1962-128 Ratifying and Approving a Budget for the Operation of the NPBCC• RESOLUTION ~# 128 A RESOLUTION OF THE `JILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE OPERATION OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRI' CLUB FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1961 - 1962. ~-~ ~~ ~ BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The budget for the operation of the North Palm Beach Country Club for the current i:iscal year beginning January 2, 1962 and ending October 31, 1962, as sYiown on the following report by the Village Treasurer and Village Manager, is hereby ratified and approved. NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB Summarv of Proposed Expenditures 1962 Fiscal Year Appropriate Title 1. Salaries Maintenance Department 110 - Greenskeeper .$ 5,000. 120 - Maintenance Workers (9) 24.725. Course Operations Starter, Ranger, Locker Room Attendants, Driving Range (5) Cashier and Membership Secretary r 2. Electric Cart Operation Maintenance Contract 3. Fertilizer, Seed. Chemicals 4. Automotive Eauipment Repairs, Supplies 5. Insurance 6. Licht and Power 7. Telephone 8. Advertising 9. Miscellaneous Supplies. Tools 10. Reserved for Continaencies 1962 Fiscal Year Village Manager's Recommendation $ 29,725. 12,803. 2,977. 8,333. 10,000. 6,000. 3,400. 6,000. 450. 2,500. 1,000. 52,323. $135,511. Detail of Anticipated Revenue 1962 Fiscal Year Green's Fees ' Electric Carts Hand Carts Driving Range Profit, Dining Room Lockers Balance, January 2, 1962 $ 77,739. 27 ,1.44 . 3,122. 7,675. 1,000. 250. 18,581. $135,511. ~J PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of Januarv. 1962. (SEAL) ' ATTEST: (''~~ l4 ~v- . Village Clerk Mayor n