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2009-24 Bid Award Tennis Facility Fencing
RESOLUTION 2009-24 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ACCEPTING THE BID SUBMITTED BY COMMERCIAL FENCE CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR FENCING WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB TENNIS FACILITY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT RELATING TO SUCH SERVICES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. • WHEREAS, the Village issued an Invitation for Sealed Bids for Village Tennis Facility Fencing; and WHEREAS, upon opening the bids received, Village Administration recommended accepting the bid submitted by Commercial Fence Contractors at a cost not to exceed $27,664.58; and WHEREAS, based on such recommendation, the Village Council determines that the acceptance of the bid submitted by Commercial Fence Contractors is in the best interests of the Village and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida hereby accepts the bid submitted by Commercial Fence Contractors, Inc. ("Contractor") for fencing at the Village Tennis Facility at a total cost not to exceed $27,664.58, to be expended from Village Account No. U8050-66210 (Tennis Improvements/Major Construction). The Village Council further authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute an agreement with the Contractor for the performance of such services. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF MARCH, (Village Seal) ATTEST: _ ~~~~ VILLAGE CLERK Mar 1t3 U9 09:01p Robb Marton COPJTRACT JG 1 wlvvvvvv This Contract is made ~i:, of the o~~p day of March, 2009, by and between the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEAC':E{, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, he.rEri;nafter referred to as VILLAGE, and COMMERCIAL FENCE CONTRACTORS, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR, whose Federal T.D. is 5!3.3384848. In consideration of the Er.~omises and mutual covenants herein contained, it is hereby agreed that the CO]\-T'RACTOR shill provide to the VILLAGE all goods and services requested under the Invitation to Bid for '/illage Tennis Facility Fencing ("ITB") and as further stated in CONTRACTOR's Bid ]?'roposal and pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Contract. ARTICLE 1. SERVIC]E`,S OF THE CONTRACTOR. A- The CONTRACTOR shall provide all goods and services as stated in the ITB and the Project Drawings refere5lc;ed therein in accordance with the Bid Proposal (hereinafter referred to as "Work"), which are incorporated herein by reference, to that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, uitcler similar circumstances, by reputable members of its profession practicing in the same or :similar locality at the time the Work is provided. B. The Work provided by the CONTRACTOR shall be commenced subsequent to the execution and approval cj:'this Contract and upon tivritten notice from the VILLAGE to proceed. ARTICLE 2. PERIOD ~UF SERVICE. A. This Contract ar:~j the provision of all Work hereunder shall be completed by the COi`iTRACTOR within ~ i:rty (6Q) days of the VILLAGE's issuance of a notice to proceed or for such other period of time; agreed to in writing by the parties in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Cantrac:r, B. The CONTRACT'~;)R shall not be considered in default by reason of any failure in penFormance of the Work i ~"such failure arises out of causes reasonably beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR yr its :~~ibcontractors and without their fault or negligence. Such causes include, but are not limited to: acts of God; natural or public health emergencies; labor disputes; freight embargoes; unrea:c~~nable utility provider delays, unreasonable permitting delays and abnormally severe and unia:~uaI weather conditions. C. upon the CONTRhCTOR's request, the VILLAGE shall consider the facts and extent of any failure to perform the ~]Vork and, if the CO\~'1'RACTOR's failure to perform was without it or its subcontractor's fault or negligence, the Contract schedule and!or any other affected provision of this Contract shall be revised accordingly; subject to the VTLLAGE's rights to chanje, terminate, or stop <<~y or all of the work at any time. ~"+ ",~ ,~V wear ~ ti uy uy:u~ p KODD tsitl w~ ~ D. Notwithstandin_; the foregoing, the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in the agreed to compens<<~!ion in this Contract or payment or compensation of any kind from the VILLAGE for direct, indirect, consequential, impact or other costs, expenses or damages, including but not limit:°d to costs of acceleration or inefficiency, arising because of delay, disruption, interference ~or hindrance from any cause whatsoever. Provided, however, that this provision shall not prc;clude recovery or damages by the CONTRACTOR for hindrances or delays due solely to frjuci, bad faith or active interference on the part of the VILLAGE or its agents. Otherwise, the I~ONTRACTOR shall be entitled only to extensions of the schedule in this Contract as the sole: •3n exclusive remedy for such resulting delay, in accordance with and to the extent specifically provided above. ARTICLE 3. VILLAG-f;'S REPRESENTATIVE. Unless otherwise speci~'ied by the VILLAGE, the VILLAGE'S representative shall be the Village's Director of Pa-i:s and Recreation. ARTICLE 4. COMPEPfSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT. A. The VILLAGE agrees to compensate the CONTRACTOR in accordance with COIVTRACTOR's Bid F'i-oposal in response to the TTB. The total and cumulative amount ofthis Contract shalt not excee:l Twenty-Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Four Dollars and 58 Cents ($27,6b4.58). B. CONTRACTOR ;>hall invoice the VILLAGE on the form provided as Exhibit "A" and include such information as requested in Exhibit "A". Invoices received from the CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Contract will be reviewed and approved by the ~~LLAGE's representative, indicating chat the Work has been provided and rendered in conformity with the Contract and then will be; sent to the Finance Department for payment. CONTRACTOR will invoice the VILLAGE i ~ advance for each payment period. Invoices will normally be paid within thirty (30) days fo:.l~~wing the VILLAGE representative's approval. C. Work undertaken ~:r expenses incurred that exceeds an amount set forth in this Contract without prior written ;authorization from the VILLAGE shall be the liability of the CONTRACTOR. D. CONTRACTOR ~~~aives consequential or incidental damages for claims, disputes or other matters in question ~G:rising out of or relating to this Contract. E. In order for both c~:u-ties herein to close their books and records, CONTRACTOR will clearl}~ state "final invoice°" on the CONTRACTOR's final last billing to the VILLAGE. This certifies that all Work ha;~ been properly performed and all charges have been invoiced to the VILLAGE. Since this ace:ount will thereupon be closed, any and other further charges if not properly included in this final invoice are waived by the CONTRACTOR. The VILLAGE will not be liable for any inv:~ice from the CONTRACTOR submitted thirty (30) days after the provision of the Work. -2- wiai i o vy vy:v i p KODD tsar ~~r i F. The VILLAGI=: shall retain ten percent (10%} of the invoices received from CONTRACTOR for t~.~: provision of the Work under this Contract. Said retainage wiII be released by the VILLAiiE upon final completion and inspection of the CONTRACTOR's work. G. if the ~'iL.LAG1~: fails to make any payment due the CONTRACTOR far the Wark under this Contract within foit~,~-five (45) days after the CONTRACTOR's transmittal of its invoice to the VILLAGE, the CC)I~'TRACTOR may, after giving notice to the VILLAGE, suspend the Vi~ork under this Contras.' until it has been paid in foil all amounts due. H. If the VILLAGIa disputes any invoice or part of an invoice, VILLAGE shall notify CONTRACTOR of such dispute within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the invoice. VILLAGE reserves the right to off' :.et, reduce or withhold any payment to CONTRACTOR in accordance with the term,5 and conditions of this Contract. ARTICLE 5. INDEMI~I []FICATION. A. To the fullest ex~:~~nt permitted by applicable laws and regulations, the CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and save hs3rmless and defend the VILLAGE, its officials, agents, servants, and employees from and ag~.::1st any and all claims, liability, losses, and/or causes of action arising out of or in any way related 'to the services furnished by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Contract, including: but not limited to, those caused by or arising out of any act, omission, negligence or default of the CONTR.4(~"1'OR andior its subcontractors, agents, servants or employees. B. The CONTRAC7'OiR shall not be required to indemnify the VILLAGE, its officials, agents, servants and employees ~~hen the occurrence results solely from the wrongful acts or omissions of the VILLAGE, its officia.l:s, agents, servants and employees. The terms of thi s Section shall survive completion of all services, obligations and duties provided for in this Contract as veil as the termination of this Agreement for any reason. C. Nothing contained in this Contract shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third Marty against either the VILLAGE or the CONTRACTOR, nor shall this Contract be construed a 1a~aiver of sovereign immunity beyond the waiver provided in § 768.28, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 6. PERSONI~:EL. A. The CONTRACT(=-R represents that it has, or will secure at its own expense, all necessary personnel requir~~:d to perform the Work under this Contract. Such personnel shall not be employees of or have arr~ contractua! relationship with the VILLAGE. B. All of the Work required hereunder shall be performed by the COI~fTRACTOR or under its supervision, and all pers~~nnel engaged in performing the Work shall be fully qualified and, if required, authorized or perrtiitted under state and local law to perform such Work. C, All of the CONT1`:d'~CTOR's personnel (and all sub-contractors) while on VILLAGE premises, will comply with ;~li VILLAGE requirements governing conduct, safety, and security. -3- wear izs ua uy:utp KooQ t5anon "~ ARTICLE 7. TERlV1][~~IATI0111. A. This Contract ni<<y be cancelled by the CONTRACTOR upon ten (10) days prior written notice to the VILLAGI.:'s representative in the event of substantial failure by the VILLAGE to perform in accordance ~rrith the terms of this Contract through no fault of the CONTRACTOR. It may also be terminat~;ci, in whole or in part, by the VILLAGE, with or without cause, upon ten (10) days written noticE: ~:o the CONTRACTOR. Unless the CONTRACTOR is in breach of this Contract, the CONTRA-(:TOR shall be paid for Work rendered to the VILLAGE's satisfaction through the date of termination. After receipt of a Termination Notice and except as otherwise directed by the VILLA(~~13, the CONTRACTOR shall: Stop work on the date and to the extent specified. 2. TerminatE: and settle all orders and subcontracts relating to the performance of the terminate:~~ work. 3. Transfer <<Il work in progress, completed work, and other raterials related to the terminated work to the VILLAGE. 4. Continue and complete all parts of the work that have not been terminated. ARTICLE• 8. FEDERAlG AND STATE TAX. The VILLAGE is exe;rnpt from payment of Florida State Sales and Use Tax. The CONTRACTOR shall n~~~7: be exempted from paying sales tax to its suppliers for materials used to fill contractual obligaFions with the VILLAGE, nor is the CONTRACTOR authorized to use the VILLAGE's Tax Exe;rnption Number in securing such materials. ARTICLE 9. INSLrRA!~CE. Prior to commencing ari:y Work, the CONTRACTOR shall provide certificates evidencing insurance coverage as re:+Iuired in the Bid Documents. Al! insurance, other than Worker's Compensation, to be mai ~.i ained by the CONTRACTOR shall specifically include the VILLAGE as an Additional Insured. ARTICLE 10. SUCCE;iSORS AND ASSIGNS. The VILLAGE and the C1:1>'.('TRACTOR each binds itself and its partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigr~;~ to the other party of this Contract and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators :uid assigns of such other party, in respect to all covenants of this Contract. Except as abov~~~, neither the VILLAGE nor the CONTRACTOR shall assign, sublet, convey or transfer its inte•r~~st in this Contract without the written consent of the other. Nothing herein shall be construed Otis creating any personal liability on the part of any off cer or agent of the VILLAGE which ma~~ be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights or benefits hereunder to anyc-rie other than the VILLAGE and the CONTRACTOR. -4- wear t rs Vy Vy:UGp KODP D"dl LOfI "` ~ vv ARTICLE 11. GOVT 12:~TING LAW. VENiJE AND REMEDIES. A. This Contract sEial.l be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary tv enforce the Contract will be held in Palrn Beach County. B. Na remedy her~;in conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and c;very such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other ur further exercise ih.ereof. ARTICLE 12. [NDEPI?NDENT CO~TTRA,CTOR RELATIONSHIP. The CONTRACTOR is, and shall be, in the performance of all ~'Vork under this Contract, an Independent Contractor, ;Ind not an employee, agent, or servant of the VILLAGE. A11 persons engaged in any of the tiJOrk perfarrned pursuant to this Contract shall at all times, and in all places, be subject to tta~ CONTRACTOR's sale direction, supervision, and control. The CONTRACTOR shall e;ce~rcise control over the means and manner in which it and its employees perform the ~'Vork. ARTICLE 13. ACCES'i t#ND AUDITS. The CONTRACTOR sh;il I maintain adequate records to justify all charges, expenses, and costs incurred in estimating aru~: performing the `JVork for at least three (3) years after completion of this Contract. The V1L.;L,AGE shall have access to such books, records, and documents as required in this ARTIGLI :for the purpose of inspection or audit during normal business hours, at the CONTRACTOR'S pl~.ce of business. In no circumstances will CONTRACTOR be required to disclose any confidential or proprietary information regarding its products and service costs. ARTICLE 14, NONDI'.-t:RIMINATION. The CONTRACTOR va~ari•;tnts and represents that all of its employees are treated equally during employment without regar•~1 to rase, color, religion, disability, sex, age, national origin, ancestry; marital status, or sexual o:-i ~ntation. ARTICLE 15. ENFOR(:1GMENT COSTS If any legal action or other i~roceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Contract, or because of an alleged dispute, bre:u:h, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this Contract, the successful or prevailing party or parties shalt be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, court co;;i::~ and all expenses (including taxes) even if not taxable as court awarded costs (including. vrithout limitation, all such fees, costs and expenses incident to appeals), incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other reliefto which such party or parties may be entitled. ~- wiai i o vy va:v[p rcor~c~ rsai wi i ARTICLE 16. AUTI[1~RTI'1' TO PRACTICE. The CONTRACTOR r.~~reby represents and warrants that it has and will continue to maintain all licenses and approval; required to conduct its business and provide the Work under this Contract, and that it ~r•;.11 at all times conduct its business and provide the V~iork under this Contract in a repu#able manner. Proof of such licenses and approvals shall be submitted to the VILLAGE's representative upon request. ARTICLE 17. SEVEA~ABILIT'~C. If any term or provi:~ion of this Contract, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, tc~ any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, to remainder of this Contract, ar the applical:=.on of such terms or provision, to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is }:~:Id invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected, and every other term and provision of this Contract shall be deemed valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law. ARTICLE 18. MODIl~1CATIONS OF WORK. A. The VILLAGE -e:serves the right to make changes in the Vl~'vrk, including alterations, reductions therein or adclilions thereto. Upon receipt by the COI~TR.ACTOR of the VILLAGE'S notification of a contemplated change, the CONTRACTOR shalt, in writing: (1) provide a detailed estimate for the increase or decrease in cost due to the contemplated change, (2) notify the VILLAGE of any estimated change in the completion date, and (3) advise the VILLAGE if the contemplated change :>hall effect the CONTRACTOR'S ability to meet the completion dates or schedules of this COntract. B. If the VILLAGE t;~ instructs in writing, the COITRACTOR shall suspend work on that portion of the work afI'e~:ted by the contemplated change, pending the VCLLAGE's decision to proceed urith the change. C. If the VILLAGE elects to make the change, the VILLAGE shall initiate a Contract Amendment and the COI~ITRACTOR shall not cotnmence work on any such change until such written amendment is signed by the CONTRACTOR and approved and executed by the Village ofNarth Palm Beach. ARTICLE 19. PROTE{:"TION OF WORK AND PROPERTY. A. The CONTRACT~;II~ shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all Work from damage, and shall protect the VILLAGE'S property and adjacent private and public property from injury or loss arising in connection with the Contract. Except for any such damage, injury, or loss, except that which rria.y be directly due to errors caused by the VILLAGE or employees of the VILLAGE, the CONTRACTOR shall provide any necessary materials to maintain such protection. -6- wear its uy uy:utp KODD t3anon B. Until acceptanca:: of the Work by the VILLAGE, the VILLAGE's property shall be under the charge and care of the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR shall take every necessary precaution against injury or damage to the work by the action of elements or from any other cause E~vhatsoever, anal the CONTRACTOR shall repair, restore and make good, without additional bVork occasioned by any of the above causes before its completion and acceptance, C. The COI~tTRA(:'COR will also take every necessary precaution to ensure the safety of the VILLAGE, public and other guests and invitees thereof at or near the areas where work is being accomplished during ar;~_: throughout the completion of ail urork D. The CONTRAt:'POR shall have the responsibility to repair, rebuild or restore to its former condition any arni all portions of existing utilities, structures, equipment, appurtenances or facilities, other than those to be paid for under the specifications, which ma_y be disturbed or damaged due to his con,~truction operations. ARTICLE 20. NOTIC'11. All notices required in this Contract shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt reeluested, and if sent to the VILLAGE :;hall be mailed to: Village of North Palm Be:3ch Attn: Jimmy Knight, Village Manager Village of North Palrn Be,tch 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 3:3408 and if sent to the CONTIL~CTOR shall be mailed to: Commercial Fence Contractors. Inc. Attention: Mark Wolsefe.c. Vice President 1620 North Goldenrod R~~,3d Orlando, FL. 32807 The foregoing names and ~~ddresses may be changed if such change is provided in ~~vr'iting to the other party. ARTICLE 21. ENTIRE_['V OF CONTRACTUAL AGREE1yiENT. The VILLAGE and the C(;~~(TRACTOR agree that this Contract sets forth the entire agreement between the parties, and that there are no promises ar understandings other than those stated herein. [None of the provi:~ions, terms and conditions contained in this Contract may be added to, modified, superseded or etlierwise altered, except by written instrument executed by the parties hereto. -7- IVlar 18 09 09:03p Robb Barton oc i~vaaoov r•~ 5 AR7~[CLE 22. TER1~9_[AIOLOGY AND CAPTIONS. All pronouns, singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter, shall mean and include the person, entity, firm or corporatic,n to which they relate as the context may require. Wherever the context may require, the singul2c• shall mean and include the plural and the plural shall mean and include the singular. The term "Contrast" as used herein, as well as the terms "herein", "hereof ', "hereunder", "hereinafte:r" and the like mean this Contract in its entirety and all exhibits, amendments and adder.,i a attached hereto and made a part hereof. The captions and paragraph headings are for refere:l~;e and convenience only and do not enter into or become a part of the context of this Contract, nor shall such headings affect the meaning or interpretation of this Contract. ARTICLE 23. WAIti.E',R. Failure of a party to ertForce or exercise any of its right(s) under this Contract shall not be deemed a waiver of that 1+a.rties' right to enforce or exercise said right(s) at any time thereafter. ART[CLE 2~•. PREPA.:IL~TION. This Contract shall not lie construed more strongly against either party regardless of who was more responsible for its ~~:•eparation. ARTICLE 25. MATEl2:fALITY. All provisions of the Contract shall be deemed material, In the event CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any of the; provisions contained in this Contract or exhibits, amendments and addenda attached hereto, said failure shall be deemed a material breach of this Contract and ~`I LLAGE may at its opti c,n and without notice terminate this Contract. ARTICLE 26. E?~IiI13~;17CS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Each exhibit and other contract documents refen•~rd to in this Contract forms an essential part of this Contract. The exhibits and other contract documents, if not physically attached, should be treated as part of this Contract and are incorporated herein by reference. ARTICLE 27. LEGAL I;IFFECT. 'Phis Contract shall not become binding and effective until approved by the Village C'c,uncil of the Village of North Palm Beach. ARTICLE 28. SURVIV~1,[3ILITY. Any provision of this Contract which is of a continuing nature or imposes an obligation which exrtends beyond the term oi'tl~is Contract shall survive its expiration or earlier termination. ARTICLE 29. DEFAULT. A. Notwithstanding arr~~thing contained in this Contract to the contrary, the parties agree that the occurrence of any of tf1~~ folloU~ing shall be deemed a material event of default and shall be -8- ARTICLE 31. REPRESENTATIONSBINDING AUTHORITY. The persons executing this Contract represent that they have the full ~:~c~v~°er, authority and legal right to execute and deliver this Contract and perform all of its obligati:»>s under this Contract. IN WITl~BSS V~'HEREOF, the VILLAGE and CONTRACTOR hereta:~ have made and executed this Contract as of the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR: BY: _~ VI L~ BY: ATTEST: I3Y: ~ /.~~ MELISSA TEAL, VILLAGE CLERI{ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICiE~TCY: V ILL AGE ATTORNEY -10- 0~•d 9995908628 UO~~B qq°2~ d80~Z0 60 8Z a~W ~o~~,~E ~„~,a STATE OF ~~~F~f~A ...,. ~~ .....,: ~~ ~ a ~~. ~ ~ ,.3 . y ~~. y .~; DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESS ~~} ~.~ ,¢ ,,,; ~, „ 8: - - . i ~~ t~ - 'g'~`6` CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BO; - -- _~ '? 1940 NORTH MONROE STREET us Deaan-h<n*o+t~tr~ ~"", coo µ ~Y~~'`, TALLAHASSEE FL 3 2 3 9 9 - 0 7 8 3 occuFat~ as 5a =rya;"' ~`"~`~ >_'.=-:ten ~ ~o ^~._ ,.. PV~ark ~~iti fer hassucc®ssful;y~:empieted.Q3~-F au:Gc~:c:~ •v` n':;e:y.a-rt,°r~...a..., _ Training Course in ~~~ WOLSEFER, MARK WARREN COMMERCIAL FENCE CONTRACTORS INC 12740 AMBER AVE CLERMONT FL 34711-7120 Congratulations! With this license you become one of the nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Our professionals and businesses range from architects to yacht brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. DETACH HERE Every day we work to improve the way we do business in order to serve you better. For information about our services, please log onto www.myfloridalicense.com. There you can find more information about our divisions and the regulations that impact you, subscribe to department newsletters and learn more about the Department's initiatives. Our mission at the Department is: License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly. We constantly strive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your new license! 2di3.~?0#f7 _ ~ ~?~` ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ACt " -; ~~ DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ~.ND .~_,,.i PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CBC1255478 06/19/08 0781'09032 CERTIFIED BUILDING CONTRACTOR WOLSEFER, MARK WARREN COY~IMERCIAL FENCE CONTRACTORS _3~C IS CERTIFIED under the prcvisicns cc .-.58~+ ss axp irntion ante: AUG 31, 2010 vC!8=3 t-_y'7 ='c~5 -- _ - AC# ~. ~' ' ~ ,_ .. STA-~i E f~.F FLORIDA :. ~i DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION IN17U'STRY' LICENSING BOARD $EQ$~L08061900609 _ _._._ - -~ =_~_ ~.Wq, " ~, ~~~ II~CENSE N~BR ' _ - - , 106/19/2008 07816903>2 ICBC1255478 j The BUILDING CONTRACTOR ' Named below IS CERTIFIED I Under the provisions of':Cha?,~ter 4;89 FSo i Expiration dates AUG 31, 2010 i WOLSEFER, MARK-WARREN COMMERCIAL FENCE CON'~RAC'I'ORS IRTC 12740. AMBER AVE I CLERMONT FL .3'4711=7120 i i CHARLIE GRIST INTERIMKSECREOTARY GOVERNOR - , DISPLAY AS REQUIREQ.BY LAW i ~4C®RD CERTIFICATE OF LIARILQTY INSURANCE OP ID ET DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) ORLSTEE 05/01/08 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE J Rolfe Davis Insurance HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P . O . Box 4 927 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Orlando FL 32802-4927 Phone :407-691-9600 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED INSURER A: American-Zurich Insurance Co. 40142 Commercial Fence C t t INSURER B: Hridgefield Employers Ins. Co. 10701 on rac ors, IIIC. IN$URERC: American Guarantee Liability 26247 1610 N. Goldenrod Road _ _ Orlando FL 32807 INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TNS LTR D~ NSR ~ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLIC EFFECTIVE DATE MM/DD/YY OLIC E PIRATION DATE MM/DD/YY LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE ~ $ 1 , 000 , OOO A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CP0278042005 04/30/08 04/30/09 PREMISES (Eaoccu ~~Eence) s1, 000, 000 _ ~ CLAIMS MADE n OCCUR MED EXP (Anv one person) $ 5 ,. 000 BLKT ADD INSD/WAIVER of PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1 , OOO , OOO svHRO IF WRITTEN coNTRACT GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2 , OOO , OOO _ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT AP ~PLIES PER: PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG $ 2 , 000 , OOO ~ ( POLICY X ~ECOT LOC AUT OMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1 , OOO , 000 A X ANY AUTO CP0278042005 04/30/08 04/30/09 (Ea accident) ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS BLKT ADDL INSD/WAIVER OF (Per person) $ X HIRED AUTOS soHRO IF WRITTEN CONTRACT BODILY INJURY $ X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ '- (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: qGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 C X ]OCCUR ~ CLAIMSMADE UMB937398205 04/30/08 04/30/09 AGGREGATE $ 5, OOO, OOO DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $None $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND _ X TORY LIMITS ER B EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 830-2 9'! 67 04/30/08 O4/3O/O9 E.L EACHA:CCIDENT S 5(10,0.. _ :•,NY FROFRIE('OR/PARTNtR/tXECUI~iv't OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? . sLxT WAIVER/WRITTEN CONTR _ -_^ E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE S 500 , OOO If yes, describe under E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ 500 , 000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS /LOCATIONS / VEHICLES f EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT /SPECIAL PROVISIONS The General Liability policy includes a blanket additional insured endorsement for the Certificate Bolder if required by written contract. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Commercial Fence Contractors, Inc. c/o Steve Ryan 308 Raven Rock Lane Longwood FL 32750 ACORD 25 (2001108) COMMF]'raN SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE ~..~,,..-. • •.-• DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL l O DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. ©ACORD CORPORATION 1988