1962-148 Ratifying and Approving Budget for FY 1962-63 RESOLUTION H 148 ' A RESOLUTION OP THE Vl'.LLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1962- 1963; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO BE RAISED BY AD VALORED7 TAXES FOR THE YEAR; AND FIXING THE AD VALORFiA7 TAX LEVY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1962. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: . Section 1. The budget: for the Village of North Palm Beach for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1962, and ending October 31, 1963, as shoran on the following report by the Village Treasurer and Village Manager, is hereby ratified and approved. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA ummar~ o Pro ose Ex en itures 6 - 19 1962-1963 Appropriate Title Village A9anager`s Recommendation General Government $ 47,082. Village Manager's Office 17,246. Village Attorney and Judge 3,275. Village Clerk 1,450. Finance Department 15,150. Police Department 34,532. Fire Department 9,170. • Village Engineer 1,850. Building Official 15,360. Parks $ Beautification 5,880• ' Recreation 23,000. Operations 69,543. Reserve for Contingencies 40,019. $ 283,557. s Resolution #148 age VSLLAGE OF NORTFI PALM BEACN TAX ROLL 196 - 9 Complete Roll r,.~a;+~ $ 32,806.038 Reserve 4% Discount $ 482,038. 5,245,000. 14,000. 5,741,D38. $ 27,065,000. Exempt Property Flomestead Disability $ Widows Total Credits Net Tax Roll Total Tax @ 7 Mills $ 7,578. $ 189,455. Total Reserve u $ 7,578. NET AD VALOREM TAX INCOME $ 181,877. Section 2. The Council, having considered said budget and having considered the tax assessment roll for the year 1962, hereby fixes and determines the sum of $ 181,877, as the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes in such Village for said fiscal year, and fixes the total ad valorem tax levy for the calendar year 1962 at 7 mills for the dollar of assessed valuation of taxable property. Section 3. A certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered by the Village Clerk to the Village Tax Assessor, together with the tax assessment roll and a certified copy of the resolution approving the latter, and the tax assessor shall then proceed to assess and extend the taxes on the tax assessment roll according to and in the proportion to the valuations entered therein; when this has been done, the tax assessor shall deliver the roll to the Village Clerk who shall certify and deliver the same, or a copy thereof, to the Village Tax Collector and the latter sha1:L, beginning November 1, 1962, proceed in the manner provided by laia to collect and receive said taxes. n U Resolution #148 • age Detail of Antici ated Revenue Source of Revenue Real Estate $ Personal Property Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 181,877. Total Taxes tense and Permit Fees Building Permits Occupational Licenses Boat Area Fees Examination Fees Dog Licenses Total License and ermit ees Fines, Forfeits and Penalties Fines and Forfeitures Total Fines, Forfeitures Franchise Revenues Florida Power $ Light Co. $ 16,500. Southern Bell Tel. 0 Tel. 700. Atlantic Fuel Company 2,,400. 1 Franchise Revenue nue - Other Sources Road $ Bridge Fund $ 2,200. Tree Planting 1,600. Cigarette Tax 25,000. Rent - Village Hall 5,580. Recreation Fees 1,000. Miscellaneous Income, Fees 250. Total Revenue, Other ources n GRAND TOTAL Revenue 1962 - 1963 nticipate $ 181,877. $ 45,950. $ 500. $ 19,600. 35,630. $ 283,557. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of October, 1962. -_ (SEAL) ~~ ~ ~~- a-Ff y o r ATTEST: Village erg $ 18,000. 25,000. 2,400. 300. 250. $ 500.