1959-57 Results of General Election Held March 17, 1959n u Page AESOLTUION N0. 57 n A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY,~LOAIDA, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 17, 1959. - WHEREAS, oh the 17th day of March, 1959, there was held in the Village of North Palm 13each, Palm Beach County, Florida, a general election for the purpose of electing councilmen to the Village Council • for Groups 2 and 4; and WHEREAS, by due resolution, the following named persons were appointed inspectors and clerk of said election, to-wit: Alice Bowman, Sam Crupi and Sylvester Zerniko, Inspectors, and Claire Hill, Clerk; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 1959, said Inspectors and Clerk, after taking and subxcribing their oath in accordance with the law, made their returns to the Village Council, which returns certified that the follow- ing is the result of said general election, to-wit: Total Machine Vote 217 Total Absentee Vote . 2 Total Village Vote 2I9 For Villaae Councilmen. Group 2: Louis J. Aiello, Jr. received 59 votes. A1ber1: S. Keller received 43 votes. Thoma<; Stephens received _21 votes Walter_E. Thomas received 9F~ votes. For Village Councilman. Group 4: Edward J. Lucas received 61 votes. Henry C. Smith, Jr. received 47 votes. Joseph N. Tulino received 48 votes. William Young received 63 votes. and WHEREAS, the Village Council has duly canvassed the returns of said general election anal finds that the returns of the Inspectors and Clerk of said election are true and correct tabulations of the votes cast; now, therefore, Page BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Village Council finds and declares that the following is the result of said general election, to-wit: For_Village Councilman, Group 2: Louis J. Aiello, Jr. received 59 votes. Albert S. Keller received 43 votes. Thomas Stephens received 21 votes. Walter E, Thomas received 96 votes. For Villaqe Councilman, Groua 4: • Edward J. Lucas received 61 votes. Henry C. Smith, Jr. received 47 votes. Joseph N. Tulino received 48 votes. William Young received 63 votes. Section 2. That the follotiving candidates are hereby declared to be elected to the respective offices as follows: Villaqe Councilman, Group 2: _ WALTER E. THOMAS Villaqe Councilman, Group 4: WILLIAM YOUNG PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of March, 1959. ~,---~~ Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: C..~X~`a^~ .~SeM.. Village Clerk