1961-117 Recreation Facilities Bond Referendum Election Results RESOLUTION NU. 117 A RESOLUTION CANPASSING THE RETURNS ANll llECI,AELI.NG THE RESULT Ur' A SPECIAL N;1 •N:CTlUN HL~'lU 1N THE VILLAGE OF NUHTH rALrt tS15ACH VLLI,AGE, PALM BEACH COUNTY, rTaUttlllA, uN THE rROruSIT10N ur' J.SSUING $1,lt30,000.00 RECREATIONAL r'ACILiTIES BONDS Or' SAID VILLAGE. WHE1tEAS, pursuant to Ordinance Number 65 adopted on June 2l~, 1961, by the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach Village, Palm Beach County, Flor3.da, a special election was duly called and held in said village, whereat there was submitted tm the freeholders who xere qualified electors residing in said Village, the following propositions and PdOrUSITlON rHUrOSITIUN Ur' THE ISSUANCE uF THE BuNll$ Ur' 'PnE VILLAGE ur' NOxTn rAt.M BNACn IN THE AMOUNT ur' ~1,lt30,000.00 BEAtt~.Nu tNTEHN~SP AT NOT TU ExCr~U r'OUR APID 11^HREE QUARTER YER CENT tly 3/!~) YEH ANNUin, AND TO MATURE 1N NOT MORE THAN THIRTY t30) Yh:0.FLS r'xuM THE DA'1~ THE1tEuN, ruH THE ruxrUSE ur' rAY1NU 'cam oUaP ur' ACQUS1iI:NG THROUGH rUHCssA9E AND CUNSTHUCTIUN A BUILDING, r'ACiLl'P1ES, EQUIr~ MENT AND GHOUlJD5 P'OR rUBLIC HH:CHEATiONAL rURrUSE3, INCLUDING GULL++' AND SVJLMMIPIG, i~hiI CH BONllS S#1AL2+ CONSTSY'UTr; r'ULL GENEkAL uBLiGATIUNb uF THE V]:1,LAGE ANll BE PAYABLE r'ROM TAxES LEVIEU ON ALL TAxABLE rHUYEttPY IN THE VILLAGE. WHEKEAS, said election was duly called and held on said date and the in- spectors and clerks of said election have filed their returns, which have been duly examined and verified arxi are as follows: rolling dace Village Hall Absentee Totals Number of Votes in Favor Number of Votes ainst Number of Mutilated Ballots 570 31 601 71+ 6 80 2 2 ~t Resolution No. 117 • Page 2, ' NOw, THN;REFUkE, Be It Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1. That upon being daly advised in the premises, it is hereby found and declared that for the special bores election referred to in the prearabie hereto, ' there were 983 qualified resident electors of said Village c,~o were freeholders and qualified to vote at said election, that at said election there were cast on the pro- position hereinabove set out,.a total of 685 votes, of which 601 voted were cast "For Bonds" and 80 votes were cast "Against Bonds" and !~ ballots were mutilated and were not counted, and therefore, it is hereby declared that said proposition submitted • at said election has been approved by s ma3ority of the freeholders who were qualified electors residing in said village and participating ins aid election, that a majority of the freeholders of said village qualified to vote at said election did vote at said election, and that the Council of the Village of North Palm Beach Village is thereby authorized to do any and all things necessary to provide for the issuance, sale anc} delivery of the Recreation Facilities Bonds so authorized. Section 2. That this resolution shall take immediate effect upon its adoption. ' The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to have a certified copy of this resolution recorded in the minutes of the Board of Gommisaioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, and spy certified copy of this resolution shall be deemed a certificate of the declaration of the results of the aforementioned bond election of July 25, 1961. ADOPTED AND APPkuVED July 25, 1961. ATTEST: ~ ~ -~.~. Vi age Clerk, u G~c4Z'~srxw.t Mayor