1962-149 Ratifying and Approving a Budget for NPBCC Recreational Facilities for FY 1962-63 RESOLUTION # 149 A RESOLUTION OP THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH Po-aI.M ' BEACH, FLORIDA, RAFITYING AND APPROVING ~+, BUDGET FOR THE OPERATION OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB RECREATION FACILITIES FOB THE FISCAL YEAR 1962 - 1963. ~x-x~ -x-~ ac-~ BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, F.LOAIDA: Section 1. The Budget for the operation of the North Palm Beach Country Club Recreation Facilities £6r the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1962, and ending October 31, 1963, as shown on the following report by the Village Treasurer and Village Manager, is hereby ratified and approved. NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB Su_m_m_ary of Proposed Expenditures 1962 - 1963 Appropriate Title ' 1. Salaries Maintenance Department $ 53,650 Operations 24,090 Pool Facilities _20.000 2. Utilities 3. Fertilizers, Seed 4. Fungicides, Chemicals 5. Equipment Maintenance 6. Building Maintenance 7. Soil, Conditioners 8. New Equipment 9. Insurance 10. Advertising, Printing 11. Office Equipment 12. Pool Events 13. Tournaments, Misc. Expense 14. Bond Interest Payments 15. Contingency Reserve 1962 - 1963 Village Manager's Recommendation $ 97,740. 7,550. 14,500. 8;300. 6,500. 2,700. 2,500. 4,500. 4500. 5;500. 500. 750. 2,900. 58,000. 71,485. $ 287,925. r~ U Resolution #149 Paae 2. Detail o£ Anticipated Revenue 1962 - 1963 Fiscal Year 1. Annual Membership's 2. Daily Memberships 3. Cart Rentals 4. Driving Range 5. Lockers, Etc. 6. Dining Room 7. Instruction, Special Events 155;925. 80,560. 25,200. 18,500. 1,800. 1,000. ..5,500. $ 287,925. PASSED AND ADOPTED This 30th day o£ October, 1962. u L_ i (SEAL} ATTEST• Village Clerk Mayor r~ ~~