1966-285 Appointing Harold W. Beery & Associates as Agents of Record for Village of NPB RESOLUTION N0. 285-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING HAROLD W. BERRY & ASSOCIATES AS AGENTS OF RECORD AND AS ADVISORS TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACCEPT AGENT OF RECORD LETTER PROPOSED BY HAROLD W. BEERY & ASSOCIATES ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH REGARDING SOLICITING BIDS, DESIGNING, ANALYZING AND RECOMMENDING PLANS FOR LONG-TERM DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, Section 1. HAROLD W. BEERY & ASSOCIATES be, and they are hereby, appointed as Agents of Record for the Village of North Palm Beach for the purpose of soliciting bids, - designing, analyzing and recommending plans for long-term disability and retirement benefits for employees of the Village of North Palm Beach. _ Section 2. The Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to accept the Agent of Record Letter on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach regarding the soliciting of bids, designing, analyzing and recommending plans for long-term disability and retire- ment benefits for employees of the Village of North Palm Beach, as per the letter attached hereto, marked Exhibit A, and by reference made a part of this Resolution.' Section 3. The Village Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized to affix the Village Seal to said Agent of Record Letter. 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS $TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1966. MAYOR = (SEAL) ATTEST: Village Clerk _ ~: i ~: v i .TZroid k. ;3eer,~ and Associates, a };rcup o£ life and hezlth ^surance agents living i.ra ldorth Pa:v*. teach, prapasa to act as Corsultazts and :bents o£ Racord £er the 7i11:age o£ 'forth o.-tn - P.each in its negotiations frith ery and all companies ir. tFe natter e£ sclicity--,; bids, c?esigrin;, anal;;z~r~ and recaT.readi-~o pla^.s £or long-tern disability and retirc.;ent hena£i is £or Pdarth PaZ~ ?each 6'illse emnlcyees. Our associates iviil undcrtcke th?c 'pork vit?iaut consulting char6es _~ return £or the rih{; a£ plaeinw this business, ~ it is wnder- f•ritten~ wi'„h the camp3l;t or corn; anies o£ the Jilll~ie Cow^.cil~a choice. uu.~e o£ the re1rrasani;:ative !u:.~ar. comaanies ve are ccrrantly iicansed to do business :.ith ircludo uui£ Li£c-, :4etna Life, +'aaufacturers Life, ~t:rt:attan Life, Occidental L3..Fe, Co^~-unitip ,Iational Life, Travelars Li£e, and ;?2rkstrire Life. Othar-ccrtp~nies be hava p'_aced business with in the pact include ices: Yor Li Pe, ~:utuai o£ ',et: York, PrudenL'ial, Provid<xit Lifa and 'tIealth, s_nd Continental Lifo and Casuslty. Arrxn,~emonts cin he ado to represent the 'diiLa;e with virtusl3,y a.-:y compv:y nora licensed to do .'^,usinoas s+ithin the Statte o£r'lorida. kro would appreciate the opportunity to serve tiie village and Ni13. do everything posaibla to rcconnond z>.2ans and companies that bill p;rovido the desired rasults ovar a long period of time. - Councilts endorsement at the botton of t2iis letter will validat3 this agreeement. - - Uincarely yours, (z-~: ~~~j ~%¢~tsM n raE~~ of r.Fcon.~ r,,.r~~'t? H~AROL'tt W. }3EFRY & :~°:,CI,??FS iiarald Fr. Seer, Ec?ward ii. Sharp Jars:aa E, fatten .iccaptancat tca_yar, 9illaga of Nort?i Palm Scads - _, {SEaI) EXHIBIT A d t 9 e Cr.°w=--. - - - r J 0