2a5_Crystal Cove_Landscape Plans Crystal Cove Commons Location Map S R I - 1 9 8 - 5 1 S 1 PGA BLVD. U PROSPERITY FARMS RD. SITE LANDSCAPE PLANS Urban Planning & Design Landscape Architecture 1 - S U Communication Graphics I S - 9 R MARCH 2017 5 8 610 Clematis Street, Suite CU02 1 1 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 NTS. 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 www.udkstudios.com #LCC000035 Copyright: All ideas, designs, arrangements, and plans Index of Sheets Plant List: represented by this drawing are owned by and the property of the designer, and were created for the exclusive use of the specified project. These ideas, designs, arrangements or plans shall not be used by, or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation without the written LP-1: Cover Sheet PLANT SCHEDULE permission of the designer. TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME LP-2:Overall Landscape Plan CE6Conocarpus erectus sericeus / Silver Button Wood LP-3 - LP-5: Landscape Plans Container Grown, 10` Ht. x 5` Spr. 1.5" Cal. Per Trunk, Multi Trunk, Full Canopy LP-6:Landscape Details CS18Cordia sebestena / Orange Geiger Tree LP-7:Landscape Specifications Container Grown, 10` Ht. x 5` Spr. 2" Cal. Single Straight Trunk, Full Canopy QV1Quercus virginiana / Live Oak Container Grown, 12` Ht. x 5` Spr. 2.5" Cal. Single Straight Trunk, Full and Even Canopy, No Low Crotch PALM TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME Crystal Cove Commons RR13 Roystonea regia / Florida Royal Palm 20` Ct. 26` O.A. Ht. 3` G.W. Min. 9 Fronds, Single Trunk, Full Head, No Scarred Trunk 1 . 7 SPSabal palmetto / Cabbage Palm O N Y W H S U 12`-18` Ct. Varying Heights, Hurricane Cut, As Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Drawing name: H:\\JOBS\\Crystal Cove Commons aka Crystal Tree Plaza_16-098\\Black Lion Inv Grp_DD_.000\\Drawings\\Landscape Plan\\2017-04-14_LP.dwg Noted On Plan M O C VM14 Veitchia montgomeryana / Montgomery Palm M LP-3 O M C O C 20` Ct. 26` O.A. Ht. Single Trunk, Full Head, No Scarred Trunk M O M C O C WB5 Wodyetia bifurcata / Foxtail Palm 12` Ct. 18` O.A. Ht. Single Trunk, Full Head, No D M A O M O C O C Scarred Trunk R N LP-4 E R M A CO M C L O O C C M M SHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME M O C M O C M O MM O OC CC M O C M O C M O C 297 CHR2Chrysobalanus icaco `Red Tip` / Red Tip Cocoplum M O C M O C M O C MM O O Min. 3 Gal. 24" Ht. x 24" Spr. 24" O.C. Full and C C D A M O R O W C IE C V F L O G O Dense Shrub, Full to Base M M O C CLN29Clusia guttifera nana / Dwaft Clusia M O M C Min. 3 Gal. 12" Ht. x 12" Spr. 24" O.C. Full and O C Dense Shrub, Full to Base M O M C O C DUE40 Duranta erecta `Gold Mound` / Gold Mound Duranta M M O CO C Min. 3 Gal. 24" Ht. x 24" Spr. 24" O.C. Full and Dense Shrub, Full to Edge of Pot M M O O C C LIJ21Ligustrum japonicum / Japanese Privet LP-5 M Cover Sheet M O Min. 3 Gal. 24" Ht. x 24" Spr. 24" O.C. Full and O C C Dense Shrub, Full to Base 29 SADSchefflera arboricola `Dwarf` / Dwarf Schefflera M O C Min. 3 Gal. 18" Ht. x 18" Spr. 24" O.C. Full and Dense Shrub, Full to Base M O C VS17Viburnum suspensum / Sandankwa Viburnum 3 Gal. 24" Ht. x 24" Spr. 24" O.C. Full and Dense M M O Shrub, Full to Base O C C GROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME M M O O C C COM LMP7,268 Lantana montevidensis `Purple` / Trailing Lantana M O MC CO CO M M C O M O M O CC M O CC O M COM Min. 1 Gal. 12" Ht. x 12" Spr. 12" O.C. Full to Edge C COM OCM COMOM M O MC O C COMC O M C OM MO C C O M of Pot AD O R W IE FV L GO NORTH N.T.S. NORTH 010'20'40' Scale:1" = 20'-0" Date: 03.14.17 Project No.: 16-098.000 Designed By: RDD Drawn By: RDD Checked By: NM Revision Dates: #1 - RESUBMITTAL 4.20.17 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING LP -1 1 1-800-432-4770 of 7 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER SAFE SIGHT TRIANGLE 30.0' UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE 30.0' UEUEUEUE UEUEUE SAFE SIGHT TRIANGLE U E 1 . O N U E Y U E 10.0' W E U E H U S U E 10.0' U 10.0' E 10.0' U E E U U M M O C O C E U E EU U M Urban Planning & Design U O UE UE E C M UE UE UE UE UEO UE E U C E U E UE UE E UEU Landscape Architecture E U U E U E U E U U E U E EM Communication Graphics U O E U C EE U E M U E UU O E UC E U U E E UM 610 Clematis Street, Suite CU02 O E U C E E EM U U U O West Palm Beach, FL 33401 E U C 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 M O U C E E M U www.udkstudios.com O C E U #LCC000035 M O U C E E M U O E C U M Copyright: O U C E E M U All ideas, designs, arrangements, and plans O E C U represented by this drawing are owned by and M U O E C the property of the designer, and were created EM U O E C U for the exclusive use of the specified project. U E These ideas, designs, arrangements or plans E U shall not be used by, or disclosed to any person, U U E E M O firm, or corporation without the written LP-3 M C E O U C E permission of the designer. E U U U E E U U E U D E E UM E O U A M C O C E O U E R U M O M C U O E EC E N U U E M COM O M C O R E C E E U UE U U U E COM A M M L OO C EC U COM E E C U UU M UE E O E UC M COM O M C E UM O C E U E U M CO E UE M O C M UE U EM O CO M OE UC CUM EO UC UE UE EU M UEO EC MU O CM O C M O EC MU OM C M OO C C M O EC MU O C M O C EM E MUO LP-4 OC C U EE E U M O M C O C U U M O EC U M O C M O C M O UC E E M O C U E UM M O C EO C M O C U E U M O C E M O C E U E UU MM O C O C M E O U C EEM UC O CUC M EO O O C E U UM U M M O C E E E UE U U M M O D O E C U A C O R U E W Crystal Cove Commons U E E E I U E V U F E UM C L E UO O C G O M E U E U E M U E E O U U C E U U E EM U C O EE C O U U E UM E U M O C E U E U M M O O C C E U M M O O C C Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Drawing name: H:\\JOBS\\Crystal Cove Commons aka Crystal Tree Plaza_16-098\\Black Lion Inv Grp_DD_.000\\Drawings\\Landscape Plan\\2017-04-14_LP.dwg E U M M E O E O C U U C E U U M E MO C O E C E U U E U M O M C EO C U E E U UU E M O M C O UEC E U U E E U M O M C O C E U E U M U E O C M O C M E O U E C M U O C M E O U C M E O U C M E O U C M O Overall E C U U E M E O U U C E M O C E U LP-5 M E O U C M O C E U M E U E O U C U E E U U E U E M E O E U C U E U M E O E U C U M E U U O U E E C M E O U C E U E U M E O U C E U E U M O C M E O E U E C U U U E M U E O C U E M E E O U E EU U C U U E M O C U EM E U O EE C U U M U E O C E M U O E C U E M U O C M E O E U C U M O C U U E E M M O C EO COM C U E U E COMCOM MCOMU CO CM OMO CM UO EUUE ECC EO UUM E UE C EO UUM E UE CEU UE OUM EO MUEC M OU E C UEEE UUE UUM CE U OE M EUEE U UUEO U EE EM UUEUU EUEOUE C CC OU E MU E UE U EE UM UEO C CM OO C M CM OO MC M CM OMCOE COMCOM UO C C COM O M E UE UM U O E COMC COM CO COMM CC OM NORTH OOMUEUE C ME UUE E OMEUE UCUU U EE CUE UE MOM OUE CCO M OC M UME OU EC C OM O EMC CU M O O MUC E UE UE UE C OUEM MEUO COMC U E CE OU M C OMOM C COM 20' 40' 80' 010'20'40' D A O R W E I V F L O G PARKING AREA INTERIOR LANDSCAPING (Sec. 27-65.) REQUIRED LANDSCAPING ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY (Sec. 27-63.)PERIMETER LANDSCAPING RELATING TO ABUTTING PROPERTY (Sec. 27-64.) 1" = 40' - 0" Scale:1" = 20'-0" TOTAL EXISTING PARKING SPACES581 REQUIRED:REQUIRED: PERIMETER PARKING SPACES125 1.1 TREE FOR EACH 50 LINEAL FEET OF OFF-STREET PARKING1.1 TREE FOR EACH 75 LINEAL FEET OF OFF-STREET PARKING INTERIOR PARKING SPACES456 Date: ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYVISIBLE TO ABUTTING PROPERTY03.14.17 OTHER VEHICULAR USE PAVED AREA101,218 SQ FT 2.3 PALMS EQUAL 1 TREE2.3 PALMS EQUAL 1 TREE Project No.: 16-098.000 3.FIFTY PERCENT (50%) MAXIMUM PALMS IN PLACE OF SHADE3.FIFTY PERCENT (50%) MAXIMUM PALMS IN PLACE OF SHADE Designed By: RDD INTERIOR LANDSCAPE SPACE REQUIREMENT Drawn By: RDD 10 SQ FT PER INTERIOR PARKING SPACE TOTAL LINEAL FEET1825 LFTOTAL LINEAL FEET340 LF Checked By: 10 X 456 = 4,560 SQ FTNM TREES REQUIRED (1825 LF/50)37 TREESTREES REQUIRED (340 LF/75)5 TREES TREES PROVIDED IN PUBLIC R.O.W. BUFFERTREES PROVIDED IN ABUTTING PROPERTY BUFFER Revision Dates: 1 SQ FT PER 100 SQ FT OF THE FIRST 50,000 SQ FT SHADE TREES20 TREESSHADE TREES6 TREES #1 - RESUBMITTAL 4.20.17 VEHICULAR USE PAVED AREA PALMS70 PALMSPALMS0 PALMS 50,000/100 = 500 SQ FT PALMS TOWARDS TREE COUNT (70/3)23 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED6 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED43 1 SQ FT PER 200 SQ FT FOR AREA OVER 50,000 SQ FT OVER/UNDER REQUIRED TREES IN R.O.W. BUFFER+1 VEHICULAR USE PAVED AREA OVER/UNDER REQUIRED TREES IN R.O.W. BUFFER+6 51,218/200 = 256 SQ FT TOTAL REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA5316 SQ FT TOTAL TREES REQUIRED54 TREES PLANT MATERIAL (Sec. 27-62.) 1 TREE / 100 SQ FT OF REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA PALMS IN PLACE OF SHADE TREES (50% MAXIMUM) LP -1 2 TOTAL PROVIDED INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA16,853 SQ FT INTERIOR LANDSCAPING (33/44)75% TREES PROVIDED FOR INT. LANDSCAPE AREA BUFFER ADJACENT TO R.O.W. (23/43)53% SHADE TREES11 TREES BUFFER ABUTTING PROPERTY (0/6)0% PALMS99 PALMS TOTAL (56/93)60% of 7 PALMS TOWARDS TREE COUNT (99/3) 33 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED44 OVER/UNDER MAXIMUM PALMS IN PLACE+10% OF SHADE TREES OVER/UNDER REQ. TREES IN INTERIOR LANDSCAPE-10 PURPLE LANTANA GROUND COVER PLANTED IN FRONT OF RED TIP COCOPLUM HEDGE REMOVE EXISTING SCHEFFLERA FOR LENGTH OF PROPERTY ARBORICOLA HEDGE AND REPLACE EXISTING COCOPLUMLINE ALONG US HWY NO.1 WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM HEDGE TO REMAIN EXISTING COCOPLUM EXISTING SABAL PALMS PROJECT IDENTIFICATION HEDGE TO REMAIN TO REMAIN AND TRIMMED 1 . O N SIGN TYPE 1B Y W H S U REMOVE EXISTING SCHEFFLERA UP TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) (REMOVE EXISTING SIGN) ARBORICOLA HEDGE AND REPLACE EXISTING SABAL PALMS SAFE SIGHT TRIANGLE WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM TO REMAIN AND TRIMMED UP TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) 30.0' REMOVE EXISTING SCHEFFLERA EXISTING COCOPLUM ARBORICOLA HEDGE AND REPLACE HEDGE TO REMAIN WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PURPLE LANTANA GROUND Urban Planning & Design SIGN TYPE 1A COVER (TYP) 30.0' UE UEUEUE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE UE SAFE SIGHT TRIANGLE UE UE U Landscape Architecture E (REMOVE EXISTING SIGN) U E Communication Graphics EASEMENT "D" E U REMOVE EXISTING OAK TREE U E REMOVE EXISTING OAK TREE U E U E U REPLACE WITH SILVER E 610 Clematis Street, Suite CU02 U E 10.0' E U E E REPLACE WITH SILVER U E U U PURPLE LANTANA GROUND BUTTONWOOD TREE West Palm Beach, FL 33401 BUTTONWOOD TREE 10.0' ROOT BARRIER (TYP) EASEMENT "C" COVER (TYP) 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 E E U U E LIMITS OF SCOPE U 10.0' www.udkstudios.com EASEMENT "A" REMOVE EXISTING OAK TREE 10.0' E #LCC000035 U E REPLACE WITH SILVER U EXISTING COCONUT E U M EASEMENT "D" O C BUTTONWOOD TREE M PALM TO REMAIN E O U C E E M U Copyright: U O PURPLE LANTANA GROUND U C E EASEMENT "C" E All ideas, designs, arrangements, and plans U M O U COVER (TYP) C E represented by this drawing are owned by and M LIMITS OF SCOPE E E O U U C the property of the designer, and were created E U M for the exclusive use of the specified project. O U E C UE UEM UE PURPLE LANTANA GROUND UE E UEE These ideas, designs, arrangements or plans UE UEUE UEO UE UUE UE U UE UE C UE UE UE UE UE UE UE shall not be used by, or disclosed to any person, UE COVER (TYP) E U E U M E U UE M UE O E U UE E U firm, or corporation without the written C U EE U E U E U E UE E U U permission of the designer. E U A E U E U M E EM U UO U O EC PURPLE LANTANA GROUND E U T C E U E E U U E U COVER (TYP) C E U E UM E UM O E U U E O C E U H EXISTING OAKS IN PARKING C E U E E U U E U LOT REMOVED AND REPLACED L E U M E U E M U O U E O C WITH ROYAL PALMS (TYP) PURPLE LANTANA GROUND E U I C E E U N U E U COVER (TYP) E U E M U E E U UM O E O C E U C RELOCATED ROYAL PALM EE U U E U L E M U M O O C P C U E E U - M 4 M O E O C U C U E E U M E M O EXISTING ROYAL U O C C U E E U PALMS TO REMAIN COCOPLUM HEDGE Crystal Cove Commons M E M U O DIRECTIONAL SIGN O C C U E E U PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGN E M U M O O C C U E E PURPLE LANTANA GROUND U MONTGOMERY PALMS IN 5-FT BY E COVER (TYP)M U M O 5-FT TREE WELLS, 20 FT CLEAR WOOD O C C U EE U TYP. AT STOREFRONTS 3 - MONTGOMERY PALMS, E Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Drawing name: H:\\JOBS\\Crystal Cove Commons aka Crystal Tree Plaza_16-098\\Black Lion Inv Grp_DD_.000\\Drawings\\Landscape Plan\\2017-04-14_LP.dwg M U M O 20 FT CLEAR WOOD O C C E UM M O O C C E MONTGOMERY PALMS IN 5-FT BY U E M U EXISTING CHRISTMAS O 500 SF OUTDOOR C 5-FT TREE WELLS, 20 FT CLEAR WOOD PALMS TO REMAIN DINING AREA M U TYP. AT STOREFRONTS COCOPLUM HEDGE O E C E M U O M U C O E C E M U O M U C O E C E M U OM U C O FOXTAIL PALMS (5) E C MONTGOMERY PALMS IN 5-FT BY 5-FT TREE WELLS, 20 FT CLEAR WOOD E M U O M C O C TYP. AT STOREFRONTS U E E U E M U O M C O C U E E U E M U EXISTING SCHEFLLERA O M C O 3 - ORANGE GEIGER C TREE TO REMAIN (TYP) E U U E TREES M E COMU O CM O COM C UE E E M U U O U C E M C O C O EXISTING COCOPLUM . M EXISTING ARECA COM E UE UM OUTDOOR DINING AREA (TYP) E O E C U. HEDGE TO REMAIN M U PALM CLUSTER O EC U E U M COM ' O C TO REMAIN 2 ECOM UE M U E UO 1 EXISTING SCHEFLLERA M C O ROOT BARRIER (TYP) C U E E EASEMENT "B" U M TREE TO REMAIN (TYP) O M C C O O E C U M COM M O UEE U C E U E U M U M O E U C O E E U C M O EC U M CO E U M REMOVE SOD, DEBRIS, AND PRUNE O C E U M O C M E U O C M O C M E U MO O C M E OU C C M O C UE COME U U EXISTING COCONUT E UEM O C MUE EXISTING VEGETATION; SURFACE EU O U CE E M UUEO C UE EU UE M O C M OM C E M UO CO C M O MC O C E M PALM TO REMAIN (TYP) UO C TREAT WITH 3" OF MULCH M O MC O C E M UOM C O MC O EMC O C E M UO C U M O MC O C EM M UO C O C M O MC O C E U M MO OC C E U REPLACE DEAD OR DAMAGED MM O OC C E U E M MO C O C E UU M O C MM O OC C E U M O RED TIP COCOPLUM HEDGE C M O C E U M O C M O C M O C M M O C OE CUM O EC M UO C M O C M M O C M OE M O C CU M O C M O C M O C A M M O C OE CUM O EC M O C U M O C T 3 - ORANGE GEIGER M O C M EXISTING ARECA OEM O C CCU C OM O C M M TREES O UC ROOT BARRIER (TYP) M COE E PALM CLUSTER CU E M H O O C U EXISTING SABAL PALMS M M O C M OE CU L C TO REMAIN M O O C TO REMAIN AND TRIMMED M I UM M OE C O ECU C E N O U M UP TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) M O C M E O E U C C O M O D MC A O R W M U E I V OE C F L CU E O G E L OM O UC M P E U M O C - C M O 4 E OC U M M O CLOUDED AREAS REPRESENT LIMITS C C M O E O C U M M O C NORTH C O EXISTING COCONUT M OF SCOPE. ALL OTHER AREAS TO O M C PALM TO REMAIN (TYP) M O C 010'20'40' M O M C O C EASEMENT "A" REMAIN AS IS. M M O O C C Scale:1" = 20'-0" E M UM O O C C M M O O C EC U Date: 03.14.17 Notes Project No.: 16-098.000 EASEMENT A Designed By: RDD EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SEACOAST UTILITIES, INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER Drawn By: RDD LINES RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 3885, PAGE 1833, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, Checked By: NM AS AFFECTED BY ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 5542, PAGE 1399, 1.BASE INFORMATION AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BASED ON SURVEY Revision Dates: O.R. BOOK 6002 PAGE 62 AND O.R. BOOK 6007, PAGE 1275 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, AND AS-BUILT PREPARED BY R.B. BRENNAN SURVEYING, INC. DATED #1 - RESUBMITTAL 4.20.17 FLORIDA (EXCEPTION 17) SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 AND SITE PLAN PREPARED BY BURTON HERSH EASEMENT B ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING DATED JANUARY 6,2017. (12' UTILITY EASEMENT) IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, AS RECORDED IN ORB 3798, PG 1801 (DATED 9/22/1982) EXCEPTION 16. EASEMENT C (12' UTILITY EASEMENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN) IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, AS RECORDED IN ORB 4007, PG 1406. EXCEPTION 18. EASEMENT D (20' UTILITY EASEMENT) DEDICATION OF EASEMENT TO NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES, INC., RECORDED ID LP -1 ORB 1114, PG 420 (DATED 11/12/1964), AS ASSIGNED TO JOHN D. AND CATHERINE T. McCATHUR 3 FOUNDATION IN ORB 5542, PG 1399, AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN O.R. BOOK 6002, PAGE 62, AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN ORB 6007, PG 1275. EXCEPTION 12 AND 17. of 7 REMOVE EXISTING SCHEFFLERA 10.0' EASEMENT A ARBORICOLA HEDGE AND REPLACE 10.0' EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SEACOAST UTILITIES, INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM 10.0' LINES RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 3885, PAGE 1833, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, 10.0' AS AFFECTED BY ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 5542, PAGE 1399, PURPLE LANTANA GROUND COVER PLANTED IN FRONT O.R. BOOK 6002 PAGE 62 AND O.R. BOOK 6007, PAGE 1275 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, 1 . O N Y W HOF RED TIP COCOPLUM HEDGE S U U FLORIDA (EXCEPTION 17) E FOR LENGTH OF PROPERTY U E EASEMENT B LINE ALONG US HWY NO.1 (12' UTILITY EASEMENT) IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, AS RECORDED IN ORB 3798, U E E U PG 1801 (DATED 9/22/1982) EXCEPTION 16. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION M PURPLE LANTANA EASEMENT C E U U E SIGN TYPE 1B A GROUND COVER (TYP) (12' UTILITY EASEMENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN) IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, T E U U E AS RECORDED IN ORB 4007, PG 1406. EXCEPTION 18. EXISTING ROYAL Urban Planning & Design C PALM TO REMAIN EASEMENT D E U Landscape Architecture H E U E EASEMENT "D"U U E E U E U EXISTING SABAL PALMS (20' UTILITY EASEMENT) DEDICATION OF EASEMENT TO NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES, INC., RECORDED ID E U PURPLE LANTANA L Communication Graphics E U E U TO REMAIN AND TRIMMED E GROUND COVER (TYP) I U ORB 1114, PG 420 (DATED 11/12/1964), AS ASSIGNED TO JOHN D. AND CATHERINE T. McCATHUR E U U E N E U UP TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) E U E FOUNDATION IN ORB 5542, PG 1399, AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN O.R. BOOK 6002,610 Clematis Street, Suite CU02 U 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK E E U E U E U U West Palm Beach, FL 33401 EXISTING COCOPLUM E E PAGE 62, AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN ORB 6007, PG 1275. EXCEPTION 12 AND 17. U SILVER BUTTONWOOD E U L 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 HEDGE TO REMAIN (TYP) E U TREE E P U www.udkstudios.com U - E #LCC000035 EASEMENT "C" 3 PURPLE LANTANA E GROUND COVER (TYP) U Notes U E LIMITS OF SCOPE PURPLE LANTANA GROUND Copyright: E All ideas, designs, arrangements, and plans COVER (TYP) U ROYAL PALMS (2) U represented by this drawing are owned by and E the property of the designer, and were created E U PURPLE LANTANA for the exclusive use of the specified project. U E 1.BASE INFORMATION AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BASED ON SURVEY These ideas, designs, arrangements or plans GROUND COVER (TYP) E shall not be used by, or disclosed to any person, U AND AS-BUILT PREPARED BY R.B. BRENNAN SURVEYING, INC. DATED U firm, or corporation without the written E SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 AND SITE PLAN PREPARED BY BURTON HERSH permission of the designer. EXISTING ROYAL E U ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING DATED JANUARY 6,2017. U PALMS TO REMAIN EXISTING HEDGE TO REMAIN E SILVER BUTTONWOOD EXISTING OAKS IN PARKING E U TREE U E LOT REMOVED AND REPLACED E U EXISTING QUEEN PALMS WITH ROYAL PALMS E U U E E U REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH 3 - ORANGE GEIGER TREES ROOT BARRIER U SHRUB BED OF COCOPLUM, E E E U (TYP) U SCHEFLLERA, AND PURPLE LANTANA U E E U U E U E EASEMENT "A" E U U U E E E U U E U E E U EXISTING SILVER BUTTONWOOD E UU E EE U U E U U HEDGE TO REMAIN E E U E U E U E U E UU E Crystal Cove Commons E U U E E E U U E U U E E EXISTING SABAL PALMS U TO REMAIN AND TRIMMED E U U Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Drawing name: H:\\JOBS\\Crystal Cove Commons aka Crystal Tree Plaza_16-098\\Black Lion Inv Grp_DD_.000\\Drawings\\Landscape Plan\\2017-04-14_LP.dwg E UP TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) E U E U U E E U E U DWARF PITCH APPLE HEDGE EXISTING ROYAL U E E U PALMS TO REMAIN EXISTING HEDGE TO REMAIN E U U E E OUTDOOR DINING AREA (TYP) U E U U E E U E U E U E U E U E E U U M E U A E E EXISTING LANDSCAPING U U T U E E U E TO REMAIN U U C E E U E E U EU U H M E U O C E E LIMITS OF SCOPE U U L E M U OE CCU E I E O UU N M U M E CO E U C E O U M E M OE ECU C U O M L UM OE C ECU E O M P U M PURPLE LANTANA GROUND M OE E CU A C - U O 3 M T COVER (TYP) M UU E EOE U C UCU EE E O C U M E U U E E E U H U U E E U L C E O E I U U U E M N E U E U E U E E U C U L E E O U M P E E M U O U - C U REMOVE EXISTING CHRISTMAS 5 E C O M O M C PALMS AND REPLACE WITH E U E M U O MONTGOMERY PALMS; 20 FT C OUTDOOR DINING AREA (TYP) CLEAR WOOD (TYP); EXISTING M O M C O C E U SHRUB PLANTING TO REMAIN M OM O C C E M U EM O O UC C M M O O C EC U EXISTING HEDGE M M O O C C E U TO REMAIN E U M O M C O C E E U E M U U O M C O C M E U O U E M C E U O C EXISTING SCHEFLLERA TREE M E O U C M E O TO REMAIN U C U E M E O U C M O E C U U M E E O EXISTING ROEBELLINI PALMS U C M O C E U E U AND GROUNDCOVER TO REMAIN D EXISTING HEDGE M O A C M O O E U C TO REMAIN U E R E UE U U NORTH M E O W C M E I O C EXISTING FOXTAIL V E U F M O U L C 010'20'40' PALM TO REMAIN E M O O C G E M U O C U M O E C E M U Scale:1" = 20'-0" O C EASEMENT "B" M O U C E M O EXISTING FOXTAIL PALM C M E O U C TO BE RELOCATED Date: 03.14.17 M O C CLOUDED AREAS M E Project No.: 16-098.000 O U C M O C Designed By: RDD ORANGE GEIGER TREE M E O U C Drawn By: REPRESENT LIMITS OF RDD M O C M E Checked By: NM O U C ROOT BARRIER M O C (TYP) Revision Dates: M E SCOPE. ALL OTHER O U C M O C#1 - RESUBMITTAL 4.20.17 M E O U C M O AREAS TO REMAIN AS IS. C U E ME U O U C E M O U C E E MA M TCHLINE L P-5 U EU O C M O C E M U O C LP -1 4 of 7 U E E U REMOVE SOD, DEBRIS, AND PRUNE E U EASEMENT A E U E 3 - ORANGE GEIGER TREES U E EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SEACOAST UTILITIES, INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER U E E U U LINES RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 3885, PAGE 1833, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, E U EXTEND RED TIP COCOPLUM AS AFFECTED BY ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS RECORDED IN O.R. BOOK 5542, PAGE 1399, E E U U UE HEDGE TO EDGE OF BUILDING ON E U O.R. BOOK 6002 PAGE 62 AND O.R. BOOK 6007, PAGE 1275 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, E U U E E U ADJACENT PROPERTY E EU EU U FLORIDA (EXCEPTION 17) E U E EU U E U E EASEMENT B E UU SILVER BUTTONWOOD M E U E E U U A (12' UTILITY EASEMENT) IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, AS RECORDED IN ORB 3798, E TREE U E E T U U E U C PG 1801 (DATED 9/22/1982) EXCEPTION 16. E U E U H E U EE U L U EASEMENT C E U I U E EE N U UU E U E E UEU E U E U U E E (12' UTILITY EASEMENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN) IN FAVOR OF FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, E U U E E U L EASEMENT "B" E U P AS RECORDED IN ORB 4007, PG 1406. EXCEPTION 18. Urban Planning & Design E UE U U EE U E - U REMOVE EXISTING SCHEFFLERA EE UU E 4 U E U EASEMENT D Landscape Architecture E U E U ARBORICOLA HEDGE AND REPLACE U E E E UU E U (20' UTILITY EASEMENT) DEDICATION OF EASEMENT TO NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES, INC., RECORDED ID Communication Graphics E WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM)E EXISTING QUEEN PALM U E U U U EE U AND ROEBELLINI PALMS E ORB 1114, PG 420 (DATED 11/12/1964), AS ASSIGNED TO JOHN D. AND CATHERINE T. McCATHUR U E UE U E TO REMAIN 610 Clematis Street, Suite CU02 U FOUNDATION IN ORB 5542, PG 1399, AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN O.R. BOOK 6002, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 E PAGE 62, AS ASSIGNED TO SEACOAST UTILITY AUTHORITY IN ORB 6007, PG 1275. EXCEPTION 12 AND 17. U E 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 U EXISTING SABAL PALMS www.udkstudios.com E U TO REMAIN AN TRIMMED UP E #LCC000035 U TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) Notes E SABAL PALM U Copyright: EXISTING DATE PALM E All ideas, designs, arrangements, and plans UE U TO REMAIN represented by this drawing are owned by and E E U U the property of the designer, and were created E U for the exclusive use of the specified project. E U 1.BASE INFORMATION AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BASED ON SURVEY E U These ideas, designs, arrangements or plans U E shall not be used by, or disclosed to any person, E AND AS-BUILT PREPARED BY R.B. BRENNAN SURVEYING, INC. DATED U E U firm, or corporation without the written LIMITS OF SCOPE U E SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 AND SITE PLAN PREPARED BY BURTON HERSH E permission of the designer. U EASEMENT "A"E U ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING DATED JANUARY 6,2017. E EXISTING ROEBELLINI PALMS U U E E U TO REMAIN E UU E EXISTING QUEEN PALMS (2) E U U E TO REMAIN EXISTING ROEBELLINI PALMS UE U E (3) SABAL PALMS E U AND GROUNDCOVER TO REMAIN E U U E E U U E D A E O M U O U C R E N M E O C E R U A L M O C C E M U Crystal Cove Commons M E O U C M O E C U M E O U C M O REMOVE EXISTING SCHEFFLERA C E U M E O U ARBORICOLA HEDGE AND REPLACE C M O C WITH RED TIP COCOPLUM) EASEMENT "A" E U M E Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Drawing name: H:\\JOBS\\Crystal Cove Commons aka Crystal Tree Plaza_16-098\\Black Lion Inv Grp_DD_.000\\Drawings\\Landscape Plan\\2017-04-14_LP.dwg O U EXISTING COCONUT C M O P-4 E L LIN CH AT M C PALM TO REMAIN (TYP) U E E M E U OU U C E M O U C E E EM U U E UO C M O C (2) SABAL PALMS E M E U O U C M O C E M U E O EXISTING COCONUT U C M O C PALM TO REMAIN (TYP) E M U O E C U M O C E EXISTING SCHEFLLERA U E U M O TREE TO REMAIN C U E U E E U U E ORANGE GEIGER M E O UU E C TREE E U OUTDOOR DINING AREA (TYP) E M U E O U C ROOT BARRIER E U EXISTING SABAL PALMS E (TYP) M U E O U TO REMAIN AN TRIMMED UP C E TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) U E M U E O U C EXISTING COCOPLUM E HEDGE TO REMAIN U EXISTING HEDGE M E O SABAL PALM UEU C TO REMAIN E U M E O U U C E U E M E O U U C E CLOUDED AREAS REPRESENT M E E O U U C E M U E E O U U C LIMITS OF SCOPE. ALL OTHER EXISTING SABAL PALMS TO REMAIN AN TRIMMED UPEXISTING SCHEFLLERA E U E M U E O U C TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) TREE TO REMAIN AREAS TO REMAIN AS IS. E E U U M M OE O CU C E E U U M O M C O EC U E U E U M O M C O E EC U EXISTING OAK TREE U LIVE OAK E U M TO REMAIN O M C E O U E C U E U U E M O U U E E C M E U O E C U U E EXISTING ROEBELLINI PALMS E M U O E C NORTH M EXISTING SCHEFLLERA U U TO REMAIN O E E C U TREE TO REMAIN U M EXISTING LIGUSTRUM E E EXISTING SABAL PALMS O U E C U M 010'20'40' O E C HEDGE TO REMAIN (TYP) U TO REMAIN AN TRIMMED UP U E M O C TO 10 AND 2 (TYP)E 4 - ORANGE GEIGER TREES E U U E M U O E EXISTING HOLLY C U M EASEMENT "A" O C TREES (3) TO REMAIN Scale:1" = 20'-0" E M U E O E U E C U U REPLACE DAMAGED M REPLACE DAMAGED REPLACE DAMAGED O C REPLACE DAMAGED VIBURNUM HEDGE E M LIGUSTRUM HEDGE LIGUSTRUM HEDGE U O E MC VIBURNUM HEDGE U O C E U Date: 03.14.17 M M O O E EASEMENT "B" E C C U U E UU E Project No.: 16-098.000 U M O EC U M E O E C U E M O Designed By: RDD U C EXISTING SABAL PALMS U E M COM M O U C UE E EO COMCOU MCC COMOM COMCOM UU COMCOM E OMC COM OMCO UCMM Drawn By: E TO REMAIN AN TRIMMED UPRDD U EEO UOMC UEECOM EUEC U UE CO M U UEE EU UEC O UM EU EE CEM EUECM OUUO OMO MU CEC COM UEU UUC EEO UM EE UM C OUEM EO MUC UEE UO MU UEE EO EU UCUE CC OU E ME TO 10 AND 2 (TYP) U EUUE E UU E UUUE CEM OE Checked By: EOU NM MUEE UC UE UE U E EUE U U EUU CEE EE OUU MUE UEM UE UOU EUE UEC E UE E U CU E O MUUEM E E UME UEUEO C UO EU CUE O MUEC UE UE UEM UO E C CM OO C M CM OO MC Revision Dates: E CMM OO C M U O M CO OMC C COOM MC COM OMC CM OMCO CO MCOCOM CM O ME U M O C #1 - RESUBMITTAL 4.20.17 C O E M U M O C C COM OCOM U ME E U UEUECO COMM COMCOM C M UCO OCOM EMM MCOC OM O OMCOM C C COM U OMUEEC CUEUEOME U UE MU COE CUUE UE OE E MMUUE O CUC EUE UE EXISTING QUEEN PALMS (2) UO E MEM OUEMU CO UEU E C UU CE EM OCOUEE U M M OC C O M UM O CEUE C OM MO C UE C OM M UMO EOC CE CU OCOMOM MC UE M U TO REMAIN EO C C UE O M M U EOE CU C O ME UU E M O C CUE OU ME UEUE EXISTING COCONUT U E CM OEO MU UC E E U UE CUE OM CO MM EXISTING VIBURNUM CO COM COM CO MCOM COMCOM PALM TO REMAIN (TYP) HEDGE TO REMAIN (TYP) ROOT BARRIER LIMITS OF SCOPE (TYP) GOLFV IEW ROAD LP -1 5 of 7 LAYOUT OF SHRUBS AT THE PLANTING EDGE IS DONE Root Barrier FIRST TO ESTABLISH A CONTINUOUS LINE. BEST FACE OF SHRUB TO FACE FRONT NO NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO TREE. OF PLANTING BED. Root Barrier Symbol REMAINING SHRUBS ARE FILLED TRUNK SHALL BE FREE OF ANY MAJOR IN BEHIND THE FRONT SHRUB SCARS. LINE. ANY PRUNING SHALL BE COMPLETED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE OWNER. SOD. USE ROLLER TO SMOOTH SHADE TREES SHALL HAVE A SINGLE, SURFACE. STRAIGHT TRUNK WITH SPROUTS CLEANLY REMOVED AND BRANCHING MULCH RING REMOVE CHORDS FROM THE TOP 1/3 OF UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED, FREE OF THE ROOTBALL AND FROM AROUND NO TREE TO BE PLANTED CLOSER ALL V-SHAPED CROTCHES. Urban Planning & Design THAN 4' TO BED EDGE. Landscape Architecture PLANTING BED EDGE. CUT CLEAN 3" MULCH (SEE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS). Communication Graphics AND STRAIGHT AS DIRECTED KEEP 6" (MIN) FROM BASE OF TRUNK. BY OWNER. USE WELLINGTON TAPE WITH (4) GROUND MAINTAIN 12" DEAD ZONE ATATTACHMENTS SPACED EVENLY AND 610 Clematis Street, Suite CU02 20' OR LESS AT MATURITY BED EDGE; SEE PLANTING West Palm Beach, FL 33401 BED EDGE DETAIL. TOP OF BURLAP BALL SHALL BE AT LEAST 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 SHRUB AND 1" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE. www.udkstudios.com #LCC000035 BUILD 4-6" CONTINUOUS SAUCER AROUND GROUND COVER LAYOUT THE TREE PIT TO HOLD THE WATER. Copyright: 2 x 4 x 24" STAKE All ideas, designs, arrangements, and plans N.T.S. DIAMETER OF THE HOLE SHALL BE TWICE represented by this drawing are owned by and THE BALL DIAMETER. FOR ROOTBALLS the property of the designer, and were created FINISHED GRADE 2' AND GREATER HOLE SHALL BE 2' for the exclusive use of the specified project. SOD LARGER THAN THE BALL DIAMETER.These ideas, designs, arrangements or plans RING TO BE CUT INTO A shall not be used by, or disclosed to any person, 'PERFECT' CIRCLE. EDGE TO BE firm, or corporation without the written ROOTBALLS GREATER THAN 2' IN DIAMETER WELL-FORMED AND WITH CRISP, FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF 50% permission of the designer. SHALL SIT ON MOUND OF UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL FROM THE HOLE DUG FOR PROVIDE RING AROUND ANY TREE SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING. BALLS THE PLANT AND 50% TOPSOIL. PLANTED IN SOD; RING SHALL BE SMALLER THAN 2' IN DIAMETER MAY SIT MIN. 2' IN DIAMETER FOR TREES 1" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE. NOTE: TOP OF ROOT BALL SHALL LESS THAN 3" IN CALIPER; ADD 3" BE AT LEAST 1/2" ABOVE THE IN RADIUS OF MULCH RING PER 1" FINISHED GRADE. OF TRUNK CALIPER FOR ANY TREE PLANTING (2-4" CALIPER) TREE GREATER THAN 3" CALIPER. N.T.S. 3" MULCH SUA FACILITIES (MAINS, SERVICES, ETC.) MULCH RING N.T.S. Crystal Cove Commons ANY PRUNING SHALL BE DONE AT THE DIRECTION SPREAD OF PLANT OF THE OWNER. THOROUGHLY WORK SOIL USE WELLINGTON TAPE WITH (4) GROUND ATTACHMENTS (50% NATIVE TOPSOIL FROM SPACED EVENLY AND ATTACHED TO (4) PRESSURE TREATED SITE WITH 50% TOPSOIL) STAKES. TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6" FOR GROUND COVERS, VINES, Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Drawing name: H:\\JOBS\\Crystal Cove Commons aka Crystal Tree Plaza_16-098\\Black Lion Inv Grp_DD_.000\\Drawings\\Landscape Plan\\2017-04-14_LP.dwg ANNUALS, AND PERENNIALS PLANTING BEDS. 3" MULCH LAYER SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR Typical Shrub, Small Tree or Palm Tree with Root Barrier BACKFILL/PLANTING SOIL MIXTURES.BUILD 4-6" CONTINUOUS SAUCER AROUND THE TREE PIT TO HOLD IRRIGATION WATER. 3" MULCH August 24, 2016 (Rev C-16) 2"x4"x24" STAKE (PRESSURE TREATED) TYPICAL TRIANGULAR SPACING OF PLANTS TO INSURE FULL COVERAGE BY GROUNDCOVER. GROUND COVERS ROOT BALLS GREATER THAN 2' IN DIAMETER SHALL SIT ON MOUND OF UNDISTURBED SOIL TO PREVENT AND ROOTED CUTTINGS SETTLING. ROOT BALLS SMALLER THAN 2' DIAMETER MAY SIT ON COMPACTED EARTH. N.T.S. DIAMETER OF HOLE FOR BALL TO 2' SHALL BE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOTBALL. DIAMETER OF THE HOLE FOR ROOTBALLS 2' & GREATER SHALL BE 2' LARGER BEST "FACE" OF PLANT TO BE THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BALL. TOWARD THE FRONT EDGE OF THE PLANTING BED.Details FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF 50% NATIVE SOIL FROM THE HOLE DUG FOR THE PLANT AND 50% TOPSOIL. 3" MIN. MULCH NOTE: TOP OF ROOT BALL SHALL 12" WIDTH ALONG BED EDGE AS IRREGULAR & MULTI-STEM TREE BE AT LEAST 1/2" ABOVE THE DEAD ZONE MAINTAINED. FINISHED GRADE. CENTERLINE TO BE 4" BELOW FINISH GRADE OF SOD. N.T.S. C L SOD TRIM ONLY THOSE FRONDS WHICH HANG EXISTING SOIL BELOW LEVEL OF TREE HEART. PLANTING BED EDGE MINIMUM OF NINE (9) GOOD PALM FRONDS. NOTE: CABBAGE PALMS TO BE INSTALLED N.T.S. HURRICANE CUT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. PRUNE SHRUBS AT OWNER'S TRUNK DIAMETER SHALL BE CONSISTENT - DIRECTION ONLY. PRUNE ALL WITHOUT ABRUPT CHANGES, LOOSE SHRUBS TO ACHIEVE A SHEATHES, HOLES, OR CAVITIES. UNIFORM MASS. CLEAR WOOD (measured to bottom of leaf sheaths) REMOVE ANY CONTAINER OTHER OVERALL HEIGHT (measured to 3/4 bud length) SECURE BATTENS W/ 2-3/4" HIGH CARBON THAN BURLAP THAT MAY BE STEEL BANDS TO HOLD BATTENS IN AROUND ROOTS. PLACE. NO NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO PALM. HEIGHT OF BATTENS NORTH SHALL BE LOCATED IN RELATION TO THE 3" MULCH HEIGHT OF THE PALM FOR ADEQUATE 010'20'40' BRACING. BUILD 4-6" CONTINUOUS SAUCER GRAY WOOD (measured to AROUND THE TREE PIT TO HOLD 5 (2 x 4 x 16") WOOD BATTENS. IRRIGATION WATER. 5 LAYERS OF BURLAP TO WRAP TRUNK. Scale:1" = 20'-0" top of hardened trunk) STEEL BANDS (3/4"; H.C.S.) SUA FACILITIES ROOTBALLS GREATER THAN (MAINS, SERVICES,ETC.) 2' IN DIAMETER SHALL SIT MINIMUM 3 (2x4) WOOD BRACES ON MOUND OF UNDISTURBED Date: 03.14.17 SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING. 3" MULCHBUILD 4-6" CONTINUOUS SAUCER AROUND Project No.: 16-098.000 ROOTBALLS LESS THAN 2' THE TREE PIT TO HOLD WATER. Designed By: RDD MAY SIT ON COMPACTED FINISHED SOIL. DIAMETER OF HOLE Drawn By: RDD GRADE(2X4X24") STAKE PAD (TYP.) FOR BALLS 2' & GREATER Checked By: NM SHALL BE 2' LARGER THAN FILL AROUND ROOTBALL WITH BACKFILL, BC DIAMETER OF BALL. FLOOD, & COMPACT FILL; REFLOOD/JET & Revision Dates: DIAMETER OF HOLE FOR COMPACT FILL 1 DAY AFTER INSTALLATION BALLS UP TO 2' SHALL BE #1 - RESUBMITTAL 4.20.17 IN ORDER TO INSURE ELIMINATION OF TWICE THE BALL DIAMETER. AIRPOCKETS. MAGNESIUM AS PER PLANTING NOTES FILL MATERIAL TO CONSIST OF FILL MATERIAL TO CONSIST OF 50% NATIVE TOPSOIL FROM HOLE 50% NATIVE TOPSOIL FROM HOLE FOR PLANT AND 50% TOPSOIL. FOR PLANT AND 50% TOPSOIL. TYPICAL PALM TREE PLANTING SHRUB PLANTING Typical Canopy Tree, Large or Exotic Palm Tree with Root Barrier N.T.S. N.T.S. August 24, 2016 (Rev C-16) LP -1 6 of 7 SECTION 02950 2.02SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS4.02 WARRANTY PERIOD TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER D.For planting beds, mix planting soil either prior to planting or apply on surface of topsoil andLandscape Architect. Only clean, sharp tools designed for the purpose shall be used. The A.Peat Moss: Peat moss shall be a commercial, baled sphagnum material, free of woody mix thoroughly before planting.goal of pruning is always to preserve and enhance the natural character of the plant. PruningA.Unless a different agreement is reached in writing between the Owner and the Contractor, all PART I - GENERAL material, minerals, or foreign matter, with a pH range of 3.0 - 5.5.shall be done per modern horticultural practice (see National Arborist Standards, latest trees and other plant material, including ground covers, installed under this agreement shall By bidding on this project and/or signing a contract for landscape work, the ContractorB.Sand: Sand shall be clean, sharp, and free of all deleterious material.1.Mix lime with dry soil prior to mixing of fertilizer.be guaranteed to live and grow for a period of one (1) year from the day of final acceptance of edition). 2.Prevent lime from contacting roots of acid-loving plants.B.Pruning shall be limited to the minimum necessary to remove injured twigs, branches, andcontract work. acknowledges that he/she has read and understood these specifications in their entirety, thatC.Lime: Natural limestone (Dolomite) containing not less than 85% of total carbonates, ground B.Non-living landscape elements shall also carry a one (1) year guarantee on materials, labor, he/she has inspected the site, and that he/she will abide by all plans, specifications, and conditionsso that not less than 90% passes a 10-mesh sieve and not less than 50% passes a 100-meshfronds, to compensate for root loss suffered during digging and transplanting, and to thin and and workmanship. sieve.E.Unless drawings indicate otherwise, berms shall not exceed a 3:1 slope. Berms near buildingsshape shrubs and trees. In no case shall more than 1/3 of the branching structure be found herein. Any perceived conflicts or concerns within the specifications or on the plant list, or in potentially troublesome drainage situations shall be checked for correct drainage by theC.Material found to be dead or in poor condition within the Warranty Period shall be replaced by including unavailability of materials, are to be brought to the attention of the Landscape ArchitectD.Humus Soil Conditioner: Consisting of yard trimmings and biosolids co-compost.removed. Damaged, scarred, frayed, split, or skinned twigs, branches, or limbs shall be the Contractor within fifteen (15) days of written notification by the Owner's representative. prior to bid submission.E.Fertilizer: Fertilizer shall be a commercial grade, granular, slow release "pre-plant" typeproject Engineer or Owner prior to planting.pruned back to the next sound outside lateral bud, branch or limb. The terminal bud or leader fertilizer.F.Tree and shrub planting beds which fall within or near parking lot areas shall be completelyshall never be removed.The Owner or Landscape Architect shall be the sole judges as to the condition of the material. 1.01 WORK INCLUDED 1.Fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened container, bearing theexcavated and back-filled with topsoil. All shell-rock or other base materials, and all subsoilC.Prune trees and shrubs to retain required height and spread. Remove the minimal amount ofD.Materials and labor involved in the replacing of materials shall be supplied by the Contractor A.Contractor shall obtain or ensure that all necessary permits have been granted to the Ownermanufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Any opened, caked, or damaged fertilizer will beand debris, shall be completely removed from beneath such planting areas, to a minimumwood necessary on flowering trees and shrubs. Remove only dead or dying fronds fromat no additional cost to the Owner. rejected.depth of 24".palms. Cuts over 3/4" in diameter shall be treated with tree wound paint; all exposed livingE.Soil Testing: Should plant materials show yellowing or other signs of soil and/or nutritional for work on the Owner's properties or in any adjacent easements prior to commencement of 2.Tree, palm, shrub and grass fertilizer shall be (University oftissue shall be covered. work.G.All tree and/or shrub planting areas within 36" of building foundations, and any other plantingproblems, the Owner or Landscape Architect may request soil testing and analysis. Such B. All planting and construction work shall be executed as shown on the provided drawings,Florida) product 8-2-12 or 8-2-13 with minor elements as an all-purposeareas where significant buried construction debris is encountered, shall be excavated to aD.Existing Trees: If indicated on drawings, Contractor shall prune and thin existing trees on site.testing will be at the expense of the Contractor. schedules, and specifications.fertilizer, or equal, and applied according to the manufacturer's direction.The use of climbing spurs is prohibited. All diseased, dead branches and those interfering minimum depth of 24" and backfilled with topsoil as specified elsewhere in these1.Soil problems (as revealed by testing) shall be corrected by application of corrective with healthy plant growth shall be removed. Also, remove root suckers, low branches, and any C. Any additional work or materials required to install landscape elements as called for on the3.Application of fertilizer shall be consistent with the current recommendations of the Greenspecifications.chemicals and nutrients, removal and replacement of soil, or other measures as agreed Urban Planning & Design plans, specifications or plant list shall be provided and installed by the Contractor.Industries - Best Management Practices.others as directed by the Owner or Landscape Architect. Cuts shall be flush with the trunk or upon by all parties. All such measures shall be at the Contractor's expense unless clear Landscape Architecture 3.03 TILLING 4.Fertilizer shall be applied by an individual who has successfully completed the GI-BMPlimb and shall be painted with tree paint. Remove any nails, wires, etc. fastened to the tree. D. Finish Grade Elevations: 2 inch below top of pathway edging.evidence establishes that the soil problem is not pre-existing and is caused by factors Communication Graphics E. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for all work until final acceptance by the Owner.program and holds a current Urban Fertilizer License or as required by the State andA.Before mixing, clean soil of roots, plants, clay lumps, stones in excess of 1" in diameter, and beyond the Contractor's control. 3.09PLANTERS - DECORATIVE OR STRUCTURAL The Contractor shall protect all materials and work against injury and shall provide andLocal Ordinances. other extraneous or potentially harmful materials.F.Replacement and Conditions: A.If specified, landscaping in planters shall be installed using the following method: maintain all necessary guards for the protection of the public. He shall be held responsible forB. After all soil conditioning (and topsoil if called for on plans) has been spread at specified rates,1.Materials will be replaced as many times as necessary to satisfy the OWNER'S 610 Clematis Street, Suite CU02 2.03WATER any negligence during the execution of the work.the areas to be planted should be thoroughly rotary-tilled to a depth of six (6) inches. Plowing representative and the specifications. All replacement costs will be the responsibility of West Palm Beach, FL 33401 1.Install 4" deep layer of fine crushed stone in bottom of planter. A.All water necessary for planting and maintenance shall be of satisfactory quality to sustain or dicing is not an acceptable substitute for rotary-tilling.the Contractor. 561.366.1100 FAX 561.366.1111 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE adequate growth of plants and shall not contain harmful, natural or man-made elements2.Install filter fabric over stone layer. Turn up edges of fabric all around. 2.Replacements will be of the same size, species, and specifications as the original. No www.udkstudios.com detrimental to plants.3.Install planting soil mix over filter fabric to within of top for planter. Do not compact A. All work specified herein shall be performed by a single firm specializing in landscape work.1.If the sprinkler system is installed after grading and tilling is completed, the backfill shall additional soil additives will be required unless significant amounts of soil mix are lost #LCC000035 planting soil. The Landscape Architect and the Owner retain the right to approve any proposedbe retilled in the affected areas. before or during replacement. 2.04OTHER LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS 4.Install plant material as specified elsewhere in these specifications. subcontractors prior to awarding the contract.2.When the subsoil, grading, topsoil addition, soil conditioning, and tilling have been 3.Plant losses due to abnormal weather conditions such as floods, excessive wind damage A.Mulch: Mulch shall be shredded Melaleuca, Eucalyptus, Grade Pine Bark Nuggets, or5.Install 3" of mulch over planting soil. B.Ship landscape materials with certificates of inspection required by governing authorities.accomplished, all areas so treated shall be compacted and settled by application of (on properly staked or guyed trees), severe freezing, or hail will not be the responsibility Copyright: approved equal, free of foreign materials and weed seeds. Minimum depth after settling shall Comply with all regulations applicable to landscape materials.heavy irrigation to a minimum depth of twelve (12) inches. Erosion scars shall be of the Contractor. All ideas, designs, arrangements, and plans 3.10SODDING NEW LAWNS be 3". C.Package standard products with manufacturers certified analysis. For other materials, providerepaired. 4.Deciduous materials will be guaranteed to break dormancy at the proper season. represented by this drawing are owned by and B.Guying and Bracing: Tree guying and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor inA.The Contractor shall sod all areas indicated and noted on the drawings. No sodding shall analysis by recognized laboratory made in accordance with methods established by the Materials planted during their normal dormant period will be guaranteed to resume the property of the designer, and were created 3.04 FINE FINISH GRADING accordance with the planting details to insure stability and maintain plants in an upright occur until areas to be sodded are cleared of any rough grass, weeds and debris, the ground Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, wherever applicable. normal growth at the proper time for that species. for the exclusive use of the specified project. position. brought to an even grade and specified amendments have been added. See details for D.Provide trees, palms, shrubs and groundcover grown in a recognized nursery in accordanceA.When preliminary grading has been completed and the soil has dried sufficiently to be readily These ideas, designs, arrangements or plans C. with good horticultural practice. Materials must be healthy and vigorous, free of disease,worked, all lawn and planting areas shall be graded to the elevations indicated on thespecific amendments as per sod type. shall not be used by, or disclosed to any person, D.Tree Wound Paint: Tree wound paint shall be an asphaltic base paint containing an firm, or corporation without the written Engineering Plans. The top four (4) inches shall be completely free of stones larger than oneB.Whenever a suitable area has been graded and is ready for sodding the Contractor shall, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as decay, rot, knots, sun scald, injuries, abrasions, LANDSCAPE NOTES permission of the designer. antibacterial agent, specially prepared for tree surgery work. when directed by the Landscape Architect, proceed at once with the sodding of the available and poor or unusual form. No collected material will be permitted unless specific written(1) inch. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between points GENERAL : E.Super Absorbent Polymer: "Terra Sorb" or approved equal as packaged in 3 oz. Handy Pac approval is granted.where elevations are given. Positive drainage away from buildings shall always be maintained.areas. Sodding shall be incorporated into the project at the earliest practical time in the life of 1.All proposed material shall be Florida No. 1 or better as set forth in "Grades & Standards for composed of synthetic acriamide copolymer, potassium, acrylate. Particle size of 1.0 mm to E.Do not make substitutions. If specified landscape material is not available at time of planting,the contract. No sod which has been cut for more than seventy two (72) hours shall be used Surface drainage shall be directed as indicated on the drawings by remodeling surfaces to Nursery Plants," Part 1&2, Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, latest edition. 3.0 mm and absorption rate of 300 times its weight in water, if specified on plans. submit proof of non-availability and provide a list of proposed equivalent material. Oncefacilitate the natural run-off of water. All depressions where water will stand, all voids, erosion,unless specifically authorized by the Landscape Architect or Owner after his careful inspection No deviations will be permitted. authorized, adjustments to the contract will be made. Owner is not financially responsible forthereof. Any sod which is not planted within twenty four (24) hours after cutting shall be settled trenches and excavations, and all ridges and rises shall be amended and/or removed 2.By submitting a bid, the landscape contractor is responsible for providing the material Apply dry, using the following amounts: unauthorized substitutions.stacked in an approved manner and maintained properly moistened. leaving a smooth, even finish grade. If additional amended topsoil is required to accomplish specified on the plans. No substitutions will be accepted without prior written approval and 1.For trees and palms up to 36" diameter root ball, use one 3 oz. Handy Pac. F.Plant materials of larger size than specified may be used if acceptable to Landscape Architectthe intent of this specification, it shall be according to the foregoing specifications for topsoil.C.The sod shall be placed on the prepared surface, with edges in close contact, and shall be acceptance by the Owner or his representative, or Landscape Architect. 2.For trees and palms over 36" diameter root ball use two 3 oz. and if sizes of root balls are increased proportionately. Installation of larger sizes will notfirmly and smoothly embedded by light tamping with appropriate tools. Sod shall be rolled 3.Materials to be hand-selected at the discretion of the Owner or his representative, or 3.Handy Pacs. Broadcast throughout planting hole and backfill as per manufacturers increase contract amount unless specifically authorized by Owner.1.All area shall be graded so that the final grades are 2" below adjacent paved areas,with 1,000 lbs. roller unless waived by the Landscape Architect or Owner. Landscape Architect. specifications. G. Owner and Landscape Architect reserve the right to inspect, approve or reject at any timesidewalks, valve boxes, mowing strips, clean-outs, drains, etc., with appropriateD.Where sodding is used in drainage ditches, sod panels shall be set in a staggered pattern, 4.All work shall proceed in a professional manner in accordance with standard nursery and plant materials or work either at the nursery or at the site which does not meet the condition inadjustments for varying sod thicknesses. The intent is for water always to drain awaysuch as to avoid a continuous seam along the line of flow. Offsets of individual strips shall not installation practice. For container grown plants: the plans, plant list or specifications.from paving into lawn/sod areas.exceed six (6) inches. At the inside of the curbs, sod shall abut squarely and evenly. 5.Quantities on plant list are for convenience only. Landscape Contractor is responsible for all Container SizeApplication Rate H.The Contractor shall be responsible for planting the landscape in complete accordance with all2.Eliminating all erosion scars prior to beginning planting.E.On areas where the sod may slide, due to height and slope, the Landscape Architect or plants shown on planting plans. When discrepancies occur between plant list and planting 1 Gallon1 Handy Pac / 9 Containers 3.The Owner and/or his representative shall approve all final finish grades prior to planting. applicable codes, ordinances, and laws. Any modification made to conform with said codes,Owner may direct that the sod be pegged, with pegs driven through the sod blocks into firm plans, the plans are to override the plant list in all cases. Contractor is responsible for 3 Gallons1 Handy Pac / 4 Containers laws and ordinances, after the bid is awarded, shall be completed at the Contractor's expenseearth, at suitable intervals. confirming sod quantities and certifying such to the Owner or his representative. 7-10 Gallons1 Handy Pac / 2 Containers B.Prior to fine grading or the installation of plant material the Contractor shall obtain certificationF.Any pieces of sod which, after placing, show an appearance of extreme dryness shall be at no additional cost to the Owner. 6.Contractor is responsible for locating all underground utilities prior to digging. Notify the 20 Gallons1 Handy Pac / 1 Container that the project area is at the grade levels proposed by the Civil Engineer or Landscaperemoved from the work. Owner or his representative, or the Landscape Architect immediately regarding discrepancies 1.03 SUBMITTALS Architect from a licensed Surveyor. The Contractor shall fine grade the lawn and plantingG.Where placement of new sod abuts existing sodded areas, new sod must be placed in such a or conflicts. Crystal Cove Commons 2.05 PLANT MATERIAL A. Certification: Submit certificates of inspections as required by governmental authorities, andareas to bring the rough grade up to final finished grade allowing for thickness of sod and/ormanner as to produce an even transition to existing sodded areas. 7.Landscape Contractor to notify the Owner or his representative, or Landscape Architect at A.Plant list is part of this specification section. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing mulch depth.H.It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to bring the sod edge in a neat, clean manner to manufacturers or vendor's certified analysis for soil amendments and fertilizer materials. least three (3) working days prior to beginning any stage of work. and installing all plant materials shown on the drawings and plant list. In case of conflict Submit other data substantiating that materials comply with specified requirements.the edge of all paving and shrub areas. 8.Owner or Landscape Architect to be immediately notified of any discrepancies found in field. between the two documents, the drawings shall rule. 3.05 PLANTING TREES AND PALMS B. Submit seed vendor's certified statement for each grass seed mixture required, stating 9.Owner or his representative, or Landscape Architect reserve the right to field adjust plant B.Quality: Trees, palms, shrubs, and other plants shall be Florida #1 or better as defined in the PART IV MAINTENANCE, ESTABLISHMENT AND WARRANTY PERIODS A.Layout individual tree locations and areas for multiple plantings. Stake all locations and outline botanical and common name, percentage by weight, and percentage of purity, germination, material on-site to avoid conflicts or discrepancies not anticipated in the planning process. latest edition of Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Florida Department of Agriculture 4.01 MAINTENANCE AND ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD areas, then secure Landscape Architect's acceptance before the start of planting work. and weed seed for each grass seed species. 10.Existing plant material to be removed, except as noted. and Consumer Services. Multi-trunked trees will not be accepted unless they are specifically B.Prior to preparation of tree pits, ascertain the location of all electrical cables, all conduits, allA.The Maintenance Period shall begin immediately after each plant is planted, and the C. Planting Schedule: Submit planting schedule showing schedule dates for each type of planting Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Drawing name: H:\\JOBS\\Crystal Cove Commons aka Crystal Tree Plaza_16-098\\Black Lion Inv Grp_DD_.000\\Drawings\\Landscape Plan\\2017-04-14_LP.dwg specified in the planting plans. All plants shall have a normal habit of growth and shall be utility lines, oil tanks and supply lines, so that proper precautions may be taken not to disturb Contractor shall continuously maintain all areas involved in this contract during the progress in each area of site. TREES & PALMS sound, healthy, and vigorous. Trees shall have normal well-developed branching structures or damage any existing conditions. Properly maintain and protect existing utilities. Should of the work. D. Maintenance Instructions: Submit typewritten procedures for maintenance of landscape work, 1.All trees, new and relocated, to be staked and guyed as detailed. and vigorous root systems that are not root or container bound. such underground or overhead obstructions be encountered that interfere with planting, the B. The Establishment Period shall begin on the first day after all planting and installation of all through final acceptance. 2.No double or multi-trunk trees unless otherwise specified. Contractor will inform the Landscape Architect or Owner's representative and shall be landscape elements is completed and initially accepted. The Contractor shall continuously 3.Face of trees and palms to be located a minimum of 2'-0" off all sidewalks/bike paths or other 1.Balled and burlapped plants (BB or b&b) shall be dug with firm, natural balls of earth, of 1.04DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING consulted as to the adjustment of the location of plants to clear such obstruction or the maintain all areas from initial acceptance until final acceptance by the Owner. The paved surface, unless otherwise notated on plans. sufficient depth and diameter to include the fibrous and feeding roots. Plants with relocation of the obstruction. A. Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials in original containers showing manufacturer'sEstablishment Period shall continue for not less than ninety (90) continuous calendar days. 4.Root suckers on Live Oaks are not acceptable. cracked, dry, or broken balls will not be accepted, nor will plants with root balls of C.Tree pit locations shall be staked by the Contractor and approved by the Owner or LandscapeHurricane cut Sabal Palms shall have an Establishment Period of not less than one hundred guaranteed weight analysis and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from damage and 5.All trees falling within grassed areas to have a mulch ring 3' in diameter, mulched 3" deep insufficient size. Architect before digging. Pits shall be excavated to the depth and width indicated and all deterioration during delivery and storage.and eighty (180) continuous calendar days. The Establishment Period will end at the time the with no more than 1" deep directly adjacent to the trunk of the tree. 2.All plants, other than those collected on site, shall be nursery grown in accordance with subsoil removed. B. Trees, shrubs, and ground covers: Provide freshly dug trees, palms, and shrubs. Do not pruneproject is given final acceptance. An inspection shall be made by the Owner or Landscape good horticultural practices and under climatic conditions similar to the site for at least prior to delivery. All plants shall be handled and stored so that they are adequately protectedD.Protect all areas from excessive compaction by foot traffic or machinery when bringing trees Architect to accept the completed work and issue a determination of substantial completion. PLANTING BEDS two years. Transplanting or root pruning shall have taken place during growth. to the planting area. from drying out, from sun or wind burn, and from any other injury at all times. Any plantInspections may be performed on all or partially completed phased work under the Contract, 1.Groundcover and shrubs to be laid out in a uniform and consistent pattern. E.All excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughened surfaces and shall be of a size determined to be wilted or burned may be rejected at any time, whether in the ground or not. as directed by the Owner. 2.All planting beds to receive mulch per plans. C.Size: Plant sizes shown in the plant list are minimums. When a shrub size is given by height Plants shall be handled only by their containers or root balls, not by stems or trunks. Treesthat is at least twice the width of the original plant container or ball. In all cases the holes shall C.Maintenance of new plantings shall consist of, but not necessarily be limited to, pruning, 3.Landscape Contractor is responsible for verifying that clean top soil, meeting the attached and spread and by container size, the larger of the two shall rule. All trees and shrubs shall that are scraped or scarred during delivery, storage, or planting will be rejected. The on-sitebe large enough to permit handling and planting without damage to the roots or root ball. watering, cultivating, weeding, mulching, tightening or replacing guys and stakes, resetting specifications, exists in each planting bed prior to planting. Contractor shall add or amend Specifications be measured when their branches are in a normal position. Spread dimensions specified storage area shall be approved prior to the delivery of any plant materials. Do not bend or bindF.Excess soil shall be removed or utilized as directed by Owner or the Owner's representative. If plants to proper grades or upright positions, furnishing and applying sprays as necessary to top soil if necessary. Tree pits shall be backfilled as noted in attached specifications. refer to the main body of the plant and not from extreme branch tip to tip. Height is measured plants in such a manner as to damage bark, break branches, or destroy natural shape. the excess soil will not be used, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to remove and dispose combat insects and disease, litter control, rolling, fertilizing and replanting. Excavate all shrub and groundcover beds as specified and backfill with planting soil per from the soil line to the average height of the canopy. Measurement does not include any Provide protective covering during delivery. of the discarded soil off site in an acceptable manner. D.Planting areas and plants shall be protected at all times against damage of any kind for the specifications. terminal growth; the container or root ball is also not included. C. Deliver plant materials after preparations for planting are complete, and plant immediately.G.Tree pits shall be backfilled with a topsoil mixture as specified elsewhere in these duration of the maintenance and establishment periods. If any plants are injured or damaged, 4.All existing paving base material to be removed from planting areas and replaced with clean Roots or balls of all plants shall be adequately protected at all times from sun and/or wind. specifications Palm tree pits will be backfilled with a mixture of up to 95% sand and 5% they shall be treated or replaced as directed by the Owner or Landscape Architect at no top soil prior to planting. Final grade within planting areas to be 2" below adjacent paved Unless otherwise specified, the determining measurement for trees shall be caliper, which Balled and burlapped (B&B) plants that cannot be planted immediately upon delivery shall beorganic material. additional cost. The Contractor is responsible for acts of vandalism or theft during the areas or top of curb. shall be measured 6" above the ground for trees up to 4" in caliper, and 12" above the ground set on the ground and protected by having soil, wet peat, or other acceptable materialH.Add fertilizer to tree pits as specified elsewhere in these specifications. maintenance and establishment period unless this responsibility is assumed in writing by 5.Soil in landscaped areas shall be free of debris, including paving base or fill material, and for trees over 4" caliper. covering the roots or balls keeping them moist. I.Set balled and burlapped stock on a layer of 50% native soil and 50% topsoil compacted to a another party. calcareous materials such as shell, lime rock, concrete, plaster and stucco. Planting areas D. Do not remove container grown stock from containers until planting time. 6" depth. Loosen burlap from top of sides of the ball but no burlap shall be pulled from E.Restrict foot and vehicular traffic from all lawn and planting areas after seeding and planting containing excessive calcareous materials shall be excavated to a minimum depth of (2') two 2.06GRASS MATERIALS E. Label at least one tree, one palm and one shrub of each variety with a securely attached underneath. Remove non-organic binding material (if any) from tree ball. Immediately cut any operations. Erect signs and barriers if required and remove when lawn and plantings are well feet. A.Types: Sod type shall be as specified on the provided landscape plan and associated plant waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name, if requested by damaged roots with clean shears. Using a plumb to assure that the tree is properly upright, established and accepted by Owner. schedule. Owner.begin filling the hole and tamping the fill material. When the hole is 2/3 filled, water thoroughly F.The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of the site. Areas SOD B.Dimensions: The sod shall be taken up in commercial size rectangles, preferably 12-inch x F.Sod: Time delivery so that sod will be placed within 24 hours after stripping. Protect sod and probe with a stick to be sure that no air pockets remain. Re-plumb, complete filling the damaged by the Landscape Contractor's men or equipment, or the men or equipment of his 1.Landscape Contractor is responsible for replacing any damaged sod. 24-inch. against drying and breaking of rolled strips. hole, re-tamp, and water again. Subcontractor's, shall be repaired at the Landscape Contractor's expense. C.Measurement: Sod shall be measured on the basis of square footage. Contractor shall be J.Set container-grown stock as above, taking care not to damage roots when removing the G.The Contractor is responsible for keeping all plant materials adequately watered after IRRIGATION responsible for complete coverage based on the square footage shown on plans; therefore, 1.05JOB CONDITIONS container installation even if the irrigation system is not operational. Plants shall receive a thorough 1.All landscape areas (including sod) shall be irrigated with an underground automatic sprinkler Contractor shall factor in cutting and shrinkage of materials. A. Proceed with and complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of site become available. K.During planting, do not cover the top of the root ball with the soil mixture. All rope, wires, watering immediately after planting. Afterwards, plants shall be watered during the system providing 120% coverage with 50% overlap or utilizing a drip irrigation/low volume D.The sod shall be sufficiently thick to provide a dense stand of live grass. The sod shall be B. Utilities: Determine location of overhead and underground utilities and perform work in aburlap mesh etc., shall be removed from the root ball. No synthetic burlap is allowed on any maintenance and establishment periods per the requirements set forth in "Water watering system. No landscape installation shall occur until the irrigation system is live, fresh and uninjured, at the time of planting. It shall be a soil mat of sufficient thickness, at manner which will avoid possible damage. Hand excavate, as required. Forty eight (48) hoursplant material. Synthetic burlap is unacceptable for rootballs. Trees shall be planted so that Requirements for Newly Planted Grass, Ground Covers, Shrubs and Trees in Florida", operational, unless approval is granted by Owner or his representative, or Landscape least thick, adhering firmly to the roots to withstand all necessary handling. It shall be free prior to digging, call the appropriate Utility Authority to have all utilities identified and marked inthe top of the root ball is 2" above final grade. Allow for settling. Any trees resting deeper or distributed by South Florida Water Management District. In those areas where a permanent Architect. of weeds and other grasses. It shall be planted as soon as possible after being dug, and shall order to avoid conflicts.higher must be either reset or replaced at the discretion of the Owner or Landscape Architect; irrigation system will not be provided, the Contractor is responsible for implementing the be shaded and kept moist from the time it is dug until it is planted. After approval, the area C.Protection of Existing Structures: All existing buildings, walks, walls, paving, piping, and othersuch work shall be at the Contractor's expense. Watering Program identified in the Landscape Plans. from which the sod is to be harvested shall be closely mowed and raked as necessary to items of construction and planting already completed or established shall be protected fromL.Create a watering basin around each tree at least as wide as the root ball in diameter formed H.The Landscape Contractor is responsible for keeping all plant materials adequately fertilized remove excessive top growth and debris. damage. All damage resulting from negligence shall be repaired or replaced, including but notby a circular ridge of soil at least 6" high. throughout the Maintenance and Establishment Periods. Fertilizer shall be applied at a rate to limited to marks on pavers and cracks within existing walkways caused by the Contractor. TheM.Each planting basin shall be mulched to a minimum depth of 3" (after settling). Mulch shall not keep plant materials healthy. All fertilizer shall be done under the direction of a licensed It's the law! 2.07 REJECTION, SUBSTITUTION, AND RELOCATION Owner may, at his discretion have any damage repaired by others and subsequently costsbe applied until the tree has been thoroughly watered and two days have elapsed. Mulch fertilizer operator. A.All plants not conforming to the requirements herein specified shall be considered defective should be placed so that it is not in direct contact with trunks. back-charged to the Contractor. I.The Landscape Contractor shall control disease and pest infestations in the planting area. and such plants shall be marked as rejected and removed from the site whether in the ground D.Protection of Existing Plant Material: The Contractor shall be responsible for all unauthorizedN.All trees are to be staked or guyed per these specifications. All stakes shall be painted a Upon approval, the Contractor shall implement the control measures, exercising extreme or not, at the Contractor's expense. Such removal shall take place immediately and new conspicuous color or shall be flagged for visibility and public safety; guy wires shall be cutting or damage to existing trees or shrubs caused by careless operation of equipment, caution in using hazardous materials and taking all necessary steps to protect others on and (800) 432-4770 plants shall be brought in as replacements. The plant materials must meet all applicable stockpiling of materials, etc. This shall include compaction by driving or parking inside theflagged. near the job site. All disease and pest control shall be done under the direction of a licensed inspections required by law. O.Palms shall be planted per above specifications. drip-line of any tree, or spilling of oil, gasoline, or other deleterious materials within the disease and pest control operator. B. The Owner or Landscape Architect also reserves the right to require that plants be relocated drip-line of any tree. No materials shall be burned. J.Herbicide Weed Control: All landscape areas shall be free of nut grass, torpedo grass, and after installation if their initial installation does not conform to the plans or the intent of the 3.06 PLANTING SHRUBS, VINES, AND GROUND COVERS E. Excavation: When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, other noxious weeds until final acceptance of work. Last updated: March 2013 plans, or if the original location poses an unforeseen threat to other facilities, human life, A.The locations of all plants, bed outlines and all other areas to be planted shall be clearly adverse drainage conditions, or obstructions, notify Landscape Architect before planting. health, or safety, or to site utilities. Such relocation shall be at the Contractor's expense. marked with agricultural gypsum or landscape marking paint then approved by the Owner or 1. "Round-up" shall be applied to all planting areas as needed and determined on-site by the PART II - PRODUCTS Landscape Architect before any holes are dug. Owner for weed control. Apply per manufacturers specifications. PART III - EXECUTION 2.01TOPSOIL B.No planting shall be done until the area concerned has been satisfactorily prepared in 2. "Ronstar" pre-emergent or OWNER - approved equal, shall be applied 2 weeks before 3.01 GENERAL NORTH accordance with these specifications. A.The Contractor is required to obtain a soil sample and perform a soil analysis test to planting. Apply per manufacturers specifications. A.Proceed with and complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of the site become C.No more plants shall be distributed in the planting area on any work day than can be planted determine the existing soil composition and conclude whether it complies with the composition 3. Apply "Fusilade" in all areas where torpedo grass has emerged. Apply per manufacturers available. and watered in that day. criteria below. specifications. 010'20'40' B. No planting shall be done until all operations in conjunction with the installation of the sprinkler B. Where topsoil does not meet the specified limits within the project site, it shall be furnished.D.Unless otherwise indicated, all plants shall be planted in pits, centered as called for on the 4. Apply "Basagram" or "Marage" in all areas where nutgrass has emerged. Apply per system have been completed, final grades have been established, planting areas have been Throughout all parts of site where finish grades and contour lines differ from existing contourplant list, and set in 24" depth of topsoil as specified elsewhere in these specifications to such manufacturers specifications. properly graded and prepared. lines, bring to finish grade contours shown on "Grading Plan."depth that the soil line of the plants will match the surrounding grade after settling. Plants shall Scale:1" = 20'-0" C.Adverse Conditions: When conditions potentially detrimental to plant growth are encountered C.Topsoil shall be friable, fertile soil with representative characteristics of local soils. It shall bebe planted in a vertical position and oriented to give the best possible appearance or K.Mowing of turf will commence ten (10) days after installation. The height of cut will be 3". during work, such as rubble or refuse fill, adverse drainage conditions, or obstructions, notify relationship to adjacent structures or features. Remove all inorganic containers or binding. All free of heavy clay, marl, stone, extraneous lime, plant roots, refuse and/or solid waste, sticks, After the first cut, the Contractor shall adjust the frequency of mowing so that at each Owner or Landscape Architect before planting. damaged roots shall be cut away cleanly. Planting soil shall be placed and compacted brush, construction demolition debris, and any other deleterious materials. There shall be no operation no more than 1/3 of the grass blade is removed per cutting. D.Work Scheduling: Work is to be scheduled to establish a logical sequence of steps for noxious weeds or weed seeds (i.e., nut grass, Bermuda grass and the like). In no case shallcarefully to fill all voids and avoid root injury. When the hole is 2/3 filled, water thoroughly. The L.Between the 15th and 20th day of the Establishment Period, the Contractor shall re-sod all Date: 03.14.17 completion of each type and phase of landscape work, in such a way as to correspond with, hole shall then be filled to finish grade and a shallow saucer shall be formed around each bed. there be more than five percent (5%) by dry weight of clay lumps or stones larger than 1". It spots or areas within the lawn where normal turf growth is not evident. Turf must be well Project No.: 16-098.000 and avoid damage and conflict with, other disciplines on site. After settling, soil shall be added as needed to bring the hole to grade level. shall test in the pH range of 6.0 to 7.2 and shall contain no substance that will impede plant established and free of bare spots and weeds to the satisfaction of the OWNER or Landscape Designed By: E.Coordination with Sod/Lawn: Plant trees, palms, and shrubs only after final grades are RDD E.Azaleas and other ericaceous and acid-loving plants shall be backfilled with a mixture of 20% growth. The Contractor shall have topsoil laboratory-tested at his expense and approved by Architect prior to final acceptance. All planted areas other than lawn shall be weeded at established, and prior to sodding or lawn establishment. If such planting must be done after topsoil and 80% acid peat. They shall be set so that the bases of the plants are slightly higher Landscape Architect or Owner prior to material delivery. intervals of not more than ten (10) days. Drawn By: RDD lawn work, protect lawn/sod areas during planting and promptly repair any resulting damage. than they grew in the container or nursery after settling. At no time shall lime in any form be M. Application of fertilizer to be done between the fortieth (40) and fiftieth (50) day of the Checked By: NM F.Timing: brought into contact with the plants or their roots. Mulch with pine straw unless noted Topsoil shall conform to the following specifications: establishment period. Landscape Architect or Owner are to be notified a minimum of forty 1. Planting work shall not be started until the final subgrade has been established, berms otherwise. eight (48) hours in advance. Revision Dates: have been constructed and fine finished grading completed. F.Add fertilizer to plants as outlined in section 2.02. COMPONENTS DRY WEIGHT MEASURE PARTICLE SIZE N.Improper maintenance or poor condition of any planting at the time of the termination of the 2.Under no conditions shall work be done if weather or soil conditions are not satisfactory. #1 - RESUBMITTAL 4.20.17 Organic Matter 2% - 7% G.Vines shall be planted in pits containing at least 2 cubic feet of prepared topsoil. They shall be scheduled Establishment Period may cause postponement of the final acceptance of the G.Clean-up: planted in the same manner as shrubs, and shall be mulched. Vine stems shall be fastened to Silt/Clay 2% - 10% < 0.074 mm contract. Any material found to be dead, missing, or in poor condition during the establishment 1.At all times during the construction and installation, the site shall be maintained in a Sand 85% - 98% 0.075 - 3.00 mmwalls, trellises, etc. as specified in the drawings. period shall be replaced immediately. Maintenance shall be continued by the Contractor until clean, orderly and safe condition. Streets and pavements shall be kept clean. Materials H.Groundcover plants shall be laid out in their proposed planting locations without being Gravel 0% - 5% 4.75 mm - 1 inch the work is acceptable. and equipment for planting work shall be limited to the quantity required for the particular removed from their containers after the soil is properly prepared per these specifications. O.Inspection and Final Acceptance: phase of work currently underway on the job site. The analysis shall also show the following ranges:Planting methodology is the same as for other shrubs. 2.Protect landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape installation and Soluble salt .2 - 1.0mmmhos/cmI.Any plants which, after settling, rest significantly higher or even slightly lower than they grew 1.In all cases the Landscape Architect will perform an initial and final inspection at the maintenance operations, operations by other contractors and trades, and trespassers. Nitrogen 25-150 PPMin the nursery or container are subject to resetting or replacement at the discretion of the beginning and end of the Establishment Period, respectively. It is the responsibility of the Maintain protection during installation, Maintenance and Establishment periods. Treat, Phosphorus 26 - 39 PPMOWNER or Landscape Architect. Such work shall be at the Contractor's expense. Contractor to notify the Owner or Landscape Architect of the beginning and end of this repair or replace damaged landscape work as directed. Potassium 50 - 250 PPM J.If called for in the plans, landscape edging shall be installed as specified. period and to submit a written request for an inspection ten (10) days in advance. Calcium 500 - 2500 PPMK.All planting beds and individual plantings shall be mulched with a minimum of 3" (after 2.Following inspection(s), Landscape Architect will prepare a listing of outstanding items to 3.02 SOIL PREPARATION Magnesium 50 - 500 PPM settling) of mulch as specified in this document. Mulch shall be free of weed seeds and other be addressed prior to final acceptance. acceptance will be given once the A.Grading and soil preparation work shall be performed only during periods when best results Iron 2.5 - 25 PPM foreign matter. outstanding items are completed, and the work performed to the satisfaction of the LP -1 7 can be obtained. If the moisture content of the soil is high enough that work would damage Manganese2.5 - 25 PPM Landscape Architect and OWNER. soil structure, grading and tilling operations shall be suspended. Zinc 2.5 - 25 PPM 3.07 ANNUAL AND SEASONAL COLOR BEDS 3.Any material that is 25% or more dying shall be considered dead and must be replaced Copper 1.3 - 5 PPM A.Beds shall be mounded to a height 6" on top of the existing grade and composed of 50% at no charge. A tree shall be considered dead when the main leader has died or when B. Before mixing in soil amendments, clean topsoil of roots, plants, sods, stones, clay lumps, and Boron0.5 - 1.5 PPM topsoil and 50% compost. 25% of the crown is dead. A tree that has suffered significant leaf drop but shows signs other extraneous materials harmful or toxic to plant growth. Apply Herbicide for weed control Sulphur 15 - 200 PPM B. of life may be left for later re-inspection. Such trees shall be subject to removal and of 7 as needed. Chlorine less than 100 PPM replacement at any time up to and including the first re-inspection, as requested by the C. Mix specified soil amendments and fertilizers with topsoil at rates specified. Delay mixing of Sodium less than 10 3.08 PRUNING Owner or Landscape Architect. The Warranty Period for such trees shall not begin until fertilizer if planting will not follow placing of planting soil within a few days. Nematodesnone A.All pruning shall be done in the presence of, and with the approval of, the Owner or after the second re-inspection.