1960-73 Calling for an Election of electors and an Election of Freeholders RESOLUTION NO. 73 z A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, CALLING AN ELECTION OF ELECTORS AND AN ELECTION OF FREEHOLDERS; DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF THE GENERAL ELECTION AND A FREEHOLDERS' ELECTION BOTH TO BE HELD ON ' MARCH 15, 1960; NAMING THE TIME AND PLACE WHERE SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE OFF PPOINTING THE ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR SUCH ELECTION AND ANY RUN EL - H D; A ELECTION; DECLARING THE OFFICES TO BE FILLED AT SUCH ELECTION AND STATING THE PROPOSITION TO BE VOTED UI?ON BY THE FREEHOLDERS; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF VOTING MACHINES AND AB:iENTEE BALLOTS IN SUCH ELECTION; AND FOR • OTHER PURPOSES. -~~ #~ -x-~ ~-x- WHEREAS, the Charter of the Village provides for a general election to be held on the third tuesd~sy in March of each year; and WHEREAS, the laws of Florida make provision for-the method of calling and holding freeholders.' elections under the provisions of Section 6 of Article IX of the Constitution of Florida; and WHEREAS, there are three offices to be filled at the general election ' to be held in the Village on -the third Tuesday in March, 1960; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA= Section 1. That a general election shall be held, and is hereby called and ordered to be held in the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on_ the 15th day of March, 1960, for the purpose of electirLg members to the Village Council to fill such offices in Groups 1, 3 and 5 for the period of two years. • Section 2. That an election by the qualified freeholders of the Village to vote upon the proposition hereinafter recited shall also be held in the Village of North ]?alm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, ' between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on the said 15th day o£ March, 1960. Section 3. The Village Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause a notice of said elections to be posted in at least ten different places within the territorial limits of the Village, and a copy of such ' notice to be published in the Palm Beach Times once a week for four con- secutive weeks during the thirty-day period prior to said election. Said notice shall be substantially in the following form: • NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION AND FREEHOLDERS' ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 15, 1960 TO ALL QUALIFIED ELECTORS AND FREEHOLDERS RESIDING IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA: By order of the Village Council of the Village of North Palm ' Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, notice is hereby given that a general " ___ election will be held in said Village on the 15th day of March, 1960,-for the purpose of electing Councilmen for the following offices, to-wit: Village Councilman, Group 1 (2 year term) Village Councilman, Group 3 (2 year term) Village Councilman, Group 5 (2 year term) Also by order of the Village Council of the Village of North _ Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, a freeholders' election is hereby • called at the same time and place, viz. the 15th day of March, 1960, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of having - said electors vote upon the following proposition: PROPOSITION --- SHALL THE OFFICERS OF THE VILLAGE, IN THE EVENT _ THE VILLAGE COi1NCIL EXERCISES ITS OPTION TO PUR- CHASE THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER IN THE NAME OF _ THE VILLAGE IN PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ~_ THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, (BEING THE PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE Vl'LLAGE HALL) TO-WIT: _ ' Lot 10 in Block 8 in Replat of Block 8, VILLAGE OF DIORTH PALM BEACH, PLAT NO. T, according to the plat thereof on file in _ the office of the Clerk of .the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 25 at. page 103, A PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE AND NOTE, PAYABLE TO _ °-_ THE OWNER OF SUCH PROPERTY, SUCH MORTGAGE AND _- -- NOTE TO BE DATED JANUARY 1, 1961, TO BE IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUhfT OF NOT EXCEEDING $183,900, TO _" BEAR INTEREST A.T 6% PER ANNUM, SUCH PRINCIPAL --._ AND INTEREST BEING PAYABLE IN MONTHLY INSTALL- MENTS OF NOT EXCEEDING $1,317.55, TO BE APPLIED - FIRST TO INTEREST AND THE BALANCE TO PRINCIPAL, THE FIRST INSTALLMENT TO BE DUE FEBRUARY 1, 1961, • AND CONTINUING ON THE FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH THEREAFTER UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1981, SUCH PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE AND NOTE TO PERMIT PREPAYMENT OF PRIN- -_ CIPAL AT ANA TIME WITHOUT PENALTY, TO CONTAIN PROVISIONS FOR THE ACCELERATION OF THE ENTIRE iNPAID AMOUNT' THEREOF IN CASE DEFAULT BE MADE IN ANY OF THE COVENANTS OF SUCH MORTGAGE AND _ ' NOTE, SUCH MORTGAGE AND NOTE TO- BE OTHERWISE IN THE FORM IN GENERAL USE IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA? For Mortgage-and Note _ Against Mortgage and Note ' Said elution will be held in the Village of .North Palm Beach, - and the polling place is designated as the Village Ha11 in the Village of North Palm Beach. The polls will be open in the voting place from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. The following inspe"ctors and clesk have been designated and appointed by the Village Council for the purpose of conducting said election: Lester Zerniko, Ralph J. Cohn, and Mrs. Cla ire Hill, inspectors; and Mrs. Alice Bowman, Clerk. The above officials Have also been designated and appointed by the Village Council for -the purpose of conducting the special run-off election, if any, to be held on the fourth Tuesday in March, 1960, if such becomes necessary. The registration books will be open in the Village Clerk's office between the hours of 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon and 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. on weekdays only up to and including the lst day of March, 1960. Albin R. Olson, Village Clerk PUBLISH: Palm Beach Post Times February 12, 19, 26 and March 4, 1960 Section 4. The Village Clerk, as registration officer of the Village, is hereby directed to prepare a list of the names of all qualified electors and a list of all qualified freeholders appearing on the registration books of the_Village;"and he shall keep the registra- tion books open at his office between the hours of no:00 A.M. to 12:00_ Noon and from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. on weekdays only up to and in- cluding the 1st day of March, 1960. A certified list of such qualified electors and a certified list of such qualified freeholders shall be furnished by the Village Cler}: to the inspectors and clerk in charge of the polling place on the day of the election. -- Section 5. The inspectors and clerk of said election to be held on March 15, 1960, are hereby appointed as follows: Lester Zerniko, Ralph J. Cohn, and Mrs. Calire Hi11, inspectors, and Mrs. Alice Bowman, Clerk. Said officers are hereby directed to hold said election in accordance with the law and in such manner as to prevent all fraud, deceit and abuse therein or thereto and to make the returns of said election in the manner prescribed by law. Section 6. The offices £ar which said candidates shall be elected by the qualified electors at said election are: Village Councilman, Group 1 (2 year term) Village Councilman, Group 3 (2 Year Term) Village Councilman, Group 5 (2 Year term) Section 7. At such election the qualified freeholders shall vote upon the following proposition: n u PROF'OS IT ION SHALL THE OFFICERS OF TFIE VILLAGE, IN THE EVENT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL EXERCISES IIS OPTSON TO ' PURCHASE THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBEIl„=_-BB AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER IN THE NAME OF THE VILLAGE IIV PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, (BEING THE PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE VILLAGE HALL) TO-WIT: Lot 10 in Block 8 iri Replat of Bldck 8, VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PLAT N0. 1, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 25 at page 103, A PURCHASE MONEY MOR'T'GAGE AND NOTE, PAYABLE TO-THE OWNER OF SUCH PROPERTT1', SUCH MORTGAGE AND NOTE TO BE DATED JANUARY 1, 1961, TO BE IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT EXCEEDING $183,900, TO BEAR INTEREST AT • 6% PER ANNUM, SUCH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST BEING PAYABLE IN MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS OF NOT EXCEEDING $1,317.55, TO BE APPLIED FIRST TO INTEREST AND THE BALANCE TO PRINCIPAL,, THE FIRST INSTALLMENT TO BE DUE ~'£1313i1AR~' 1, 1961, AND CONTINUING ON THE FIRST. DAY OF EACH MONTH THEREAFTER UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1981, SUCH PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE AND NOTE TO PERMIT PREPAYMENT OF PAINCI]?AL AT ANY TIME WITHOUT PENALTY, TO CONTAIN PROVISIONS FOA THE ACCELERATION 6F THE ENTIRE UNPAID AMOUNT THEREOF IN CASE DEFAULT BE MADE IN ANY OF THE COVENANTS OF SUCH MORTGAGE AND NOTE, SUCH MORTGAGE AND NOTE TO BE OTHERWISE IN THE FORM IN GENERAL USE IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA? ' For Mortgage and Note Against. Mortgage and Note A Section 8. The inspectors and clerk o£ the election to be held in the Village on the third Tuesday in March, 1960, are hereby designated to be the same officials to serve at the special run-off election, if such election be necessary. Section 9. The Village Clerk and election officials are hereby directed to arrange far the use of voting machines at said election, and the form of the ballot shall be such as is consistent with the use of voting machines. Absentee ballots shall be prepared by the Village Clerk in form consistent with existing Village ordinances. Section 10. Immediately after the closing of the polls on the day of said election, the inspectors and clerk shall certify the returns there.af to the Village Council and the Village Council shall hold a meeting on the 16th day of March, 1960, for the purpose of canvassing the returns and declaring the results of .said election. Section 11. This resolution shall take effect immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of February, 1960. (SEAL) ATTEST:~ /~ ~y4tiw;, \~ .... Va lage Clerk -l Mayor PROF'OS IT ION SHALL THE OFFICERS OF TFIE VILLAGE, IN THE EVENT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL EXERCISES IIS OPTSON TO ' PURCHASE THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBEIl„=_-BB AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER IN THE NAME OF THE VILLAGE IIV PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, (BEING THE PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE VILLAGE HALL) TO-WIT: Lot 10 in Block 8 iri Replat of Bldck 8, VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PLAT N0. 1, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 25 at page 103, A PURCHASE MONEY MOR'T'GAGE AND NOTE, PAYABLE TO-THE OWNER OF SUCH PROPERTT1', SUCH MORTGAGE AND NOTE TO BE DATED JANUARY 1, 1961, TO BE IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT EXCEEDING $183,900, TO BEAR INTEREST AT • 6% PER ANNUM, SUCH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST BEING PAYABLE IN MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS OF NOT EXCEEDING $1,317.55, TO BE APPLIED FIRST TO INTEREST AND THE BALANCE TO PRINCIPAL,, THE FIRST INSTALLMENT TO BE DUE ~'£1313i1AR~' 1, 1961, AND CONTINUING ON THE FIRST. DAY OF EACH MONTH THEREAFTER UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1981, SUCH PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE AND NOTE TO PERMIT PREPAYMENT OF PAINCI]?AL AT ANY TIME WITHOUT PENALTY, TO CONTAIN PROVISIONS FOA THE ACCELERATION 6F THE ENTIRE UNPAID AMOUNT THEREOF IN CASE DEFAULT BE MADE IN ANY OF THE COVENANTS OF SUCH MORTGAGE AND NOTE, SUCH MORTGAGE AND NOTE TO BE OTHERWISE IN THE FORM IN GENERAL USE IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA? ' For Mortgage and Note Against. Mortgage and Note A Section 8. The inspectors and clerk o£ the election to be held in the Village on the third Tuesday in March, 1960, are hereby designated to be the same officials to serve at the special run-off election, if such election be necessary. Section 9. The Village Clerk and election officials are hereby directed to arrange far the use of voting machines at said election, and the form of the ballot shall be such as is consistent with the use of voting machines. Absentee ballots shall be prepared by the Village Clerk in form consistent with existing Village ordinances. Section 10. Immediately after the closing of the polls on the day of said election, the inspectors and clerk shall certify the returns there.af to the Village Council and the Village Council shall hold a meeting on the 16th day of March, 1960, for the purpose of canvassing the returns and declaring the results of .said election. Section 11. This resolution shall take effect immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of February, 1960. (SEAL) ATTEST:~ /~ ~y4tiw;, \~ .... Va lage Clerk -l Mayor