6C2g_LP-set_2017-06-09 Location Map urban CIY stal CCommons desiv 1 SITE kild Village of North Palm Beach,Florida STUDIO s Urban Planning&Design LANDSCAPE PLANS Landscape Architecture Communication Graphics 610 Clemens sheet,suss cuoz West Palm Beach,FL 33401 NTS. 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 www.udksludios.com #LCC000035 Copyright: Index of Sheets ,uitlees,ed by thiaoangemen,adpans Plant List: the pruony by ge dleagn.r,am wrtetl osted me pmpedy otme tl dthvr,arm were r eetetl fhet c!xtlusd gne,emgcm fietl.r pI These itleas,tlesigns,ansngemeMs or plans shall not be ursh by,a tlistlosetl ft arty persor LP-1: Cover Sheet PLANT SCHEDULE rornsm offtnwgro,fthout hewtl en peimissian of the tlesignen LP-2: Overall Landscape Plan TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME CE 6 Conoperectus sericeus/Silver Button Wood LP-3 -LP-5: Landscape Plans Co carusiTmnk,rown,10' Full ' t Hx 5'Spr.1.5"Cal.Per Trunk, opy LP-6: Landscape Details CS 26 Cordia sebestena/Orange Geiger Tree LP-7: Landscape Specifications Container Grown,l0'Ht.x5'Spr.2"Cal.Single Straight Trunk,Full Canopy V 0 LJ 4 Ligustrum japonicum/Japanese Privet + 8'Ht.x 6'Spr.2.5"Cal.Total,Multi-Trunk,Full Canopy — — _ OV 1 Quercus Gro lana/Live Oak Container Grown,12'Ht.x 5'Spr.2.5"Cal.Single Straight Trunk,Full and Even Canopy,No Low Crotch _ PALM TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME RR 13 Royston-regia/Florida Royal Palm 0 Min.20'Clear WcHead,No Tmnk,Min.9 Fronds, 0 — 1 Single Trunk,Full Head,No Scarred Trunk .a e 1 SP 7 Sabal palmetto/Cabbage Palm �L 12'-18'Ct.Varying Heights,Hurricane Cut.As Noted On O a L P—3 Plan E i I LL VM 14 Min.Veftchia'Clear merya in/Montgomery Palm O Min.20'Clear Wood,Single Trunk,Full Head,No S ; Scarred Trunk WE 5 L P 4 Wodyehe bifurcate/Foxtail Palm V € I \ / Min.12'Clear Tmnk,Single Trunk,Full Head,No MM t Scarred Trunk W j SHRUBS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME a CHR2 297 Chrysabalanus icaco'Red Tip'/Red Tip Cocoplum 1 v Q Min.7 Gal.24"Ht.x 24"Spr.24"O.C.Full and Dense Shrub,Full to Base I.V CLU 26 Clusia guttdera/Small-Leaf Clusia d Min.7 Gal.36"Ht.x 36"Spr.24"O.C.Full and Dense Shrub,Full to Base L CLN 29 Clusia guttdera nana/Dwatt Pitch Apple Q }k 1 II LP-5p O Min.3 Gal.24"Ht.x 24"Spr.24"O.C.Full and Dense /\\\Rvvv —Z Shrub,Full to Base i DUE 40 Duranta recta'Gold Mound'/Gold Mound Duranta AMA %_Min.3 Gal.12"Ht.x 12"Spr.24"O.C.Full and Dense O I O Shrub,Full to Edge of Pot V+ A LIJ 21 Ligustrum japonicum/Japanese Privet L �+ Min.3 Gal.24"Ht.x 24"Spr.24"O.C.Full and Dense ( F Shrub,Full to Base ' j SAD 29 Scheftlera arboricela'Dwarf/Dwarf Scheftlera C ' Min.3 Gal.18"Ht.x 18"Spr.24"O.C.Full and Dense > U Shrub,Full to Base _ Vs 17 Viburnum suspensum/Sandankwa Viburnum 3 Gal.24"Hl.x 24"Spr.24"O.C.Full and Dense Shrub, ® FI to Base GROUND COVERS CODF QTY BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME _LMP 12,674 Lantana montevidensis'Purple'/Trailing Lantana _ Min.1 Gal.12"Hl.x 12"Spr.12"O.C.Full to Edge of Pot N.T.S. SOD 492 Stenotaphrum secundatum'Flontam'/St.Augustine Sod Weed and Disease Free,Laid Tightly,Staggered Rows, Rolled and Sanded to Level Lawn Date: 03.14.17 Project No.: 16-098.000 Designed By: RDD Drawn By: RDD Checked By: NM Revision Dates: #1-RESUBMITTAL 324.17 #2-RESUBMITTAL 4.20.17 -RES - #4-RESUBMI­ 24.1]#4-RESUBMITTAL 612.1] 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING EROWARD• PALM EEACH•INDIAN WN ST.WCE • MAI iN C �AW7� OU,FES F� �p -1 1-800-432-4770 SLl STAM I°ALL of 7 UNDERGROUND UTfL1TUS NOTIFICATION CENTER - - - - - - urban desiv 131 kilidau STUDIOS _ T_ ' - -I Urban Planning&Design Landsca Communication Graphics _ I I I 61 o clemahs streat.swLe cuoz West Palm Beach,FL 561.366.1100 FAX 561.3661.36 6.1111 _ t SEl gAGF uNEveww.000035ios.eom #LCC000035 al aegis tles 9r15artan9erriam am gens N nanresem a Mmes tlrsw�ea ere ownm M gine me PmaeNrmme tlesi9 arw wem.j.. g I I forthe extlus ve of mmgc ori p p1 sf�i-ttbeu by tlistlosetl to arty W—r LP-3brm nrmWr� f�e�en OI Ar 5� o �cr GAS LINE ROAD GOLFVIEW R a � I / 1 � LL / O t //� V LP-5 '�� l�� V o O c CL I ♦ ♦ c V S i L4 1 j I \o NORTH GOLFVIEW ROAD / 0 20' 40' 80' PARKING AREA INTERIOR LANDSCAPING(Sec.27-65.) REQUIRED LANDSCAPING ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY(Sec.27-63.) PERIMETER LANDSCAPING RELATING TO ABUTTING PROPERTY(Sec.27-64.) Scale: 1"=40'-0" TOTAL EXISTING PARKING SPACES 581 REQUIRED: REQUIRED: PERIMETER PARKING SPACES 125 1. 1 TREE FOR EACH 50 LINEAL FEET OF OFF-STREET PARKING 1. 1 TREE FOR EACH 75 LINEAL FEET OF OFF-STREET PARKING INTERIOR PARKING SPACES 456 ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY VISIBLE TO ABUTTING PROPERTY Date: 03.14.17 OTHER VEHICULAR USE PAVED AREA 101,118 SQ FT 2. 3 PALMS EQUAL 1 TREE 2. 3 PALMS EQUAL 1 TREE Project No.: 16-098.000 3. FIFTY PERCENT(50%)MAXIMUM PALMS IN PLACE OF SHADE 3. FIFTY PERCENT(50%)MAXIMUM PALMS IN PLACE OF SHADE Designed By: RDD INTERIOR LANDSCAPE SPACE REQUIREMENT 10 SQ FT PER INTERIOR PARKING SPACE TOTAL LINEAL FEET 1825 LF TOTAL LINEAL FEET 340 LF Drawn By: RDD 10 X 456= 4,560 SQ FT TREES REQUIRED(1825 LF/50) 37 TREES TREES REQUIRED(340 LF175) 5 TREES Checked By: NM TREES PROVIDED IN PUBLIC R.O.W.BUFFER TREES PROVIDED IN ABUTTING PROPERTY BUFFER Revision Dates: 1 SQ FT PER 100 SQ FT OF THE FIRST 50,000 SQ FT SHADE TREES 20 TREES SHADE TREES 6 TREES VEHICULAR USE PAVED AREA PALMS 70 PALMS PALMS 0 PALMS 50,0001100= 500 SQ FT PALMS TOWARDS TREE COUNT(70/3) 23 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED 6 m-REsunn,ITrAL 420.17 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED 43 .-RESunn,IT x.17 1 SQ FT PER 200 SQ FT FOR AREA OVER 50,000 SQ FT OVER/UNDER REQUIRED TREES IN R.O.W.BUFFER +1 ua-REsunn,ITrAL s 1217 VEHICULAR USE PAVED AREA OVER/UNDER REQUIRED TREES IN R.O.W.BUFFER +6 51,1181200= 256 SQ FT TOTAL REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA 5316 SQ FT TOTAL TREES REQUIRED 54 TREES PLANT MATERIAL(Sec.27-62.) 1 TREE/100 SQ FT OF REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA PALMS IN PLACE OF SHADE TREES(50%MAXIMUM) TOTAL PROVIDED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA 16,953 SQ FT INTERIOR LANDSCAPING(33/48) 69% TREES PROVIDED FOR INT.LANDSCAPE AREA BUFFER ADJACENT TO R.O.W.(23/43) 53% SHADE TREES 15 TREES BUFFER ABUTTING PROPERTY(016) 0% PALMS 99 PALMS TOTAL(56/97) 58% PALMS TOWARDS TREE COUNT(99/3) 33 Q�7 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED 48 OVER/UNDER MAXIMUM PALMS IN PLACE +8% I OF SHADE TREES OVERIUNDER REQ.TREES IN INTERIOR LANDSCAPE -6 — PURPLE LANTANA GROUND — COVER PLANTED IN FRONT — ` F RED TIP COCOPLUM HEDGE ARBOR EXISTING SCHEFFLERA I urban FOR LENGTH OF PROPERTY ARBORICOLA HEDGE AND REPLACE ISTING COCOPLUM LINE ALONG US HWY NO.1 WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM US HV'N NO'1 HEDGE TO REMAIN /---EXISTING COCOPLUM EXISTING SABAL PALMS ROJECT IDENTIFICATION HE TO REMAIN 1 deS TO REMAIN AND TRIMMED SIGN TYPE 1B EMOVE EXISTING SCHEFFLERA UP TO 10 AND 2(TYP) (REMOVE EXISTING SIGN) I EXISTING SABAL PALMS WITHARBORED TI HEDGE AND REPLACE I TO REMAIN AND TRIMMED WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM SAFE SIGHT TRIANGLE k�j UP TO 10 AND 2(TYP) — — 1 EMOVE EXISTING SCHEFFLERA - '' ARBOR COLA HEDGE AND REPLACE - „K G REMAIN STUD WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM - - ''' _ w I ON _ S G COCOPLUM H D TO PROJECT IDENTIFICATION _ RPLE NTAN GRO ND �{— —""—QROU�N J SIGN TYPE 1A - - --- — ,� _ — _ a}� - o01 Urban Planning&Design SAFESIGHTTRIAN E ° n w (REMOVE EXISTING SIGN) :,_......- � � — 1 u—�— Landscape Architecture — — SEMENT"D" �== Communication Graphics .F EMOVE EXISTING OAK TREE -t- —]�— ` EMOVE EXISTING OAK TREE _ REPLACE WITH SILVER — 610 Clematis Street,Suite CU02 \ --RE WITH SILVER X001 BARRIER TYP BUT TREE \ PLE LANTANWest Palm Beach,FL 33401 ( ) `—EASEMENT"C• BUTTONWOOD TREF — — C VER(TYP) 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 EMOVEEXISTINGOAKTREE DEELIGUSTRUM IN PLANTERIMITS OF SCOPELACE WITH SILVER SEMENT"A" 5 IS ING COCONUTy+`/+t'CO00 Wdbs.com ASEMENT"D" WITH 6"RAISED CURB #LCC000035 BUTTONWOOD TREE ' .p PAL TO REMAINMURPLE LANTANA GROUND r�gASEMENTaltleas,ed byr i anang am u am pansa ' � representetl by this tlrawirg an:wn,etl by ar,tlIMITS OF SCOPE — — ftp.WgdBretlesi9 aml—oeatetl URPLE LANTANA GROUND — — — — — I These itleasnstlesms ullana p COVER(TYP) _ _ I by,.an9eme p / 1 —�—�— I shallnot Wrap by,atlistlh—ft arty persor firm,or mmamhan vn1lnR the wnt[en ❑ peimissian of the tlesi9ner- + � I 1 LOT REMOVED AND IST NG OAKS IN PARKING URPLE LANTANA w-� — WITH ROYAL PALMS(TYP)— — — 1 COVER(TYP) w_,�—^'"mow � I UR LE LANTANA GROUND COVER(TYP) ELOCATED ROYAL PALIA a� XISTING ROYAL =,—DI�DIN�wSE1wg ADK SINE 0 --�--� 1 s w-PAL"MSTd'RE AIIN�t PLUM HEDGE DIRECCTIOWAL$GN I I WALL-PRe T IDENTIFICATION _ -STGN SOD l I � � � � r--� � •--1 � 1 ONTGOMERY PALMS IN SFT BY 3.0' 5-FT TREE WELLS,20 FT CLEAR WOOD TYP.AT STOREFRONTS NTGOMERY PA S, I \� •1 I0 CLEAR WOOD I O rte\ I F -1F - TT-- J;. STING CHRISTMAS ONTGOMERY PALMS IN 5-FT BY 1 TYPE 2 PEDESTRIAN 5jJ0,6 OUTDOOR e PALMS TO REMAIN 5-FT TREE WELLS,20 FT CLEAR WOOD DM ANNI TYP.AT STOREFRONTS DIRECTORY SIGN COCOPLUM HEDGE I �� 0 LL / 1 >I-ORANGE GEIGE C) M € Vii'• ' OXTAIL PALMS(5) ONTGOMERY PALMS IN 5-FT BY 5-FT TREE WELLS,20 FT CLEAR WOOD / W TYP.AT STOREFRONTS EXISTING SCHEFLLERA AROUND LUSIA HEDGE ' TREE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH AND TRANSFORMER s / O e ��• $ g LUSIA HEDGE I _ t ORANGE GEIGER TREE V �•��/; � � / III, ,I,I, (TYP) /�� � � AROUND TRANSFORMER � a UTDOOR DINING AREA(TYP) W €€g € / XISTING COCOPLUM L t STING ARECA b '° HEDGE TO REMAIN / t EXISTING SCHEFLLERA PALM CLUSTER " rTREE TO BE REMOVED i 9 OOT BARRIER(TYP) ii AND REPLACED WITH AN - TO REMAIN SEMEN E€F €E E i ORANGE GEIGER TREi III _ — m��"'�- d REMOVE SOD,DEBRIS,AND PRUNE (TYp) - _ _ _ - _ _ — _ / O !Z j EXISTING VEGETATION;SURFACE — --- -- mPALM TO REMAIN(TYP TREAT WITH 3"OF MULCH _ �� � i / ( s REPLACE DEAD OR DAMA RED TIP COCOPLUM HEDG€ CA / /w.�u �,y��`°' — 3-ORANGE GEIGER CLUSTER/ ,,.i°' `= GAS LINE OOT BARRIER(TYP) TREES AI REMAIN_ _ - �w i EMAIN AND TRIMMED UP TO 10 AND 2(TYP) ROAD O y � GOLFVIEW / URPLELANTANA r GROUND COVER(TYP.) --------------------- - � - / LOUDNT LIMJIS- - - - - - I ccocorlur — NORTH COP�r4L-�6-TifiER AREA MTO REMAIN(TVP) -------------- �> LUSIA HEDGE R AROUND TRANSFORMER ��Ir\� �. _--- _---- Scale: 1"=20'-0" SEMENT"A" l Date: 03.14.17 EASEMENT A Notes Project No.: 16-098.000 EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SEACOAST UTILITIES,INC.FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER Designed By: RDD LINES RECORDED IN O.R.BOOK 3885,PAGE 1833,PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY,FLORIDA, Drawn By: RDD AS AFFECTED BY ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS RECORDED IN O.R.BOOK 5542,PAGE 1399, 1. BASE INFORMATION AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BASED ON SURVEY Checked By: NM O.R.BOOK 6002 PAGE fit AND O.R.BOOK 6007,PAGE 1275 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, AND AS-BUILT PREPARED BY R.B.BRENNAN SURVEYING,INC.DATED Revision Dates: FLORIDA(EXCEPTION 17) SEPTEMBER 27,2016 AND SITE PLAN PREPARED BY BURTON HERSH #1-RESUBMITTaL a z4.11 EASEMENT BV AND PLANNING DATED JANUARY 6,2017. uz-RESUBMITTaL azo.1T 1p-RESUBMITTAL 524.1] (12'UTILITY EASEMENT)IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY,AS RECORDED IN ORB 3798, ua-RESUBMITTaL a— PG 1801(DATED 9/22/1982)EXCEPTION 16. EASEMENT (12'UTILITY EASEMENT,UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN)IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, AS RECORDED IN ORB 4007,PG 1406.EXCEPTION 18. EASEMENT (20'UTILITY EASEMENT)DEDICATION OF EASEMENT TO NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES,INC.,RECORDED ID ORB 1114,PG 420(DATED 11/12/1964),AS ASSIGNED TO JOHN D.AND CATHERINE T.McCATHUR A FOUNDATION IN ORB 5542,PG 1399,AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN O.R.BOOK 6002, 1 PAGE 62,AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN ORB 6007,Pc 1275.EXCEPTION 12 AND 17. L _ { J of 7 f I REMOVE EXISTINGREE LERA — — - - EASEMENTA ARBORIC HEDGE AND REP WI urban f E WITH RE COPLUM _ � - � EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SEACOAST UTILITIES,INC.FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER — I LINES RECORDED IN O.R.BOOK 3885,PAGE 1833,PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY,FLORIDA, PURPLE LANTANA GROUND =t w _ AS AFFECTED BY ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS RECORDED IN O.R.BOOK 5542,PAGE 1399, desi Us HWY NO 1 COVER PLANTED IN FRONT ] _ - -- - - _ O.R.BOOK 6002 PAGE 62 AND O.R.BOOK 6007,PAGE 1275 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, OF RED TIP COCOPLUM H FOR LE OPERTY _ FLORIDA(EXCEPTION 17) E ALONG US HWY NOA Q' _ EASEMENT B kil(12'UTILITY EASEMENT)IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY,AS RECORDED IN ORB 3798, PG 1801(DATED 9/22/1982)EXCEPTION 16. EASEMENT C R( P) 1 12'UTILITY EASEMENT,UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN)IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, STUD I O S EXIST( G ROYAL AS RECORDED IN ORB 4007,PG 1406.EXCEPTION 18. w� \ Urban Planning&Design PALM REMAIN + EASEMENTD ASEY(nr`r"D" Landscape Architecture w NST( PALMS .•, PURPLE NTANA r (20'UTILITY EASEMENT)DEDICATION OF EASEMENT TO NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES,INC.,RECORDED ID SB EMAI AND TRIMMED ` - I. _ Communication Graphics - GROUND CoCO R(TVP) ORB 1114,PG 420(DATED 11/12/1964),AS ASSIGNED TO JOHN D.AND CATHERINE T.McCATHUR _ UP TO 10 AND 2(TYP) 1 Z 5'CONCRETE SIDEWALK - � � FOUNDATION IN ORB 5542,PG 1399,AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN O.R.BOOK 6002, 610 Clematis Street,Suile CU02 (STING COCOPLUM y I'- _ — West Palm Beach,FL 33401 SILVER BUTTONWOOD PAGE 62,AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN ORB 6007,PG 1275.EXCEPTION 12 AND 17. u" w_ HEDGE TO REMAIN(TYP) TREE s1 - r __ 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 1 1 _ � \ � ')( www.udksludios.com SEMENT"C" PURPLO LAN T A 1 \ (!� �l -. - #LCC000035 URPGRO ND CLE LANTANA GROUND Cupyiigm: — �LIMITS OF SCOPE COVER(TYP) .,—�.—� grn:,enang«rien sans 3 R YALP LMS( 1 s w� BU1LD1N SE 6 Notesreiea bymis drawing Eby era tbepmpenymfbeaesigne,am!—oeata PU PLENTANA - �" p forme extlusive use of mesperfied pmj.. I _ GR UND C VER( P y,y 1. BASE INFORMATION AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BASED ON SURVEY These ideas,d—gns,anang—m or plans _ th AND AS-BUILT PREPARED BY R.B.BRENNAN SURVEYING,INC.DATED shall notbe nab by,«tlisrto arty person firm,or mmorahan wimnu<me wmten 7 EXISTING ROYAL � SEPTEMBER 27,2016 AND SITE PLAN PREPARED BY BURTON HERSH peimissian of me tlesign«_ _ ' EXISTING HEDGE TO REMAIN PALMS TO REMAIN ) SIL R BU ONW OD ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING DATED JANUARY 6,2017. g TRE (STING OAKS PARKING , _ L-Of REMOVED REPLACED _ EXISTING QUEEN PALMS WITH ROYAL PDMS s\ 3-ORANGE GEIGER TREES OOT BARRI `\ REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH I SHRUB BED OF COC 7P-LUM� SCHEFLLERA,A�WURPLE LANTANA -1 r � ' ASEMENT"A"� 00 I rEXISTING SILVER BUTTONWOOD s W HEDGE TO REMAIN U ' EXISTING SABAL PALMS ' m TO REMAIN AND TRIMMED /W �I -��.� s / Q UP T010 AND2(TYP) C) �=- � \ U Rf � t° CD '� WARF PITCH APPLE HEDGE / \RE , E •L XISTING YAL ` EXISTING HEDGE TO REMAIN �� I m s PALMS TOMAIN /y OUTDOORDININGAREA(TVP) 30' , O / 0 ' �♦ / • ��.91 m t u<� EXISTING LANDSCAPING /�• s _ _�—��,• '�-` � TO REMAIN / �q• � � ,�L� / C j IMITS OF O .40* , E LANTANA GROUND CO (TVP) q {J L a 4111, ,sem , 's ° �' J Z G' EMOVE EXISTING CHRISTMAS ,y PALMS ANDRE LACE WITH // 0 / Q MONTGOMERY PALMS;20 FT �1'� , /"� C Q 2 OUTDOOR DININGy/REA(TYP)' — o CLEAR WOOD(TYP);EXISTING • �A , o \ SHRUB PLANTING TO REMAIN Cf (STING HEDGE / J \ / -O\ _ ��-. / ✓,��'/ TO REMAIN ISTIN SCHEFLLERA TREE O y s /�/ TO AN ORANGE GEIGER TREEEMOVED AND REPLACED W I / XISTING ROEBELLINI PALMS / / � 4 AND GROUNDCOVER TO REMAIN GHEDGE � �O / p / p EMAIN `� (STING FOXTAIL 01 f O�� NORTH PALM TO REMAIN j G 0 10• 20' 40' EASEMENT"B" � j / Scale: 1"=20'-0" /O STING FOXTAIL PALM / T BE RELOCATED Date: 03.14.17 r� LOUD AdR AS Project No.: 16-098.000 ORANGE GEIGER TREE dd Designed By: RDD Drawn By: RDD O ROOT BARRIER �dt/ RE P R S WITS F Checked By: NM > / (TYP) / Revision Dates: CO A/ SE OTH #1-RESUBMITTAL 32417 �F F .-RESUBMITTAL 920.1] AFS A REIV��41N IS. a RESUBMITAL sz n P-5 � #4-RESUBMITTAL 6,z1] LINE L LP -4 of 7 I CLUSIA HEDGE I / AROUND TRANSFORMER y/ O j 3-ORANGE GEIGER TREES _ I EASEMENTAtxba� EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SEACOAST UTILITIES,INC.FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER I _ — — LINES RECORDED IN O.R.BOOK 3885,PAGE 1833,PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY,FLORIDA, EXTENDIR TIP COCOPLUM } ,, O AS AFFECTED BY ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS RECORDED IN O.R.BOOK 5542,PAGE 1399, 1 HEDGE TO E OF BUILDING ON // O.R.BOOK 6002 PAGE 62 AND O.R.BOOK 6007.PAGE 1275 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. ' D CENT PROPERTY _ ' — �= "'YYY q� / FLORIDA(EXCEPTION 17) des SILVE BUTTONWOOD _ ���� 3 / , EASEMENTB kil I TREE — — O ,;��1 / (12'UTILITY EASEMENT)IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY,AS RECORDED IN ORB 3798, T PG 1801 DATED 9/22/1982 EXCEPTION 16. _ ��ZN' EASEMENTC ) ,;<A (12'UTILITY EASEMENT,UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN)IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, S T U D I O S AS RECORDED IN ORB 4007,PG 1406.EXCEPTION I8. Urban &Desi n REMO/STINGCHEFF (2A �` gp,,1/�` m F, �.� *** 9 9 ARBORICDREP CE o�NG SET / � � , "��r' EASEMENTD Landscape Architecture COCO M) F' gU��- i o- / EXISTING QUEEN PALM , (20'UTILITYEASEMENT)DEDICATIONOFEASEMENTTONORTHPALMBEACHUTILITIES,INC.,RECORDEDto Communication Graphics AND ROEBELLINI PALMS ORB 1114,PG 420(DATED 11/12/1964),AS ASSIGNED TO JOHN D.AND CATHERINE T.McCATHUR TO REMAIN FOUNDATION IN ORB 5542,PG 1399,AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN O.R.BOOK 6002, 610 Clematis Street,Suite CU02 West Palm Beach,FL 33401 PAGE 62,AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN ORB 6007,PG 1275.EXCEPTION 12 AND 17. 561366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 ELP S �'ry11 p , �� o _366.1100dkstudi0 FAXTORM UP D 2 P) m a #LCC000035 SABAL PALM e / Notes XISTING DATE PALL / CupyixJm: C g TO REMAIN At d—. iyfhis duav am m by � \ g / repro by rg are by t Q the PmpeM of the 4esgner,antl wire.j.. / \ I O' ' / furlhe extlusive use of the speofietl pmjeR 1. BASE INFORMATION AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BASED ON SURVEY TM,mteas dtl gns,anangemeM orplans AND AS-BUILT PREPARED BY R.B.BRENNAN SURVEYING,INC.DATED shall not Wrap by,«4istlose4 to arty persor LIMIT OF/SCO�E x ", / / \ em,nr mmnrah«wM be wmnen ASE T"A^ / / O SEPTEMBER 27,2016 AND SITE PLAN PREPARED BY BURTON HERSH peimissian of the tlesign«_ I E /XISTING ROEBELLINI PALMS ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING DATED JANUARY 6,2017. () EXISTIYG QUEEI{PALMS 2 \ g EMAIN ,r g O REMAIN g(\ 3) ABAL PALMS / XISTING ROEBELLINI P LMS / I I / AND GRO*DCOVER TO AIN / //O g o R MOVE ISTINGCHEFFLERA ARB RICO HEDGE A D REPLAOP WI'H RED B COCOPLUM) SEMENI "A" _ / I TINGCOCONU / / AT HLINE LP-4 Q, /F � rj/ 0 «t , PAS LM TO REMAIN(TYP) r I SABAL PALMS /d EX TING S EFL AND EPLACE H / _ / ORA GE GEI ERT E STING CONUT / / O S _T� II I /� (TYP) PA TO REMAI P) g y Ig NGE GEIGER TREE I _ _ OUTDOOR DINING AREA(TYP) j STING SABAL PALMS OOT BARRIE E MAIN AN TRIMMEDUP I (NP) 9 - / TO 10 AND 2 TYP v ' TING COCOPLIJ j I I I HEDGE TO REMAItl / EXISTING HE E attttttt- O i I' S AL PALM I TO REMAI I II I #d Z CL EXISTING SCHEFLLERA - t g U AREAS RE / TREE TO BE REMOVED s AND REPLACED WITH AN - g - EXISTING SABAL P LMS L I V OPE. A L L O ORANGE GEIGER TREE O REMAIN A�T MMED UP (TYP) - - I ♦ ♦ J TO 10 AND2 TV v ' \ IN AS IS. / g I \U��O AK TXIR ING0 TREEMAI s I P / EX STING SC FLLERA EXIST G ROEBELLINI PALMSAND REPLACED WITH 4,\ \� VED TO REMAIN ORANGE GEIGER TREE P // NORTH EXISTING SA AL PALMS XISTING LIGUSTRUM y \ (TYP) y g1 TO REMAIN TRIMMED UP HEDGE TO REMAIN(TYP) \ �\ /// / 0 10' 20' 40' TO 10 AND 2 P) ISTING H02LY� 4-ORANGE GEIGER TREES / SEMENT"A" y e TREES(3)TO REMAtN _ / / SCele: 1.1=20'-0" \ EP CED MAGE / - - - - I PLACE AMAG D w E LACE AMAG � E CE AG D �� VIBU NUM EDGE I LI USTR M HEDIE ,ya LIG STRU HED /i� 'i— VE RNUM HE / Date: 03.14.17 Project No.: 16-098.000 EXISTING / Designed RDD TO REMAIN TRIMMED Drawn By RDD TO 10 AND 2(TYP) Checked By: NM Revision Dates: �'w'�a�a� - — �"— —•n—�,—m—rm—rm—m—.'�—w—^^—"' p �'3'=� '�' �F'�b'Ik �'k LAYOUTOFSHRUBS MINE urban Root Barrier FIRST TO ESTABLEDG SHA FIRST TO ESTABLISH A CONTINUOUS LINE BEST FACE des ONNMINNNNMIm Root Barrier Symbol } } } } OF SHRUB TO FACE FRONT NO NAILS SMILE BE DRIVEN INFO TREE OF PLANTING BED- } + } REMAINING SHRUBS ARE FILLED TRUNK SHALL BE FREE OF ANY MAJOR IN BEHIND THE FRONT SHRUB SCARS kjld%OS} } } LINE. ANY PRUNING SHALL BE COMPLETED AT } } SOD.USE ROLLER TO SMOOTH THE DIRECTION OF THE OWNER- SHADE TREES SHALL HAVE A SINGLE,36'LED FRE TREE RBAR IERS Ms DEEP ROOT PAVE. SUIS L.P. } }SPECIFED TREE ROOT REVS T T ARE A MECHANICAL MAGING AND BUR INGAM E,AVE.401E 103 } } SURFACE STRAIGHTTRUNK WITH SPROUTS ROOT DEFLECTOR SC PREVENT TREE ROOTS FROM DAMAGING HO BURLINGAME, CA 94010 } MULCH RINGTHIEF UNIFORM Y DISTRDAIND,FREE F STUDI GREAT AIMING SIZES CYLINDER EO LONG TO 415 344-1464 / } REMOVE OODSFROM FROMA I/30F UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED,FREE OF CREAT VARYING SIZES OF CYLINDERS FOR SURROUNDING ROOT BALLS WO)458-7665 \ / } TH TREE TO BE PLANTED CLOSER THE R(K)TBALL AND FROM AROUND ALL V-SHAPED CROTCHES- (SURROUND PI.WTING STYLE)T FOR LINEAR OF THE DIRECTLY \�\ } THAN4'TOBEDEDOE Urban Planning&Design BESIDE A HAROSCAPf ADJACENT r0 ONE 510E OF THE TREES(LINEAR PLANING BED EDGECUTCLEAN Landscape Architecture PLANTING STYLE). 3'MULCH(SEE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS)- P A.MATERIALS / \ \� } AND STRAIGHT AS DIRECTED KEEP 6-(MIN) BASE OF TRUNK. Communication Graphics BY OWNER- USE WELLINGTON TAPE WITH(4)GROUND I.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL TREE ROOT BARRIERS OBS' AS SPECIFIED.THE FREE ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE PRODUCT 0 US 36-2 MAINTAIN,S DEAD ZONE AT ATTACHMENTS SPACED EVENLY AND 610 Clematis Street,Suite CU02 AS MANUFACTURED BY DEEP ROOT PARTNERS,LP.345 LORTON AVE. DOTAL A \\\\ BED EDGE;SEE PLANTING West Palm Beach,FL 33401 0103,BURLINGAME,CA(800-458-7668),OR APPROVED EQUAL. ]/16 BED EDGE DETAIL TOP OF BURLAP BALL SHALL BE AT LEAST THE WRIER SHALL BE BLACK,IWECTION MOLDED PANELS,OF A' 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 0.085'WALL THICKNESS IN MODULES 24"LONG BY 36'DEEP; DOTAL R' a 110111 S H RU B AN D 1"ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE YAYAW.udkstudipa.c.m MANUFACTURED WITH A MINIMUM 5OR POST CONSUMER RECYCLED 11/4• �I/ Ylr' \1\ #LCC000035 POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC WITH ADDED ULTRAVIOLET INHIBITORS; .OB5' BUILD4N"CONTIN000S SAUCER AROUND NOTRECYCLABLE THAN 4 PANEL SHALL HAVE: GROUND COVER LAYOUT THE TREE PIT TO HOLD THE WATER. NOT LESS THAN 4 MOLDED INTEGRAL VERTICAL ROOT DEFLECTING 1/2 3/e .BB6 V V RIBS OF AT LEAST 0.085.THICKNESS PROTRUDING 1/2"AT 97 OBS' 2.4 x 24"STAKE AIr I tla designs,anangema ts,aM pans FROM INTERIOR OF THE BARRIER PANEL,SPACED 6"APART.(SEE NT.S. DIAMETER OF THE HOLE SHALL BE TWICE repmserted by this Jravmg Am ovmetl by antl PANEL DRAWING BELOW) THE BALL DIAMETER FOR ROOTUALLS FINISHED GRADE the pmpedy althetl goer,antivem.j.. A DOUBLE TOP EDGE CONSISTING THE TWO PARALLEL,INTEGRAL, SOD 2'AND GREATER HOLE SHALL BE 2' F,K, extlus ve aemmg mefi .,pl HORIZONTAL RIBS AT THE TOP OF THE PANEL OFA MINIMUM 0.065' THICKNESS,]/16"WIDE AND I/4"APART WITH THE LOWER RIB RIERFECT CUTE ED LARGER THAN THE BALL DIAMETER- - These tleas 9 nsn9 I.orpW ATTACHED TO THE VERTICAL ROOT DEFLECTING RIBS.(SEE DETAIL"A") 'PERFECT CIRCLE EDGE TO BE shall not be usetl by tlisdosetl I.arry persor A MINIMUM OF 9 ANI GROUND LOCK TARS CONSISTING OF WELLFORMEDAND WITH CRISP, ROOTBALLS GREATER THAN 2'IN DIAMETER firm or mmamb-vWDA nthwritt DID. en INTEGRAL HORIZONTAL RIDGES OF A MINIMUM 0.085"THICKNESS IN THE ROOT BARRER SHALL SIT ON MOUND OF UNDISTURBED FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF 50% pemissianoftheLkegner- SIT APE OF A SEGMENT OF A CIRCLE,WE 2"CHORD OF THE SEGMENT (SFE NOTES BELOW) PROVIDE RING AROUND ANY TREE SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING.BALLS NATIVE SOIL FROM THE HOLE DUG FOR JOINING THE PANEL WALL AND THE SEGMENT,PROTRUDING 3/8"FROM GETAL'C' PLANTED IN SOD,RING SHALL BE SMALLER THAN 2'IN DIAMETER MAY SIT THE PLANT AND 50%TOPSOIL THE PANEL.THE NINE GROUND LOCKS ON EACH PANEL SHALL BE ABOUT MIN.2'IN DIAMETER FOR TREES 1"ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE- ECTAILY SPACED BETWEEN EACH OF THE VERTICAL ROOT DEFLECTING LESS THAN 3'IN CALIPER;ADD 3' —ILII VIII L NOTE:TOP OF ROOT BALL SHALL RIBS(3 BETWEEN EACH SET OF RIBS,SEE DETAIL R�. TIL BE AT LEAST 12"ABOVE THE .... ...... . O RADIUS OF MULCH RING PER 1" AN INTEGRATED ZIPPER JOINING SYSTEM PROVIDING FOR INSTANT nww uOlxxs smfx ,,III—III ••••••� III OF TRUNK CALIPER FOR ANY FINISHED GRADE ASSEMBLY BY SLIDING ONE PANEL INTO ANOTHER.(SEE DETAL'C' — III,—ILII 4 TREE GREATER THANT CALIPER- TREE PLANTING 1/2-411 CALIPER 2.THE BASIC PROPERTIES OF THE MATERIAL SHALL BE: —III •••�:•'•• ����'• III III ` TEST ASTM TEST METHOD VALUE COPOLYMER eQPpoo( GMB oarfa II —I II II II —I II III NTS POLYPROPYLENE o ~1111 HILI—III III 3"MULCH TENSILE STRESS®YIELD 0636 3800 PSI _ (s¢ocruixmn'�'� -III — 4'MN (MaLrv55 sEaNC ESTI[ic, MULCH RING ELONGATION 9YIELD 0638 63% SFE NOTE 1 NTS. Q}, _ �N_.ISM•• �� FLEXURAL MODULUS 0790B 155,000 PS DEIR,o, NOES:(PLEASE REFER TO WFIIIEH SPFCFTCATONS FOR ADpIpN%REOIEipEN15) NOTCHED IZOD IMPACT 02564 7.1 AHE1.THIS DISTANCE SKALL BE]'MINIMUM WITH ROOT BARRIER AND 10'MINIMUM Fr NO ROOT BARRIER IS USED. 0�V 1 ANY PRUNING SHALL BE DONE AT THE DIRECTION SPREAD OF PLANT a® ROCKWELL HARDNESS R.SCALE D78M 68 O1NEXrylFNR Tao 0 OFTHEOWNER. 2.ALL FOOT BARBERS SHALL IE 4'MINIMUM FROM ALL SEACOAST FXLM. U..PATENTS:5,305,549 AND 5,0]0,642 OTHER PATENTS "5 THOROUGHLY WORK SOIL w,.yA�OpR�' ,fl)" " PENSDING. a 3.THE NSTALAIION OF ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE COORDEIAIED WITH SEACOAST AND NSPECIED BY SEACOAST (50%NATIVE TOPSOIL FROM -/1 U•` �� USE WELLINGTON TAPE WITH(4)GROUND ATTACHMENTS PNOR TO BACKPFLNG.ALL ROOT BARRIERS SMALL EXTEND UP TO FINISHED GRADE. QN �•0 SPACED EVENLY AND ATTACHED TO(4)PRESSURE TREATED O SITE WITH 50%TOPSOIL) * •D B.CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION r raoT OEn¢nxc AE TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6' 1 p w� STAKES- 4.ROOT BAPRERS SIWL BE MINIMUM 36"DEEP.APPROVED PRODUCTS INCLUDE"DEEP R007"AND'ROOT O 1.THE CONTRACTOR PANELS SHALL INSTALL THE TREE ROOT BARRIERS DS WITH THE rMr M FOR GROUND COVERS,VINES, ty�1{,�AS xr�I NUMBER OF PANELS AND IN THE MANNER SHOWN ON THE DRAW- SDILigNS. ANNUALS,AND PERENNIALS INGS,THE VERTICAL ROOT DEFLECTING RIBS SHALL BE FACING INWARDS 0 Iw •� TO THE ROOT BALL AND THE TOP OF THE DOUBLE EDGE SHALL BE 1/2' 11 m)mlCx 5.ALL ROOT!BARBERS SHALL IE NSTALID IN ICCORO.WCE WITH MANUFACTURERS WFW04 INSTRUCTIONS. PLANTING BEDS- ABOVE GRADE.EACH OF THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF PANELS SHALL vuc roLreMAneL�f SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR T MULCH LAYER •L a BE CONNECTED TO FORM A CIRCLE AROUND THE ROOT BALL OR WHERE wnxLm ED wxW LAER. BACKFULPLANTING SOIL SPECIFIED JOINED IN A LINEAR FASHION AND PIACED ALONG THE LgfIOL�TiILM Typical Shrub, Small Tree or Palm Tree with Root Barrier MUCTURES. BUILD""CONTINUOUS SAUCER AROUND " ADJACENT HABDSCAPE O e AT9.t 24,2016 Rev C-16 3"MULCH THE TREE PIT TO HOLO IRRIGATION WATER 2 IXCAVATIDN AND SOIL PREPARATION SHALL CONFORM i0 THE DRAWINGS wuwm mcfs x'w.TATIr Mo smmcrx 9u5 ( ) 3.THE TREE ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE BACKFILLED ON THE OUTSIDE TYPICAL TRIANGULAR SPACING 2"x4"x24"STAKE(PRESSURE TREATED) DRAWINGS.NO GRAVEL BACKFILL IS REQUIRED FOR A LINEAR PUNTING Root Barrier Detail OF PLANTS TO INSURE FULL O WITH 3/4'TO 1 1/2'GRAVEL OR CRUSHED ROCK AS SHOWN ON THE COVERAGE BY GROUDCOVER. - GROUND COVERS ���� \ ON MOUND OF UNDISTURBED SOILTO SIT ANDROOTED CUTTINGS SETTLING-ROOT BAILS SMALLER THAN 2'DIAMETER I MAY SIT ON COMPACTED EARTH- 0 NTS 1 DIAMETER OF HOLE FOR BALL TO 2'SHALL BE PNCE THE ' DIAMETER OF THE FOOTBALL DIAMETER OF THE HOLE BEST"FACE"OF PLANT TO BE .III III III III FOR ROOTBALLS 2'8 GREATER SHALL BE 2'LARGER O . TOWARD THE FRONT EDGE OF THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BALL- THE PLANTING BED. I FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF 50%NATIVE SOIL FROM 3"MIN-MULCH THE HOLE DUG FOR THE PLANT AND 50%TOPSOIL I FIT WIDTH ALONG BED EDGE AS NOTE_TOP OF ROOT BALL SHALL Q J DEAD ZONE MAINTAINED- IRREGULAR & MULTI-STEM TREE BIN TLEAST1 EABOVE THE CENTER LINE TO BE 4"BELOW Z Q FINISH GRADE OF SOD- �ETA i"� m c SOD ,^ 0 CL we N —III III III—III III IIITRIM EXISTING SOIL BELOW LEVEL EFRONE WHICH HANG L ♦y ' BELOW LEVEL OF TREE HEART PLANTINGBED EDGE MINIMUM OF NINE(9)GOOD PALM FRONDS iJ`V ILII IL'L"' NOTE CABBAGE PALMS TO BE INSTALLED NTS. }TM01YI� Ar10•,�(1L HURRICANE CUT UNLESS OTHERWISE l�. IIIIIIII) II SPECIFIED - PRUNE SHRUBS AT OWNER'S IIIA DIRECTION ONLY-PRUNE ALL IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II TRUNK DIAMETER SHALL BE CONSISTENT- SHRUBS TOACHIEVE R LIQ O'� IIIIIIII 'LQIIH� �u '1' WITHOUT ABRUPT CHANGES,LOOSE UNIFORM MASS- I L ryl SHEATHES,HOLES,OR CAVITIES- _ I/ (sEE HaTEs eELaw) 111,"TILII�I J ��I L CONTAINERREMOVE MY THER _ VIII°TVI Ili n' �1,j SECURE THAN BURLAP THATBE BATTENS W/2-3/4"HIGH CARBON a �' Y _ STEEL BANDS TO HOLD BATTENS IN _ AROUND ROOTS- d m PLACE NO NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN III—III a INTO PALM-HEIGHT OF BATTENS IIIIII •••• —III—III_ a o SHALL BE LOCATED IN RELATION TO THE _ T MULCH E HEIGHT OF THE PALM FOR ADEQUATE s __ BUILD 46"CONTINUOUS SAUCER BRACING as a III III III III III AROUND THE TREE PIT TO HOLD 2 g c 5(2 x4 x 16")WOOD BATTENS- II_ = IRRIGATION WATER. 5LAYERSOFBURLAPTOWRAPTRUNK. I—III—III III-1 m$ STEEL BADS(3/4";NC 5-) .-III III-III 4'Ifl sua FACILITES ROOTBALLS GREATER THAN E MAIrvS.SEBN,CESETC) § 2'IN DIAMETER SHALL SIT 52 E MINIMUM 3(2x4)WOOD BRACES SEE NOTE 1 ON MOUND OF UNDISTURBED fyl' O O$ De[¢: 03.14.17 SOIL TO PREVENT SELLING T, 03"MULCH 0.:- BUILD 44"CONTINUOUS SAUCER AROUND Pro..-N 16-098.000 NOES:(PLEASE REFER T(1 WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REOURFMQITS) ROOTBALITS LESS THAN T 1 m THE TREE PIT TO HOLD WATER - MAYSRONCOMPACTED ¢ � Designed By: RDD 1.THIS DISTANCE SMALL BE 10'MINIMUM WITH ROOT BARREN AND 15'MINIMUM E NO ROOT BMUM 15 USED. _ SOIL DIAMETER OF HOLE K¢¢4Y4-6 FINISHED FOR BALLS 2'B GREATER >j K n GRADE (2,1X24")STAKE PAD(TYP) OraWn By: RDD 2.ALL ROOT BARBERS SHALL BE 4'MNNUM FROM ALL SEACOAST FMURES. �— SHALL BE 2'LARGER THAN FILL AROUND ROOTBALL WITH BACKFILL, Checked By: NM 3.THE IN OF ROOT BARRIERS SMALL BE COORDINATED WITH SEACOAST AND INSPECTED BY SEACOAST —III —III DIAMETER OF BALL FLOOD,8 COMPACT FILL,REFLOOD/JET 8 PRIOR TO BACKFOU IIG.ALL SMALL VICTIM BARRIERS SMALL UP TO FINISHED GRADE I- —III_ DIAMETER OF HOLE FOR III Revision Dates: BALLS UP TO T SHALL BE FIN COMPACT FILL 1 DAY AFTER INSTALLATION 4.ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE MINIMUM 36"DEEP.APPROVED PRODUCTS INCLUDE'DMP ROOF AND"ROOT - TWICE THE BALL DIAMETER- INODERTO INSURE ELIMINATION OF -RESUBMITTAL 324.1] SOLUTIONS". - KETS- VW2-RESUBMITTAL 920.1] MAGNESIUM 5.ALL ROOT BARBERS SMALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS WRIFIQ4 INSTRUCTIONS. _ MAGNESIUM AS PER PLANTING NOTES W3-RESUBMITTAL 524.1] FILL MATERIAL TO CONSIST OF FILLMATERIALTOCONSISTOF W4-RESUBMITTAL 612.1] 6.LARGE PNM TRIBES INCLUDE ROY%.WASHINGTONIAN.BISMARK AND SIMILAR SIZED SPECIES. 50%NATIVE TOPSOIL FROM HOLE 50%NATIVE TOPSOIL FROM HOLE FOR PLANT AND 50%TOPSOIL FOR PLANT AND 50%TOPSOIL. SHRUB PLANTING TYPICAL PALM TREE PLANTING Typical Canopy Tree, Large or Exotic Palm Tree with Root Barrier NTS August 24,2016(Rev G-16) NTS LP -6 of 7 SECTION 02950 TREES SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS D_ For planting betls,mix planting soil either prior to planting or appy on surtace of topsoil antl Landscape Architect Only clean,sharp tools designed for the prmose shall be used_The 4.02 WARRANTY PERIOD A_ Peat Moss_Peat moss shall be a commercial,bled sphagnum material,free of woody mix thoroughly before planting_ goal of Pruni ig-s always to preserve antl enhance the natural charade,of the plant.Frommit A. Unless a tlRferem agreement-s re hart in writing between the Owner antl the Contractor,all PART I-GENERAL material,hummals,or fore gn matter,with a pH range of 3 0 5 5. shall be done per,mortem hu -Ift nal pracfce(see National Amonst Standards,latest trees and other plant material,i.I i g ground cev_rs,installed untler Ins agreement shall By bidding on this project and/or signing a contrad for l..d-W woes,the Contractor B_ Send_Santl shall be clean sharp antl flee of all tlelelmious.at_..I 1_ M with dry sdI prior to --g f f dI r atlition)_ be guaranteed to ve antl gmw far a pound of one(1)year ftom the day of final acceptance of acknowledges that he/she has.ad and untlenstood these sj_aficetions-n their_.t ety,that C_ Lime_Natural ur_stne(Dolomite)ce.tairi ng not less than 85%off total carbonates,ground 2. Prevent tree from cnt.dng roofs of acrdloving plants_ B_ Pruning shall be limited to the minimum necessary to remove injuretl twigs,branches,and centrad woe. urban he/she has inspedutl the site,and that he/she will abide by all plans,specificefi..s,and conditions so that not less than 90%passes a 10-mesh sieve and not less than 50%passes a 100m_sh fronds,to compensate for mol loss-flaratl during tligging antl transplanting,and to thin and B_ No.Winglandscape elements shall also carry a one(1)year guarantee on materials,labor, ,..it h _ Any p rceiv.tl confl its or concerns within the specifications or on the plant list, E. Unless drawings ad tate otherwise an shall not_xceetl a 3.1 slope_Berns near builtlings shape shmbs antl trees_ In no case shall more than 1/3 of the branch ig structure be and workmanship_ including unays IaUlity of materials are fo be brought to the attention of the Landscape Archted D_ H mus Sod C d tion.,:Consisting of yard trimmings and biosol ds co-compost r in potentially troublesome tlrainage sduatons shall be checked for coned the nage by the owed.Damaged scaneQ frayedsplit,or sk nnetl lw gs,branches,or limbs shall be C. Mater al found I'm dead or in poor centl tion within the Warranty Penotl shall be replaced by poor to bid submission E_ Fertif_r F.dif_,shall b_a comm_,,.I grade,granular,slow release prey[.."type pmjed Engineer or Owner prior to Planing prone I back to the next sound outs to lateral butl,branch or limb_The termnal bud or Teed or the Contractor thin fifteen(15)days of written onfificeton by the Owners representative_ desigI fertilizer F. Tree and shmb planting hurts which fall whin or near parking lot areas shall be completely shall never baremoved_ The Owner or Landscape Architect shall be the sole j.dg_s as to the cendifin of the material_ 1.01 WORK INCLUDED 1. F_e Imm shall be d.lhvemtl to the site m the original...penetl container,bearing the cavorted and back-fi11_tl with topsoil_All sh.11ta:k or other base materials,antl all subsoil C_ Prone trees antl shmbs b retain requiretl height antl spreatl_Remove the minimal amount of D_ Materials..itlabor,.-Nod in the replacing of materials shall be srpplind by the Contractor A_ Cnntrector shall obtain or ensure that.11 necessary permits have been granted!to the Owner mannit-umrs gr nam_nd analysis_Any opened,caked,or damaged fertilizer will be and tl_bris,shall be completely removetl from beneath such plating areas,to a minimum wood necessary on flowering frees and shmbs_ Remove only Hued or Hying bonds from at on additional cost to the Owner for work on the Owners propedi_,or in any adjacent easements poor to commencement of rejedetl_ depth of 24"_ palms_ Cuts over 3/4'm tliameter shall an heated with tree wommi pain;all expos_d living E Soil Testing:Should plant maf_n.Is show yellowing or other signs of soil and/or nutritional kidd work. 2. Tree, palm, shmb and grass fertilizer shall be "UF (Um-,sty of G_ All tree and/or shmb planting areas within 36'of building foradefions,and any other planting tissue shall be ce mml problems,the Owner or Linic-p.Architect may request soil testing and analysis_ Such B_ All planting and construction work shall an.x_-ted as shown on the provid.d tlrawings, Florida)Formulated"product 8-2-12 or 8-2-13 with minor elements as an all-purposeas where significant booed--ire tion tlebris is.ncorntu,ed,shall be excavated to a D_ Existing Trees_If indicator!on drawings,Contractor shall prone and thin existing[fees on site testing will an at the expense of the Contract- STUDIOS sch_d.I.s,and specifications_ fertilizer,or equal,..itapplietl..coming to the mon ifadrrers dued,on m tlepth of 24"..itbackfilled with topsoil as specifietl elsewhere in these The use of climbing spurs is prohibited All r iseased,tleatl branches antl those uAmmring 1. Soil problems(as,eve.l_tl by testing)shall b_come,tatl by application of comacfive C_ Any adtlitional work or materials regolreH to install Ia rdscepe elements as calletl for on the 3. Application of fertilizer shall be consistent with Ira cumin;recommendations of the Green specifications_ with healthy plant growth shall be removetl_Also,remove root suckers,kiw branches,antl any chemicals and nubients,removal and replacement of soil,or other measures as agreed Urban Planning&Desi n plans,specificetion,or plant list shall be pmvitletl and installed by the Contrador l.d.stnes-Best Management Practices. others as dimadetl by the Owner or Landscape Aicht_ct Cuts shall be flush with the tunk or upon by all radius.All such measures shall be at the Contractors expense unless clear 9 D. Finish Gmtle Elevations_2 inch below top of pathway etlging_ 4. Fertilizer shall be applietl by an individual who has successfully compleletl the GI-BMP S.OS TILLING limb and shall be painted with tree paint Remove any nails,wires,etc.fastened to the tree_ .vitlence establishes that the soil problem is not preexisting antl is caused by factors Landscape Architecture E TheContractor shall be entirely responsible for.11 woes until final acceptance by the Owner program and hobs a cunenl Urban Forth—License or as nurtured!by the Stale and A_ Before mixing,dean soil of roots,plants,clay lumps,stones in excess of 1'in diameter,and beyond Ira C..Wcbr,control_ Communication Graphics The Contractor shall protect all materials and work against injury and shall provide and Local Ordinances_ other extraneous or potentially harmful malenals. 3.09 PLANTERS-DECORATIVE OR STRUCTURAL F Replacement and Conditions: maintain.11 necessary guards for the protection of the public_He shall an held responsible for B_ After all soil contlitionmij(antl topsoil t called for on plans)has been sinned!at specifietl rates, A. If spe�_tl,landscaping m planters shall be mstall.d using the following method 1_ Mat...Is will be replacetl as.any times as necessary to safisy the OWNER'S 610 Clematis Sleet,Suite CU02 any negligence tlunng the execution of the woe. 2.05 WATER the areas to be plantetl should b_th.mrghly rotary-tilled f.a depth of six(6)inches_Plowing representative and the specifications_All roplacement costs.11 be Ira responsibility of West Palm Beach,t,Suite C A_ All water necessary for planting and maintenance shall be of satisfactory quality to sustain or dicing is not an acceptable substitute for mdary-filling_ 1. Install 4"tl_ep layer of fine crosh_d stone in botan of planter the Contractor 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE atl_quale gmwlh of plants and shall not contain hamdul,natural or man-made elements 2. Install filter fabric over stone layer Tum up etlges of fabrintl_ c.11 arou2. Replacements will be of the sameize s ,spci ees,and sp.cificetins as the original.No 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 A_ All work specified herein shall be p_rt.rmed by a single firm specializing in landscape work_ detnmental to plants. 1_ If the sponkler system is installed after grading and tilling is canplet.d,the backfill shall 3. Install planting soil mix over filter fabric to within 3'h"of top for planter Do not comped adchfi..a1 soil eddit v .11 bnl e requiretl.mass significant amounts of soil mix are lost www.Udkstudios.com The Landscape Archifed and the Owner retain the right to appmve any p,opos_d b_refilled in the.ftecled areas_ planting-1- before or during replacement #LCC000035 srbconbeclors poor to awertling the contract 2.04 OTHER LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS 2. When the subsoil,gratling,topsoil atltlifion,soil cenditka ing,and filling have been q_ Install plant material as specified elsewhere m these sp.miiratins_ 3. Plant losses tlu_to abnormal weather condition such as floods,excessive wind damage B_ Ship Iantlscape maf_..Is with certificates of inspection requiretl by g.veming arffirms s A_ Mulch:Mulch shall be shredded Melaleuca,Eucalyptus,Grade"A"Pine Bark Nuggets,or cemplished,all areas so troetetl shall be compadutl and sealed by application of 5. Install 3"of mulch over planfing soil_ mr,propedy sfak_tl or guyed frees),severe(,..zing,or had will not be the responsibility Comply with all regrlebons.pplcable to landscape trials_ approvetl equal,flee of foram.malenals and wood seeds_Minimum tlepth after settling shall heavy-mgat..to a minimum tlepth of twelve(12)inches_ Erosion scars shall be of the Contrador co deasmdesigr¢anangenenfs,and 1�1ns C_ Package standard products with manufacturers certtieHanalysis_For other malenals,provitle b_3'. reperetl_ 3.10 SODDING NEW LAWNS 4. Decid.ou,materials wIt b_guamnle_tl to break tl.onancy al the proper s represetsd by this drawing am owned by and analysis by recognized laboratory made in accoul=with methods esfablishetl by the B_ Guying and Bracing_Tree guying and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor in A. The Contractor shall sort.11 areas-ndicated antl noted on the tlrawings. No mitring shall Materials plantetl during their normal dormant numd.11 be guaranteed to resume the pmWq of the desgn_r,antl were onsed Association of Official Agricultural Chemists,wherever applicable_ ccomance with the planfing tlefails to insure stability and maintain plants in an upright 5.04 FINE FINISH GRADING until areas to be sodtleH are cleared of any rough grass,woods antl tlebris,the ground normal growth at the proper time for that species_ turtle exclusive use olthe specifietl pmjed D. Provide trees,palms,shmbs and gmundce m grown m a un-ij.z_tl nursery in accominice posdion A_ When prelimmary gratling has been compl_letl antl the soil has door sufficiently to be,earthly brought to au even grade and specified aur_idumots have been added. See d.tails for These k1cas,tl_,igns,mmmjcmems.,plans with goof horticultural pradice. Materials most b_healthy and vigorous,free of tliseaso, C_ A."siccant AnbA.siccant shall b_'Wi1¢mP or equal,t specified on plans. wmmtl,all lawn..it planfing... s shall be gmtl_tl to the elevations indiceteH on the sIacificim ormenrs as per sod type_ shall hot be us_tl by,a disclosed to any W-r sects,eggs,larvae,and def-ts such as decay,rot knots,sun scald,igr.es,abrasions, D_ Tme Wound Paint Tree wound paint shall be an asphaltic base paint containing an E.gi.e_.ng Plans_The top four(4)aches shall be completely free of stones larger than one B_ Whenever a suitable area has been gmtl_tl..it is ready for so ldnig the Contractor shall, LANDSCAPE NOTES fin,or mmmren-wntout the write. ..it poor or unusual form. No collecletl.at...I will be perm tetl unless specific wotton antibacterial agent,specially prepared for tree surgery woe. (1)inch. Gratles.or otherwise intlicet_d shall be uniform levels or sbpes between points when dimadetl by the Landscape Architect proceed at once with Ira sudding of the available GENERAL wonssion of the designer_ approval is gm.t_tl_ E Super Abrt soent Polym.r'To-Sorb"or approvetl equal as packaged in 3- Tandy Pac where elevations are given Positive drainage away ftom bindings shall always be maintainetl_ s_Saftling shall be i.cem.mtetl into the j,ojed at fhe_aei.st pm.b-i time in the life of 1. All proj.s_d material shall be Florida No 1 or better as set forth in"Grad-&Sta.tlams for E Do not make substitutions.If specifietl landscape,natural is not available at lime of planting, composed of synthetic...amide copolymer,potassium,acrylate_Particle size of 1 0 mm to Surface drainage shall be directed as indicated on the tlrawings by remoc olmij surtace,to the contract No sort which has been cut for more than seventy two(72)hors shall be used Nursery Plants,"Part 1&2,Florida Dept.of M.-Hun.and Consumer Services,latest admmm submit prof of no vailability and provitle a list of proposed equivalent material_Once 30 mm antl absorption rate of 300 times its weightmwater,if specified on plans_ 1acilitatethen.tmmI.no8ofwater.All depressions where water will stand,all voids,_morki, unless specifically authorized by the Landscej_Architect or Owner after his careful inspedion Nodeviafirms will b_permitted. ....-ad,adjustr._.ts to the contract will be made_Owner is not financially responsible settled nsible for trenches..it excavations,and se all mines and ris shall b_amended andlor..-d the Any sort which is.or plannedurs nwithin twenty four(24)hoafter cutting shall be 2 By submitting a bid,the Iantlscej_contractor is responsible for powubmg the maf_..I authorized substitutions. Apply dry,using the following amounts: leaving a smooth,even finish gratle.If=,...I amentled topsoil is requiretl to accomplish st.ck_tl in an approved manner and nientemed property moistened. spe�_tl on the plans_ No substitutions will be accepted without prior..He.approval and F Plant materialsth als of larger siz_ an specified may be u used 6 acceptable to La.dscepe Architect 1. To,tree,antl palms rpto 36"dametu, ot ball,us.mm 3- Hantly Pac_ the item ca of this specifition,if shall be ming tufh_foregoing specifications ecifitions fortopsoil_ C_ The sort shall be placed on the prepared surtace,with etlges in close contact and shall be cceplance by the Owner or his repive resentat ,or Landscape Amhit.ct and t sizes of root balls are increased proportionately_ Installation of larger sizes will not 2 Fortrees antl palms over ro 36"tliameter mot ball use two 3- firmly and smnthly_urbadded by light tamping with appropriate tnls_ Suit shall be rolled 3. Materials to be h.nd,el_d_d at the disciabon of the Owner or his representative,or contract amount in specifically authonzetl by Owner 3. Handy Pacs_ Broadcast throughout planting hole and backfill as per manufacturers 1. All area shall be graded n that the final mad-are 2"below atljacenl pervert areas, with 1,000 1bs_roller unless-..d by the Landscape Amhitecf or Owner Lantlscepe Archded_ G_ Owner and Land_ Archifed reserve the right to inspecl,approve or reject at any time specifications_ sitlewalks,valve boxes, mowing strips,de uN, drains,etc_,with appmp.at. D_ Where sodding is rs_d in drainage ditches,sort panels shall be set in a staggered Pa , q_ All work shall proceed in a professional manner in accominice with standard nursery and Plant mat ...Is or woes either at the nursery or at the sit,which dons not,,at the condition in adjustments for varying sort thicknesses_ The intent is for water always to drain away such as to avoitl a continuous seam along the line of flow_Oftsts of intlivitlual steps shall not installation practice_ the plans,plant list or specifications For container grown plants_ from p.vbg into lawn/sort areas_ xcead six dd inches_At the insid.of the cabs,sort shall abut squarely..it evenly. 5. Quantities on plant list are for convenience only_Landscape Contractor is responsible for all H_ The Contractor shall be responsible for planting the landscape m complete accemim with all Container Size Applhcetion Rate 2 Eliminating all.rosin scars poor to beginning planfing_ E On areas whom the sort may slide,due f.height and slope,the La.tlscepe Amhilecl or plants shown on plating plans_When discrepancies occur between plant list and planfing applicable codes,ordinances,and laws_Any modification made to-of.-with-,it codes, 1 Gallon 1 Hantly P /9 Containers 3. The Owner and/or his representative shall approve.11 final finish grades prior to planting. Owner may direct that the sort an ranged,wdh pegs d-on thrngh the sort blocks into lion plans,the plans are to ov_mtle the plant list in all cases_ Contractor is responsible for laws and ordinances,after the bid is ewamed,shall be complet.d at the Contractors expense 3 Gallmns 1 Tandy Pac/4 Containers earth,at suitable intervals_ confirming sort quantities and c_dtying such to fhe Owner or his representative_ al no additional cost to the Owner 7-10 Gallons 1 Tandy P-/2 Containers B. Poor to fine gratling or the installation of plant maternal the Contractor shall obtain certft-hon F Any pieces of sort which,after placing,show an appeaance of extreme tlryn_,s shall an 6. Contrador is responsible for bcefing all untlergrountl utilities prior to digging.Not ty the 20 Gallons 1 Tandy P-/1 Container that the project area is at the grade levels p,opos_tl by the l Engineer or Landscape owed from the work- Owner or his representative,or the Landscape Amhilecl immediately regardi.g,iscrotil es 1.09 SUBMITTALS Amh tett ftom a Iicens_d Surveyor.The Contractor shall fine grace the lawn and planfing G_ Where placement of new sort abuts-sting sodtl_tl areas new sort most an placed m such a .,cenflids. A_ Cer�cefi.n Submit certificates of inspections as requimtl by govemur_bil.rl raft-,antl 2.05 PLANT MATERIAL as to bring the rough grade up to final finished gratle allow ig for thickness of sort and/or as to pmtluce an even tram tion to exist ng sodded areas_ 7. La.tlscepe Contractor to notity the Owner or his representatve,or Linic-pe Amhilecl at U) manufamri or vendors certif_tl...lys s for-1.menduu nds antl fertiloor mat enals_ A. Plant list-s part of Ins specification section The Contractor shall be respons ri.fa to shag mulch tlepth. H_ It shall an the re,ponsiti Iity m the Contractor to bring the sort etlge in a neat,dean manner to least three(3)woei ng tlays prior to beginning any stage of woe. Subm t other d is substantiating that materials comply wdh specified requ iements_ and asfallng all plant materials shown on the drawings and plant sl.In case.fconfl it the etlge of.11 paving and shrob areas_ 8. Owner or Lantlscape Architect to be-mur_tl alely n.bfi_d of any discrepancies fond in hold B_ Submit s_etl vendors ceeified statement for each grass s_od mixture requiretl,stating between the two documents,the drawings shall m1e_ 5.05 PLANTING TREES AND PALMS 9. Owner or his representative,or Landscape Architect reserve the nght to field adjust plant r. botanical and common name,percentage by weight,and percentage of tardy,germination, B_ Quality:Trans,palms,shmbs,antl other plants shall be Florida#1 or heft.,as tl_fin_d in the A. Layout intlivitlual tree locations and areas for multiple plantings.Stake a111octi.ns and outline PART IV MAINTENANCE ESTABLISHMENT AND WARRANTY PERIODS matomi on-site to a-ld conflicts or discrepancies not i n u,petutl in the planning process. antl we s.etl In,each grass seutl species_ latest_tlition of Gratles and Standards for Nursery Plants,Florida Dejaemenl of Agrinit... eas,then secure Lantlscape Architect's acceptance before the start of planfing work. 4.01 MAINTENANCE ANO ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD 10. Existing plant material t.be removed,except as notetl_ O C_ Planting Schedule:Submit planting schadule showing schatlrle dates for each type of planting and Consumer Services_Multi4narked hoes will not be accepted unless they are specifically B_ Poor to preparation of tree pits,ascertain the location of.11 electoral cables,all cendrift,all A. The Maintenance Period shall begin immediately after each plant is Hamad,and the n each area of site. specifietl in the planfing plans. All plants shall have a nrmal habil of growth and shall be utility lines,oil tanks and supply lines,so that pmper precautions may be taken not to,ishub C.mradm shall continuously maintain.11 areas i.volv_d in this contract during the progress TREES&PALMS M I D_ Maintenance Instructions:Submit typewntlen j,o,acr as for maintenance of landscape woes, sound healthy,and vmmuris_Trees shall have normal well-d-olopetl bantling structures or tlamage any exisfing contlitions Pr.peey maintain and prated exisfing utilities_ Should of the woes- 1. All trees,new and ml.ceted,to be staked and guy_d as detailed. through final acceptance. and vigorous mol systems that are not mol or container bound_ such untlergrountl or overheatl obstructions be encounleretl that interfere with planting,the B_ The Establishment Period shall begin on the first day after.11 planting and installation of.11 2 No double or multi-Wok trees unless otherwise specifietl_ E .L P =r-t.r will inform the Landscape Archted o Owners representative and shall b_ landscape elements is completetl and initially.maptetl_The Contradm,shall continuously 3 Face of trees antl palms to be bcefetl a minimum of 2'-0'aft all sitlewalks/bike paths or other O ' 1.04 DELIVERY,STORAGE AND HANDLING 1. Balled and burapped plants(BB or b&b)shall be dug with firm,natural balls of earth,of nsulled as to the e1jushamit of the Io-hon of,plants to clear such obstruction or the maintain .11 areas hour initial acceptance until final acceptance by the Owner The Paved surtace,unless otherwise not.led on plans_ i A_ Packag_d Materials_Deliver pack.g_d malenals m anginal containers showing manufacturers sufficient depth and diameter to mdrid_the fibrous and fe_,ing mots_ Plants with mlocafi.n.f the obstmction. Establishment Pound shall continue for not less than ninety(90)continuous celend.r days_ q- Root suckers on Live Oaks are not acceptable. e guaranteed weight analysis and name of manufacturer Protect uralemals Wm tlamage and cracked,dry,or broken balls will not be.ceepted,nor will plants with mol balls of C_ Tree pit locations shall be staketl by the Contactor and approvetl by the Owner or Landscape Hurricane cot Sabal Palms shall have an Establishment Pound of not less than.no huntlretl 5. All trees falling within massed areas to have a mulch ring 3'in tliameter,mulch_d 3'deep E LL tleferiomton during del very and storage. insuftcionf size_ Amh tett before digging_Pifs shall be excevatetl to the depth and width irdicefetl and all and eighty(180)continuous celentlar days The Establishment Periotl will antl of the lure the with no more than 1"door tlirectly adjacent to the trunk of the tree_ B_ Trees shmbs,and,ground covers_Provide freshly dug trees,palms,and shmbs_Do not prune 2. All plants,other than those collecl.d on site,shall be nursery grown in accordance with subs.I removed_ pmjed T given final acceptance.An inspection shall be made by the Owner or Landscape O I prior to tlelivery_All plants shall be handled and stored n that they are atlequalely p,of_d_tl good hrat--real practices and under climatic contlitions similar to the site for at lead D_ Protect all amas from excessive compaction by foot traffic or machinery when bonging trees Architect to accept the completed work and issue a determination of substantial completion PLANTING BEDS I� I from drying out flan sun or wind bum,and from any other injury at.11 times_Any plant two years_Transplanting or mol running shall have taken place during growth_ to the planting area_ Inspedns may be performed on.11 or partially completetl phas_d work under the Contract, 1_ Grounticever and shmbs to be lad out in a rnt.rm and consistent pattern. 0 detoommod to be wilted or burned may be rejedetl al any time,whether in the ground or not E All excavated holes shall have vertcal sitl_s with rmngh.n_tl surfaces and shall be of a size as Hiredetl by the Owner 2. All planfing betls to receive mulch per plans_ U ♦y i Plants shall b_hand letl only by the r containers or rel balls,not by stems or tanks.Trees C_ Size:Plant sizes shown-n the plant list are minimums When a shmb s¢e-s given by he ght that is at least twice the width of the orginal plant cont.aer or ball_In all cases the holes shall C_ Maintenance of new plantings shall ce sist of,but not necessarily be turned!to,Pmning, 3 Lantlscape Contractor-s responsible for vemying that clean top soil,meeting the attached A, € that are scraped.r:tamed during tlelivery,storage,or planting will be rejedetl.The..site and spreatl and by-interior s ze,the larger of I,_two shall m1e_All hoes and shmbs shall an large enough to j_rnil handling d pl ting without damage to the mots or mol ball_ wafering cu8vafing,weed ng,mulching,lightening or replacing guys and stakes,resetting specif firms,exists in each planting bed poor to planfing_ C..Wctor shall add or aurentl CO t storage area shall be approved poor to the ddvery of any plant materials.Do not bend or bund an m_.,ured when their bmnch_s are in a normal post.. Spread dimensions specf.d F Excess sdI shall be removetl or,til etl d d_d by Owner or the Owners representative_If plants to proper goidos or upright positions,tum sling and applying sprays as necessary to fop sail t necessary_ Tree pits shall be backfilled as not_d in aftachetl specifications_ W v' plants-n such a as to damage bark,break branches,or destroy natural shape_ ,der to the men body of the plant and not from.streme branch tip to tip_Haight e ght-s suretl the excess sdI.11 not be used,it's -s the respons billy of the C..Wctor to remove and,ispo,e comb-ti"e"'and tlisease,liter control,mlling,fertlizing and replanting_ Excavate all shmb and ground-,betls as specifietl and backfill with planfing soil per 4) = 1 Provide protective cma nag during tlelivery_ Wm the soil line to the average height of the-ropy_ Measurement does not inclutle any of the discametl soil oft site in an acceptable manner D_ Planting areas and plants shall be protected at all times against damage of any kind for the sApil.mi.ns_ `J O 1 C_ Deliver plant materials after preparations for planting are complete,and plant imonn lately_ terminal growth,the container or root ball is also not mdridetl_ G_ Tme pts shall be backfilletl with a topsoil mixture as specifietl elsewhere in these duration of the maintenance and establishment peoafs_R any plants are inured or damaged, q- All exisfing paving base ureteral to be removetl from planfing areas and replacetl with dean I _� •� Refs or balls of all plants shall be ad.quetely protected at all times from sun and/or wind. specifications Palm fine pits will be backfilled with a mixture of up to 95%sand and 5% they shall be treated or replacetl as directed by the Owner or Landscape Amhilecl al no fop soil prior to planfing_ Final grace within planting areas to be 2"below adjacent Paved we it j Balled antl budapped(B&B)plants that cannot be Planted imonn lately upon delivery shall be Unless otherwise specifietl,the detmmmmg measurement far trees shall be caliper,which organic material_ addti.n.1 cost The Contractor is responsible fa ads of vandalism or theft during the s or top of orb. /`�v I•) p set on the ground and prot_d_d by having soil,wet peat or other acceptable ur.t_na1 shall be measured!6"above the ground fa trees up to 4'in caliper,and 12'above the ground H_ Add fedilizm to tree pts as specifietl elsewhere in these specifi-bons. maintenance and establishment period unless this responsibility is assumetl in woting by 5. Soil in landscaped areas shall be flee of Hobbs,inclutling Paving base or fill material,and O fly V _ring the roots a balls keeping them moist. fa trees over 4"caliper I_ Set ball_tl and burapped stock on a layer of 50%native soil and 50%topsoil comjad_tl to a nolh_,party. calcareous materials such as shell,lime rock,concrete,plaster and sbcco_ Planting areas ^ i D. Do not remove container grown stock from containers until planting time 6"do 11 Ln,en burlap from top of sides of the ball but no budap shall be pulled hour E Restrict frit and v_hicola,traffic Wm all lawn and planfing areas after s_admij and planting containing excessive calcareous materials shall be excavated to a minimum tlepth of(7)two y E Label at lest one tree,ane palm antl one shmb of each vanety with a securely aftachetl 2.06 GRASS MATERIALS untlemeth_Remove nonorganic binding maternal(if any)from tree ball.Immadiat_ly cut any operations Erect signs and baoi_rs t requiretl and remove when lawn and plantings are well T..t U 4-h V waterproof tag bearing legible d-la ition of botanical and common name,[requested by A. Types_Sod type shall be as specified on the pmvd_d landscape plan and associated plant damaged mots with dean shears_Using a plumb to assure that the tree is propedy upright, establish_d and amaded by Owner L �l` 1 Owner schetlule_ begin filling the hole and tamping the fill material_When fhe hole is 2l3 fi11_tl,water thoroughly F The Cradr-t.' shall be responsible for maintaining atl_q.ete protection of Ih_site_Areas SOD � Q �✓ S F Sort_Time tlelivery so that sort.11 be placed within 24 hours after stepping_ Product sort B_ Dimensions:The sort shall be taken up in commercial size rectangles,preferably 12-inch x and probe with a stick to be sure that no air pockets remain Ra-plumb,complete filling Ih_ damaged!by Ih_Landscape Contractors men or equipment,or Ih_men or equipment of his 1. Lantlscape Contrador is responsible for replacing any tlamagetl sort_ 0. against drying and breaking of mind strips 2Tmch_ hole,re-lamp,and water again Subcontractors,shall be repaired at the Lantlscape Contractors expense. M 1 'A C_ Measurement Sod shall be measured on the basis of square footage_Contractor shall be J. Set contammej own stock as above,taking care not to damage roofs when removing the G. The Contrador is responsible for keeping all plant materials atlequalely waler_tl after IRRIGATION � %_ V/ i 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS responsible for complete coverage based on the square footage shown on plans;therefore, -main or -nsfalletion even t the imgat.n system-s not operational_Plants shall,.cave a thorough 1_ All Iantlscape areas(inclutling sort)shall th inigaled with an rndergmund automat.sprinkler l A_ P etl ith and complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of site become available_ C.nfmd.,shall factor in cutting and shrinkage of materials_ K. During planting,do not cover the top of the mol ball with the suit m lure_All rope,.res, watering immediately after planting_ Afterw.ms, plants shall be w.ler_d tlunng the system aovitling 120%coverage with 50%overap or utiloing a drip i unafi.n/low volume Q B_ Utilft- Determine location of overheatl and underground o Iities and p.rt.on oak in D_ The sort shall be suffia_ntly fl ck to pr.vde a don-stand of l ve grass_The sod shall be threat,mesh etc_,shall an removetl Wur the root ball_No synthetic budap-s.11ow_d on any maintenance and establishment Parods per the regrireur_nf, set forth in Nyatu, watering system_ No landscape installation shall act until the irrigation system is 0 A, n 1 er which will avot possible tlamage.Hand excavate,as requimtl Forty eight(48)hours live,flesh antl unnjur_tl,al the time of plant ng_It shall be a soil mat of suffiaent thickness,of plant.at eoaL Synthetic burlap is unacceptable for rooWalls Trees shall be plantetl so that Requirements for Newly Plantetl Grass,Grand Covers,Shmbs and Trees in Floritla", operation 1,unless approval is granted by Owner or his representative,or Lantlscape W g pro,to digging,ng,call the appropriate Utility Authority to have all utilities tenfifietl and marked in least 2"tick,adhering frilly to the refs to withstand all necessary handl ng_If shall be free the top of the roof ball is Y above final grace_Allow for:.;Orrin_Any frees resting tleep.,or tlistubuteH by South Floritla Wafer Management D stud.In those..as where a permanent Architect10J) i untler to a_, conflicts of-ds antl other grasses It shall be planted as soon as joss blo after being dug,and shall h ghee must be ether reset or replacetl at the,scr_fion of the Owner or Lantlscape Ar0d.cl; irrigation system.,It nut be prow tl_tl,the Contractor s respons rio for-urpl...ming the t C_ Project-of Ez sting StmcNms_All exist ng buibings,walks,walls,paving,piping,antl other be shatletl and kept moist from the time t-s tlug rat I it is plantetl.After appmve;the eros such work shall be at the Contractors exponse_ Watemng Program dentified a Ih_Lantlscape Plans_ i i tours of constmction and planting a1r_ady ceurpletetl or established shall be mot clod from Wur which the sod is to be harvestatl shall be dosely urow_d and mk_d as necessary to L. Create a watering basin around each tree at least as wido as the mot ball in tliameter formed H_ The Landscape Contrador is responsible for keeping all plant materials ad.quetely f ntil-d �_ d a m a g eAll damage resulting Wm negligence shall be mp.ireH or replaced,indmIng but not remove excessive top growth and tlebris. by a circular ridge of soil at least 6"high_ tronghout the Maintenance and Establishment P_unds_Fertif_,shall be applietl at a rate to U M limited to in on pavers and cracks within existing walkways ceus_d by the Contractor The M. Each planfing basin shall be mulched to a minimum depth of 3"(after settling)_Mulch shall not keep plant materials healthy_All fertilizer shall be don_untler the di..b.n of a liconsetl ` J i Owner may,at his discretion have any damage repaired by others and subsequently cost, 2.07 REJECTION,SUBSTITUTION,AND RELOCATION be applied until the tree has been thoroughly-tonal and two days have elapsorl Mulch hah"zer operator It's the law! backch.m.d t.the Connector. A_ All plants not conforming to Ih_requirements heroin specifietl shall be consdmad defedive should be placed so that itis not in Hired contact with turnks_ I. The Lantlscape Contractor shall control disease and pest infestations in the planting area_ D. Proledion of Existing Plant Material:The Contractor shall be responsible for all rn.rlhof_tl and such plants shall be marked as injected and mmovetl from the site whether in the ground N_ All trees are to be stak_d or guyed jar,these specifications_All stakes shall be painted a Upon approval,the Contractor shall implement the conWl measures,exercising extreme cile cutting or tlamage to existing trees or shrubs c...atl by careless operation of equipment, r not,at the Connector,expense_Such mmoval shall take place imonn lately and new conspicuous cebr or shall be flaggatl for visibility and public safety;guy wires shall be caution in using hazamous materials and taking all necessary steps to protect others on and _ p /� n/�7'/ sit kp ling of mat - etc_This shall include comjadon by dm g parking in,itle the plants shall be brought in a replacements_The plant materials must meet all.pplcable jagged near the job site All disease and pest conW1 shall be done untler the tlirection of a licensed [800)A4#1-4770 tl P4 a of any f spilling of oil,gasoline or other dolet.- atonal,wthin the -nspedons requ retl by law_s O_ Palms shall be plantetl per above specifications_ d s_.se antl pest control operator �J 47 d,pgin_of any tree_No materials shall be bumed B_ The Owner or Landscape Architect also reserves the right to requ ie that plants be r_bcetutl J. Her acklo W_atl COnWI:All Iantlscape areas shall be free of nut grass,torpedo grass,and 7 www.calisunshirie.com E Excavation:When centlifions detrimental to plant growth are enconnband,such as rabble fill, after installation t their initial installation dons not conform to the plans or the intent of the 5.06 PLANTING SHRUBS,VINES,AND GROUND COVERS other noxious weeds until final acceptance&-ii, _ ad--tlrainage cora itions,or obstmctions,nobly Landscape Amhitecf before planting_ plans,or t the original location poses an umor_se_n threat to other facilities,human Ile, A. The Io-bums of all plants,butl outlines and all other areas to be Harrod!shall be clearly Last updated March 2013 health,.,safety,.,to site utilities_Such relocation shall be at fhe Contrador,expense_ mark etl with agricultural gypsum or Iantlscape marking paint than approved by the Owner or 1_"Roundup"shall be applied to all planfing areas as needed and didoomned on-site by the PART 11-PRODUCTS Landscape Amhitecf befor_any holes are dug. Owner for weetl conW1.Apply per manufacturers specifications_ 2.01 TOPSOIL PART In-EXECUTION B_ No planting shall be done until the area conc_m_tl has been satisfactory papar_tl in 2_-Ronstar-pre-eurergenWr OWNER-approvetl equal,shall be applied 2 weeks before A_ The Contrama is required to obtain a soil sample and perform a soil analysis fest to 5.01 GENERAL mordance with these specifications_ planting_Apply per manufacturers spe�cefions_ data no the exisfing soil composition and cenclrtl_whether it complies with the composition A- Proceed with and complete landscape work as rapidly as potions of the site become C_ No more plants shall be ibstributetl in the planfing area on any work day than can be Planted 3. Apply"Frsilatle'in all areas where tom_ao grass has emeged.Apply per m.nufadr ars cute..below. vail.ble_ and waleretl in that day. ,pe,,ceti.ns. B_ Where topsoil dons not meet the spe�_tl limits within the pmjed site,ft shall be frmishsl B_ No planting shall be done until all operations in conjunction with the installation of the sprinkler D_ Unless olherwiseintlicef_d,all plant,shall be planted in pts,cenleretl as called for on the 4. Apply'Basagraur'o,'Marage'in all areas where nugrass has emagorl Apply per Throughout all parts of site where finish grades antl contour lines defer ftom exisfing contour system have been completed,final grades have been establisher,planting areas have been plant list,antl sal in 24"depth of lopnil as specified elsewhere in these specifications to such m.nufadr,ers spemn,abous_ Huns,bung to finish gratle contnrs shown on"Grad mij Plan" propeey graded and papar_tl_ depth that the soil line of the plants will match Ih_srrorriding grace after sealing_Plants shall C_ Topsoil shall an finable,fertile soil with r_pr_senletive chamcleosfics of local soils_It shall an C_ Adverse Conditions:When centlifions potentially deNurental to plant growth are_ncounleretl be Planted!in vertical position and o_nt_d to give the best possible appearance o K_ Mowing of turf will commence ten(10)days after installation The height of cul will be 3'. free of heavy clay,road,stone,.strenuous lime,plant,onts,refuse and/or solitl r_tu waste,sticks, during work,such as rabble or se fill,adverse drainage conditions,or obstructions,notify relationship to adjacent stmcbres or featuresove_Rem .11 inorganic containrs th eor binding.All After e first cut,the Contractor shall adjust Ih_ft_grency of ur that wing n at at each brush,construction d..ol0ion debris,and any olherdelelenous malenals.There shall be no Owner or Landscape Archifed before planfing_ damaged!rads shall be cut away cleanly_Planting soil shall be placed!and cempadad operation no more than 1f3 of the grass bled.is removetl per cralng_ wads orwe_tl sends(ie ntguess,Bermuda gross antl Ih_like)_In n cese shall D_ Work Sch_tlrling:Work is to be schadrled to establish a logical sequence of steps for carefully to fill all v.d,and awd root injury_When the hole is 2/3 filled,water thoroughly_The L. Behwee.the 15th and 20th day of the Establishment Peood,the Contactor shall re-sort.11 Dete: 03.14.17 there be more than five percent(5%)by tlry weight of clay tramps or stones larger than 1'.It completion of each type and phase of landscape work,in such a way as to cer_Iamd with, hole shall Iran filled to finish gratle and a shallow saucer shall b_barred!around each bed. spuds or..as within the lawn where normal tuff growth is not evd_nt Tort must be well shalllesl in the pH ranged 60 to T 2 and shall contain on substance that will hopetl_plant and avoid damage and conflict with,other d...lines on site After settling,soil shall be added!as n_eded to bung the hole to grace level_ establish.d and fine of bare spuds and weetl:to the satisfaction of the OWNER or Landscape Project NO.: 16-098.000 growth_The Contractor shall have topsoil Iabomtory-tested at his expense and approved by E Coordination with SodlLawn:Plant trees,palms,and shmbs only after final grades ar. E Azaleas and other encec_ors and acid4oving plants shall be backfilled with a miAma of 20% Architect prior to final acceptance_ All plantetl areas other than lawn shall be wonder at Designed By: RDD Landscape M,tid_d or Owner prior to mat e..I tlelivery_ _stablishod,and prior to sodding or lawn establishment R such Planing most an done after topsoil and 80%acid peat They shall be set so that the bases of Ih_plants are slightly higher intervals of not more Iran ten(10)days_ Drawn By: RDD lawn work,protect lawn/sod amas during planting and promptly repair any m,,Ibng tlamage. than they grew in the container or nursery after settling.At no time shall lime in any form be M_ Application of fertile,to be done benween the Torten,(40)and fiftieth(50)day of Ih_ Topnil shall conform to the following specifications F Turing_ brought into contact with the plants or their mots_ Mulch with pine straw unless not_d establishment period Landscape Archtd eor Owner are to be ntifieH a minimum of forty Checked By: NM 1. Planting wore shall not be startatl until the final subgretl_has been established,horns otherwise. eight(48)hours in ativance_ Revision DeYB3: COMPONENTS DRY WEIGHT MEASURE PARTICLE SIZE have been constructed and fine finished grading completed F Add ferilizer to plants as outin_d in section 2 02. N_ Improper maintenance or poor condition of any planting at the time of the termination of the Organic Matter 2%-7% 2. Untl_r no centlifions shall work be done if-et or or soil centlifions are not satishickay G_ Vines shall be plantetl in pits containing at least 2 cubic feet of prep.retl topsoil_They shall be schatlrled Establishment Period may--a postponement of the final acceptance of the #1-RESUBMITTAL 324.17 Silf/clay 2%-10% 10074 mm G_ Clean-up: plantetl in Ih_same manner as shmbs,and shall be mulchetl_Vine stems shall an fastened to ontrad_Any mateoal fountl to be dead,missing,or in poor curn ition during Ih_establishment #2-RESUBMITTAL 420.17 Send 85%-98% 0075-3 Ott urm 1. Af all limes during the censhuction and installation,the site shall be mabtainetl in walls,trellises,etc.as specified in the tlrawings period shall be replacetl imuretlialely.Maintenance shall be continred by the Contractor until 1t,-RESUBMITTAL 524.17 Gravel 0%-5% 4 75 mm-1 inch dean,orderly and safe condition Streets and pavements shall be kept clean Mat_..Is H_ Grounticever plants shall b_lad out in I,_ir pori, ,nd planting locations.About being the work's acceptable_ #4-RESUBMITTAL a 12.17 and equipment for planfing work shall be limited to the quantity requiretl for Ih_particular owed ftom their containers after the soil is properly p,epa nd per these specifications_ O_ Inspection and Final Acceptance_ The analysis shall also show the following ranges_ phase of oak currently r d.-y on the job site_ Planting methodology is the same as for other shmbs. Soluble salt 2-1 Omurmhoslcm 2. Protecl landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape installation and I. Any plants which,after settling,rest sijmfoantly higher or even slightly ower than they grew 1. In.11 cases the Lantlscape Amhitecf.11 pertoon an initial and final inspection at the Ndmgen 25150 PPM brunt.namm operations,operations by other contractors and had-,and trespassers_ in the nursery or container are srbj_d to r_sealng or replaceur_m at the discretion of the beginning and end of the Establishur_m Period,respective"_It is I,_responsibility of the r Phosphos 26-39 PPM Maintain Prot_dion Hornig insfallabum,Maintenance and Establishment Woods_ Treat, OWNER or Lantlscape Architect Such work shall be at the Connector,expense_ Contrador to nobly the Owner or Landscape Aichted of the beginning and.ntl of this Potessurn M-250 PPM repair or replace damag_d Iantlscape oak as directed. J. R called for in the plans,landscape edging shall be installetl as specified_ Wood and to submit a written request for an inspedion ten(10)tlays in adwince_ Calcium Me-2500 PPM K. All planfing beds antlintlivitlual plantings shall b_mulched with aminimum of 3"(after 2 Following inspectin(s),Land pe Architect.11 prepare a listing of outstanding items to Magnesium Sa-500 PPM 5.02 SOIL PREPARATION settling)of mulch as specifietl in this document Mulch shall be free of we_tl se_tls and other an add,essetl prior to final acceptance_ Final acceptance.11 be given once the Iron 25-25 PPM A. Gentling and soil preparation work shall be pertmmed only during pounds when best results foreign matter otstantling items are ceurpletetl,and the work pa,m n.d to the satisfaction of Ih_ Manganese 2 5-25 PPM canbe rdrnnnetl. R the moisture content of the soil is high enough that work worts damage Landscape Architect and OWNER_ Zinc 2 5-25 PPM soil strrdr,e,gracing and tilling operations shall be suspentled_ 5.07 ANNUAL AND SEASONAL COLOR BEDS 3. Any material that is 25%or more dying shall be consid.nal tleatl and must be replaced 1 Copper 13 5PPM A. Barts shall be mounded to a height 6"on top of the exisfing gratle and ca.pos_tl of 50% at no charge.A tree shall be censitleretl road!when the main loader has died or when L Boren D5-1 5 PPM B_ nature mixing in soil amendments,dean topsoil of mots,plants,sorts,stones,clay lumps,and topsoil and 50%compost 25%of Ih_crown is dead A tree that has sut.retl significant leaf drop but shows signs Sulphur 15-200 PPM other extraneous materials harnf it or toxic to plant growth_Apply Herbicitl_for weed control B. Soil shall be cov.r_tl with Y.-1'tleep layer of Pine Fines Mulch or comparable product of Ile may be left for later re.nspecfiob rem n Such trees shall be subject oval and O� Chl.mne less than 100 PPM as needed. replacement at any time up to and inclutling the first re-inspedion,as regrestatl by the Sodium less than 10 C_ Mix specifietl soil aurtlur _. ends and ferilizers with topsoil at mt_s specifietl_Delay mixing of 5.08 PRUNING Owner or Landscape Archifed_The Warranty Period for such trees shall not begin until Nmoatudes none fertloor 6 planting will not follow placing of planfing soil within a few days. A. All pruning shall an don.in the presence of,and with the approval of,the Owner or after the second,e-inspacfion.