1965-248 Mutual Fire Fighting Aid or Protections Pact with Juno BeachRESOLUTION N0. 248-1965 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE GOUIYCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE TO ENTER INTO A MUTUAL FIRE FIGHTING AID 013 PROTECTION PACT WITH THE JUNO HEACH VOLIINTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND THE JUNO FIRE DISTRICT A1VD SETTING FORTH TERMS THEREOF, ~ ~ ~ ~ F WHEREAS, the Village o£ North P:elm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, and the Juno Fire District, Palm Beach County, Florida, are adjacent areas in Palm Beach County; and WHEREAS, said areas are desirous of extending mutual fire fighting aid or protection to each other in times of emergency; and • WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit of persons and property owners in both areas to share £ire fighting facilities and equipment, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED B7C THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section. 1. Village of North Palm Beach, upon receipt of a comparable resolution by the Juno Fire District and the Juno Volunteer Fire Department, and while a comparable resolution by said parties is and remains in effect, shall render £ire £ighting assistance to any point within the Juno Fire District whenever requested to do so by the Fire Chief or Commanding officer of the Juno Fire District. This resolution shall not be repealed without first giving 10 days prior notice to the Jvno Fire District. Section 2.. The Village of North Palm Beach shall likewise seek assistance from the Fire Department and the fire equipment of the: Juno Fire District for fires within the Village of North Palm Beach whenever it is determined to be necessary by the Fire Chief or commanding officer of the North Palm Beach Fire Department. Section 3. Neither area shall charge the other for the use of its equipment or its men. Sectoon 4. All requests made by the Juno Fire District for firemen or fire-fighting equip- ment from the Village of North Palm Beach shall be answered as promptly as possible unless the Chief • or commanding officer of the Village of North Palm Beach Fire Department shall decide in his discre- tion that to grant the request would jeopardize the fire protection of the Village of North Palm Beach likewise, the Juno Fire District shall provide firemen or fire-fighting equipment upon request from the Village of North Palm Beach unless the Chief or commanding officer o£ the Juno Fire District determines that to grant the request would jeopardize the fire protection of the Juno Fire District. In the event that the fire department requested to travel to the other area refuses the reo_uest, this refusal shall immediately be made known to the requesting fire department. The request shall not be refused except for good and compelling reasons. Section 5. It is hereby expressly understood that any equipment furnished by the Village of North Palm Beach shall be operated exclusively by North Palm Beach personnel under the direction of the Juno Fire District officer-in-charge at the fire and that any equipment furnished by the • Juno Fire District shall be operated exclusively by Juno Fire District personnel under direction of the Village of North Palm Beach fire officer=in-charge. • RESOLIITION NO, 2L8-1965 Page -2- Section 6, Both the Village of North Palm Beach and the Juno Fire District shall provide Comprehensive General Liability, Group Accident & Health, or Workmen°s Compensation insurance ' coverage on their equipment and personnel to the extent that such equipment and personnel will be covered whil acting beyond the boundari~ss of the respective municipalities. Section 7. The equipment and men shall be dispatched as follows: (a} In the event of any fire iaithin the Village of North Palm Beach, the North Palm Beach Fire Chief or the fireman in command of that fire shall telephone or radio the Juno Fire District and request equipment and men from the Juno Fire District i£ and when he shall determine that it is necessary to have this equipment and men of the Juno Fire District to put out the £ire. The direction and control of all £ire-Fighting facilities at all fires within the Village of North Palm Beach shall be under the supervision of the North Palm Beach Fire Chief or other officer in charge at the fire except that if the Juno Fire District fire equipment arrives at the scene prior to the equipment of the Village of North Palm Beach, the ranking officer of the Juno Fire District shall have control until the Village of North Palm Beach equipment arrives at the scene. (b) In the event that the first notice of afire within the Village of North Palm Beach is received at the Juno Fire District, the Juno Fire District shall immediately notify the Village of North Palm Beach Fire Department or Police Department of the fire; and if it is deemed expedient, the Juno Fire District may dispatch its men and equipment to the fire without being requested by the Village of North Palm Beach, and noi;ice of the dispatching of equipment shall. be given to the Village of North Palm Beach fire or police department as soon as possible. Section 8. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th day of October, 1465. (SEAL} ' ATTEST: /! ILLAGE CLERK MAYOR ~~ U