02-2018 Country Club_as of 3-12-18The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary (Preliminary) FY 2017-2018 Revenue FY 2018 Original Budget FY 2018 Revised Budget Current YTD (Feb 2018) % of Budget Prior Year (Feb 2017) Actual 9/30/17 Greens fee/cart rentals/membership fees 1,742,611$ 1,742,611$ 1,321,213$ 75.82% 1,397,132$ 2,302,642$ Golf Shop revenues 239,500 239,500 125,225 52.29% 134,270 296,119 Driving range revenues 238,524 238,524 149,965 62.87% 151,964 303,994 Restaurant revenues - - - 0.00% 25,295 32,595 Interest revenues 10,000 10,000 2,467 24.67% 3,632 10,274 Sale of Surplus - - - 0.00% - - Appropriated Retained Earnings 425,770 425,770 - 0.00% - - Miscellaneous 6,000 6,000 10,948 182.46% 7,706 11,081 Total Revenues 2,662,405$ 2,662,405$ 1,609,818$ 60.46% 1,720,000$ 2,956,706$ Expenses Personnel Costs 581,761 581,761 308,000 52.94% 304,222 649,433 Operating Costs Golf Course Maintenance 1,149,822 1,149,822 466,295 40.55% 469,137 1,137,008 Golf Shop & Range 421,939 421,939 180,844 42.86% 203,363 418,621 Food & Beverage 16,600 16,600 30,860 185.90% 21,086 64,288 Country Club Administration 12,200 12,200 5,601 45.91% 12,536 20,109 Clubhouse & Grounds 4,886 4,886 41,715 853.76% 34,913 118,380 Insurance & General Liability 44,038 44,038 17,796 40.41% 19,779 47,469 Attorney Fees 10,000 10,000 2,301 23.01% 2,204 4,683 Capital Outlay Capital Outlay 23,000 23,000 - 0.00% - 2,416 Debt Service Debt Service 398,159 398,159 - 0.00% - 398,159 Reserves Contingency - - - - 10,407 0.00% Total Expenses 2,662,405$ 2,662,405$ 1,053,412$ 39.57% 1,067,240$ 2,870,972$ Revenues over (under) expenses -$ -$ 556,405$ 652,760$ 85,734$ # Rounds 25,044 25,044 17,713 70.73% 18,982 41,979