1961-121 Concerning Mutual Fire Fighting Adi and Protection with Town of Lake Park ' RESOLUTION N0. 121 A RESOLUT_TON OF THE VILLAGE COUNC~, OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CONCERNING MUTUAL FIRE FIGHTING AID AND PROTECTION WITH THE TOWN OF LASE PARiL, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~ ~ ~ • WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach and the Town of Lake Park, Palm Beach County, Florida, are desirous of extending mutual fire fighting aid and protection to each other in time of emergency need so long as the same shall not jeopardize the inter- ests of each governmental unit; NOW, 1EiEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIZ OF THE PILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Village of North Palm Beach shall render ' emergency fire "ire fighting assistance at any point within the Town of Lake Park requested. Section 2. Each unit shall provide compensation for their own employees and there shall be no charges from one unit to another for the use of equipment. Section 3. The equipment shall be dispatched to fires as follows: (a) In the event the Village of North Palm Beach receives • the first notice of a Pire in the Town of Lake Park, the Village ' may dispatch North Palm Beach equipment et once to the scene if it is deemed expedient due to proximity or nature of fire, The Village of North Palm Beach shall forthwith notify the Town of ' Lake Park Fire Department of the fire and of the fact that the North Palm Beach equipment has been dispatched. Upon the Town of Lake Park equipment arriving at the scene, the Lake Park £ire official in charge shall decide whether North Palm Beach equipment ' shall remain upon the scene to assist or shall be relieved. Once the Lake Park fire equipment arrives at the scene, the direction and control of all fire Fighting facilities shall be under the supervision of the Lake Park fire official. Resolution No. 121 Page 2 ' (b) In the event of any firs in Lake Park, the first call of which shall have been answered by Lake Park equipment, the Lake Park fire chief or, in his absence, the Lake Park fireman in charge of that fire shall decide whether it will be helpful ' to obtain the facilities of the Village of North Palm Beach. If so, he shall telephone or radio the North Palm Beach Fire or Police Department and request the same. (c) Upon receiving the request, the North Palm Beach Fire Chief or the person then in charge of the North Palm Beach • Fire Department shall have full discretion to decide whether granting the request for aid will jeopardize the fire protection of the Pillage, and, if in his opinion it will, the request shall be denied. (d) When in the opinion of the North Palm Beach fire chief, deputy chief, or fireman in charge, the facilities of Lake Park will be helpful in fighting afire within North Palm Beach corporate limits, he shall telephone or radio the Lake Park Fire Department and request aid. Any Lake Park fire equipment sent to the Village shall be under the control and direction of the North Palm Beach fire officer in charge. Said equipment, however, shall be operated only by Lake Park personnel. (e) Upon receiving the above request, the Lake Park chief or the district chief or the person then in charge of the Lake Park Fire Department shall have full discretion to decide whether granting the request for aid will jeopardize the fire protection of Lake Park, and, if in his opinion it will, the request shall be denied. Section 1~. It is hereby expressly understood that any equipment furnished by the Village of North Palm Beach shall be ' operated exclusively by North Palm Beach personnel but under the control and direction of the Lake Park fire officer i.ra charge. Section 5. Each of the parties hereto shall arrange their liability and workmen~s compensation insurance coverage so that their personnel will be covered although acting beyond the bound- ' aries of the municipality. Resolution #121 Page 3 Section 6. This resolution shall not be repealed without £irat Eiving ten days prior notice to the Town Commission o£ the Town o£ Lake Park. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11tth day o£ November, 1961. (SEAL) ~'..Fis~~ f a~ ' Mayor ATTEST: • :.~2 ~sa,,,. Village Clerk