1957-26 Resolution Accepting Offer of Dedication (Plat 2 Canals)Page ~,~ RESOLUTION #26 A RESOLUTION OF Tf~ VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING OFFER OF DEDICATION. WHEREAS, NORTHLAiO!: PROPERTIES has, on Plat No. 2 of the Village ' of North Palm Beach, which plat was recorded in Plat Book 25, page 59, of- fered to dedicate to the Village of North Palm Beach, for the use and benefit of its residents and citizens, certain canals owned by them and more particularly shown on said plat, subject to the terms and conditions • contained in the Offer to Dedicate recorded in Offici al Record Book 6, Pages 393 through 395 inclusive. WHEREAS, it is to the best interest and benefit of the Village of North Palm Beach and its residents and citizens at large, that the offer be accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach, subject to all the terms and conditions thereof-; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Villeige of North Palm Beach does hereby accept the said Offer to Dedicate subje>ct to all the terms and conditions therein expressed. 2. That the Village of North Palm Beach does hereby expressly agree to maintain said waterway and lagoons as an integral part of the drainage system of the Village and for the use and benefit of its residents and citizens as therein set forth. • 3. That the Mayor and Village Clerk of the Village of North Palm Beach be, and they are hereby, authorized to do all acts and execute all instruments appropriate or necessary in carrying out the terms of said offer. ' DATED at Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Bach County, Florida, this 22nd day of July, A. D. 1957. ' S( Charles A. Cunningham (SEAL) Mayor Attest: S/ Robert C. Tufford • Village Clerk