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2009-25 Storm Drain Repairs - Village Garden Apartments
RESOLUTION 2009-25 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A CONTRACT AWARD TO D.S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION TO PROCEED WITH STORM DRAIN REPAIRS LOCATED AT THE WEST END OF THE VILLAGE GARDEN APARTMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE SAME; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village wishes to proceed with the replacement of a storm drain pipe located within a Village easement at the west end of the Village Garden Apartments, including the installation of a new catch basin and repairs to that portion of the parking lot disturbed by the construction activities; and WHEREAS, Village Administration recommends that the contract be awarded to D.S. Eakins Construction Corporation by piggy backing the existing Palm Beach County Contract # 06139B, "Crews with Equipment, Rental of in Palm Beach County;" and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section2. The Village Council hereby approves the contract with D.S. Eakins Construction Corporation for replacement of a storm drain pipe, installation of a new catch basin, and parking lot repairs necessitated by such construction activities at the west end of the Village Garden Apartments and authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the contract on behalf of the Village, a copy of which is attached hereto. Section 3. The cost of this contract shall not exceed $53,656.00 and shall be funded utilizing budgeted funds from Account #A7321-66210 (Streets -Construction and Major Renovation). Section 4. This resolution shall take effect imme PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF M~ (Village Sea]) ATTEST: _ • ~ ,,.~~~~ ~~2~~ VILLAGE CLERK CONTRACT FOR STORM DRAIN REPAIRS This Contract is made as of the cu~~ day of March, 2009, by and between the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 501 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, 33408, a Florida municipal corporation ("VILLAGE"), and D.S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, P.O. Box 530185, Lake Park, FL 33403, a Florida corporation ("CONTRACTOR"), whose Federal LD. is 59-1691997. RECITALS WHEREAS, the VILLAGE is in need of a contractor to repair the stormwater drainage system at the west end of the Village Garden Apartments, including replacement of an outfall pipe, installation of a new catch basin, and repairs to the existing parking lot caused by such construction activities; and WHEREAS, Palm Beach County, through its competitive selection process, awarded and renewed County Contract No. 06139B to the CONTRACTOR for the County's annual "Crews with Equipment, Rental of in Palm Beach County" contract; and WHEREAS, the VILLAGE requested and the CONTRACTOR provided a proposal for the storm drain repairs based on pricing under County Contract No. 06139B; and WHEREAS, the VILLAGE desires to accept CONTRACTOR'S proposal by piggy-backing County Contract No. 06139B including all terms, conditions and pricing therein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The parties agree that the recitals set forth above are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by reference. 2. County Contract. County Contract No. 06139B with the CONTRACTOR, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby expressly made a part of this Contract as fully as if set forth at length herein. 3. CONTRACTOR'S Proposal. In accordance with the terms and conditions in County Contract No. 06139B, the CONTRACTOR shall provide all goods and services as stated in its proposal to the VILLAGE and the Scope of Work prepared by the VILLAGE. The CONTRACTOR'S proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and the Scope of Work is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". Both documents are hereby expressly made a part of this Contract as fully as if set forth at length herein. The goods and services to be provided by the CONTRACTOR shall be commenced subsequent to the execution and approval of this Contract by the VILLAGE and upon written notice from the VILLAGE to proceed. 4. Conflict of Terms and Conditions. Conflicts between documents shall be resolved in the following order of precedence: Page 1 A. This Contract B. Exhibit "A" (County Contract No. 06139B) C. Exhibit "B" (CONTRACTOR'S proposal). D. Exhibit "C" (Scope of Work) 5. Compensation to CONTRACTOR. Payments by the VILLAGE to the CONTRACTOR under this Contract shall not exceed the amount of compensation stated in the CONTRACTOR'S proposal. CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices to the VILLAGE for review and approval by the VILLAGE'S representative, indicating that goods and services have been provided and rendered in conformity with this Contract and then will be sent to the Finance Department for payment. CONTRACTOR will invoice the VILLAGE in advance for each payment period. Invoices will normally be paid within thirty (30) days following the VILLAGE representative's approval. CONTRACTOR waives consequential or incidental damages for claims, disputes or other matters in question arising out of or relating to this Contract. In order for both parties herein to close their books and records, CONTRACTOR will clearly state "final invoice" on the CONTRACTOR'S final/last billing to the VILLAGE. This certifies that all goods and services have been properly performed and all charges have been invoiced to the VILLAGE. Since this account will thereupon be closed, any and other further charges if not properly included in this final invoice are waived by the CONTRACTOR. The VILLAGE will not be liable for any invoice from the CONTRACTOR submitted thirty (30) days after the provision of all goods and services. 6. Period and Renewals. This Contract shall be for the term as indicated on the County Contract No. 06139B. Extensions or renewals to said County Contract or any modification including new products, terms, or price changes to the County Contract shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR to the VILLAGE for approval. In the event said County Contract expires and no new contract is let by the County, VILLAGE reserves the right, upon written agreement with CONTRACTOR to renew this Contract under the same terms and conditions for an additional period of one (1) year. 7. Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Contract all insurance required under the County Contract No. 06139B with the VILLAGE named as an additional insured. 8. Warranty/Guaranty. Unless a longer period is stated in the County Contract No. 06139B, CONTRACTOR warrants that its goods and services provided under this Contract will be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year following delivery and completion of those goods and services. 9. Miscellaneous Provisions. A. Failure of a party to enforce or exercise any of its right(s) under this Contract shall not be deemed a waiver of that parties' right to enforce or exercise said right(s) at any time thereafter. B. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the Contract will be held in Palm Beach County. No remedy herein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in Page 2 addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. C. If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Contract, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this Contract, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs and all expenses (including taxes) even if not taxable as court awarded costs (including, without limitation, all such fees, costs and expenses incident to appeals), incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which such party or parties may be entitled. D. If any term or provision of this Contract, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, to remainder of this Contract, or the application of such terms or provision, to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected, and every other term and provision of this Contract shall be deemed valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law. E. All notices required in this Contract shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and sent to the addresses appearing on the first page of this Contract. F. The VILLAGE and the CONTRACTOR agree that this Contract sets forth the entire agreement between the parties, and that there are no promises or understandings other than those stated herein. None of the provisions, terms and conditions contained in this Contract may be added to, modified, superseded or otherwise altered, except by written instrument executed by the parties hereto. Any provision of this Contract which is of a continuing nature or imposes an obligation which extends beyond the term of this Contract shall survive its expiration or earlier termination. [Remainder of this Page Intentionally Blank -Signatures on Next Page] Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VILLAGE and CONTRACTOR hereto have made and executed this Contract for Storm Drain Repairs as of the day and year first above written. D.S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION B ''~ ~~ Y~ Print Name: (~~~ ~~ ~.L Position: Id P C. T~ ~~ ~~ 9 ~) `rt ~C d - ~ ~ . VILLAGE OF N TH P By: D VID NO MAYOR ATTEST: MELISSA TEAL, VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY BY: VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 4 ~yi~ ~o '~. a ~ •~ ALORI~4- porchasing Department 50 South Miltrary 1Ya11, Sul[e 110 Wes[ Palm Beach, FL 33415.3199 (561) 616-6800 FAX: (56t) 616.6811 www.pbcgov.wm/pur a paler Beach County Board of County Commisslanera Addle L Greene, Chairperson Jeff Koofl$ vice chair Karen T. Marcus Robert J. Kanjian Mary McGarry Burt Aaronson Jess R Santamaria County Administrator Robett Weisman EXHIBIT "A" June 03, 2008 Form L :indi M. Frick, Vice President ). S. Eakins Construction Corporation 'O Box 530185 .aka Park, Flortda 33403 )ear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #:06139B is is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering o a Term Contract with your company for Crews with Eaulament. Rental of in Palm ach County. based on one of the following: RENEWAL OF BID#: 06-139/PR to triclude a 3_9% increase In unit prices} based on teen and condition #14. OTHER: PRIjYIARY Vendor All Lot's ' a term of fhls wntract Is Auaust 15.2008 through Auaust 74.2009. The estlrriated dollar ue for all awarded vendors Is 5118.000.00.. ,. a obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the avaliability of ds lawfully appropriated for Its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Beach County Departments will issue hard copy orders against this contract as your ~rizatlon to deliver. All invoices must reference each unique document number. you have any questions, please contact Phil Ridolfo. Senior Buver at (5611616-6823. i M. SCarlett of Purchasing An EgaarOpparrusr{y , ~(QQmmt/ve Rcrkn dYnplaysY- ,. ~ prln[ed on recycled paper -\ John Brand, Road 8 Bridge Roberta Carfagno, Engineering & Public Works Chuck Kenfleid, Airports File cpG Form L 'Z August 15, 2006 a • ' ~ • DSEA0001 plORl~~ Cindl M. Frick, Vice President D. S. Eakins Construction Corporation PO Box 530185 p~archaalnQ pepattment Lake Park, Florida 33403 5o south Millrary Tall. suite 11o Dear Vendor: RE: TERM CONTRACT #:06139 West Palm Beach. FL 334153199 (Sbl) 616-6800 This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering FAX: (561)616-681( Into a Term Contract with your company for Crews with Equipment. Rental of in Palm www.pbcgov.comlpur Beach Countv. based on one of the following: [X] BID (tF6) #: 06-1391PR ^ [ ] RENEWAL OF BIDJRFQ #: in accordance with ali original terms, conditions, specifications and prices with no deviation. Palm aeaclt county I l RENEWAL OF BIDIRFQ #: to include a % increase in unit price(s) soars or county based on term and condition # Commisaionen (] EXTENSION OF BIDIRFQ #: Tony Masiloai. Chairman Adele t. Greene, vice Chairperson [ ] SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT #: Vendor shall notHy Purchasing Immedlatsly H the aok source status changes. Karen t Marcus [ ] STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #: Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell [X] OTHER: PRIMARY Vendor All Lot's Mary McCarty The term of this contract is August 15.2006 through August 14.2007. The estimated dollar value for all awarded vendors is 5425.000.00. Burt Aaronson The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for Its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. County Aeministncor palm Beach County Departments wilt issue hard copy orders against this contract as your Robert Weisman authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference each unique document number. If you have any questions, please contact Phil Ridolfo. Senior Buyer at (5611616-6823. Sin rely, d Kath een M. Scarlett Dir for of Purchasing c: Reid Raymond, Parks 8 Recreation Steve Strong, Road & Bridge Roberta Carfagno, Eng(neering & Public Works .,,,, ~,,,, ~,rt,,,;ry Lany Schaper, F D & O eArrn~anve.tiHon ema~ra- Chuck Kenfield, Airports Vemetha Green, Water Utliities File prha.d on nryc+ed asc.r Board nR CQunty Commissioners ' Tony Mas'ildtti, Chairman Adaie L. Greene, Vice Chairperson Karen T. Marcus Jeff Koons '!amen H. Newell ,dary McCarty Burt Aaronson ~ COG • • AZORI~Q' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF SOLICITATION BID #06-139/PR County Administrator Robert Weisman Purchasing Department www.pbcgov.com/pur CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT BID OPENING DATE: JULY 13, 2006 AT 2:00 P.M. It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that all pages are included. Therefore, all bidders are advised to closely examine this package. Any questions regarding the completeness of this package should be immediately directed to Palm Beach County Purchasing Department (561) 616-6800. It is requested that all bids be submitted in triplicate, one original and two copies. BIDDERS SHALL SUBMIT, IN A SEALED PACKAGE OR CONTAINER, AT LEAST ONE ORIGINAL, SIGNED IN INK BY AN AGENT OF THE COMPANY HAVING AUTHORITY TO BIND THE COMPANY OR FIRM. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF YOUR BID. .,all gid Hotline number 795-8080 (from Palm Beach County), 425-7420 (from Broward County), or 655- 4527 (from Dade County) or tune in to the Education and Government Television Cable Channel for a list of additional advertised "Invitations for Bid" and "Requests for Proposal". The Bid Hotline also provides updates on posted award recommendations. This same information, to include posted award information, is available on our web site www.pbcgov.com/pur. Protests can be accepted only during the five (5) business day posting period. CAUTION Amendments to this Invitation for Bid will be automatically sent only to those vendors who,received this document directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. Palm Beach County shall not be responsible for the completeness of any Invitation for Bid package not purchased directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. In accordance with the provisions of ADA, this document may be requested in an alternate format. 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110,.West Palm Beach, FL 33415-3199 (561) 616-6800 FAX: (561) 616-6811 Page 2 BOARD OF COUNTY Palm Beach County INVITATION FOR BID BID NO: 06-139/PR BID TITLE: Crews With Equipment, Rental of, Term Contract PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Phii Ridolfo, Senior Buyer TELEPHONE NO.: 561-616-6823 FAX NO.: 561.242-6723 EMAIL ADDRESS: DridolfoCD)co.oalm-beach.fl.us Ail bid responses must be received on or before July 13, 2006 ,prior to 2:00 p.m., Palm Beach County local time, at which Gme ail bids shall be publicly opened and read. SUBMIT BID TO: Palm Beach County Purchasing Department, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415-3199. This Invitation for Bid, Genera{ Conditions, InstrUCtions to Bidders, Special Conditions, Specifications, Attachments, Amendments (if issued), and/or any other referenced document form a part of this bid solicitatan and response thereto, and by reference are made a part thereof. The selected avvardee shad be bound by all terms, conditions and requirements in these documents. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: It is the purpose and intent of this invitation to secure bids for hem(s) and/or services as listed herein. The selected awardee is hereby placed on notice that acceptance of its bid by Palm Beach County shall constitute a binding Cont2cL GENERAL CONDITIONS, INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 3ldders era advised Thal this package constitutes the complete set of rpedficafitxts, lemts, and condiNans which forms the binding contract Between Palen Beach County and the successful bidder. Changes to this 'radon for t>;d may be made ~r+ yl by written amendment issued by the my Purdwging IkpartrnenL Bidders are further advised ro dosely ucamine every section of this dovement to ensure that all sequentially cambered pages are present and ro ensure that it is fully understood. hrestidls or requests for explanations or interyretaNons of this document oral be sulxnitted ro the Purchasing Department contact in writing in uthtient Nme to permit a written response and, k required, wNl be provided ~ all prospective bidders, prior to bid opening. Orel explanations or tstrucNons given by any County agent are not bind'mg and should not be tterpreted as altering any provision of this document. Bidder certifies that ris bid is made without reliance on any oral representations made by the ounty. he obfigaNons of Palm Beach County under this award are subject ro Ne railability of funds lavvfulty appropriated for its purpose. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS bidder and Palm Beach County for arty terms and coalitions not spedfitally stated in the InvitaNOn for Bid. b. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: Patin Beath County is commiCed ro assuring equal opportunity rcr the award of contracts and complies with aN laws prohibiting discrimination. The successful bidder is prohibited from OisaiminaNng against any empbyee, applicant, or eNent because of race, odor, religion. drsatlilky, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, or sexual orienlaNOn. a INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR RELATiONSHLP: The successful bidder f5, and shall be, in the performance of aN work, services, and adivitles under this Contract, an Independent Contractor and not an empbyee, agent ar servant of the COUNTY. AN persons engaged in any of the work or services peAortned pursuant ro this Contract shah at aN times, and in aN places, be subject to Nte successful bidders sde direction, supervision, and control. The successful bidder shall exerase contrd over the m~ru and manner in which R and its employees perform Nte work, and in aN respells the successful bidders reWtfonship, and the relaNonshiD of ~ ~DbYees. ro the COUNTY shall be that of an Independent Contractor and not as empbyees or agents of the COUNTY. COMPLUWCE WITH LAWS D CODES: Federal, State, County and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affect the items covered herein apply. Lade of knowledge by Ne bidder shall in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility. The successful bidder shad stridty comply with Federal, State and local building and safety codes. Equipment shall meet alt State and Fedeal Safety regulatkxts. Bidder certifies that all products (materials, equipment, processes, or octet items supplied In response to this bid) contained in its bid meets all O.S.H.0., ANSI, NFPA and aN other Federal and Slate requirements. Bidder further certifies that if N h tt+e successful bidder, and the product delivered Is subsequently found ro be defiaent in any of the aforementioned requirements in afect on date of delivery, aN costs necessary ro bring the product into compliance shah be Dorne by the bidder. rn compliance wiNr Chapter 442, Florida Statutes, any toxic substance faulting horn this bid shag be accompanied by a property completed ~vtaterial Safety Data Sheet iMSDS). The Uniform Canmerdai Code fFlorida Statutes, Chapter 672) shall prevail as the basis for contractual obligatiorn between the successful d. CRIM)I~,AL HISTORY RECORDS CHECK ORDINANCE: Pursuant to Ordinance 2003-g30, the Palm Beach County Criminal Histay Records Chedc Ordinance ("Ordinance7, the County shall conduct fingerprint based crvrtinal history record checks on all persons not employed by the County woo repair, deliver, or provide goods or set.ices for, lo. or ort behalf of Cx County. A ~fingerpdnt based uirninal history record dledt shall be conducted on afi empbyees and sutxontradars of vendors, inducting repair persons and derrvery persons, who are unescorted when entednp a fadfiry determined ro be critlcal ro the public safely and severity Of fhe County. County faalities that require tNs heightened level d severity are Identified in Resdutlon R-2003-1274, as may be amended. The bidder is saely responsible for understanding the fmanaal, sdredule, and staffing implications of this Ordinance. Further, the bidder acknowledges that Ns bid price indudes any and afi direct or IndireU calls assoaated with compliance of this Ordinance, except for Nte appNwble FDLElFBI tees that shall be paid by the County. e. PUBLIC ENTTTY CRIMES: F.S. 287.133 requires Palm Beach County to notify aN bidders d die idiowing:'A person or affiliate calve has been placed on the convicted vendor Nst folbwing a conviction for a public Page 3 entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the wnstruction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contrail with any public entity, and may not transail business with any public entity in excess of the threshWd amount provided in F.S. 287.017 for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list' f. NON~OLLUSION: Bidder certifies that i1 has entered into no agreement to commit a fraudulent, deceitful, unlawful, or wrongful act, or any act which may rewit in unfair advantage for one or more D'idders over other bidders. CCmidion for the Commission of any fraud or ad of coifusion in eonnectlon with any sale, bid, quotation, proposal or other ad inadent tD doing business with Palm Beach County may result in permanent debarment No premiums, rebates or gretuiGes are permitted; either with, prior to or after any delivery of material or provision of services. Any such violaton may result in award cancellation, velum of materials, discontinuation of services, removal from the vendor bid tlst(s), and/or debarment or suspension from doing business with Palm Beach County. g. LOBBYI G: Bidders are advised that the 'Palm Beach County Lobbyist RegisbaUon Ordinance' prohibits a bidder or arryone representing the bidder from cornmunipfing with any County Commissioner, County Commissionels staft, or any employee authorized to ail on behalf of the Commission to award a partialar contrail regarding ifs bid, i.e., a'Cone of Silence'. The "Cone of Silence' a in efted from the datettime of the deadline for submission of the bid, and terminates at the time that the Board of County Corivnissioners, or a County Department authorized to ad on their behalf, awards or approves a contract, rejects an bids, or otherwise fakes action which ands the sdidtation process. Bidders may, however, contact any County Commissioner, County Commisswna~s staff, or any employee authorized to act on behaH of the Commission to award a partialar contrail. via written oorrtmuniptlon t.e., facsimile, a-mail or U.S. mail. Violations of the'Cone of SUence' are punishable by a fine of 5250.00 per violation. order Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the award or the resultant contrail shall be held in Palm Beach County and the contrailual obligafions shall be interpreted according to the laws of Florida. m. LEGAL EXPENSES: The County shall not be {table to a bidder for any legal fees, court costs, or other legal expenses arising from the interyretaGon Or enforcement of this contract, or from any other matter generated by or relating to this contrail 3. BID SUBMISSION SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES: All bid responses must be submitted on the provided Invitation for Bid "Response' Form. Bid responses on vendor letterhead/quotation foetus shatl not be accepted. Responses must be typewritten or written in ink; and must be signed in ink by an agent of the company having authority to bind the company Or fine. FAILURE TO SIGN THE BID RESPONSE FORM AT THE INDICATED PLACES SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF THE BID. Bid responses are to be submitted to the Palm Beach County Purchasing Deparment no later than the time indicated on the sdidtatlon preamble, and must De submitted in a sealed envelope or container, which should have the endased address label affuced and beating the bid number. CERTIFICATIONS. LICENSES AND PERMITS: Unless otherwise direiled in sub-paragraph d. (Local Preference) or the Special Condllions of Nis bid, bidder should include with its bid a copy of all applipble Certificates of Competency issued by the State of Florida or the Palm Beach County ConsWdion Industry Licensing Board In the name of the bidder shown on the bid response page. It shall also be the responsibility of the successful bidder to wbmit, prior to commencement of work, a current Occupational license for Paim Beach County and aU permits required to canplete this oontrailual service at no addltionat cost to Patm Beach County. A Palm Beach County Ocapational license is required unless spedfipliy exempted by law. to 0eu of a Palm Beach Candy occupational license, the bidder stwuld include the arrant ocapatlonal license issued to the odder in the response. it # the resplxrsibi8ty o10re successful bidder to ensure that all required certifiptlons, Ikenses and pemmts are maintained in force and arrant throughat the term of the contrail. Failure to meet this requirement shall be considered default of contrail. e. SBE 81D DOCUMENT LANGUAGE h. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: All bidders shall disclose with their bid the name of any officer, director, ~ agent who is also an employee or a reative of an employee of Palm Beach County. Further, ail bidders shat d'isdose the name of any County employee or relative of a County employee who owns, directly or indlredly, an interest of ten percent or more in the bidders firm or any of its branches. L SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: The County and the successful bidder each binds itself and 'tis wccessors and assigns to the other party in rasped to all provisions of this Contrail. Neither the County nor the successful bitlder shat assign, sublet, convey or transfer ifs interest in this Contract without the prior written consent of the other. 1• INDEMNIFICATION: Regardless of the coverage provided by any insurance, the successful bidder shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the County, its agents, servants, or employees from and against any and all deans, liab8ity, losses and/or poses of action which may arise from any negligent ad or omission of the suaessful bidder, Its subrontreilars, agents, servants or employees during the course of performing services or posed by the goods provided pursuant to these bid documents and/or resultant contract k PUBLIC RECORDS: Any material submitted in response to this lmdtaGOn for bid k considered a public document in accordance with Section 119.07, F.S. This includes material which the responding 'ridder might consider to be eonfidentlal Or a trade secret Any claim of mfldentiality B waived upon submission, eftedive after opening rursuant to Sectlon 119.D7, F.S. t• INCORPORATION PRECEDENCE. JURISDICTION: This Invitatlon for Bid shall be included and incorporated in the final award. The order of contractual precedence shat be the bid doament (original terms and conditlons), Did response, and purchase order or term conbail Rem 1 • Poliev It is the poliq of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beadr Canty, Florida, that SBE(s) have the maximum preetipl opportunity to partidpate in the compe88ve process of supplying goods an0 services to the County. To that end, the Boats of County Commissioners established Ordinance No. 2002-064, which sets forth the County's requirements for the SBE program, and are Incorporated in this solidta8on. Compliance witlt the requirements contained in this section shall result in a bidder being doomed responsive to SBE requirements. The provisions of this Ordinance are applipble to this sotidtation, and shall have precedence over the provisions of this solidtatbn in the event of a conflict. Although ~referenrss will not be extended to certified M/WBfs;, unless otherwise provided by Ww, businesses eligible for ceRtfiptlon as an hNWBE are encouraged to maintain their cerfifiption in order to assist in the tredring of fd/WBE availability and awards of contreds to fvt/WBEs. This-information is vital tD determining whether race and gender neutral programs assist flNWBE fimrs or whether race and gender preferences are necessary in order to address any continued discrimination in the market Item 2 -SBE Goals The Canty has established a' minimum goo! of 15% SBE partidpation for all County solidtatlons. This goal is a minimum, and no rounding shall tie accepted. Page 4 kem 3 -Ranking of Responsive Bidders Bidders who meet the SBE goal shah be deemed to be responsive to the SBE requirement When evaluating eompetitlve bids of up to one mi6ion dolars (51,000,000) in which the apparent low Didder is determined to be non-responsive to the SBE requtremertt, the contract shalt be awarded to the low bidder responsive to the SBE requirement, or, in the event there arc no bidders responsive b the SBE requirement, to the bidder with the greatest SBE partxipation in excess d seven percent (T%) partcpation, as kxtg as the bid does not exceed the krw t>id amount by ten percent (10%). In eases whero the knv bid exceeds one mitilon ddlars (51,000,000), the contract shall be awarded to the krwv bidder responsive to the SBE requirements, or, in the event there are no bidders responsive to the SBE requirement, b the bidder vrith Cre greatest SBE participation in excess d seven percent (7%) partidpaton, Provided that such bid does not exceed the knv bid otherwise responsive to the bid requirement by more than one hundred thousand ddiars (5100,000) plus three percent (3%) of the total bid n excess d one miNion dollars (51,000,000). 6.4 The County or Prime may count toward its SBE goal a portion of the lobl do6ar value of a contred with a Jdnt venture, eligible under the standards far. certifiption, equal to the percentage d the ownership and control of Me SBE partner in the joint venture. 6.5 The County or Prime may count toward its SBE goal the entire exper~tures for materials and equipment purdwsed by an SBE wtKantrador, provided that the SBE subcontractor has the responsibility for the installation d the purchased materials and equipment 6.6 The County or Prime may count the entiro expenditure to an SBE manuladurer (i.e., a wpplier that produces goods from raw materials or wbslantiaNy alters the goods before resale). 6.7 The County or Prime may count sbdy percent (60X) d its expenditure to SBE suppNen that are not manufacturers. 6.8 The County or Prime may count Wvard it S8E goal second and third tiered SBE subcorttradors, provided that the Prime identifies the SBE subcontractors as second and third tier subs in their bid wbmitbl. kem 4 • Bid Submission Documentation SBE bidden, bidding as prime oontracton, are advised that they must complete Sdfedule 1 Itting the work to be perfortnad by their own wakfarce as well as the work to be performed by any SBE a MANBE wbcantrador. Failure b include this information on Scttedule 1 will result in the partcipatbn by the SBE prime bidders own workforce NOT being taunted towards meeting Om SBE goal. This requirement apptles even if the SBE tontraetor intends to periartn 100% of the work with their own workforce. Bidders are required to sutxnit with their bid the appropriate SBE-IvVWBE schedules in order to be deemea responsive to the SBE requiroment. SBE-fuVWBE doeumenation to be submitted is as IoNoMrs: Schedule 1 - Ltst of Proposed SBE and MANGE Prime Subeontreeton This Net shall contain the names d all SBE and M/WBE subcontractors intended to be used in perfartnance of the contract, ff awarded. The type of wok to be performed by each subcontractor and the ddlar value or percentage shah also be spedfied. This schedule shall also be used if an SBE prime bidder is utiimng ANY subcontradon. Schedule(at 2 Lstterlsl of Intent to Perform as an SBE or MNVBE Subcontractor One Schedule 2 for each SBE and M/WBE.$ubcontractor lmted on Schedule 7 shall be completed and executed by the proposed SBE and MNVBE Suboontredc. Additional copies may be made as needed. item S -SBE Certification Only those fines certlfied by Palen Beach County at the time of bid opening shall be counted toward the established SBE goals, Upon receipt d a complete application, tT TAKES UP TO SIXTY (80) GAYS TO BECOME CERTIFIED AS AN SBE WITH PAL1N BEACH COUNTY. It to file responsibitiry d the bidder to confirm the certification d any proposed SBE; Nu±refore, k t recommended that bidders contact the OSBA at (581) 616-6840 to verify certificetion. - Item B - Counting SBE Partieioatlon land MANGE Partidoation t4r Treekinp Puroosesl 6.1 Once a firth t determined to be an etigibb SBE axading to the Palm Beach County certification procedures. the County c the Prime may count toward it SBE goals Doty that portion of the total ddW valve d a contract performed Dy the SBE. 6.2 The total ddtar value of a contract with an eligble SBE may be counted toward the goal. 8.3 The County may count bward it SBE goals the bW value of a cpntrad awarded to an eligible SBE firth -that wbsequentry is decertified or wvhose certlfication has expired after a contract award date or during the performance of the contract. kem 7 - Responsibilities After Contract Award All bidders hereby aswre that racy shall meet the SBE partidpatbn percentages wbmitted in their respectlve bids wiN the wboontrectors contained On Schedules 1 3 2 and at the ddlar values SpecNied. Bidders agree fo provide any additional infortnatian requested by the County to wbstanfiate participation. The wccessful bidder shall submit an SBE-MIWBE Activity Fonn (Schedule 3) and SBE-M/WBE Payment Certification forms (Sdmdule 4) with each payment applicetion. Failure to provide these tonne may resuk in a delay in processing payment or disapproval of the invoice until they are wbmitted. The S8E-AAIWBE Activity Forth t to be filled out by the Prime Cantrdctor and the SBE-MIWBE Payment Certifiration Foram are to be exewted by ttte SBE c MNVBE fora to verify receipt d payment Alter contract award, the successful bidder shall only be permitted to replace a certified SBE wbcontrador who is unwitting c unable to perform. Such substitutlan must be done with other certified SBEs in order to maintain the SBE percentages submitted with the bid. Request for wbstltutlons must be submitted to the Department issuing the bid and the OSBA. Note: Where there t a conflict between the Local Preference Ordinance and the SBE Ordinance, the SBE Ordinance shag prevail. LOCAL PREFERENCE: In accordance with the Palm beach County Local Preference Ordinance, a preference wr11 be given b bidders who have a pertmanent pWce d business to Palm Beach County and who hold a valid oeeupatiortal license issued by the County that authorizes the bidder to provide the goods c services to be purchased. Local preference means that if the lowest responsive, responsible bidder t a regional or non-local business, then aN bids received from responsive. responsible kxati bidders are decreased by 5%. The original bid amount t red ehangW; the 5% decease t calculated only for the purposes d determining logl preference. To receive a kxxl preference, a bidder must have a permanent pace of business in exttenoe rpQi r to the County's issuance of this Notice of Sdidtation/Invftafion far Bid. Prior to the Countys issuance means the date tlrat the Notice of Soiidtaticellrtvitatlon for Bid was advertised in the Palm Beach Post A permanent place of business means that the Diddels headquarters is located in Palm Beach County, or, the bidder has a permanent office or otlter site in Palm Beach County where the bkkfer wiN produce a substantial portion of the goods or services to be purcttased. A valid occupational license issued by the Palm Beach County Tax Collector shag be used to verify that the bidder had a permanent place of business prior to the issuance of this Notlce of Sdidtatkxdinvifation for Bid. A Palm Beach County Occupational ticertse rs required unless spedficaAy exempted ~~by law. In Neu of a Palm Beach County occupational Ncerue, the bidder shall include the wrrent occupational license issued to the bidder in the response. Please note that the bid submitted to Palm Beach County must be from an address located within Palm Beach County in order for Beal preference to appty. The bidder must submit the attached'Cenificetlon of Business Location along with a copy of the bidder's accupagonal license at the time of bid submission. Failure to submit this information shall cause the bidder to ~ receive a lopl preference. Palm Beach County may require a bidder to provide additional information for clarificagon purposes at any time prior to the award of the contract. e. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION: In compfwnce with Fonda Statute (Section 287.087) attached form 'Drug-Free Workplace Certification' should be fully executed and submitted with bid response in order to be considered for a preference whenever two (2) w more bids which are equal with rasped to price, quality, and service are received by Palm Beach County. f. CONDITIONED OFFERS: Bidders are cautioned that any condition, qualification, provision, w comment in their btd, or in other corespondence transmitted with their bid, which in any way modifies, takes exception to, w is inconsistent with the spedfieations, requirements, w any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of this sdicitaton, is suffldent pose for the rejection of their bid as nary responsive. g, PRICING: (t) Pdees offered must be the price for new merchandise and free from defect. Unless speaflcally requested in the bid specifications, any bids containing modifying or escalation douses shan be rejected. (2) Bidder warrants by virtue of bidding that prices shan remain firm for a period d ninety (90) days from the date of bid opening or other lime stated in spedal conditions. (3) In the event of mathema8cal eror(s), the unit price shall prevail and the bidder's total offer shall l>e corectetl accordingly. BIDS HAVING ERASURES OR CORRECTIONS MUST BE INITIALED IN INK BY THE BIDDER PRIOR. TO BID OPENING. IF THE CORRECTION IS NOT PROPERLY INITIALED, OR IF THE INTENT OR LEGIBILITY OF THE CORRECTION IS NOT CLEAR, THE BID SHALL BE REJECTED. (4) Bidders may offer a cash discount for prompt payment. However, sudr discounts shall not be considered in determining the lowest net oust tw bid evaluatlon purposes unless otherwise spedfied in the speaal conditions. Bidders should reflect any discounts to be considered in the unit prices bid. h. SUBMITTING NO BID or NO CHARGE: Bidders not wishing W tad ort some gems sought by this sdidtatlon should mark those items as 'no bid' If some Items are to be offered at no charge, bidders should mark tlrose items as 'no charge.' items left blank shall be considered a •no bid' for that item, and the bid snail be evaluated accordingly. Bidders who do not wish to submit bids on any Item in this soltata8on, should return a 'Statement of No Bid' in an envelope plainly marked with the bid number and marked 'NO BID.' i. ACCEPTANCFJREJECTION OF BIDS: Palm Beach County reserves the right to accept w to reject any w all bids. Palm Beach County also reserves the right to (1) waive any non-substantive irregularities and technicalities; (2) reject the bid of any bidder who has previously failed to the proper performance of a contract d a s(milar nature, who has been suspended w debarred by another governmental entity, w who Ls rrot in a posi8on rp perform property under this award; and (3) Inspea all faalities ct bidders in order to matte a determination as to its abgiry to perform. Palm Beach County reserves the right t0 reject any offer w bid if the prices for any line items or subl'ute items era materially unbaanced. An offer is materially unbalanced ff g b mathematically unbalanced, and ff there bl reason.to believe that the otter would nst result Sn the vest overall cost to the County, even though it is the k>west aluated offer. An offer is magiematlcely unbalanced H it is based on Prices which are significantly less than fair market price for some bid gne item g_nQ significantly greater gran fair market price tw other bid line items. Fair market price shall be detemtined based on industry. _ standards, comparable bids w offers, existing contracts, w other means of establishing a range of cwrrent prices for which the line items Page 5 may be obtained in the market place. The determination of whether a parliat!ar offer or bid is materially unbalanced shall be made in writing by the Purchasing Director, dung the basis for the determination. NON-EXCLUS E: The County reserves the right to acquire some or all of these. goods and services through a State of Florida contrdd under the provisions of Section 287.042, Florida Statutes, provided the State of Florida contract offers a lower price for the same goods and services. This reservatlon applies both to the initial award of this solicitation and to acquisition after a term contract may be awarded. Additlonaliy, Palm Beach County reserves the right W award other contracts for goods and seMces failing within ttre scope of this sogdtation and resultant contract when the specificetions differ from this sdiatatipn w resultant contract; or for goods and services speafled in this solicitation when the scope substangagy differs from this sonatation w resultant contract , . . k OFFER EXTENDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES: Pant Beach County encourages and agrees to the successful bidder exlend'mg the priang, terms and conditions of this soliatation or resultant contract to other governmental entities at the discretion of the successful bidder. PERFORMANCE DURING EMERGENCY: By submitting a bid, bidder agrees and promises that, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurtipne, flood, or ads of God, Palm Beach County shall be given "first priority' for all goods and services under this centract Bidder agrees to provide all goods and services to Palm Beach County during and after the emergency/disaster at the terms, Conditions, and prices as provided in this sofieitatlon, and with a priority above, a preference over, sales to the private sector. Bidder shall furnish a 24- hour phone number to the County in the event of such an emergency. Failure to provide the stated prioriry/preference during and after an emergency/disaster shall consttute breach of contract and make the bidder subject to sanctions from further business with the County. 4. BID OPENING/AWARD OF BID a..:. OBSERVING THE . PUBUSHEO BID OPENING TIME: The published bid opening time shall be scrupulously observed. It is the sole responsibigry of the bidder to ensure that their bid arives in the Purchasing Department prior to the published bid opening time. Any bid degvered attar the precise time of bid opening shaft not be considered, and shall be returned to the bidder unopened it bidder identlflptlon is possible without opening. Bid responses by telephone, telegram, w taaimile shag not be accepted. Bidders shall not be alloyed to modify their bids after the published bid opening Ome. POSTING OF AWARD RECOMMENDATION: Recommended awards shall be publidy posted for review, at the Purchasing Department prior to final approval, and shan remain posted for a period of five (5) business days. Bidders desiring a copy of the bld posting summary may request same by enclosing a seN-addressed, stamped envelope with their bid. (NOTE: As a service to bidders, the County provides an unofficial 1'rsl of award postings on our weD site at www.obcoov.com/our and on our bid hoWlne, telephone 561-795- 6080. These listings are updated.weekly, nomraly on Friday. If any discrepancy between these Itstlngs and the offidal poseng in the Purdtasing Department, the latter shall prevail.) ,, PROTEST PROCEDURE: Protest procedures are provided in the - Palm Beach County Purchasing Code. Protests must be in writing, addressed to the Director of Purchasing, identify the sdldtatlon, speafy the basis for the protest, and be received by the Purchasing Departrnenl vdthin flue (5) business days of the postlng date of the recommended award. The protest is considered filed when it is received by tfre Purchasing Department Failure to fife protest as outlined in the Palm .Beach County Purchasing Code shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under the referenced County Code. 5. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION a._` DELNERY AND•AGCEPTANCE: Detlveries ofag items'shall be ' :~ - made as. soon as possible. Degvedas resulting from this bid are to Ire made during the normal wortring hours of the County. Time is of the essence and delivery dates must be met Should the successful tndder fail to deliver on w before the stated tlates, the County reserves the right to CANCEL the order w contract and make the purchase . elsewhere. The successful bidder shall be responsible tar making any and all claims aganst cartiers for missing or damaged items. Delivered items shall not be considereC 'accepted' until an authorized agent for Palm Beach Coupry has, by inspection or test of wch items, determined that they appear to fully comply with spedfxations. The Board d County Commissioners may return, at the expense of the successful bidder and for fup credit, arty item(s) received which fail to meet the Countys speaficafions or performance standards. b. FEDERAL. AND STATE TAX: Palm Beach County is exempt from Federal and State taxes. The authorized agent for Purchasing shall provide an exemptbn certificak to the successful bdder, upon request Successful bidders are not exempted from paying sales tax to their suppliers for materiab to hrlfiB contractual obligations with the County, nor aro suecessfiA bidders authorized ro use the Cotmtys Tax Exemption Number h searing such matertals. c. PAYMENT: Payr,ent shatl be made by the County aRer tammoditles/services have been recehred, aecePled and properly irnoiced as indicated in the contract andlor order. Invoices must bear the order number. The Florida Prompt Payment Act is appYpble to this solidtation ~HANGEg: The Director of Purchasing, Palm Beach Camry, by written notiflptlon to the suaessful bidder may make minor dtanges b the contract terms. fuBnor dranges are dafirred as madfications which Oo not significantly alter the scope, nature, ar price of the specified goods or services. Typipl minor changes include, but are not limited lo, place of delivery, method of shipment, minor revisions to astombxd work speafications, and administration of the contract The successful bidder shall sat amend any provision of the contract wilhout written notifigtion to the Director of Purchasing, and written aaephnce from the Director of Purchasing or the Board of County Commissioners. DEFAULT: The County may, by written notice of default to the sucessful bidder, terminate the contract in whole or in part N the suaessfirl bidder fails to satisfactortly perform any provisions of this solicitation or resultant contract. or faib to make progress so as to endanger performance under the terms and conditions W this sdkafaflon or resultant contract, and does not remedy such failure within a period of 10 days (or such period as the Director of Purchasing may autltorize in writing) after receipt of notice from Cre Director of Purchasing spedlyirrg such failure. In the event the County terminates this contract in whole or in part bepuse of default of the suoxssfW biddar, the County may proaro goods andlor services simihr to those terminated, and the successfW bidder shall be liable far any excess costs inarted due to this adios. If tl is determined that the successful t>;dder was not in default or that the default was exasable (e.g., hilure due to causes beyond the control of, or without the hull a negligence of, the wecessful bidder), the righb and obligatons of the parties shall be those provided in Sedien 5f, 'Tertninatbn fa Convenience ' TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: The Director of Purchasing may, whenever the interests of the County so require, terminate the centred, in whole or in part, for the convenience of the County. The Director of Purcrasing shall give five (S) days prbr written notice o! termination to Me successful bidder, spedfying the portions of the conlred to be terminated and when the termination is to become effective. M onry portions of the Contract are terminated, the successful bidder has the dght h withdraw, without adverse action, from the entlre contract UMess directed differently in the notice of temrinatian, the successful bidder shall inar no further obligations In connection with the terminated work, and shag stop work to the extent specified and on the date given in the notice of termination. Additionally, unless directed difhrently, the wecessful udder shatl terminate outstanding orders nd/or sutxxxrtreds related to the terminated work. Page 6 THIS IS THE END OF'GENERAL CONDITIONS.' Page 7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 6. GENERAUSPECIAL CONDITION PRECEDENCE .., the event of conflict between General Conditions and Special Conditions, the provisions of the Special Conditions shall -have precedence. 7. QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS This bid shall be awarded only to a responsive and responsible bidder, qualified to provide the goods and/or service specified. The bidder shall, upon request, promptly furnish the County sufficient evidence in order to confirm a satisfactory performance record. Such information may include an adequate financial statement of resources, the ability to comply with required or proposed delivery or perfgrmance schedule, a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics, the necessary organization, experience, acceunting and operation controls, and technical skills, and be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations. The bidder should submit the following information with their bid response; however, ff not included, it shall be the responsibility of the bidder to submit all evidence, as solicited, within a time frame specified by the County (normally within two working days of request). Failure of a bidder to provide the required information within the specified time frame is considered sufficient cause for rejection of their bid. Information submitted with a previous bid shall not satisfy this provision. A. List a minimum of three 3 references in which similar goods and/or services have been provided within the .past two 2 years including scope of work, contact names, addresses, telephone numbers and dates of service. A contact person shall be someone who has personal knowledge of the bidder's performance for the specific requirement listed. Contact person must have been informed that they are being used as a reference and that the County may be calling them. DO NOT list persons who are unable to answer specific questions regarding the requirement. B. Provide a list of equipment available to do the work, including year, make, model, miles, size, and quantity of each. 8. AWARD PLOT-BY-LOT Palm Beach County shall award this bid to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder on a lot-by-lot basis. The County reserves the right to reject bids which would result in an award which is financially disadvantageous to the County. An award may be considered financially disadvantageous when it would result in an award to a bidder for less than $1,000, or when it would result in awards of multiple small fragments. This policy is predicated on avoidance of increased administrative costs and operational complexity. 9. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY DESIGNATION Palm Beach County reserves the right to make multiple awards for this solicitation. In the event that this right is exercised, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder shall be designated primary awardee and the next lowest responsive, responsible bidder shall be designated secondary awardee. The primary awardee shall be given the first opportunity to perform. The secondary awardee shall be contacted only after the primary awardee has refused to perform. The primary awardee is expected to perform all work offered to them, unless they are unable to perform it for lack of resources or technical ability. The primary awardee may be found in default of this contract if it declines more than 10% of the offered work, or if itestablishes a pattern of accepting only the more desirable work and declining theaess desirable work. ~ - - 10. METHOD OF ORDERING (TERM CONTRACT) A contract shall be issued for a term of twelve M2) months or until the estimated amount is expended, at the discretion of the County. The County will order on an "as needed" basis. 11. F.O.B. POINT F.O.B. point shall be destination..Exact delivery point will be indicated on the purchase order or term contract delivery order (DO). Bid responses showing other than F.O.B. destination shall be_rejected. Bidder retains ti0e and assumes all transportation charges, responsibility, liability and risk in transit, and shall be .responsible for the filing of claims for loss ar . damages Page 8 12. RESPONSE TIME TO SITE Crews with equipment shall be required on site within seventvtwo 1721 hours after receipt of tens contract delivery order ~O) unless a modified delivery date has been requested by the successful bidder and approved in writing by the Purchasing Department or the designated County representative. On-sitelstart times shall be strictly adhered to without deviation. 13. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES The anticipated term of the contract to be awarded as a result of this bid is for twelve 12 months. The anticipated value during the contract term is 5300.000. Palm Beach County reserves the right to increase or decrease the anticipated value as necessary to meet actual requirements, and to rebid for the contracted goods and services at any time after the antiapated value of this contract has been reached, notwithstanding that the anticipated term has not been completed. 14. RENEWAL OPTION WITH ESCALATOR The successful bidder shall be awarded a contract for twelve (12) months with the option to renew for four (4) additional twelve {12) month periods. Prices shall remain firm for the initial twelve (12) month period. The option for renewal shall only be exercised upon mutual written agreement wkh all original terms and conditions adhered to with no deviations. At the beginning of each of the four (4) twelve (12) month option periods, the County will consider a single annual price adjustment to the unit price(s) based on the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI-U, All Items, Not Seasonally Adjusted (NSA)). The website is http://www.bls.aov/coi/home.htm. At the County's sole discretion, this annual adjustment shall be calculated by using the appropriate annual percentage as provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics not more than 90 days nor less than 30 days prior to the first day of the renewal term. Any renewal inGuding subsequent price adjustments shall be subject to the appropriation of funds by the Board of County Commissioners. 15. EQUIPMENT successful bidder shall, at a minimum, own or have access to ttie following list of equipment, 'rf required. The hourly rate ~rfered for Item 1 (Lots I through IX) shall include any/alt of the items fisted below. Failure to provide the specified equipment :hall be sufficient cause for default and contract termination. • Pneumatic plugs, 6" - 72" • Steel sheeting and shoring • 3" Diaphragm pump with 50' discharge hose • Hydraulic pumps capable of loading tankers • Laser beam • Boom truck with 12,000 Ib. capacity • Underwater (hydraulic) saw for cutting pipe • Air compressor and jack hammers • Backhoe with minimum lifting capacity of 12,000 lbs. for setting manholes, catch basins, etc. • Front end loader • 1 %: ton asphalt roller • Vibratory compaction equipment 6. WORK SITE SAFETY/SECURITY he successful bidder shall at all times guard against damage or loss to the property of Palm Beach County, the bidder's own 'operty, and/or that of other contractors, and shall be held responsible for replacing or repairing any such loss or damage. ~ 'hen applicable, the successful bidder shall provide fences, signs, barricades, flashing lights, etc. necessary to protect and :cure the work site(s) and insure that all County, State of Florida, OShtA, and other applicable safety regulations are met. iditionally, successful bidder shall provide for the prompt removal of all debris from Palm Beach County property. Palm :ach County may withhold payment or make such deductions as deemed necessary to ensure reimbursement or ^'~cement for loss or damage to property through negligence of the successful bidder or its agents. 17. INSURANCE REQUIRED Page 9 ~~ shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to provide evidence of the following minimum amounts of insurance .verage to Palm Beach County, c/o Purchasing Department, Attention Insurance/Buyer Assistant, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415. During the term of the Contract and prior to each subsequent renewal thereof, the successful bidder shall provide this evidence to the County prior to the expiration date of each and every insurance required herein. Commercial General Liability, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of x500,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury, Personal Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include Premises and/or Operations, Independent Contractors, Products and/or Completed Operations, Personal Injury/Advertising Liability, Contractual Liability and Broad Form Property Damage coverages. Coverage for the hazards of explosion, collapse and underground property damage (X-C-U) must also be ircluded when applicable to the work to be performed. Business Auto Policy, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of 5500,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include coverage for all Owned Autos, Hired Autos and Non- owned Autos. (In this context, the term "Autos" is interpreted to mean any land motor vehiGe, trailer or semi trailer designed for travel on public roads.) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability coverage is required for all personnel who work on this project. This shall include the personnel of the contractor and any subcontractors, reoardless of the size of the comoanv. Exemptions for small companies shall not be accepted. Coverage must include Employer's Liability with minimum limits of 5100,000 Each Accident, 5500,000 Disease-Policy Limit, 5100,000 Disease-Each Employee. _ A signed Certificate or Certificates of Insurance, evidencing that required insurance coverages have been procured by the successful bidder in the types and amounts required hereunder shall be transmitted to the County via the Insurance Company/Agent within a time frame specified by the County (normally within 2 working days of request). Except as to Business Auto, Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability, said Certfiicate(s) shall clearly confirm that •~erage required by the contract has been endorsed to include Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Further, said Certificate(s) shall unequivocally provide ten (10) days written notice to County prior to any adverse change, cancellation ornon-renewal of coverage there under. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required insurance coverages are maintained in force throughout the term of the contract. Failure to maintain the required insurance shall be considered default of contract. Successful bidder shall agree to provide the County with at least ten (10) days prior notice of any cancellation, non-renewal or material change to the insurance coverages. All insurance must be acceptable to and approved by County as to form, types of coverage and acceptability of the insurers providing coverage. All insurance provided hereunder shall be endorsed to show that it is primary as respects to County. 18. INSURANCE REQUIRED f AIRPORT ONLY ) It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to provide evidence of the following minimum amounts of insurance coverage to Palm Beach County, Go Purchasing Department, Attention Insurance/Buyer Assistant, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415. During the term of the Contract and prior to each subsequent renewal thereof, the successful bidder shall provide this evidence to the County prior to .the expiration date of each and every insurance required herein. - Commercial General Liability or similar forth, shall have minimum limits of .55,000,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury, Personal Injury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include Premises and/or Operations, Independent Contractors, Products and/or Completed Operations, Personal Injury/Advertising Liability, Contractual Liability and Broad Form Property Damage coverages. Coverage for the hazards of explosion, collapse and underground property damage (X-C-U) must also be included when applicable to the work to be performed. F ~ness Auto Policy, or similar form, shall have minimum limits of 55,000,000 Per Occurrence Combined Single Limit for 6,...dy tnjury and Property Damage Liability. Coverage shall include coverage for all Owned Autos, Hired Autos and Non- owned Autos. (In this context, the term "Autos" is interpreted to mean any land motor_vehicle, trailer or semi trailer designed for travel on public roads.) Page 10 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability coverage is required for all personnel who work on this project. This shall include the personnel of the contractor and any subcontractors, regardless of the size of the company. Exemptions for small companies shall not be accepted. Coverage must include Employer's Liability with minimum limits of 5100,000 Each ^ccident, 5500,000 Disease-Policy Limit, 5100,000 Disease-Each Employee. A signed Certificate or Certificates of Insurance, evidencing that required insurance coverages have been procured by the successful bidder in the types and amounts required hereunder shall be transmitted to the County via the Insurance Company/Agent within a time frame specified by the County (normally within 2 working days of request). Except as to Business Auto, Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability, said Certificate(s) shall dearly confirm that coverage required by the contract has been endorsed to incude Palm Beach County as an Additional Insured. Further, said Certificate(s) shall unequivocally provide ten (10) days written notice to County prior to any adverse change, cancellation or non-renewal of coverage there under. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to ensure that all required insurance coverages are maintained in force throughout the term of the contract. Failure to maintain the required insurance shall be considered default of contract. Successful bidder shall agree to provide the County with at least ten (10) days prior notice of any cancellation, non-renewal or material change to the insurance coverages. All insurance must be acceptable to and approved by County as to form, types of coverage and acceptability of the insurers providing coverage. All insurance provided hereunder shall be endorsed to show that it is primary as respects to County Page 11 SPECIFICATIONS BID #06-1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT SCOPE The sole purpose and intent of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is to establish a firm, fixed price term contract for the rental of crews with equipment to be used by various departments throughout Palm Beach County for repairs as specified in Lots I through IX. GENERAL 1. Equipment, Condition and Responsibility The Contractor will be responsible for repairs and maintenance of its equipment. The equipment will be operated by the Contractor and kept in good working condition, including all grease, oil, parts and fuel as necessary. 2. Prosecution of the Work The Contractor will be required to prosecute the work uninterrupted, in such a manner, with the specified labor and equipment so as to ensure that projects as defined and agreed upon are completed within the framework of this contract. Unless modified in writing, by a designated Palm Beach County Project Supervisor, on-site/start times shall be strictly adhered to without deviation. Equipment will not be substituted without prior written approval from the designated Palm Beach County Project Supervisor. Equipment operators must be fully licensed, as applicable, and competent in the use of the assigned equipment. Failure to comply with any of these requirements is sufficient cause to terminate contract because of default by the Contractor. 3. Equipment and Personnel Contractor equipment deemed defective by the designated Palm Beach County Project Supervisor shall be promptly removed from the site. Personnel employed either directly or indirectly by the Contractor, who are deemed to be incompetent, inept or unfit to perform the work in the opinion of the designated Palm Beach County Project Supervisor, shall be promptly removed from the project under this Contract, and such personnel shall not again be employed to work on the project. Failure of the Contractor to remove defective equipment or incompetent personnel may result in the termination of this Contract. 4. Suspension of the Work The designated Palm Beach County Project Supervisor or his duly appointed representative shall have the authority to suspend the work for the following reasons: (a) default of the Contractor; (b) unfavorable weather conditions; (c) mechanical failure of loading, hauling, digging or spreading equipment being used in the prosecution, both of the work under this contract and the work being done by County forces adjunctive thereto; (d) or any other condtion which, in the judgment of the County representative, makes it impractical to secure first- class results. PLOWABLE FILL fLOT I AND II ONLY) Upon request, contractor shall famish and place "Plowable Fill" as an alternative to compacted soil as approved in the `Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for "Road & Bridge Construction" year 2004, Section 121-1 through 121-7. PAYMENT FOR PLOWABLE FILL Compensation shall be paid at the price per Cubic Yard as stated on the Bid Response page. The cubic yard price includes product, delivery and off-loading as directed by Palm Beach County Project Supervisor. Page 12 PAYMENT The Palm Beach County Project Supervisor or designee shall review and approve Contractor's "Daily Billing Ticket" to verify actual number of hours worked by the piece of equipment and/or crew, as applicable. .,ontrad is based on an hourly rate, as requested. Crews and/or equipment shall be available on an "as needed basis" with no guarantee by the County of the amount of use. However, any crews and/or equipment (based on an hourly rate) called out for a period of less than four (4) hours shall be compensated for at a minimum of four (4) hours.- "Down Time' is nat to be computed as rental time and will not be compensated for. Payment for equipment and news shall be made for actual time worked on site only. The County will not be charged for mobilization, demobilization, travel between job sites, etc. Payment (hourly rates) shall be full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, fuel, oil, greases, insurance, taxes, fees, plant, transportation, suspensions, delays, and incidentals necessary to complete the service described in and as set forth in this contract. Projects started prior to the termination of this contract will be allowed an additional thirty (30) days for completion. BASE RATE Hourly Rate (LOTS I, II, III, IV, V, VI, AND VII): Compensation shall be paid at the "base" hourly rate (crews with equipment) for actual time worked, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Equipment which remains on site, without operator, for the convenience of the contractor will not be compensated. The County will not be charged for mobilization, demobilization, transportation, fuel, or any other incidental expense related to the perfomtiance of this contract. All costs to be charged to the County for the performance of this contract must be included in the "base" hourly rate offered by the contractor. Hourly Rate (LOTS VIII AND IX): npensation shall be paid at the "base" hourly rate (crews with equipment) Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and i:00 p.m. for actual time worked. Equipment which remains on site, without operator, for the convenience of the contractor Hill not be compensated. The County will not be charged for mobilization, demobilization, transportation, fuel, or any other ncidental expense related to the performance of this contract. All costs to be charged to the County for the performance of his contract must be included in the `base" hourly rate offered by the contractor. PREMIUM RATES , dourly Rate (LOTS VIII AND IX): ' Overtime Rate: ' Compensation shall be paid at a rate of 1.5 times the awarded base hourly rate for actual time worked between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday through Friday and weekends. Equipment which remains on-site, for convenience, without operator shall not be compensated. Equipment which is used or continues to function into premium rate time frames, without operator, shall be paid at the "base" rate only. Holiday Rate: Compensation shall be paid at a rate of 2.0 times the awarded base hourly rate for actual time worked during Palm i Beach County legally recognized holidays. Equipment which remains on-site, for convenience, without operator shall not be compensated. Equipment which is used or continues to function into premium rate time frames, without operator, shall be paid at the "base" rate only. _ Page 12 PAYMENT The Palm Beach County Project Supervisor or designee shall review and approve Contractor's "Daily Billing Ticket" to verify actual number of hours worked by the piece of equipment and/or crew, as applicable. ..ontract is based on an hourly rate, as requested. Crews and/or equipment shall be available on an "as needed basis° with no guarantee by the County of the amount of use. However, any crews and/or equipment (based on an hourly rate) called out for a period of less than four (4) hours shall be compensated for at a minimum of four (4) hours.. "Down Time' is not to be computed as rental time and will not be compensated for. Payment for equipment and crews shall be made for actual time worked on site only. The County will not be charged for mobilization, demobilization, travel between job sites, etc. Payment (hourly rates) shall be full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, fuel, oil, greases, insurance, taxes, fees, plant, transportation, suspensions, delays, and incidentals necessary to complete the service described in and as set forth in this contract. Projects started prior to the termination of this contract will be allowed an additional thirty (30) days for completion. BASE RATE Hourly Rate (LOTS I, II, III, IV, V, VI, AND VII): Compensation shall be paid at the "base" hourly rate (crews with equipment) for actual time worked, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Equipment which remains on site, without operator, for the convenience of the contractor will not be compensated. The County will not be charged for mobilization, demobilization, transportation, fuel, or any other incidental expense related to the performance of this contract. All costs to be charged to the County for the perfom-ance of this contract must be included in the "base' hourly rate offered by the contractor. Hourly Rate (LOTS VIII AND IX): npensalion shall be paid at the "base" hourly rate (crews with equipment) Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and i:00 p.m. for actual time worked. Equipment which remains on site, without operator, for the convenience of the contractor mill not be compensated. The County will not be charged for mobilization, demobilization, transportation, fuel, or any other ncidental expense related to the pertonnance of this contract. All costs to be charged to the County for the performance of his contract must be included in the "base" hourly rate offered by the contractor. PREMIUM RATES sourly Rate (LOTS VIII AND IX): Overtime Rate: Compensation shall be paid at a rate of 1.5 times the awarded base hourly rate for actual time worked between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday through Friday and weekends. Equipment which remains on-site, for convenience, without operator shall not be compensated. Equipment which is used or continues to function into premium rate time frames, without operator, shall be paid at the "base" rate only. Holiday Rate: Compensation shall be paid at a rate of 2.0 times the awarded base hourly rate for actual time worked during Palm f Beach County legally recognized holidays. Equipment which remains on-site, for convenience, without operator shall not be compensated. Equipment which is used or continues to function into premium rate time frames, without operator, ` shall be paid at the "base° rate only. - Page 13 BID RESPONSE BID #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT I -ROAD 8 BRIDGE DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED REM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (') FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 308.00 X .g0 = $ 240.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter. County shall furnish materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete $ 7n. nn X .02 = $ 1.40 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40.00 X .O6 = $ 2.40 including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X .01 = $ . 70 capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X .01 = $ . 70 capacity when requested with item #1 only. PRICE PER CU. YD. 6. Plowable Fill $ 120.00 X .10 = $ 12.00 LOT 1, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: S 257.20 Continued.... FIRM NAME:_p. S. F.AKINS CONSTRBCTION CORPORATION • BID RESPONSE • 'BID #06-139IPR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT II -ROAD 8 BRIDGE DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (•) FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 350.00 X .80 = $ 280.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA i training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36" up to 84" diameter. County shall furnish materials. . 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete $ 70.00 X .02 = $ 1.40 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). - 3. Well Polnt Equipment up to 150 points complete $ r,n _ no X .06 = $ 2.40 including pump and jetting equipment (runtime only) ~ when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X _01 $ • 70 i capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X .01 = $ • 70 capacity when requested with item #1 only. , PRICE PER ~ CU. YD. i. Flowable Fiil $ 120.00 X 10 = $ 12.00 i LOT t!, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: s 297.20 Continued.... RM NAME:~~~, EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION '- :;r~q"';+` st~r?*, '`'`" Page 15 • BID RESPONSE BID #06-1391PR - CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT III -ROAD 8 BRIDGE DEPARTMENT: (•) NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT - FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (') FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -INFILTRATION DRAINAGE, consisting $ 300.00 X .50 = $ 150.00 of a foreman-(with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, inGuding layout, excavation of swales 36" wide, 24" deep, 8" cores to existing drainage inlets. Contractor will also be responsible for utility locations and hauling away excess materials. County shall furnish all materials (i.e., rock, filter, cloth, jack & bores, 6' PVC sch. 40 pipe, sand). 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity when $ 70.00 X .10 = $ 7.00 requested with item #1 only). ' 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40.00 X 20 = $ 8.00 induding pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X .10 $ 7.00 capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X 10 = $ 7.00 capacity when requested with ftem #1 only. LOT /ll, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: s 179.00 Continued.... FIRM NAME: n ~ EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION BID RESPONSE . • BID #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT N -PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT. WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR {') FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 300.00 X .90 = $ 270.00 • consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, expvating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter. County shall furnish materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete $ 70.00 X 02 = $ 1.40 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). j 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40.00 X .06 = $ 2.40 including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X .01 = $ • 70 I capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 1 S cu. yd. $ ~o _ oo X .Ot = $ I . 70 capacity when requested with item #1 only. LOT IV, TOTAL FA CTORED RATE: s 275.20 1 Continued.... ~IRM NAME: D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION j .~._ .: Page 17 BID RESPONSE BID #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT V -DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS: (•) NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (') FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 400.00 X .90 = $ 360.00 consisting of a foreman {with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3j experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter. County shall furnish materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete $ 100.00 X 02 = $ 2.00 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Weil Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 65.00 X .06 = $ 3.90 including pump and jetting equipment (run Gme only) when requested with item #1 only. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $_ t no _ 00 X .01 = $ 1.00 capadtywhen requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. $ 100.00 X .01 $ 1.00 capacity when requested with item #1 only. LOT V, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: ; 367.90 Continued.... FIRM NAME: D. S. F.AKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION _ B1D RESPONSE _ BID #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT V! -PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT ~ FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (•) FACTOR ~ RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ X50.00 X .90 = $ 315.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of thn:e (3) experienced men, including Layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36° up to 84"diameter. County shall furnish materials. 2. .Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete $ 70.00 X .02 = $ 1.40 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40.00 X .06 = $ 2.40 including pump and jetting equipment (run Gme only) when requested with item #1 only. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X 01 = $ .70 capacty when requested with item fl1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. $ 70.00 X .p1 $ . 70 capacity when requested with item #1 only. LOT YI, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: s 320.20 Continued.... IRM NAME: D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION .- _ -.- - _.r.,;.~-~-. Page 19 .BID RESPONSE BID #06-1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT VII -DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS: (•) NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A OAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (•) FACTOR RATE 1. CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 450.00 X .90 = $ 405.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA Vaining), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36' up to 84' diameter. County shalt furnish materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. ppacity (for concrete $ 100.00 X 02 $ 2.00 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 65.00 X .O6 = $ 3.90 incuding pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $ 100.00 X .01 = $ ~ _ nn capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Trudc with sideboards, 18 a. yd. $ t nn _ nn X .01 = $ 1 00 capacity when requested with item #1 only. LOT VII, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: s 412.90 Continued.... FIRM NAME: D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION BID RESPONSE BID #06-1391PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT Vltl -FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE HOURLY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M.): HOWEVER, COMPENSATION WILL BE PAID FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAY RATES (SEE PAGE 12). BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION - PER HOUR (') FACTOR RATE 1. CREW - CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE t-HYING, consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter. County shalt fumish materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, l2 cu. yd. capacfty when requested with Hem #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. capacity when requesied with Hem #1 only, $ ann_nn X .90 = $ 270.00 , $ 70.00 X .02 = $ 1.40 $ 40.00 X .06 _ $ 2.40 $ 70.00 X .01 $ 70.00 X .01 _ $ .70 _ $ .70 LOT Vlll, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: S 275.20 .OT IX -FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE HOURLY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M.): HOWEVER, COMPENSATION WILL BE PAID FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAY RATES (SEE PAGE 12). BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED TEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (') FACTOR RATE CREW -CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ X0.00 X .90 = $ 315.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back felting equipment necessary for laying pipe 36° up to t34° diameter. County shall fumish materials. Continued.... IRM NAME: D• S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION i~ . .. .. •r)iY.~c~i7Pax::g.r-:.~c:'s:.~iY, :.~'_i .• ~:Y_!,r _ ~x';;a.~x4 ' ' `! Page 21 BID RESPONSE BID #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT IX-FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT (Continued): (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE HOURLY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M.): HOWEVER, COMPENSATION WILL BE PAID- FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAY RATES (SEE PAGE 12). BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED REM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (`) FACTOR RATE 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete $ 70.00 X ,02 = $ 1.40 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only). 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. capaclty when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri-Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. capacty when requested with item #1 only. $ 40.00 X .O6 $ 70.00 X .01 $ 70.00 X .01 _ $ 2.40 _ $ .70 $ .70 LOT DC, TOTAL FACTORED~R~AT~E: S 320.20 Dualification of Bidders information included, per Term and Condition # 7? YES I~ <INfTIAL * PLEASE AFFIX SIGNATURE WHERE INDICATED (FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF YOUR BID) By signature on this document, bidder acknowledges and agrees that its offer includes and accepts all terms, conditions, and speafications of the County's bid solicitation as originally published, without exception, change or alteration of any kind, except as may have been published by the County in official amendments prior to this date of submittal. FIRM NAME: (Enter the entire legal name of the bidding entity) DATE: D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 7/12/06 * SIGNATURE PRINT NAME: CINDI M. FRICK : PRINT TITLE: VICE PRESIDENT ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BO% 530185 CITY /STATE: 1481 KINETIC ROAD LAKE PARK, FLORIDA ZIP CODE: 33403 TELEPHONE # (561 ) 842-0001 E-MAIL: , TOLL FREE # ( ) FAX #: (561 ) 842-0009 APPLICABLE LICENSE(S)CGC036066 STATE LICENSE 2001-14944 CNTY OC-032 'IMBER # -14 46C IDE CW-001 TYpE; 2001-14942 EQUIP REN.I3VY OS-012 FEDERAL ID # 59-1691997 Page 22 STATEMENT OF NO BID BiD #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF,-TERM CONTRACT If you are not bidding on this service/commodity, please complete and return this form to: Palm Beach County Purchasing Department, 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, FL 33415-3199. Failure to respond may result in deletion of vendor's name from the qualified bidder's list for the County of Palm Beach. COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNATURE: DATE: WE, the undersigned have declined to bid on your Bid No. 06.139/PR for CREWS WRH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT (Service/Commodity) i because of the following reason(s): i Specifications too "tight, i.e., geared toward brand or manufacturer only (explain below) Insufficient time to respond to.the invitation for Bid I '_'_ 1 _ We do not offer this product or an equivalent r Our product schedule would not permit us to perform Unable to meet specifications _._._ Unable to meet bond requirements „__,_ Spec cations unGear (explain below) _, Other (specify below) tEMARKS: rage [3 CERTIFICATION OF BUSINESS LOCATION BID # 06-139/PR CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT In accordance with the Palm Beach County Local Preference Ordinance, a preference shall be given to those bidders who have a permanent place of business in Palm Beach County ("County") and who hold a valid occupatonal license issued by the County that authorizes the bidder to provide the goods or services to be purchased. To receive a local preference, an interested bidder must have a permanent place of business in existence prior to the County's issuance of an invitation for bid. A valid occupational license issued by the County Tax Collector shall be used to verify that the bidder had a permanent place of business prior to the issuance of the invitation for bid. A Palm Beach County Occupational license is required unless specifically exempted by law. In lieu of a Palm Beach County occupational license, the bidder shall include the current occupational License issued to the bidder in the response. The bidder must submit this Certfcation of Business location along with the required occupational license at the time of bid submission. This Cert~cetion of Business LocaCron is the sole determinant of local preference eligibility. Errors in the completion of this Certification or failure to submit this completed Cert~cation shall cause the bidder to not receive a total preference. Please note that the bid submitted by the bidder to the County must be from an address located within Palm Beach County in order for local preference to apply. Bidder is a: Non-LOCaI BUSlness Anon-focal twsiness is one that does not have a permanent place of business in Palm Beach, Martin, Broward, or Miami-Dade County. F~egional Business A regional business is one that has a permanent place of business in Martin, Broward, or Miami-Dade County. (Please indicate): Martin County Broward County Miami -Dade County X Local BUSIneSS A local business has a permanent place of business in Palm Beach County (Please indicate): X Headquarters located in Palm Beach County Permanent office or other site located in Palm Beach County from which a vendor will produce a substantial portion of the goods or services to be purchased "A post office box or location at a postal service center is not acceptable. The attached copy of bidder's Palm Beach County Occupational License verifies bidder's permanent place of business in Palm Beach County THIS CERTIFICATION is submitted by r.TxnT M. FRTCK , as (Name of Individual) -vTrF PRFSTTIFNT , of D. S. F.AKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION (Title/Position) (Firm Name of Bidder) aho hereby certifies that the information stated above is true and correct, that the bidder has a permanent place ~f business in Palm Beach County, and that the attached Palm Beach County Occupational License is a true and ~rrect copy of the original. Further, it is hereby acknowledged that any misrepresentation by the bidder on this ;ertification is considered an unethical business practice and is grounds for sanctions against future County ~iness with the bidder. .> /f / C~1 ,llL'~,tuc ~ / t i/ob . (Signature) (Date) Page 24 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION BID #06-139/PR CREWS WITH EflUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT IDENTICAL TIE BIDS/PROPOSALS - In accordance with Section 287.087, F.S., a preference shalt be given to vendors submitting with their bids/proposals the following certification that they have implemented adrug-free workplace program which meets the requirements of Section 287.087; provided, however, that any preference given pursuant to Section 287.087, shall be made in conformity with the requirements pursuant to the Palm Beach County Code, Chapter 2, Article III, Sections 2-80.21 thru 2-80.34. In the event tie bids are received from vendors who have not submitted with their bids/proposals a completed Drug-Free Workplace Certification form, the award will be made in acwrdance with Palm Beach County's purchasing procedures pertaining to tie bids. This Drug-Free Workplace Certification form must be executed and returned with the attached bid/proposal, and received on or before time of bid opening to be considered. The failure to execute and/or return this certification shall not cause any bidlproposal to be deemed non-responsive. Whenever two (2) or more bids/proposals which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by Palm Beach County for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, abid/proposal received from a business that certifies that it has implemented adrug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. In order to have adrug-free workplace program, a business shall: (1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. ~ Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in number (1). ! ;4) In the statement specified in number (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms- of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or noto contendere to, any violation of Chapter.893, Florida Statutes, or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any suite, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participat(on in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain adrug-free workplace through implementation Section 287.087, Florida Statutes. 'HIS CERTIFICATION is submitted by crunr M_ Frtrrx the (Individual's Name) - V .E PRESIDENT of D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION (TitlelPosition with CompanyNendor) (Name of CompanyNendor) t~ •ho does hereby certify that said CompanyNendor has implemented adrug-free workplace program which meets ~e requirements of Section 287.087, Florida Statutes, which are identified in numbers 1) through (6) above. 7/12/06 Signature Date Page 25 SCHEDULEI LIST OF PROPOSED SBEJNANBE PRIME SUBCONTRACTORS BID NAME: CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OP BID NO. 06-139 /PR TERM CONTRACT D. S. EAKINS CONSTR. CORP. P.O. BOR 530185 LAKE PARK, FL 33408 NAME OF PRIME BIDDER: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: DOUG EAKINS BID OPENING DATE: JULY 13, 2006 PHONE NO: f Sf t l R4?_-On01 FAX N0:,~6t) 842-0009 DEPARTMENT: PLEASE IDENTIFY ALL APPLICABLE CATEGORIES Noma, Addrssa and Phone Number (Check one or both Categortes) Mlntxiri Business Small Business Btsck Hispanic Subcontract Amount Women Caucasian Other (Please Specify) TRU TRUCKING t. p.0. BOX 1058 LOXAHATCHEE, FL 3347 ® ® S S 157. = S S (561) 753-6417 2. ^ ^ S S s S s. 3. ^ ^ s S S S s a. ^ ^ s s s s s 5. ^ ^ i S S S S (Pbaw uaa addltlonal shoats H natessary Total i s S s_ s Total Bld Prize S Total Valus of SBE Particlpatlon S 15 % OF WORK PERPORMED UNDER CONTRACT NOTE: 1. The amount listed on orb form for a Subcontractor must be supported by prices ar percentage Inducted on Sdtedub 2 ar a proposal from each Subcontrodor Ilsted in order to be counted toward goal alfahrnenL 2. Flmq may be certlfled by Palm Beach County as an SBE and/or an M/WBE. If Bmts are certlfled as both an SBE and MNVBE, please indicate the dollar amount under the appropriate category. 3. MANBE inftmnatlon b baing edieded for tracking purposes only. L ~ rlacirc5 x~ianeaou7 .. .....c.+ ar'N SCNEDUIF 2 t.E-r-fElt o>: tr,r~trr ro t~otw ns rw sBt: oR iwwaF suacolvrRacTOR °~0 N©. 06-13911'R SID (NAME: CRES-$ SfITH EQi]IP1~RT. RENTAL OF, TERM CONTACT T1p: D. S. EAtCINS CONSTRQCXIQN COItPORArI01y {Nsrtq of Prirse i~idderl 'ihe urtOetslQned d oarflMd by Palm Beach County sa a(n) - (cltedc one or morn, a. appBcaDl~): r. Page ~ Smell t3ustteas Enterprise _s„„ Mlno-ity Business Enterprise 3tedc __,__ Hlapartlc ~ women Gueaalan t~fher (Please sperllyj Taos. of Qafm Bc+edl Courrty Csrbsto+etlant: 08/20/04 TO 08/20/07 tM underaigne~ la Prepar'nd to ptarfann ttta toNowing dasoibnd work in oonneatbon with the. above pmj®ct (Srrecl~r In dg~aU, oartlr~la-woAc ~t~yrta tt~a~4~ ~0 lfs ; Lice 2te~ Na Itam Deseriptiaa ,~1kTaks Uslt Rice Tolat Price -._~,.. 4 TRUCS?t~ A1® EtLgIPI~NT RP.DTPAI. AT LSX OB WORK PERFORM UIiDER COPR'RACT '. the fbBowing price S 45.00 (9uhaonuactorraquotB) f citdl enter into s formal agreement for work tMtit you candltlonod upon your txtacr>tfan of a tArltlaCt wnh PpDtl Beech ~5'- itderslgl~d intends to sutraubrontract any port-on of thb subcontnCt to a non-oerttfled SBE aut~tonoraetor, the amount of such stlDtcrMract must tea slated: i -.n- 1 f ~ undersigned subcantracdor understands That the Drovisi0r! of this form to prtne bidder floss not pr~BveM aubaDnberior ~ providlrq quotetloru to other bidders. t3t0 TRUCKING ; . {Printneme of S8t~ MNYBE Suttmntractnr'j eY -~i~ s/'~1 rns e PRADiK TRtIJTTTn . (Print nemrJtide of person eto~utir+8 on behalf ofiSBE tiNW9E SuboarOnctor) Cato, 7111 /06 l'QTFi. P.02 Z00/Z00® 87/18/'1005 17:26 5617954361 GARY TR PAGE B1 'v August 20, 2004 a ~ Certification Date: 08208004 -08802007 • pIORI~. • Vendor Registration Number: TRUT0001 SERVICES: Trucking/Heavy Hauling oRlce of Swan Dusinest As~ktance 50 S Kiluary TAN. $uKe 20v tttsc P~Im bexh. FZ 33i1 i TTU TIUCkutg, Inc. 156t) 61b6840 P.O. BOX 1058 Fu Iseu n, b-seso Loxahatchee, FL 33470 ~~.~ i i Attention: Francisco Trujillo i ^ The Palm Beach County Office of Small Business Assistance has completed iu review of the doetunents you submitted far renewal of your Grm's ~'" °eC" `°""'' certification and is pleased to announce that your firm has been certified as m..a or ca.nty c,,,,,,,t~.;,,,~,~ a SmalUMinority Business Enterprise (S/MBE) for three (3) years. wron t Marcus, cnLr yon firm shall be subject to the provisions of the Palm Beach County any ~tasUotn, vice Chairman Purchasing Ordinance and all State and Federal laws relating to the ~~,r,o,,, transaction of business. """`" " "`"re° This certification entitles you to participate in contracting opportunities when ~ McCarty the products and services offered by your film are being considered for bid. 8~,~,r,"„" As an additional service to your fine, you will be included in the Palm Beach f County Directory of certified SBE firms. If you wish to have your firm's naae 4 Grcerrc listing changed, please contact our office at (561) 616-6840. Your compan}•'s certification is subject to periodic review to verify your continued eligibility. Any changes you report to the Purchasing Department ~°""`~' "0ni1i1fCfD` must also be reported to USBA. Your company name and vendor code must Robert welsmao be the same in both departments. Failure to report changes in the status of your firm may result in your fine being decertified. Remember, whenever you respond to a County bid you must do so under the Warne of Tru Trucking, Inc. with vendor code TRUT0001. Sincerely, V icl:i Hobbs 'An Cp~al Dpportv~ry Certification Technician ~mr••rttnre rtetmn Cmploper' /-: .. . --..-..rn ~.~w Page 27 SBE-M/WBE SUBCONTRACTING INFORMATION SBE-MNVBE Category (check all appl icable) Name of SBE-M/WBE Subcontractor SBE•tWwBE Subcantrad Amount Amount drawn for SBE-MNVBE Subcontractor Amount Peld to Date Aduat Starting Date Minority Business (d) Smail tusiness (d) Bladc Hispanic Caucasian Women Other (Please SpedN) I hereby ceNy that the above infonnaUon is true to the best of my knowledge (Signature and TtUe) Retum to: AddlUonal Sheets May Be Used AS Necessary . . Ofnce of Smail Business Assistance 50 S. Military Trafl. Suite 209 WestPalm Seach, FL 33415 NOTE: Firms may be certified as an SBE and/or an MIWBE. ltf+cros are certified as both an SBE and M/WBE,please Indicate the dollar amount in each section.. The dollar amount will not be counted twice. Page 28 SCHEDULE 4 SBE-M/WBE PAYMENT CERTIFICATION nis is to certify that received SBE or MNVBE Subcontractor (Mouthy) or (Final) payment of $ on from D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION for labor and/or materials used on BID NO. 06-139/PR (Prime Contractor) BID NAME: CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL gID #:06-139/PR PRIME CONTRACTOR: D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION SBE OR MIWBE SUBCONTRACTOR: (Company Name) BY: BY: (Signature of Prime Contractor) (Signature of Subcontractor) (Print Name 8 Title of Person Executing on behalf (Print Name 8 Title of Person Executing on behaH of of Contractor) Subcontractor) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF •arn to and subscribed before me this day of , 20 Dy Notary Public, State of Fbrida Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identificatbn Produced STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Of Swom to and subscribed before me this day of , 20 by: Notary Public, State of Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Personally Known OR Produced Identificatbn Type of Ident~cation Produced ~. To be submitted with Pay Request, immediatety following any payment to the SBE-tvUWBE from the Prime Contractor. _ _ ~~~, 1 ,.. •• "• CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION - POST OFFICE 80X 530185 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 (561. j 842.0010 #7 -QUALIFICATION OF BIDDER i D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION HAS BEEN IN BUSINESS IN PALM BEACH COUNTY. SINCE 1971. WE OWN, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT INCLUDED IN THE ITEMS WE ARE BIDDING, AND WE EMPLOY A FULL TIME MECHANIC AND WELDER, KEEPING DOWN TIME TO A MINIMUM. A LIST OF EQUIPMENT IS ATTACHED ALONG WITH A LIST OF REFERENCES. i` f OUR MOST IMPORTANT ASSET IS OUR EMPLOYEES AND THE NUMBER OF YEARS EXPERIENCE THEY HAVE,. AND .ALSO THE NUMBER OF YEARS THEY ~ HAVE. WORKED WITH OUR FIRM. WE PLACE A HIGH EMPHASIS ON JOB SAFETY AND THE PROTECTION OF BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. OUR BID HAS BEEN-PUT TOGETHER KEEPING THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE ..FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY IN.MIND AND ENABLING US TO PROVIDE THE BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE IN COMPLETING VARIOUS JOBS. i1 t I •~ CONSTRUCTION~CORPORATION - POST OFFICE BOX 530185 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 (561) 842-0010 #7-A QUALIFICATION OF BIDDER Three contracts completed or underway in the past two (2) years: 1. INLET HARBOR MARINA -ANDERSON MOORE -JEFF MOORE 2. THE BENJAMIN UPPER SCHOOL -THE WEITZ COMPANY -DAVE HANSON 3. VARIOUS JOBS FOR TOWN OF PALM BEACH -JIM BOWSER List of references in the type of work referenced in the bid: PALM BEACH COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPT MIKE BOWMAN 3700 BELVEDERE ROAD STEVE STRONA WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 (561)233-3955 TOWN OF PALM BEACH PAUL BRAZIL 951 OLD OKEECHOBEE ROAD JIM BOWSER WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 (561)838-5440 CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH KEN REARDON 200 SECOND AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33402 (561)659-8000 SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY PAT BEYERS 7501 NORTH JOG ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33412 (561)640-4000 TOWN OF LAKE PARK CAROLYN MIGUEL 659 OLD DD{IE HIGHWAY LAKE PARK, FL 33403 (561)844-4644 ~~~ .. .:. CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 530185 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 (561) 842-0010 #7-B .QUALIFICATION OF BIDDER - EQUIPMENT LIST 2002 CATERPILLAR 330BL BACKHOE 2002 CATERPILLAR 320CL BACKHOE 1992 CATERPILLAR 231 BACKHOE 1984 CATERPILLAR 225 BACKHOE 1999 CATERPILLAR 416C LOADER/HOE 1995 CATERPILLAR 416B LOADER/HOE 1985 CATERPILLAR 910 LOADER 1986 CATERPILLAR 950E LOADER ..1989 CATERPILLAR 966E LOADER .1996 CATERPILLAR 966F LOADER 1990 READ RD-90 SCREEN ALL BOMAG MODEL BW142D VIBRATORY ROLLER 1987. FORD 6-TON BOOM TRUCK 1995 GMC BOOM TRUCK W/MANITEX 956 CRANE 200Q 2000, 1989,1997 MACK DM686 TRI-AXLE DUMP TRUCKS 2001,2001, 1997 MACK RW13 TRUCK TRACTORS 1992 .LOADKING 50-TON LOWBOY TRAILER 1992 LOADKING ROCK HAULER TRAILER 1994 $ORCO DUMP TRAII,ERS 1992 MILLER 600D WELDER 1993 BOBCAT MODEL 753 .1997 BOBCAT MODEL 753 i i I i i ~~~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ' CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD 'a~~~' 1940 NORTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE... FL 32399-0783 FRICR, CINDI M D S EARINS CONSTRUCTION CORP PO BOX 530185 LAKE PARR FL 33403 (850) 487-1395 37AIC VF ~LYKIYA ACS 1459850 DEPARTMENT OF BIISIN833 AND PROFESSIONAL RSGIILATION CGC036066 06/23/04 030740459 CSRTIFZSD_GSNHRAL CONTRACTOR FRICR, CINDI' M D S SARIN3 CONSTRUCTION CORP IS CHRTIBIBD on6ar eM ycoviatew of Cn.489 ra. isytr.elon ae., aIIG 31, 2006 nowciaozios DETACH HERE Acs 14 5 9 8 5 0 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING HOARD SEQ#L04062302105 :. - LICENSE NBR D6/23/2004 030740459 CGC036066 The GENERAL CONTRACTOR Named below I3 CERTIFIED ~ " Under the provisions of Chapter 489,FS. . Expiration date: AUG 31, 2006 .. _-___. _ FRICR, CINDI M - __ S EARINS CONSTRUCTION CORP , 481 KINETIC ROAD LAKE PARR FL 33403 ' JEB BIISH DIANE CARR GOVERNOR pl$pLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW SECRETARY =c Tc -caw u• >os ""' DETACH AN9 DISPLAY BOTTOM rvKi wn, ANU Kerr urrtrt rVKi iun curt ruurc tccwnuo >2QA1-14946 - ,STATE OF FLORIDA CW-001 - PALM BEACH COUNTY ctASSiFicATION OCCU~I4TIONAL LICENSE .~EXP/RES:~ ~EP~TE.MB'ER - 3Q- 2006.. '>_".. ~ CIWIDE $369.60 D S EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORP "LOCATED AT FRICK CINDI M ~ ~~ ~'~ ~W r A 148YKINETIC ROAD - ~O~DE ~lIJNlCI~'AL DENSE ~E PARK FL 33403 _ TOTAL ' $369.60 b hereby Oannd at ataw address for the Perlod bep~hW on ~ THIS IS NOT ABILL - DO NOTpAY . first day of Oetbber and endlnti ~ the ~ ~Pm'"der t° erpapr M the tKaiiness. Profess GENERAL CONTRACTOR . PAID. Pt3C TAX COLLECTOR CGC036066 3369.60 Otx 322 03533 09-27.2005 JOHN K. CLARK, CFC THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR ~~,,.,.,, ..,.~ a,wr,.n t ou ~ rams rurc r run, ANU KEEP UPPER PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS "" 200'1 -~ 4944 STATE OF FLORIDA OC-032 ~ PALN~ BEACH COUNTY cusslFicnnoN OCCt1Pi~TIOH~4L LICENSE EXPIRES: S~EPFEMBER - 30- 2006 I 0 S EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORP "LOCATED AT CNTY $99.90 FRICK CINDI M ~ ~ i 1481 KINETIC ROAD LNCE PARK FL 33493 TOTAL $99.00 b hereby lleensed at above address for the period beplnnirr4on the 1 first day of Oetotrer end ending on the thirtieth day of September to . ; THIS IS NOT ABILL - DO NOT PAY engage in the business, profession or occupation of: ..GENERAL CONTRACTOR PAID. PBC TAX COLLECTOR CGC036066 599.00 OCC 322 03530 09.27.2005 JOHN K. CLARK, CFC ~ THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY f TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR __ ...............wr~.., oV ,. t VM rVKI IUN, AND KEEP UPPER PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS "" 2~~1-14942 STATE OF FLORIDA OS-0T2 PALM BEACH COUNTY ctASSIFICAnoN , OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE _ EXPIRES: SEPTEMBER - 30- 2006 D.S EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORP "LOCATED AT CNTY $33.00 ~ ~ EAKINS DOUGLAS S & SANDI F 1481 KINETIC ROAD j LAKE PARK FL 33403 TOTAL 333.00 ~ Is hereby licensed at above address for the period beginning on the - i first day of October and ending on the thirtieth day of September to THIS IS NOT A BILL - DO NOT PAY enpapa in the business, profession or occupation of _ EQUIPMENT RENTAUHEAVY PAID. PBC TAX COLLECTOR 333.00 OCC 322 03532 09-27-2005 i JOHN K. CLARK, CFC THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY I TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR EXHIBIT "B" Contractor's proposal a.~EA DNS ~ ~ • - ~ CONSTRUCTION CORpORAT10N - POST OFFICE BDX 530185 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 (561 J 842-0010 TO: Village of North Palm Beach PHONE: 691-3440 FAX: 626-5869 ATTEN: Wiley Livingston DATE: 4/3/08 REVISED DATE: 3/12/09 JOB LOCATION: 419 US1 ESTIMATE # 08-0040 JOB DESCRIPTION: Install 1 new E Catch Basin & Repair 40' of 42" HDPE on the canal bank. Includes Installation of Rock Rubble 100' x 3' x 7' PER PALM BEACH COUNTY TERM CONTRACT # Ofi-139 UTILITY CREW DEWATERING TRUCKING PIPE-PVC & FITTING / WATER OR SEWER PIPE-DIP & FITTINGS /WATER OR SEWER PIPE-RCP C-BASIN E-BASI N MANHOLE PLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE PUMP CONCRETE WORK CONCRETE DRIVE CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE SAW. CUT FENCE REPAIR ROAD BASE . PAVING TYPE S-III # 4 stone SOD MOT TESTING BRICK-BLOCK'-CEMENT-HYDRO HRS 100 @ 350.00 $ 35,000.00 HRS 72 @ 40.00 2,880.00 HRS 40 @ 70.00 2,800.00 FOOTAGE FOOTAGE FOOTAGE 40' •3,576.00 DEPTH AMOUNT 1,000.00 AMOUNT 60 CY 900.00 AMOUNT 25 Tons 2,500.00 AMOUNT 40 CY 4,000.00 AMOUNT By Village By Village By Village 1, 000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE $ • 53,656.00 ~~, . EXHIBIT "C" Scope of Work 1. Saw cut parking. 2. Excavate and expose existing pipe. 3. Remove 40' RCP 4. Install C-Basin at southern end of parking lot. 5. Insta1140' HDPE pipe between C-Basin and Headwall. 6. Seal and wrap all joints. 7. Backfill and compact. 8. Re-establish bank with fill provided by Village. 9. Install rock rubble on newly established bank. 10. Install base rock and compact to DOT standards. 11. Install asphalt in the area of construction. Village staff to clear bank area in preparation of work Village to provide fill for project Village to install sod where necessary.