1966-255 Surplus Funds• RESOLUTION N0, 255-1966 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUIifCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 221 ' REGARDING THE INVESTING OF SURPLUS MUNICIPAL FUNDS BY THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO PERMIT THE INVESTMENT AND WITHDRAWAL OF SUCH FUNDS BY THE VILLAGE MAYOR WHENEVER THERE IS NO VILLAGE MANAGER EMPIAYED BY THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH. ~ ~ ~ ~ a HE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. Resolution No. 221 of the Village of North Palm Beach be, and the same is hereby, • amended in that wherever the words "Vil7.age Manager" appear in said resolution there shall be added thereafter the following words: "or i£ no Village Manager is employed by the Village of North Palm Beach, the Mayor of the Village,". Section 2. The Village Clerk i_s hereby directed to notify any banks or federal savings and loan associations affected by Resolution 222, as amended, whenever the Village of North Palm Beach does not have a Village Manager in its employ, and such statement of the Village Clerk under the Village Seal shall serve as authority to any bank or federal savings and loan association to permit the Mayor of North Palm Beach to withdraw securities or monies deposited in banks or federal savings and loan associations in accordance with Resolution 221. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of January. 1966. MAYOR (SEAL) ATTEST: ' V E CLERK u