01-11-2018 VC REG-MPresent: Absent: ROLL CALL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 11, 2018 Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor Robert A. Gebbia, Vice Mayor Mark Mullinix President Pro Tem Susan Bickel, Councilmember Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager Lara Donlon, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, Village Clerk David B. Norris, Councilmember Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present except for Councilmember Norris, who was absent due to illness. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Bickel gave the invocation and Mayor Aubrey led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Session held December 14, 2017 and Minutes of the Special Session held January 4, 2018 were approved as written. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 2018-01 — INVESTMENT POLICY REVISION A motion was made by Vice Mayor Gebbia and seconded by Councilmember Bickel to adopt and enact on second reading Ordinance 2018-01 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE I, "IN GENERAL," OF CHAPTER 2, "ADMINISTRATION," OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING SECTION 2-4, "INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE VILLAGE," TO REVISE THE PERCENTAGES APPLICABLE TO SHORT-TERM PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Lukasik explained the revision would allow more flexibility by increasing the maximum short-term portfolio investments as an alternative to using only checking and savings accounts for liquid assets. Mayor Aubrey opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the public, Mayor Aubrey closed the public hearing. Thereafter, the motion to adopt and enact Ordinance 2018-01 on second reading passed 4-0, with all present voting aye. Minutes of Village Council Regular Session held January 11, 2018 Page 2 of 4 PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 2018-02 — COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT — INCORPORATING EAR -BASED AMENDMENTS A motion was made by Councilmember Bickel and seconded by President Pro Tem Mullinix to adopt on first reading Ordinance 2018-02 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO IMPLEMENT ITS EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT; REPEALING THE PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY ELEMENT AND REVISING THE COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT AND THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT; UPDATING THE PLAN TO REFLECT STATUTORY CHANGES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Community Development Director Denise Malone presented the Comprehensive Plan amendment. Mrs. Malone explained the Village is statutorily required to complete an Evaluation and Appraisal Report of its Comprehensive Plan every seven years. Mrs. Malone detailed the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan elements. Mrs. Malone advised that a more. detailed review and amendments would come forward to Council during staff's evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan in conjunction with the Master Plan code revision process and Unified Land Development code revision process. Discussion tools place concerning the Coastal Management Element regarding the development of new and revised storm water regulations. Mayor Aubrey opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the public, Mayor Aubrey closed the public hearing. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Ordinance 2018-02 on first reading passed 4-0, with all present voting aye. PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION — CONDITIONAL USE FOR PERSONAL DOCK, FINGER PIERS, AND BOAT LIFT AT 715 NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD Community Development Director Denise Malone presented the conditional use request from Joseph Marino to construct a dock, two finger piers, and a boat lift for personal use on his property located at 715 Northlake Boulevard. Mrs. Malone noted the proposed layout was under review by the Building Department. Mayor Aubrey opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the public, Mayor Aubrey closed the public hearing. A motion was made by President Pro Tem Mullinix' and seconded by Vice Mayor Gebbia to adopt Resolution 2018-01 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PERSONAL DOCK, FINGER PIERS AND A BOAT LIFT AT 715 NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD WITHIN THE NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Minutes of Village Council Regular Session lield January 11, 2018 Page 3 of 4 PUBLIC HEARING AND RESOLUTION — CONDITIONAL USE FOR PERSONAL DOCK, FINGER PIERS, AND BOAT LIFT AT 715 NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD continued Discussion ensued on dock rentals in commercial zoning districts. Mr. Rubin opined that renting the dock would make it subject to additional requirements for marinas. Mr. Rubin stated the Council could include a restriction for personal use only. It was suggested that commercial property owners on Northlake Boulevard be notified of this matter; thereafter, it was determined that Community Development would address this issue during the application and permitting process. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2018-01 passed 4-0, with all present voting aye. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED Vice Mayor Gebbia moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilmember Bickel seconded the motion, which passed 4-0, with all present voting aye. The following items were approved: Receive for file Minutes of the Library Advisory Board meeting held 11/28/17. Receive for file Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Board meeting held 12/12/17. Receive for file Minutes of the Golf Advisory Board meeting held 12/18/17. RESOLUTION — ANCHORAGE PARK BALL FIELD SOD INSTALLATION Brief discussion took place regarding item 6EL No action was taken and the item was removed from the agenda. RESOLUTION 2018-02 — SIDEWALK REPAIR CONTRACT A motion was made by President Pro Tem Mullinix and seconded by Councilmember Bickel to adopt Resolution 2018-02 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A CONTRACT AWARD TO FLORIDA SIDEWALK SOLUTIONS, LLC FOR REPAIR OF SIDEWALK TRIP HAZARDS PURSUANT TO PRICING ESTABLISHED IN AN EXISTING CONTRACT FOR REPAIR OF SIDEWALK TRIP HAZARDS WITH THE TOWN OF MIAMI LAKES AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Lukasik described the two -phased approach being used to address the repair and replacement of Village sidewalks. Public Works Director Steven Hallock responded to Council questions. Thereafter, the motion to adopt Resolution 2018-02 passed 4-0, with all present voting aye. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS Councilmember Bickel reported finding two pecky cypress beams from the Oakes Mansion (also known as the Winter Club) at the Public Works Facility, as well as original renderings of the current Country Club. Councilmember Bickel expressed interest in seeing these items used in new clubhouse. Councilmember Bickel noted the old flagpole from the diving tower has been kept in storage and suggested it be considered for the new clubhouse. Councilmember Bickel reported the original, marble plaque from Osborne Park has been stored at Public Works and suggested it be returned to the park. Minutes of Village Council Regular Session lield January 11, 2018 Page 4 of 4 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS continued Regarding construction of the new clubhouse, President Pro Tem Mullinix clarified that utility taxes are the funding source for the project; further, the changes made to the initial design resulted in overall savings of $583,000.00. President Pro Tem Mullinix commented on undergrounding of utilities within the Village. VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS Mr. Lukasilc discussed the budget and sponsorships for the March 2018 Village Art Show. Councilmember Bickel described the event. Councilmember Bickel estimated costs would be under $300.00 and stated local businesses would be asked to sponsor prizes. A motion was made by Vice Mayor Gebbia to allocate funds not to exceed $500.00 from the Village Council budget. The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Mullinix and passed 4-0, with all present voting aye. Mr. Lukasilc initiated a discussion of alternatives for the Village's Independence Day Celebration, due to demolition and construction of the new Country Club clubhouse and restoration of the golf course. By consensus, the Council decided to forgo the annual Independence Day Celebration and instead hold a farewell event at the Country Club prior to demolition. Mr. Lukasilc noted Council received an email from a resident regarding a code violation for an accessory structure (shed) in their backyard. Mr. Lukasik reported the Special Magistrate issued an Order Finding Violation, and the fine assessment hearing is pending; therefore, the resident has requested a code change to allow sheds. Special Projects Director Chuck Huff reviewed concerns regarding sheds. Mr. Huff noted the typical construction materials used for sheds won't withstand hurricane force winds, even when bolted down. Community Development Director Denise Malone advised that sheds attached to the house would have to meet the building code. The Council was not in favor of considering a code change to allow sheds as an accessory structure. Discussion ensued concerning methods of informing residents regarding Village regulations. A suggestion was made to consider utilizing a "welcome wagon" type of approach. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Melissa Teal, MMC, Village Clerk