 9.ssued thereafter, and the rank and prioi`3ty, as to lien and source and security for payment ~r~n tt?e pledged funds between bonds issued pursuant to r__bis article and bonds thereafter issued; th! 'rhe appointment of a trustee or trustees to hold and apply any funds provided for in this article and the appointment of a receiver upon default of the Village in the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds or default under the terms and covenants contained an the proceedings authorizing the issuance of the same; (°/) Such other and additional covenants as-shall i be deemed desirable or necessary for the security of the no[-dens of the bonds issued pursuant to this article. All such covenants and agreements shall constitute valid and lecrally binding contracts between the Village and the holders of any bonds issued pursuant to this article regardless of the time of issuance thereof, and ` subject to any limitations contained in the proceedings authorizing the issuance of such bonds, shall be enforce- =amble by any holder or holders of such bonds, acting either for himself or themselves alone, or acting in behalf of all other holders of such bonds, by appropriate proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction. Section 1.3. The holders of the bonds issued pursuant to this article shall have a lien upon revenues derived t.'rom revenue undertakings, excise taxes, ad valorem taxes -i~- i ., r: speczai assessments pledged therefor to the extent-and z. ttie manner provided xn the resolution authnr~zing the ~ssuarce oz such ponds, which lien shall be prior and paramount ana over and ahead of any claims or ob.ia.gations c,f anv nature against said pledged funds subsequently • =~r~.=ing or subsequently incurred, except as may rae provided in the resolution or resolutions authorizing such nc>nds . ;section 14. 1n the evont that the Pees, rentals or other charges for the services and facilities of.said revenue undertakings shall not be paid when due, the ':'iilage shall have power to discontinue and shut off the <<-vsees and facilities of sucl', revenue undertakings, u„t-.i such fees, rentals_nr other charges, including ante rest, penalties and charges for the shutting off and discontinuance or the restoration of such services and facilities are fully paid. The Village may also shut off and discontinue the services and facilities of any other revenue undertakings owned by t;~e Village for which fees, rentals or other charges are collected, for the non- payment of tr_e Lees, rentals or other chargers for .such revenue undertaking owned and operated by the Village for which such fees, rentals or other charges are delinquent, `~ ana the Village shall cccnply fully with any covenants made ~n the resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds pursuant to this article as to tine shutting off and d.~scontinuance o€ t1-~e services and facilities of said s -14- r~ i revenue undertakings for the non-payment of such fees, rentals or other charges when due. The village may also enforce payment of such cTelinquent £ees, rentals or other s~tiarges by any lawful method a£ enforcement. The Village shall also have power to require the owners or .occupants u~ all lands and real estate which abut on or can use the facilities of anv sewer systen, to connect with and use the facilities of such sewer system. Section 15. It shall. not be necessarv for the Village in proceeding under this article to obtain ar~v certi- ficate of convenience or necessity, Franchise, license, permit or other authorization from anv bureau, board, commission or other like instrumentality of the state in ~~rder to construct, acquire, or improve such revenue undertakings or to exercise any of the powers granted in this article; and the fees, rentals or other charges to be fixed and collected-for the facilities and service"s of such revenue undertakings, when constructed, acquired, or improved as provided in this article, shall not be subject to the supervisions'regulation or contzol by any bureau, board, commission or other like instrumentality of the state. Section 16. 'P"his article shall not be construed as repealing or superseding any of the provisions o£ ahy' " general laws of tl-.e state relating to municipalities, but t.o provide an alternative and complete method For the exercise of the powers granted in this article;_and the Village shall be fully authorized to exercise any powers -15 -- s n u t s t,ru;-ldc~t~ ~x, ; uun general laws uF„_.: oa-npllance only wlti^ t"r,e ~.,r iJ'J la LltiS of aUCtl yens l"~=1 1. a'NS .-°'°'--,..n .~-~. 7~ne poW:=~s conitrr~=d ny cnis art lcie ;,r,all bc: 1x, aault.lon ano suL,plemerltal to the exl.sLlnq pvw`e~s 4,~_ ckle Village, and thls artlcie sk,a11 not be construes __ ;spot-llnq a.-,y of Lne prcv~si~r.a of any ocner law, gen- rural or local, or cnart~=r pro-/15.t.vn, UuL to prnvido an :.lternatlve and canpi~:Ga nteti~oa 1~-ir the exercise vi z}le pcm~ers granr_ed In this .art leis. Such reuenlle onset*_akings l;,a~. ue oonsiruct=_a, acqulreo or uu~,roved and sucn revenues hondS, eXC1Se taX UG31d8 and ~~5~''=75Rtc nt bQndS 15SUe'd pUr- ~t~E, ~, I_ CO t`n].S aril Clc' W1L1U~Ut req~~rU LO Or nE=CeS51Ly rOr .. _ _-'-.~cp113nr,z W1L11 the llmltaLl~.n Or reStrl('tlOI1S COI1La1nEd ,_n axle ocnur cha rter provision, general= speelal or local iaw. ~nclunanq, but nor. l~r•.~lt.-:~ Lo, ~~ni- regclirement zor tale approval by the quatltied electors residing in Said ~!ilLage or qualified electors who are lreeslolders residing i,l said Village for tre exercise cf any or the powers r~rovlded in this artlc,le: e:ccept as provided in Seetlon 8 „t tk15 = article foz the piectge of the full fail t, and -rec,« and ad valorem to„ing p~w~r of the Village as c'tdcilt ].Ona1 Se CUrlty for SLiCYi reVe nUe bOt1dS, eXC1Se taX hbridS OI" <155e SSment bUridS IGSUe Ct pt1YSUant t.0 LTl].S aYL 1C1E'_" ?~e CtlOri L. SeCtlOri .j(11J pS' ArtlCle V, Chapter ,1981, Laws of F'lorira, I.'X.SY:sS. 195b, as amenciea by erection 3 oz ~hapt_er Laws of Florida, Special Acts _i5- i } ~J t .,-,~ 9E~5, be, and the same is hereby further amended to ;_~a:: as follows, to--wit_ ^mr, acquire by purchase, girt, ttevise, condemnation .>r rtnerwZSe, property, real or personal, or any estate ~r iAterest therein, within or without the Village and _ ~ __ ` ts.,`-- any of the purposes oZ the village, and to improve, y ~~rll, lease, mortgage, pledge or otherwise dispose of the ~a~ie ar any part thereon " uection 3. 1f any section, clause, sentence or provision or this act, or the application of such section, clause, sentence or provision to any persons, bodies dr circz~nstances, shall be held to be inoperative, invalid c_>r ,in constitutional, the invalidity of such section, clause, sentence or provision shall be held, deemed or taken to affect the validity or constitutionality o£ any of Che remaining parts of this act, or the_agplicatiox~ 4± any other provisions of this act to persons, bodies or circumstances other than those as to which it or and'- -_ part thereof shall have been held inoperative, invalid t,r unconstitutional. ;section 4. This set shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by t't~e Governor, or upon _r.s becoming a law without such approval. -17-