1961-113 Authorizing Village to Borrow Sum of $1755 RESOLUTION NU. 113 A RESOLUTION Or' 1H1!; VILLAGE UvUNC1L Ur' 'PHE V1L~.AGIS ur' NUR'Lk rAl~s LsA:ACH, r'LOR.f.uA, AU`PHUHIZI<Ju THE VILLAGE TO BURROW THE SUM OF SEPr1dTrr;N HUNDRED r'IFl'Y-FIVE ($1,755.00) DOLLARS .LN ANTICIPATION Ur' RECEIt'Y' Ur' TAbFS TU B1s LEfIIED FUR '1't1r; CAt,r;NDAR Yr;AH 1961. s# WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach. is in need of certain monies for the purpose of defraying the cost of the purchase of a police patrol automobile; and WHEREAS, the Village Council has estimated and determined that the sum of SEPIIVTEEN HUNDRID FIFTY-FIVE 01,755.00) DOLLARS will be sufficient for the purpose set forth above; and WHEREAS, the Charter of the Village of North Palm Beaeh, and particularly Section 3 (3) of Article H, authorises the borrowixag of such money, on a temporary basis, in anticipation of taxes and other appropriated revernie to be received by the Village; NOW, THEREFORE, Lsr: iT AND IT 1S HEREBY RESOL4hD tsY THR V,LLLAGr; ur NORTH PALM tsEACn, FLORIDA: authorised to borrow from the First American Bank of North Palm Beach, Florida, the sum of SEVENTEEN HUNDRED r'1.r"L'Y-F1VE 01,755.00) DOILAR5 may be borrowed in such amounts and at such times as may be deemed advisable by the Village Council upon execution of notes bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5~) per annum. Interest shall run on each said note executed pursuant to this section from the date of the advance of money evidenced thereby, and each said note shall further become due and payable not later than the 1st day of February, 1962, from the proceeds of tax®s levied for the year 1961, Section 1. That the PSayor a-nd Village Treasurer be and they are hereby PASSED ANll AUOP'1'ED this 13th day of June , 1961 ~~i. f'..4~sy,+s~.~ yor (SEAL, ) A'I'TES'P: i lags Cler Resolution ~# lllt Page 2 TO IEVSC SUFrTCIENT TAnE,3 TO YAY TtiE PRINCIPAL AND IN'1'ERES`L' UN UHLIOATIONS OF THL VILLAGE TO WHICH THE; BULL 1~'ATicl AND CREDl'1 OF THE V1LLAliE IS PLEDGED? The polling place for such election is designated as the Village Hall i.n the \~ Village of North Palm Beach. The polls will be open at such voting place from 7:00 o+clock A.M. to 7:00 o+clock P.M. The registration books will be open in the Village Clerk+a affice bet.reen the hours of 10:00 o+clock A.M. and 12:00 noon and 2:00 o+clock P.M. and 5s00 o+clock Y.M. on week-days only up to and including the 7th day of July, 1961. in .Olean Village Clerk Seetioa 3. The Village Clerk as Registration Officer of the Village is hereby directed to prepare a list of the names of all registered and qualified electors of the Village and he should keep the registration books open at his office between the hours of 10:00 o+clock A.M. and 12:00 noon and 2:60 o+clock P.M, and 5:00 o+clock P.M. on week-days only up to and including the 7th day of Julys 1961. A certified list of such registered and qualified electors shall be furnished by the Village Clerk to the In- spectors and Clark in charge of the polling place on the day of the election. Section ~.. The Inspectors snd Clerk of said election are hereby appointed as follows: Ralph J. Cohn , Cathr yn I.. Mitchell Sylvester Zerniko ~ Inspectors and Frances E. Tulino ~ Clerk. Said officers are hereby directed to hold said election in accordance with the law and in such manner as to prevent all. frauds deceit and abuse therein or thereaty and to make the returns of said election in the manner pre- scribed by law. Section 5. The Village Clerk and election offi dale are hereby die®cted to arrange for the use of voting machines at said election arri the form of the ballot sha13 be such as is consistent with the nee of voting machines and with the provisions of the above referred to House Bill No. 903. Section 6. Simnediately after the clasing of the polls on the day of the election the Inspectors and Clerk shall certify the returns thereof to the Village Clerk and the Village Council shall hold a meeting on the ensuing day for the puraose of canvassing the returns and declaring the results of said election. Section 7. This resolution shall take affect immediately.