1966-258 Village Manager Appointment - Joe J. Eassa, Jr. i RESOLI;TTION N0. ?~8-1966 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING JOE J. EASSA, JA. AS VILLAGE 2+IANAGER OF SAID VILLAGE. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J FLORIDA: BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVEI) BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, Section 1. That JOE J. EASSA, JR. be and he is hereby appointed and designated as • ~ Village Manager in. and for the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, and he is hereby vested with all the powers and duties of said office. Section 2. As and for compen,aation for the services of the said JOE J. EASSA, JR., he is to be paid the sum o£ NINE THOUSAND TWO HIINDRED 09,200.00) DOLLARS annually, to be paid in equal monthly installments. Section 3. This appointment shall become effective March ZQ, 196b, and shall continue thereafter at tha pleasure of the Village Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd d:sy of February, 1966. MAYOR C (SEAL) ATTEST: DEPUTY VILLAGE CLERK