1961-112 Accepting Two Offers to Dedicate submerged land in Plat 6 RESOLTJTION N0. 112 ~J A RESOLUJ'ION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE V7.LLAGE Or' NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACt! COUNTY, t~'LORSDA, ACCFYTING TWO OFr,ER3 TO DEDICATE DATED APRIL 13, 1961. #tt- WHEREAS, two offers to dedicate, each dated April 13, 1961, have been received to this resolution; and by and considered by the Village Council, the originals of said offers being attached WHEREAS, it is to the best interests and benefit of the Village of North Palm Beach and its residents and citizens at large that such offers each be accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach, aub3ect to all the terms and conditions thereof; NOW, TtiEREr'bRE, BB TT ANll 1T 15 HEREBY RESOLVED BY THB VILLAGE CUUNCTL UN THr; VILLAGE OF NOHT1i PALM BEACH, Fi.URIDA: Section 1. That the Village of North Palm Beach does hereby accept each oP said offers to dedicate, subject to all the terms and conditions therein expressed. Section 2. That the Village of North Palm Beach does hereby agree to maintain the waterways expressly described in said offers as an integral part of the drainage set forth. system of the Village aril for the use and benefit of its residents and citizens as therein Section 3. That the Village Clerk shall record in the public records of Palm Beach County Florida, a certified copy of this resolution, including a copy of the said offers to dedicate. PASSED ANll ADUYTLti1? this 9th _ day of Maw, 1961. i~ (SEAL) ATTEST: ~~. ~Sesv... Vi age Clerk r ~r~{~L ~~m~L.L Mayor OFFEtt TO DEll1OATE ' To: Village of North Palm Beach, a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue.: of the laws of the State of Florida. The undersigned, Virginia Gravlin Brown, a Free Dealer, Bunker R anch Homes, Inc., Golfview Heights, Eac., Belvedere Homes, Inc., Belvedere Industrial Corp., Forest Hill Homes, Inc., Belvedere Holding Corp and William W. Blakeslee, as Trustee, doing business ' as NORTtt1.ANF` PHOPEttTT.r;3, Grantor, does hereby offer t0 dedicate to the Village of North Palm Eeach, Florida, Grantee, certain submerged property described herein subject to the following terms and conditioner 1. Grantor is owner of certain submerged property described as follows: • The South 100 feet, (measured at right angles between parallel lines of the following described parcel: d parcel of land in Section 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach, Florida, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in a line parallel to and 112.$ feet southerly from, measured at right angles to, the North line of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 8, at a distance of 505 feet easterly, measured along said parallel line, .from the West line of the South- east Quarter (SE 1/4y of said Section 8; said point of beginning being the northeast corner of Lot 5, Block 54, Village of North Palm Beach, Plat No. 6, according to said plat thereaf, recorded in Plat Book 26, Yager 10, 11 and 12, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence easterly along said parallel line and along the North line of a parcel marked "Prosperity Harbor Not Included ' in this Plat", on said plat of Village of North Palm Beach Plat No. 6, a distance of 957.04 feet to a point in the westerly right-of-way line of North Palm Beach Waterway, as shorn on said plat; thence southerly along said 'westerly right-of way line as indicated on said plat, being the arc of a curve concave to the East and having a radius of 1961.26 feet, a distance of 527.98 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 15, Block 53, as shown on said plat; thence westerly along the North line of Lots 15 to 24, inclusive, a distance of 835.77 ffet to the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 54, of said plat; thence northerly along the east line of Lots,l to 5, inclusive, of said Block 54, and making an angle with the preceding course, measured from East to North of 89° 26T, a distance of 514.22 feet to the POINT OF BF;GINNJ.NIi. 2. Subject to such regulatory ordinances as may be enacted by Grantee, the waters located on said submerged property shall be subject to the joint and soveral uses • of the present and future owners of property in North Palm Beach, Florida, and said present snd future owners shall have the right in favor of themselves, their families, their tenants and their guests to fall access, use and enjoyment of said waters for purposes of swimming, busting, fishing and other lawf5rl purposes and uses which may be exercised without committing a trespass upon the lot or property of other owners within the said Village and which does not result in the creation of s nuisance to other lot or property owners within said Village. 3. The said waters shall be considered as an integral part of the drainage system of the area and shall therefore be subject to use for drainage purposes to the extent necessary and desirable for the proper drainage of adjacent areas and the Grantee is hereby granted full and complete right arri authority to enter upon said waters for the purpose of cleaning of, and proper maintenance of said waters. • 4. The owners of lots abutting on said watersdzall have the right to erect, build, install or construct tie poles, dolphins, mooring piles, docks and piers in said Offer To Dedicate • Page 2. ' waters abutting their respective lots; PHOVI.UED, that no dolphin, mooring pile or tie pole shall be placed more than 20 fee~b beyond the bulkhead and no dock or pier sha]1 extend more than 15 feet beyond the bulkhead. AND YRW.tDID P'URTHEH, that no boat canal or oth®r waterway shall be dug or excavat®d into any of the water-front lots and no lot or parcel shall be increased in size by filling in the waters on which it abuts. The Grantee is hereby granted the full right to enforce, by ordinance or otherwise, the provisos contained in this paragrap)t. 5. This offer is also subject to the condition that the 4illage of North Palm Beach accept this offer by written resolution and thereby agree to maintain the • said submerged property and waters as an integral part of the drainage system and for the use and b enefit of its residents and citizens as herein set forth. 6. The waters o£ said submerged property and waters may also be need by all of the residents of said Village of North Palm Beach sub3ect, however, to all of the terms and conditions herein stated. IN wITt~;SS WHF:REUr', the undersigned, Virginia Grav]3.n Brown,, a Free Dealer, Bunker Ranch Homes, Inc., Golfview Heights, Inc., Belvedere Homes, inc., Belvedere Industrial Corp., Forest Hill Homes, Inc., Belvedere Holding Corp, and William W. Blakeslee, ' as Trustee, doing business as NORThLAKL PHOYF;HTIE;S, has executed this offer to dedicate sub3ect to all the provisions hereof this 13th day of April, 1961. Virginia Gravlin Brown, a Free Dealer, Bunker Ranch Homes, Inc., Golfview Heights, inc., Signed, aealed asxi Belvedere Homes Inc., Belvedere Industrial Delivered i.n the Gorp., Forest Hill Homes, Inc., Belvedere Presence of: Holding Corp., and William W. Blakeslee, as Trustee, doing business as NORTHLAKE PHUYERT1r:S. ~~~) 1 .- r1 LJ BY: Attorney-in-Fact STATES OF b'LUHIDA ) :bS COUNTY OF PALM ts~;ACH ) Before me, the undersigned, personal. appeared attorney in fact for Virginia Gravlin Brown, a Free Dealer, Bunker Ranch Homes, Inc., Golfview Heights, Inc., Belvedere Homes, Inc., Belvedere In- dustrial Corp., Forest Hill Homes, Inc,., Belvedere Holding Corp, and William W. Blakeslee, as Trustee, doing business as NORTHI,AKH: YRUPEHTIFS, to me well known and known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing as such attorney in fact and acknowledged before me that it was executed freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNt;SS my hand and official seal this 13th day of April 1961. 1 Notary Pubic ~ Commission expires 9/16/63 OFFER TO DEDICATE To: Village of North Palm Beach, a municipal corporation organized and existing ' under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida. The undersigasd, WILLIAM. W. BLAKBSiSE, As Trustee and individually, joined by his wife, Anita F. Blakeslee, and 'Pirginia Gravlin Brown, a Free Dealer, Bunker Ranch Homes, Inc., Golfview Heights, hnc., Belvedere Homes, Inc., Belvedere Industrial ' Corp., Forest Hill Homes, Tnc., Belvedere Holding Corp and WTI.T.TAM W, ttLAKESLEE, sa Trustee, and indivually by his wife, Anita F. Blakeslee, doing business as NOHTHLxK15 PRUPEftTTr;S, Grantors, do hereby offer to dedicate to the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, Grantee, certain submerged property described herein subject to the following • terms and conditions: 1. Grantors are the owners of certain submerged property described as follows: A parcel of land 3.n Section 8, Township 212 South, Range 213 'East, Yalm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as Po3lowg: BEGINNJIdG at the intersection of a line parallel to and 112.5 feet southerly Prow, measured at right angles to, the north line of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/!~) of said Section 8, with the center line of the right-of-way of North Palm Beach Waterway, as shown on plat of Village of North Palm Heath, Plat No. 6, recorded in Plat Book 26, Sages 10, 11 and 12, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence northerly along the continuation of the arc of a curve concave to the east having a radius oP 1886.26 feet, as ' shown on said plat, a distance of 88.23 feat to the end of said curve; thence northerly along the tangent to said curve, a distance of 1868.37 feet, more or leas, to a point in the westerly right-of way line of Intracoastal Waterway, as shown on Florida. .Inland Navigation Districts Right of Way Map, recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 10, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence southerly along said westerly right of waq Line, a distance of 98.30 feet to a point in a line parallel to and 75 feet easterly, (measured at right angles} from the last herein described course; thence southerly along said parallel line, being the east line of the proposed North Pala Beach Waterway, a distance of 18021.82 Peat to the beginning of a curve con- centric with the first herein described curve and having a radius of 1811.26 feet; thence southerly„ along the arc of said curve and along the east line of said proposed North Palm Beach Waterway, a distance of 1163.16 feet to the end of said curve; thence southerly along the tangent to said curve aryl along the east line of said proposed North Palm Beach Waterway, a distance of 1273.93 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west and having a radius of 1800 feet, thence southerly along the arc of said curve, and along the cast line of said propase13 North Palm Beach Waterway, a distance of !17!1.07 • feet to the end of said curve; thence southerly along the tangent to said curve, a distance of 111.0!1 feet to a point in the north right of way line of Halfmoon Lagoon, as shown on plat of Gauntry Club Addition to the Pillage of North Maim Beach, retarded in Plat Book 25, Pages 130 and 131, Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida; thence westerly along the north right of way line of said Halfmoon Lagoon, a distance of 75.121 feet to a point in the center line of the right of war of said North Palm Beach Waterway, as shown on Plat oP Village of North Palm Beach, Plat No. 6; thence northerly along the center ' Line of said North Yalra Beach Waterway, as shown on Plat No, b, and parallel to, and 75 feet westerly from, the east line of said proposed North Palm Beach Waterway, a distance of 17.s.b3 feet to the beginning of a curve concentric with the last herein described tux-ve, and having a radius of 1725 feet; thence northerly along the ~c of said curve and along said center line, a distance of l15h.32 feet to the exui of said curve; thence northerly along the tangent to said curve, and along said center line, as shown on said plat, a distance of 1273.93 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the east, and having a radius of 1886.26 feat; thettces northerly along the arc of said curve and along ' said center line, as shown on Plat No. 6, a distance of 1123.10 feet to the POINT OF BN~UT.NNiLVG. 2. Sub3ec to such regulatory ordinances as may be enacted by Grantee, the waters located on said submerged property shall be subject to the 3oint and several uses of the present and I1 u • Offer to Dedicate Yage 2 future owners of property in North Ya]m Beach County, Florida, and said present aml tutors owners shall have the right i.rx favor of themselves, their families, their tenants and their guests to full access, use and en3oyment of said waters for purposes of swiimd.ng, boating, fishing and other lawful purposes and uses which may be exercised without committing a trespass upon the: lot or property of other owners within the said Village and which does not result in the creation of~a nuisance to other lot or property ' owners within said Village. 3. Tha said w stars shall be considered as an integral part of the drainage system of the area and shall therefore be subject to use for drainage purposes to the extent necessary and desirable for the proper drainage of adjacent areas and the Grantee is hereby granted full and complete right arxi authority to enter upon said waters for the purpose of cleaning and proper maintenance of said waters. !t. The owners of lots abutting on said waters shall have the right to erect, build, install or construct tie poles, dolphins, mooring piles, docks axxl piers in said waters shutting their respective lots; PROVIDED, that no dolphin, mooring pile or tie shall be placed more than 20 feet beyond the bulkhead and no dock ar pier shall extend more than 15 feet beyond the bulkhead. AND PROVIDED FURTHER that no boat canal or other waterway shall be dug or excavatlsd into any of the water front lots and no parcel or lot shall be increased in size by filling in the waters oa which it abuts, The Grantee is hereby granted the full right to enforce, by ordinance or otherwise, the provisos contained in this paragraph. 5. This offer is sub3ect to the condition that the Village of North Ys]m Beach accept this offer by written resolution and thereby agree to maintain the said submerged property and waters as an integral part of the drainage system of the Village and for the use arm benefit of its residents and citizens as herein set forth. 6. The waters of said submerged property and waters may also be used by all of the residents and citizens of said Village of North Palm Beach, sub3ect, however, to all • of that arms and conditions herein sta~:ed; IN WITNr;SS WHEREOA', the undersigned have executed this Offer to Dedicate sub,~ect to all of the provisions hereof this 73th day of April, 1961 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: (SEAL) William 4T Blakes ee, as Trus ee and individually (SEAL) Virginia Gravlin Brown, a Free Dealer, Bunker Ranch Homes, Inc., Go7.fvi.ew Heights, Inc., Belvedere Homes, Inc., Belvedere Industrial Corp., Forest Hill Homes, Inc., Belvedere Holding Corp., and William W. Blakeslee, as Trustee, and individ , 3oined by his wife, Anita F. Blakeslee, d/b a NCRTHLAKE YtUYERTTE~, Attorney in Faet OYPer to Dedicate • Page 3. STATE OF FLOxIUA ) :~S ' CUUNTY OF YAI,C1 ttEACtl ) Before me, the undersigned, personally appeared WILLIAc1Td. BLAKESLEE, as Trustee and individually, joined by his wife, Anita F. Blakeslee, to me well known and known to be the persona described in and who executed the foregoing and acknowledged ' before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITN~;SS ~ hand and official seal this 13th dap of April, 1961 • Notary Public My Commission expires Sept. 16, 1963 STATE OF F1.OR7DA ) :n3 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned, personally appeared John A. Schwencke, attorney in fact for Pirginia Gravlin Brown, a Free Dealer, Bunker Ranch Homes, Inc., Golfview ' Heights, Inc., Belvedere Hennes, Inc., Belvedere Industrial Corp., Forest Hill Homes, Inc., Belvedere Holding Corp., and William A. Blakeslee, as Trustee and individually, 3oined by his wife, Anita F. Blakesleea, doing business as NGR'tHLAKE YttiUilEitT3FS, to me well known to be the individual. described in and who executed the foregoing as such attorney in fact and acknowledged before me that it was executed freely airs voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS mp hand aiv3 official seal this 13th dap of April, 19b1. Notary Public • I~{y commission expires Sept. 16,1963 CI i n u OYPer to Dedicate • Page 3. STATE OF FLOxIUA ) :~S ' CUUNTY OF YAI,C1 ttEACtl ) Before me, the undersigned, personally appeared WILLIAc1Td. BLAKESLEE, as Trustee and individually, joined by his wife, Anita F. Blakeslee, to me well known and known to be the persona described in and who executed the foregoing and acknowledged ' before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITN~;SS ~ hand and official seal this 13th dap of April, 1961 • Notary Public My Commission expires Sept. 16, 1963 STATE OF F1.OR7DA ) :n3 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned, personally appeared John A. Schwencke, attorney in fact for Pirginia Gravlin Brown, a Free Dealer, Bunker Ranch Homes, Inc., Golfview ' Heights, Inc., Belvedere Hennes, Inc., Belvedere Industrial Corp., Forest Hill Homes, Inc., Belvedere Holding Corp., and William A. Blakeslee, as Trustee and individually, 3oined by his wife, Anita F. Blakesleea, doing business as NGR'tHLAKE YttiUilEitT3FS, to me well known to be the individual. described in and who executed the foregoing as such attorney in fact and acknowledged before me that it was executed freely airs voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS mp hand aiv3 official seal this 13th dap of April, 19b1. Notary Public • I~{y commission expires Sept. 16,1963 CI i n u