1961-114 Directing the Village Clerk to Publish Notice of Referendum Election Held July 18, 1961• RESOLUTION NU. 114 A RESOLUTION UF' THE VILLAGE COUNCIL UN' THE VILLAGE OF' NUKTH YALM BEACH, ' FEORIDA, DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TU PUBLISH NOTICE OF A REr'EHENDUi~i N'LECl'ION TO HE HELD IN SUCri VILLAGE UN JULY 18, 1961, AT WHICH 'T'IME TFTE ELi~CTURS UA' THE VILLAGE n!~' VOTE UPON THN: REF'EHENDUea PROVIDED FUR IN HOUSE BILL NU. 903 OF THE 1961 FLOHTDA LEGISLA`PURE; NAMING THE TIME AND rLACE WHERE SUCH ELEC1.'IUN aHAi,L BE HELD; AYPOIIdT1NG '1nE r;LEC'1'IUN uFF1CIAL5; AND FUR 07'HER rURYUSES, ~ ~ ~# WHEREAS, House Bill No. 903 of the 1961 Florida Legislatnre e~itled: "AN ACT RELATING '1'0 THE VILLAGE OF NOxtnrALM BEACH, rZUHL1A, UREAlED BY CHAYTLH 314h1, LAWS OF.FLORIDA, EX. SESS. 1956, AS • AMENDED, BY AMENDING YARAIrRAPH (1) CF SEC'1'tON 3 OF AR'1'ICLr: V, Yk~V.LDIlVG THAT THE VILLAGE MAY LEVY SUFFICIEYdT TAXN;S Tu YAY PRINCIPAL OF ANO INTEKEST UN HOUSS, NOTt~:S ANll UTHEH EVIDENCES Ob' 1NllEB`PEDNESS OF THE V:LLLAGE TU WHICH THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OP' THE VILLAGE 15 YLEDGEU; PROVIDING FUH THE REPEAL Ur' ALL LAWS Ox rAKTS OF LAWS Itd CUNFLJ:C1' HEREWITH; YRWIDING FUR AN EFFEC'1'1VE DATE AND FUK A HEN'ERENllUM.~~ became a law on May 6, 1961, subject to the provisions of Section 4 thereof, re- quiring a referendum thereon by the qualified electors of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida and WHEREAS, the Village Council desires to make pravi.sion for such refer- endum election; NOW, THERl~FOHE, BE iT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED 13Y THE VILLAGE COUNCIL Ur' THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM REACH, FLURIllA: Section 1. That an election shall be held within the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, on July 18, 1961, and such election i.s hereby called. Such election shall be held within the hours of 7x00 o~clock A.M. and 7:00 o~clock P,M, on said date. Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby ordered anll directed to cause a notice • of said election to be published in the Palm Beach Times once on Monday July 3, 1961. Said notice shall be substantially in the following form: NORTYt YALm BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE O1~ ELECTION ' UN JULY 18, 1961 TO ALL (~ALIFIEll ELGCTUHS RESIDING IN THE VILLAGE OF NUK'i'n PALM liJ:ACH, r'LUR'CDA: By onier of the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, ' notice is hereby given that on July 18, 1961, a special election will be held in said Village for the purpose of allowing the registered and qualified electors of the Village to vote upon the following propasition, all as provided for in Section 4 of House Bill No. 903 of the 1961 Florida Legislature, which b ecame a law on May 9, 1961, • sub3ect to approval by special referendum: DO YOU FAVUK THE AYYRuVAL (~' AN ACT OF TnE 1961 FIARIDA LEGISLATURE AUTHORiZIh~ THE VILLAGE OF NUHTH PALM BEACH Resolution # 114 • rag® 3 Signed and approved this lst day of Julys 19bi. ' (SEAi,) ATTEST: ~ ~~ moo.,.. i age G erk C~ r ~~ Grnv~ mayor - Connci an Counei en