1964-208 Heroism - Mimi Rappaport• RESOLUTION N0. 208 A RESOLi1TI0N OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, COMMENDING MIMI RAPPAPORT FOR HER HEROISM IN HELPING TO SAVE PAUI, NIELSON FROM DROWNING. WHEREAS, Mimi Rappaport, a resident of the Village of North Palm Beach, did heroically rescue one Paul Nielson, a resident of the Village of North Palm Beach, from drowning in a swimming pool, by retrieving him from the bottom of a pool where he lay; and WBEREAS, said Mimi Rappaport demonstrated great mental alertness and physical courage at a time of emergency which helped save the life of a`Uillage resident; NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALP4 BEACH, FLORIDA, that Mimi Rappaport is hereby commended for -her heroice lifesaving act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a signed copy of this Resolution be presented to said Mimi Rappaport. PASSEII AND ADOPTED THIS 25th day of Aueust 1964. Mayor {SEAL) n mmc+cm _ •