1962-130 Declaring the Results of the General Election RESOLUTION # 130 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTI', FLORIDA, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL _ ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 20, 1962. ~ ~ ~~ WHEREAS, on the 20th day of March, 1962, -there was held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, a general elect- ion £or the purpose of electing councilmen to the Village Council for Groups 1, 3, and 5; and WHEREAS, by due resolution, the following named persons were • appointed inspectors and clerk of said election, to-wit; Ralph J. Cohn, Cathryn L. Mitchell, Sylvester Zerniko, Inspectors; and Frances Tulino, Clerk; and WHEREAS, on March 20, 1962, said Inspectors and Clerk, after taking and subscribing their oath in accordance with the law, made their returns to the Village Council, which returns certified that the following is the result of said general election, to-wit: Total Machine Vote ............570 ' Total Absentee Vote............ 1 Total Village Vote .,....,.....571 For Village Councilman, Group I: Thomas R. Bell .received 155 Votes Charles R. Brooks received 160 Votes Frank J. Hahn received 245 Votes For Councilman, Group III: Joseph Aloia received 129 Votes Warren P. Tatoul received 433 Votes For Councilman, Group V: Louis J. Aiello, Jr.,received 328 Votes Thomas F. Lewis _ received 231 Votes and WHEREAS, the Village Council has duly canvassed the returns ' of said general election and finds that the returns of the Inspectors and _ Clerk of said election are true and correct tabulations of the votes oast; now therefore, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; ' Section 1. That the Village Council finds and declares that the following is the result is the result of said general election, to-wit:. For Villaae Councilman, Group I Frank J. Hahn received 246 Votes • Charles R. Brooks received 160 Votes Thomas R. Bell received 155 Votes • For Villaae Councilman, Grouo III Warren P. Tatoul received 434 Votes Joseph Aloia received 129 Votes For Villaae Councilman, Group V_ Louis J. Aiello, Jr. __ Received - 328 Votes Thomas F. Lewis Received 232 Votes Section 2. That the following candidates are hereby declared to be elected to the respective offices as fo11~?ws: ' Villaae Councilman, Groff I FRANK J. HAHN Villaae Councilman, Group III WARREN P. TATOUL Villaae Councilman, Grouo V LOUIS J. AIELLO, JR. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 1962. __ ~ Ea.~ Mayor ' (SEAL) ATTEST: Village Clerk • For Villaae Councilman, Grouo III Warren P. Tatoul received 434 Votes Joseph Aloia received 129 Votes For Villaae Councilman, Group V_ Louis J. Aiello, Jr. __ Received - 328 Votes Thomas F. Lewis Received 232 Votes Section 2. That the following candidates are hereby declared to be elected to the respective offices as fo11~?ws: ' Villaae Councilman, Groff I FRANK J. HAHN Villaae Councilman, Group III WARREN P. TATOUL Villaae Councilman, Grouo V LOUIS J. AIELLO, JR. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of March, 1962. __ ~ Ea.~ Mayor ' (SEAL) ATTEST: Village Clerk