1958-51 Ratifying and Approving a Budget for FY 1958Page 5 8 e n RESOLUTION ~jl A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COLTICIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1958-19595 FIXIS~G THE AMOUNT OF I~NEY '.In $E RAISED BY AD VALOREM ' `~S FOR THE YE'A2?; AtdD F2X7NG THE AD VAIAREM TAX LEVY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1958. -x-x ~x-x- BE ST AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVID BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: fiction 1. The budget for the Village of North Palm Beach for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1958 and ending October 31, 1959, as shown on the following report by the Village Treasurer and Village Manager, is hereby ratified and approved. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Summary of Proposed Expenditures X58-1959 Appropriation Title 10 -General Goveriment 20 -Village Manager 30 -Village Attorney 40 - ViLage Clerk 50 -Finance Departrnent 60 -Dept. of Public Safety 61 -Police Departnent 62 -Vol. Fire Departnent 70 -Engineering Deparirsent 71 -Village Engineer 72 -Building Official 80 -Parks and Recreation 9O - Qperations Contingency TOTAL Detail of Anticipated Revenue ~8-1959 ~urce of Revenue Real Estate & Personal Property Taxes Real Estate Taxes v¢65,241.00 'Ibtal Taxes ]-958-59 Village Manager's and Treasurer's Recommenda- tion 12,610.00 9,475.00 2,650.00 650.00 4,065.00 28,405.00 7,693.00 5,000.E 18,339.00 26,824.oa ~-1-5,7~• 00 Revenue 1958-1959 ~Snticipated} $ 65,24i.0o Licenses and Permit Fees Banding, Plumbing and E7.ectrical Permit;s Dog I~.eenses Individual Registrations Ii.quor I~.cense occupational Tsicarses Total Licenses and Permit Fees Fines, Forfeits & Penalties Traffic Viol.stion Fines Fines ark. Forfeitures Total Fines, Forfeits and Penalties Franchise Revenue Florida Power & bight Company Southern BeZ1 Telephone & Telegraph Co. Total Franchise Revenue Revexnze from other Agarcies Village Share -Cigarette Tar. Total Revenue from other Agencies c~aND `1tiTAL VIIS~i.CE OF DTORTx PAiM Br'±aCx TAX R0~ i9 -195 Complete Tax Roll ~ 8,838,509.00 Credits: `sasempt Property $ 307,488.00 Homestead 565,000.00 Tbta1 Credits Net Tax Poll Total Tax Gig P.5i11s Reserve 5~ Uncollectible 4~ Miscount Total Reserve Tlet Ad Valorem Tax Income 15,aoo.oo X5,711.00 7,966,021.00 '~-,694.19 6,452.48 $ 65,242.71 Section 2. The Councn, having considered said budget and having considered the tax assessment roll 3'or the year 1958, hereby fines and determ?nes the sum of $71,694.19 as the amovat to be raised by ad valorem taxes in such Village for said fiscal year, and Fixes the total ad valorem tax levy Por the Calendar Year 1958 at 9 R?il1.s for the dollar of assessed valuation of taxable property. Section 3. A certified copy of •this resolution shall be delivered by the Village Clerk to the Village Tax Assessor, together with the tax assessment roll and a certified copy of the resolution approving the latter, and the tax assessor shall then proceed to assess and extend the taxes on the tax assessment roll according to and i.n. the proportion to the valuations artered 1,800.00 300. ~ 872,488.00 3,584.71 2,867.77 ~Se 60 therein; when this has been done, the tax assessor sha11 de]3ver the roll to the SFiiiAae Clerk who sha11 certify and deliver the sauce, or a copy thereof, to the Village Tax Collector and the latter shall, beginninS PTovember 1, 19$8, proceed in the manner provided by law to collect acid receive said taxes. PASSID Alm ADOPTID this 30th day of Oetober, 1958. (SEAL) ATPEST: ~ ~~ P+fayor • ~~~.. Village Clerk