1964-219 Amending Resolution No. 216 - Provide Money to Purchase Certain Lands• RESOLUTION N0. 21~ ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION N0, 216, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRAVIDING MONEY TO PURCHASE CERTAIN LANDS UNDER OPTION TO THE VILLAGE IN THE BUDGET AND THE FISCAL YEAR 1464-1965• ~ ~ _ ~ ~ BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: • Section 1. In order to provide moneq and authorize expenditure of funds for the purpose of purchasing certain lands under option to the Village, Resolution No. 216 if hereby amended in the following manner: A. Summary o£ Proposed Expenditures - 1964-1965 Item 2, Non-Departmental - Change #36,504 to X26,504 Total Departmental Appropriations, Change $327,350 to $327,350 Transfer Out Add Purchase of Land X25,000 Total Transfer Out - Change X112,500 to X137,500 TOTAL GENERAL FUND - Change $449,850 to X464,850 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS, ALL FUNDS -Change $542,035"to $557,035 B, Detail of Anticipated Revenue - 1964-1965 Other Sources Tax Anticipation Bank Notes Change X46,562 to X61,562 Total (Other Sources) Change X65,962 to ~80,~}62 TOTAL GENERAL FUND - Change X449,850 to ~464,85G TOTAL RECEIPTS, ALL FUNDS -Change $542,035 to X557,035 • Section 2. This resolution shall be in £ull force and effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of December, 1964. Mayor ' (SEAL) ATTEST: • Village Man